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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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The mods did the wise thing in locking his sales threads (not delete them), and posting the heads up what is going on.


Now hopefully people can remain calm, and not carpet bomb his Facebook or other sites he may frequent. You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy.




"Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time"


How are you supposed to learn from your mistakes if there are no consequences?

What is supposed to teach you to not do it again?


Forget that you know he's a 12 year old kid. Now think about how long the lies and manipulation and fraudulent activity has been going on, and some of you want to say "he's just a kid"... He should absolutely be treated as an adult would. If I were a judge I'd give the kid jail time for fraud activities and then I'd sleep like a baby.

His mother and father were teaching him the business of commission sales, if you really went through his fathers Facebook you would see that. Stereotypical screwed up family. Dad has a FB page of all these charities and religious , but in the end he is teaching his son how to deceive, cheat others, scam people, and create false faces in order to make money. Extremely unethical in every single way. I can tell you now, I would beat my sons but black and blue.
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The mods did the wise thing in locking his sales threads (not delete them), and posting the heads up what is going on.


Now hopefully people can remain calm, and not carpet bomb his Facebook or other sites he may frequent. You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy.




"Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time"


How are you supposed to learn from your mistakes if there are no consequences?

What is supposed to teach you to not do it again?

Your parents?

If they even care, apparently this kids dad is proud of his dealings and brags about them on facebook, or so I'm told since no one will put up a link to it.


I want a vid of this kid getting the bejesus spanked out of him, and then a pic of him sitting grounded in his empty room with only bare wires sticking out from the walls where his Xbox, TV, and computer used to be.


I can't believe the lynch mob here is willing to settle for anything less, 12 or not.

Mmm, I know what you're saying. ;)


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Well, if this is true, the parents’ behavior is what is really serious and irresponsible.

The very fact that he posts on Facebook such personal issues, and in such a way, is almost unthinkable. :sick:


As far as GIJOEISAWESOME – from what I get –, as it has been said, the gravity comes mostly down to the fact he constantly lied.


What I find inspiring, anyway, is that when once he asked for advice on some copper age series to read, and I adviced him to read Power Pack, he was pretty enthusiastic about it and the issues I adviced him about.

In hindsight, this is pretty awesome: PP is a great series, lying to parents is the whole series' recurring theme (even if here is done for the parents' safety), and Louise Simonson makes it pretty much educational without being invasive.

I hope he reminds my advice and that he can take Alex Powers as a role model, rather than Dr. Doom – and maybe his parents will learn something from this as well…

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The mods did the wise thing in locking his sales threads (not delete them), and posting the heads up what is going on.


Now hopefully people can remain calm, and not carpet bomb his Facebook or other sites he may frequent. You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy.




"Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time"


How are you supposed to learn from your mistakes if there are no consequences?

What is supposed to teach you to not do it again?


Forget that you know he's a 12 year old kid. Now think about how long the lies and manipulation and fraudulent activity has been going on, and some of you want to say "he's just a kid"... He should absolutely be treated as an adult would. If I were a judge I'd give the kid jail time for fraud activities and then I'd sleep like a baby.


You're all misinterpretting "You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy" with "Awww, look at the 12 yo old. Let's forgive him." Nobody said that. That was the thought process that allowed Cap Freak to survive for years here.


But don't go overboard with wanting some form of vengeance. Attacking him via Facebook or other means will come across as harrassment of a minor, which could lead to problems none of us wants.


That was the point.

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The mods did the wise thing in locking his sales threads (not delete them), and posting the heads up what is going on.


Now hopefully people can remain calm, and not carpet bomb his Facebook or other sites he may frequent. You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy.




"Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time"


How are you supposed to learn from your mistakes if there are no consequences?

What is supposed to teach you to not do it again?


Forget that you know he's a 12 year old kid. Now think about how long the lies and manipulation and fraudulent activity has been going on, and some of you want to say "he's just a kid"... He should absolutely be treated as an adult would. If I were a judge I'd give the kid jail time for fraud activities and then I'd sleep like a baby.


You're all misinterpretting "You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy" with "Awww, look at the 12 yo old. Let's forgive him." Nobody said that. That was the thought process that allowed Cap Freak to survive for years here.


But don't go overboard with wanting some form of vengeance. Attacking him via Facebook or other means will come across as harrassment of a minor, which could lead to problems none of us wants.


That was the point.


There's no vengeance or harassment here, the point is to illustrate where this kid may have learned to be this way from. I think it's starting to become clear.

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The mods did the wise thing in locking his sales threads (not delete them), and posting the heads up what is going on.


Now hopefully people can remain calm, and not carpet bomb his Facebook or other sites he may frequent. You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy.




"Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time"


How are you supposed to learn from your mistakes if there are no consequences?

What is supposed to teach you to not do it again?


Forget that you know he's a 12 year old kid. Now think about how long the lies and manipulation and fraudulent activity has been going on, and some of you want to say "he's just a kid"... He should absolutely be treated as an adult would. If I were a judge I'd give the kid jail time for fraud activities and then I'd sleep like a baby.


You're all misinterpretting "You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy" with "Awww, look at the 12 yo old. Let's forgive him." Nobody said that. That was the thought process that allowed Cap Freak to survive for years here.


But don't go overboard with wanting some form of vengeance. Attacking him via Facebook or other means will come across as harrassment of a minor, which could lead to problems none of us wants.


That was the point.

Speaking only for myself, I have no interest in harassing this kid. I don't even have a Facebook account. It's the dad I'm more interested in. Since