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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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35,161 posts in this topic

It's closed/deleted now, but when I looked at it this morning, I think it was missing several things such as shipping method as well as the payment method. I don't know if he edited it but I think all it had listed was a scan and the price. (shrug)


The payment method was the only thing missing.


As far as "shipping method" being included, 98% of the threads here fail to give that info. They'll list prices, but the majority of them don't specify media mail, parcel post, priority, UPS, or FedEx. Heck, HusTruck charged $10 for shipping, then told people to PM him if they wanted their slabs shipped in a box, in which case he increased the shipping costs. :tonofbricks:


A buyer may think that with the prices charged for shipping that they're getting priority mail, but I think we've all seen sellers charge priority prices then ship media mail. The best sellers though, are the ones who get all butt-hurtz when you ask for them to ship in a box, even when you're nice enough to offer to pay extra just so the slimeball can buy the box to ship the books in. Then of course, they don't bother to insulate the books in any way inside of the box. :censored:


The noobs and some of the shadier boardies around here are making it where it's not only safer to buy from e-bay, but to also trust Mile High to get accurately graded books. I liked the sales thread a few weeks back, where the seller said all the books were NM/NM+, all the while the bags that the books were in had the Mile High "NM" stickers visible on the majority of the books. :facepalm:


And some people have wondered why more and more of the "long-time" best of the best boardies have all but abandoned buying or selling around here. The close-knit sense of community became diluted, so whereas we rarely see sales threads from BronzeBruce, Flaming Telepath, or hell, even greggy, we now get sales threads from Symbiotic, HusTruck, and whoever else the scamster "flavor" of the day is.


And in the rare cases where we do have honest dealers offering good books at great deals here, we have the "lunatic fringe" lurking about, ready and willing to whine and cry to the mods just because heaven forbid, somebody posted 8%, instead of the 5% they initially stated, in a sales thread in the G/S/B sales area. Whining because you're thread got moved to the mixed section, when the other seller who simply PM'd the mod and explained his case, and got his sales thread moved back into the G/S/B forum, just showed that too many people here get their "Victoria's Secrets" in a knot way too often.


If certain board members would watch out and expose the scammers and shysters around here, instead of continuing to "wage war" with boardies they obviously can't stand, the sales areas would be a lot better off. Instead, we're left with instances where once somebody says something, we pretty much instantly know not only who will post to disagree with them, but that their "posse" will also be sure to follow. It's pretty bad that when certain people post something, you can PM other people and tell them not only who will show up to disagree with them, but also who the sheep will be that will be following the shepherd.




Well Joe... I don't know if I'd classify those concerned with this in the category of "lunatic fringe".


I personally wouldn't want ANY boardie to have influence over ANY mod's ear.

From the start, it sounded like you were like a jealous girl who couldn't get the cool guy's (Mods) attention. It was nothing to do with the fact that the mods changed the thread back, it was apparent from reading your posts that the biggest hurtz came from the fact that you couldn't get mods to answer your PM's. If they feel like a PM deserves a direct response, they'll answer, if they don't, they won't respond. This is nothing new, it's been that way for over 10 years.


I'm not going to disagree with you here. Yes I want the mods to acknowledge my concerns as quickly and easily as they do anyone else's. Is that too much to ask on a board that supposedly not rampant with favoritism? Don't you expect the same? For the record, I personally haven't had a single answer to any question that I have asked from a mod in my years here. And if they have, it wasn't an answer.


First he may just want his thread moved back because he's only breaking a sales rule... next he may want YOUR board privileges revoked. Do you really advocate that a boardie should have that kind of power?


Yeah, Dale getting his thread moved back is going to cause everybody to lose their board privileges. meh And you do realize that there are boardies that are also mods, right? (shrug)


All I'm saying here is would you like to give that power to a boardie? Any boardie? Are you comfortable with that?


Could you imagine giving that kind of power to some of the boardies around here? Would you give that kind of power to me? How about Park? Or maybe Boscoe, Speedy or Fingh? Maybe Tiny?


You may be surprised at the identity of some of the mods. lol


Doesn't surprise me in the least.


That thread that got moved back to G/S/B should have been no different than the endless that get moved to mixed daily.


This just proved that some of the button-humpers need to get lives rather than "notify the mod" everytime a sales thread offends them for any reason from too many moderns listed, to they just don't like the seller.


Probably true. No way to prevent that unless you take out the Notify buttons.


The fact that the rules have been viciously enforced concerning these small sales threads for such minimal infractions astounds me when, the "lunatic fringe" thread in question, just closed up shop after a healthy ONE MONTH run.


Viciously enforced? Time to put your tin-hat back on. doh!

How can you see my tin hat with your Velcro blinders on? ;)


On a fair playing field, rules apply to ALL not just the people who can call and get them changed.


You must have missed the point of the problem concerning that sales thread. I personally could give a rat's rectal area about how many moderns in a G/S/B thread one person has... it's when that one boardie can influence STATED board policy/rules and have it changed in their favor. That's something I have a problem with.

But unfortunately, the rules between the different sales thread ages, aren't all black and white. Nobody can agree on what ages begin in what year, so there will always be "judgement calls" made. And you do realize that Dale is not the first, only, or last person who got a mod to put their thread back was it originally started from, right? It just seemed from your reaction that because the mods changed it for Dale, you went right into "favoritism rules" and "only the big guy gets responses from the mods". The whole attitude during that time period screamed of butt-hurtz, plain and simple.


Favoritism is the sharpest form of butt-hurt. Plus it looks bad... real bad. Does it really take a "judgment call" to say that New X-men # 128 from 2002 is not a Golden, Silver or Bronze Age Only book?


That said, wouldn't you consider it a lapse in judgment if someone was able to post EXACTLY the same books in the same order as Dale did... and their thread was moved to mixed? Or would that be fair?


The ONLY thing this "lunatic fringe" member truly expects from moderation around here is a fair playing field. You should expect that too. :foryou:


The persecution complex around here is getting kind of thick. Out of thousands of members here, there are very few who complain about the mods "playing on a level playing field". And the majority of the vocal complainers are those who have either broken a rule and gotten their "wrist slapped", or those who are just upset that they're "crying wolf", and it is going unnoticed. :facepalm:



Joe, we all have our moments...you yourself went on a persecution complex towards boostergold the other night. Was it right for you to do so? Did he really deserve to be called a bootlegger for binding three or four sets of books in hard volume form? I wouldn't think so... but I don't know how strongly you feel towards the binding process of three sets of books and how much money Time Warner was going to lose by Jeff doing this heinous act. (shrug)


Let me stress to you that there is a difference between favoritism and BLATANT favoritism.


I just think its wrong and so do a lot of other people. You should... but its ok that you don't. Calling it "lunatic" doesn't help anything... weather you feel excessive butthurtz was involved or not.


Still love ya Joe... just a difference of opinion buddy :foryou:






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It's closed/deleted now, but when I looked at it this morning, I think it was missing several things such as shipping method as well as the payment method. I don't know if he edited it but I think all it had listed was a scan and the price. (shrug)


The payment method was the only thing missing.


As far as "shipping method" being included, 98% of the threads here fail to give that info. They'll list prices, but the majority of them don't specify media mail, parcel post, priority, UPS, or FedEx. Heck, HusTruck charged $10 for shipping, then told people to PM him if they wanted their slabs shipped in a box, in which case he increased the shipping costs. :tonofbricks:


A buyer may think that with the prices charged for shipping that they're getting priority mail, but I think we've all seen sellers charge priority prices then ship media mail. The best sellers though, are the ones who get all butt-hurtz when you ask for them to ship in a box, even when you're nice enough to offer to pay extra just so the slimeball can buy the box to ship the books in. Then of course, they don't bother to insulate the books in any way inside of the box. :censored:


The noobs and some of the shadier boardies around here are making it where it's not only safer to buy from e-bay, but to also trust Mile High to get accurately graded books. I liked the sales thread a few weeks back, where the seller said all the books were NM/NM+, all the while the bags that the books were in had the Mile High "NM" stickers visible on the majority of the books. :facepalm:


And some people have wondered why more and more of the "long-time" best of the best boardies have all but abandoned buying or selling around here. The close-knit sense of community became diluted, so whereas we rarely see sales threads from BronzeBruce, Flaming Telepath, or hell, even greggy, we now get sales threads from Symbiotic, HusTruck, and whoever else the scamster "flavor" of the day is.


And in the rare cases where we do have honest dealers offering good books at great deals here, we have the "lunatic fringe" lurking about, ready and willing to whine and cry to the mods just because heaven forbid, somebody posted 8%, instead of the 5% they initially stated, in a sales thread in the G/S/B sales area. Whining because you're thread got moved to the mixed section, when the other seller who simply PM'd the mod and explained his case, and got his sales thread moved back into the G/S/B forum, just showed that too many people here get their "Victoria's Secrets" in a knot way too often.


If certain board members would watch out and expose the scammers and shysters around here, instead of continuing to "wage war" with boardies they obviously can't stand, the sales areas would be a lot better off. Instead, we're left with instances where once somebody says something, we pretty much instantly know not only who will post to disagree with them, but that their "posse" will also be sure to follow. It's pretty bad that when certain people post something, you can PM other people and tell them not only who will show up to disagree with them, but also who the sheep will be that will be following the shepherd.




Woo hoo...I got mentioned.
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Did anyone else see Buzzetta's spoiler cat surprise in the PM etiquette thread? The above is starting to look like it! :P
i did not, if you aren't going to post links then you're just wasting my time


If we are going to argue I thought I'd change our colors to fighting colors - bloods and crips yo!

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Did anyone else see Buzzetta's spoiler cat surprise in the PM etiquette thread? The above is starting to look like it! :P
i did not, if you aren't going to post links then you're just wasting my time


If we are going to argue I thought I'd change our colors to fighting colors - bloods and crips yo!


One has got to admit that a little color definitely brightens all this excrement up doesn't it lol

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Did anyone else see Buzzetta's spoiler cat surprise in the PM etiquette thread? The above is starting to look like it! :P
i did not, if you aren't going to post links then you're just wasting my time


If we are going to argue I thought I'd change our colors to fighting colors - bloods and crips yo!

This is what I was referencing...




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Did anyone else see Buzzetta's spoiler cat surprise in the PM etiquette thread? The above is starting to look like it! :P
i did not, if you aren't going to post links then you're just wasting my time


If we are going to argue I thought I'd change our colors to fighting colors - bloods and crips yo!

This is what I was referencing...






that's hilarious!

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It's closed/deleted now, but when I looked at it this morning, I think it was missing several things such as shipping method as well as the payment method. I don't know if he edited it but I think all it had listed was a scan and the price. (shrug)


The payment method was the only thing missing.


As far as "shipping method" being included, 98% of the threads here fail to give that info. They'll list prices, but the majority of them don't specify media mail, parcel post, priority, UPS, or FedEx. Heck, HusTruck charged $10 for shipping, then told people to PM him if they wanted their slabs shipped in a box, in which case he increased the shipping costs. :tonofbricks:


A buyer may think that with the prices charged for shipping that they're getting priority mail, but I think we've all seen sellers charge priority prices then ship media mail. The best sellers though, are the ones who get all butt-hurtz when you ask for them to ship in a box, even when you're nice enough to offer to pay extra just so the slimeball can buy the box to ship the books in. Then of course, they don't bother to insulate the books in any way inside of the box. :censored:


The noobs and some of the shadier boardies around here are making it where it's not only safer to buy from e-bay, but to also trust Mile High to get accurately graded books. I liked the sales thread a few weeks back, where the seller said all the books were NM/NM+, all the while the bags that the books were in had the Mile High "NM" stickers visible on the majority of the books. :facepalm:


And some people have wondered why more and more of the "long-time" best of the best boardies have all but abandoned buying or selling around here. The close-knit sense of community became diluted, so whereas we rarely see sales threads from BronzeBruce, Flaming Telepath, or hell, even greggy, we now get sales threads from Symbiotic, HusTruck, and whoever else the scamster "flavor" of the day is.


And in the rare cases where we do have honest dealers offering good books at great deals here, we have the "lunatic fringe" lurking about, ready and willing to whine and cry to the mods just because heaven forbid, somebody posted 8%, instead of the 5% they initially stated, in a sales thread in the G/S/B sales area. Whining because you're thread got moved to the mixed section, when the other seller who simply PM'd the mod and explained his case, and got his sales thread moved back into the G/S/B forum, just showed that too many people here get their "Victoria's Secrets" in a knot way too often.


If certain board members would watch out and expose the scammers and shysters around here, instead of continuing to "wage war" with boardies they obviously can't stand, the sales areas would be a lot better off. Instead, we're left with instances where once somebody says something, we pretty much instantly know not only who will post to disagree with them, but that their "posse" will also be sure to follow. It's pretty bad that when certain people post something, you can PM other people and tell them not only who will show up to disagree with them, but also who the sheep will be that will be following the shepherd.




Well Joe... I don't know if I'd classify those concerned with this in the category of "lunatic fringe".


I personally wouldn't want ANY boardie to have influence over ANY mod's ear.

From the start, it sounded like you were like a jealous girl who couldn't get the cool guy's (Mods) attention. It was nothing to do with the fact that the mods changed the thread back, it was apparent from reading your posts that the biggest hurtz came from the fact that you couldn't get mods to answer your PM's. If they feel like a PM deserves a direct response, they'll answer, if they don't, they won't respond. This is nothing new, it's been that way for over 10 years.


I'm not going to disagree with you here. Yes I want the mods to acknowledge my concerns as quickly and easily as they do anyone else's. Is that too much to ask on a board that supposedly not rampant with favoritism? Don't you expect the same? For the record, I personally haven't had a single answer to any question that I have asked from a mod in my years here. And if they have, it wasn't an answer.


First he may just want his thread moved back because he's only breaking a sales rule... next he may want YOUR board privileges revoked. Do you really advocate that a boardie should have that kind of power?


Yeah, Dale getting his thread moved back is going to cause everybody to lose their board privileges. meh And you do realize that there are boardies that are also mods, right? (shrug)


All I'm saying here is would you like to give that power to a boardie? Any boardie? Are you comfortable with that?


Could you imagine giving that kind of power to some of the boardies around here? Would you give that kind of power to me? How about Park? Or maybe Boscoe, Speedy or Fingh? Maybe Tiny?


You may be surprised at the identity of some of the mods. lol


Doesn't surprise me in the least.


That thread that got moved back to G/S/B should have been no different than the endless that get moved to mixed daily.


This just proved that some of the button-humpers need to get lives rather than "notify the mod" everytime a sales thread offends them for any reason from too many moderns listed, to they just don't like the seller.


Probably true. No way to prevent that unless you take out the Notify buttons.


The fact that the rules have been viciously enforced concerning these small sales threads for such minimal infractions astounds me when, the "lunatic fringe" thread in question, just closed up shop after a healthy ONE MONTH run.


Viciously enforced? Time to put your tin-hat back on. doh!

How can you see my tin hat with your Velcro blinders on? ;)


On a fair playing field, rules apply to ALL not just the people who can call and get them changed.


You must have missed the point of the problem concerning that sales thread. I personally could give a rat's rectal area about how many moderns in a G/S/B thread one person has... it's when that one boardie can influence STATED board policy/rules and have it changed in their favor. That's something I have a problem with.

But unfortunately, the rules between the different sales thread ages, aren't all black and white. Nobody can agree on what ages begin in what year, so there will always be "judgement calls" made. And you do realize that Dale is not the first, only, or last person who got a mod to put their thread back was it originally started from, right? It just seemed from your reaction that because the mods changed it for Dale, you went right into "favoritism rules" and "only the big guy gets responses from the mods". The whole attitude during that time period screamed of butt-hurtz, plain and simple.


Favoritism is the sharpest form of butt-hurt. Plus it looks bad... real bad. Does it really take a "judgment call" to say that New X-men # 128 from 2002 is not a Golden, Silver or Bronze Age Only book?


That said, wouldn't you consider it a lapse in judgment if someone was able to post EXACTLY the same books in the same order as Dale did... and their thread was moved to mixed? Or would that be fair?


The ONLY thing this "lunatic fringe" member truly expects from moderation around here is a fair playing field. You should expect that too. :foryou:


The persecution complex around here is getting kind of thick. Out of thousands of members here, there are very few who complain about the mods "playing on a level playing field". And the majority of the vocal complainers are those who have either broken a rule and gotten their "wrist slapped", or those who are just upset that they're "crying wolf", and it is going unnoticed. :facepalm:



Joe, we all have our moments...you yourself went on a persecution complex towards boostergold the other night. Was it right for you to do so? Did he really deserve to be called a bootlegger for binding three or four sets of books in hard volume form? I wouldn't think so... but I don't know how strongly you feel towards the binding process of three sets of books and how much money Time Warner was going to lose by Jeff doing this heinous act. (shrug)


Let me stress to you that there is a difference between favoritism and BLATANT favoritism.


I just think its wrong and so do a lot of other people. You should... but its ok that you don't. Calling it "lunatic" doesn't help anything... weather you feel excessive butthurtz was involved or not.


Still love ya Joe... just a difference of opinion buddy :foryou:





is this legible?

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It's closed/deleted now, but when I looked at it this morning, I think it was missing several things such as shipping method as well as the payment method. I don't know if he edited it but I think all it had listed was a scan and the price. (shrug)


The payment method was the only thing missing.


As far as "shipping method" being included, 98% of the threads here fail to give that info. They'll list prices, but the majority of them don't specify media mail, parcel post, priority, UPS, or FedEx. Heck, HusTruck charged $10 for shipping, then told people to PM him if they wanted their slabs shipped in a box, in which case he increased the shipping costs. :tonofbricks:


A buyer may think that with the prices charged for shipping that they're getting priority mail, but I think we've all seen sellers charge priority prices then ship media mail. The best sellers though, are the ones who get all butt-hurtz when you ask for them to ship in a box, even when you're nice enough to offer to pay extra just so the slimeball can buy the box to ship the books in. Then of course, they don't bother to insulate the books in any way inside of the box. :censored:


The noobs and some of the shadier boardies around here are making it where it's not only safer to buy from e-bay, but to also trust Mile High to get accurately graded books. I liked the sales thread a few weeks back, where the seller said all the books were NM/NM+, all the while the bags that the books were in had the Mile High "NM" stickers visible on the majority of the books. :facepalm:


And some people have wondered why more and more of the "long-time" best of the best boardies have all but abandoned buying or selling around here. The close-knit sense of community became diluted, so whereas we rarely see sales threads from BronzeBruce, Flaming Telepath, or hell, even greggy, we now get sales threads from Symbiotic, HusTruck, and whoever else the scamster "flavor" of the day is.


And in the rare cases where we do have honest dealers offering good books at great deals here, we have the "lunatic fringe" lurking about, ready and willing to whine and cry to the mods just because heaven forbid, somebody posted 8%, instead of the 5% they initially stated, in a sales thread in the G/S/B sales area. Whining because you're thread got moved to the mixed section, when the other seller who simply PM'd the mod and explained his case, and got his sales thread moved back into the G/S/B forum, just showed that too many people here get their "Victoria's Secrets" in a knot way too often.


If certain board members would watch out and expose the scammers and shysters around here, instead of continuing to "wage war" with boardies they obviously can't stand, the sales areas would be a lot better off. Instead, we're left with instances where once somebody says something, we pretty much instantly know not only who will post to disagree with them, but that their "posse" will also be sure to follow. It's pretty bad that when certain people post something, you can PM other people and tell them not only who will show up to disagree with them, but also who the sheep will be that will be following the shepherd.








Well said. There are only a few people I have dealt with here on the forums, but overall it's been a great experience. I hope it stays that way.

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It's closed/deleted now, but when I looked at it this morning, I think it was missing several things such as shipping method as well as the payment method. I don't know if he edited it but I think all it had listed was a scan and the price. (shrug)


The payment method was the only thing missing.


As far as "shipping method" being included, 98% of the threads here fail to give that info. They'll list prices, but the majority of them don't specify media mail, parcel post, priority, UPS, or FedEx. Heck, HusTruck charged $10 for shipping, then told people to PM him if they wanted their slabs shipped in a box, in which case he increased the shipping costs. :tonofbricks:


A buyer may think that with the prices charged for shipping that they're getting priority mail, but I think we've all seen sellers charge priority prices then ship media mail. The best sellers though, are the ones who get all butt-hurtz when you ask for them to ship in a box, even when you're nice enough to offer to pay extra just so the slimeball can buy the box to ship the books in. Then of course, they don't bother to insulate the books in any way inside of the box. :censored:


The noobs and some of the shadier boardies around here are making it where it's not only safer to buy from e-bay, but to also trust Mile High to get accurately graded books. I liked the sales thread a few weeks back, where the seller said all the books were NM/NM+, all the while the bags that the books were in had the Mile High "NM" stickers visible on the majority of the books. :facepalm:


And some people have wondered why more and more of the "long-time" best of the best boardies have all but abandoned buying or selling around here. The close-knit sense of community became diluted, so whereas we rarely see sales threads from BronzeBruce, Flaming Telepath, or hell, even greggy, we now get sales threads from Symbiotic, HusTruck, and whoever else the scamster "flavor" of the day is.


And in the rare cases where we do have honest dealers offering good books at great deals here, we have the "lunatic fringe" lurking about, ready and willing to whine and cry to the mods just because heaven forbid, somebody posted 8%, instead of the 5% they initially stated, in a sales thread in the G/S/B sales area. Whining because you're thread got moved to the mixed section, when the other seller who simply PM'd the mod and explained his case, and got his sales thread moved back into the G/S/B forum, just showed that too many people here get their "Victoria's Secrets" in a knot way too often.


If certain board members would watch out and expose the scammers and shysters around here, instead of continuing to "wage war" with boardies they obviously can't stand, the sales areas would be a lot better off. Instead, we're left with instances where once somebody says something, we pretty much instantly know not only who will post to disagree with them, but that their "posse" will also be sure to follow. It's pretty bad that when certain people post something, you can PM other people and tell them not only who will show up to disagree with them, but also who the sheep will be that will be following the shepherd.




Well Joe... I don't know if I'd classify those concerned with this in the category of "lunatic fringe".


I personally wouldn't want ANY boardie to have influence over ANY mod's ear.

From the start, it sounded like you were like a jealous girl who couldn't get the cool guy's (Mods) attention. It was nothing to do with the fact that the mods changed the thread back, it was apparent from reading your posts that the biggest hurtz came from the fact that you couldn't get mods to answer your PM's. If they feel like a PM deserves a direct response, they'll answer, if they don't, they won't respond. This is nothing new, it's been that way for over 10 years.


I'm not going to disagree with you here. Yes I want the mods to acknowledge my concerns as quickly and easily as they do anyone else's. Is that too much to ask on a board that supposedly not rampant with favoritism? Don't you expect the same? For the record, I personally haven't had a single answer to any question that I have asked from a mod in my years here. And if they have, it wasn't an answer.


First he may just want his thread moved back because he's only breaking a sales rule... next he may want YOUR board privileges revoked. Do you really advocate that a boardie should have that kind of power?


Yeah, Dale getting his thread moved back is going to cause everybody to lose their board privileges. meh And you do realize that there are boardies that are also mods, right? (shrug)


All I'm saying here is would you like to give that power to a boardie? Any boardie? Are you comfortable with that?


Could you imagine giving that kind of power to some of the boardies around here? Would you give that kind of power to me? How about Park? Or maybe Boscoe, Speedy or Fingh? Maybe Tiny?


You may be surprised at the identity of some of the mods. lol


Doesn't surprise me in the least.


That thread that got moved back to G/S/B should have been no different than the endless that get moved to mixed daily.


This just proved that some of the button-humpers need to get lives rather than "notify the mod" everytime a sales thread offends them for any reason from too many moderns listed, to they just don't like the seller.


Probably true. No way to prevent that unless you take out the Notify buttons.


The fact that the rules have been viciously enforced concerning these small sales threads for such minimal infractions astounds me when, the "lunatic fringe" thread in question, just closed up shop after a healthy ONE MONTH run.


Viciously enforced? Time to put your tin-hat back on. doh!

How can you see my tin hat with your Velcro blinders on? ;)


On a fair playing field, rules apply to ALL not just the people who can call and get them changed.


You must have missed the point of the problem concerning that sales thread. I personally could give a rat's rectal area about how many moderns in a G/S/B thread one person has... it's when that one boardie can influence STATED board policy/rules and have it changed in their favor. That's something I have a problem with.

But unfortunately, the rules between the different sales thread ages, aren't all black and white. Nobody can agree on what ages begin in what year, so there will always be "judgement calls" made. And you do realize that Dale is not the first, only, or last person who got a mod to put their thread back was it originally started from, right? It just seemed from your reaction that because the mods changed it for Dale, you went right into "favoritism rules" and "only the big guy gets responses from the mods". The whole attitude during that time period screamed of butt-hurtz, plain and simple.


Favoritism is the sharpest form of butt-hurt. Plus it looks bad... real bad. Does it really take a "judgment call" to say that New X-men # 128 from 2002 is not a Golden, Silver or Bronze Age Only book?


That said, wouldn't you consider it a lapse in judgment if someone was able to post EXACTLY the same books in the same order as Dale did... and their thread was moved to mixed? Or would that be fair?


The ONLY thing this "lunatic fringe" member truly expects from moderation around here is a fair playing field. You should expect that too. :foryou:


The persecution complex around here is getting kind of thick. Out of thousands of members here, there are very few who complain about the mods "playing on a level playing field". And the majority of the vocal complainers are those who have either broken a rule and gotten their "wrist slapped", or those who are just upset that they're "crying wolf", and it is going unnoticed. :facepalm:



Joe, we all have our moments...you yourself went on a persecution complex towards boostergold the other night. Was it right for you to do so? Did he really deserve to be called a bootlegger for binding three or four sets of books in hard volume form? I wouldn't think so... but I don't know how strongly you feel towards the binding process of three sets of books and how much money Time Warner was going to lose by Jeff doing this heinous act. (shrug)


Let me stress to you that there is a difference between favoritism and BLATANT favoritism.


I just think its wrong and so do a lot of other people. You should... but its ok that you don't. Calling it "lunatic" doesn't help anything... weather you feel excessive butthurtz was involved or not.


Still love ya Joe... just a difference of opinion buddy :foryou:





is this legible?


You have to put on your 3D glasses for the full effect. 3dglasses.gif

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Did anyone else see Buzzetta's spoiler cat surprise in the PM etiquette thread? The above is starting to look like it! :P
i did not, if you aren't going to post links then you're just wasting my time


If we are going to argue I thought I'd change our colors to fighting colors - bloods and crips yo!

This is what I was referencing...




DAMM YOU!!! :roflmao:


Not once, but twice Buz got me in that thread....

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It's closed/deleted now, but when I looked at it this morning, I think it was missing several things such as shipping method as well as the payment method. I don't know if he edited it but I think all it had listed was a scan and the price. (shrug)


The payment method was the only thing missing.


As far as "shipping method" being included, 98% of the threads here fail to give that info. They'll list prices, but the majority of them don't specify media mail, parcel post, priority, UPS, or FedEx. Heck, HusTruck charged $10 for shipping, then told people to PM him if they wanted their slabs shipped in a box, in which case he increased the shipping costs. :tonofbricks:


A buyer may think that with the prices charged for shipping that they're getting priority mail, but I think we've all seen sellers charge priority prices then ship media mail. The best sellers though, are the ones who get all butt-hurtz when you ask for them to ship in a box, even when you're nice enough to offer to pay extra just so the slimeball can buy the box to ship the books in. Then of course, they don't bother to insulate the books in any way inside of the box. :censored:


The noobs and some of the shadier boardies around here are making it where it's not only safer to buy from e-bay, but to also trust Mile High to get accurately graded books. I liked the sales thread a few weeks back, where the seller said all the books were NM/NM+, all the while the bags that the books were in had the Mile High "NM" stickers visible on the majority of the books. :facepalm:


And some people have wondered why more and more of the "long-time" best of the best boardies have all but abandoned buying or selling around here. The close-knit sense of community became diluted, so whereas we rarely see sales threads from BronzeBruce, Flaming Telepath, or hell, even greggy, we now get sales threads from Symbiotic, HusTruck, and whoever else the scamster "flavor" of the day is.


And in the rare cases where we do have honest dealers offering good books at great deals here, we have the "lunatic fringe" lurking about, ready and willing to whine and cry to the mods just because heaven forbid, somebody posted 8%, instead of the 5% they initially stated, in a sales thread in the G/S/B sales area. Whining because you're thread got moved to the mixed section, when the other seller who simply PM'd the mod and explained his case, and got his sales thread moved back into the G/S/B forum, just showed that too many people here get their "Victoria's Secrets" in a knot way too often.


If certain board members would watch out and expose the scammers and shysters around here, instead of continuing to "wage war" with boardies they obviously can't stand, the sales areas would be a lot better off. Instead, we're left with instances where once somebody says something, we pretty much instantly know not only who will post to disagree with them, but that their "posse" will also be sure to follow. It's pretty bad that when certain people post something, you can PM other people and tell them not only who will show up to disagree with them, but also who the sheep will be that will be following the shepherd.




Well Joe... I don't know if I'd classify those concerned with this in the category of "lunatic fringe".


I personally wouldn't want ANY boardie to have influence over ANY mod's ear.

From the start, it sounded like you were like a jealous girl who couldn't get the cool guy's (Mods) attention. It was nothing to do with the fact that the mods changed the thread back, it was apparent from reading your posts that the biggest hurtz came from the fact that you couldn't get mods to answer your PM's. If they feel like a PM deserves a direct response, they'll answer, if they don't, they won't respond. This is nothing new, it's been that way for over 10 years.


I'm not going to disagree with you here. Yes I want the mods to acknowledge my concerns as quickly and easily as they do anyone else's. Is that too much to ask on a board that supposedly not rampant with favoritism? Don't you expect the same? For the record, I personally haven't had a single answer to any question that I have asked from a mod in my years here. And if they have, it wasn't an answer.


First he may just want his thread moved back because he's only breaking a sales rule... next he may want YOUR board privileges revoked. Do you really advocate that a boardie should have that kind of power?


Yeah, Dale getting his thread moved back is going to cause everybody to lose their board privileges. meh And you do realize that there are boardies that are also mods, right? (shrug)


All I'm saying here is would you like to give that power to a boardie? Any boardie? Are you comfortable with that?


Could you imagine giving that kind of power to some of the boardies around here? Would you give that kind of power to me? How about Park? Or maybe Boscoe, Speedy or Fingh? Maybe Tiny?


You may be surprised at the identity of some of the mods. lol


Doesn't surprise me in the least.


That thread that got moved back to G/S/B should have been no different than the endless that get moved to mixed daily.


This just proved that some of the button-humpers need to get lives rather than "notify the mod" everytime a sales thread offends them for any reason from too many moderns listed, to they just don't like the seller.


Probably true. No way to prevent that unless you take out the Notify buttons.


The fact that the rules have been viciously enforced concerning these small sales threads for such minimal infractions astounds me when, the "lunatic fringe" thread in question, just closed up shop after a healthy ONE MONTH run.


Viciously enforced? Time to put your tin-hat back on. doh!

How can you see my tin hat with your Velcro blinders on? ;)


On a fair playing field, rules apply to ALL not just the people who can call and get them changed.


You must have missed the point of the problem concerning that sales thread. I personally could give a rat's rectal area about how many moderns in a G/S/B thread one person has... it's when that one boardie can influence STATED board policy/rules and have it changed in their favor. That's something I have a problem with.

But unfortunately, the rules between the different sales thread ages, aren't all black and white. Nobody can agree on what ages begin in what year, so there will always be "judgement calls" made. And you do realize that Dale is not the first, only, or last person who got a mod to put their thread back was it originally started from, right? It just seemed from your reaction that because the mods changed it for Dale, you went right into "favoritism rules" and "only the big guy gets responses from the mods". The whole attitude during that time period screamed of butt-hurtz, plain and simple.


Favoritism is the sharpest form of butt-hurt. Plus it looks bad... real bad. Does it really take a "judgment call" to say that New X-men # 128 from 2002 is not a Golden, Silver or Bronze Age Only book?


That said, wouldn't you consider it a lapse in judgment if someone was able to post EXACTLY the same books in the same order as Dale did... and their thread was moved to mixed? Or would that be fair?


The ONLY thing this "lunatic fringe" member truly expects from moderation around here is a fair playing field. You should expect that too. :foryou:


The persecution complex around here is getting kind of thick. Out of thousands of members here, there are very few who complain about the mods "playing on a level playing field". And the majority of the vocal complainers are those who have either broken a rule and gotten their "wrist slapped", or those who are just upset that they're "crying wolf", and it is going unnoticed. :facepalm:



Joe, we all have our moments...you yourself went on a persecution complex towards boostergold the other night. Was it right for you to do so? Did he really deserve to be called a bootlegger for binding three or four sets of books in hard volume form? I wouldn't think so... but I don't know how strongly you feel towards the binding process of three sets of books and how much money Time Warner was going to lose by Jeff doing this heinous act. (shrug)


Let me stress to you that there is a difference between favoritism and BLATANT favoritism.


I just think its wrong and so do a lot of other people. You should... but its ok that you don't. Calling it "lunatic" doesn't help anything... weather you feel excessive butthurtz was involved or not.


Still love ya Joe... just a difference of opinion buddy :foryou:





is this legible?


You have to put on your 3D glasses for the full effect. 3dglasses.gif

lol That totally worked, thanks!

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Did anyone else see Buzzetta's spoiler cat surprise in the PM etiquette thread? The above is starting to look like it! :P
i did not, if you aren't going to post links then you're just wasting my time


If we are going to argue I thought I'd change our colors to fighting colors - bloods and crips yo!


Ummm Hector


I don't think the Crips use purple as their color of choice.......

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Did anyone else see Buzzetta's spoiler cat surprise in the PM etiquette thread? The above is starting to look like it! :P
i did not, if you aren't going to post links then you're just wasting my time


If we are going to argue I thought I'd change our colors to fighting colors - bloods and crips yo!


Ummm Hector


I don't think the Crips use purple as their color of choice.......

No politics allowed. (tsk)



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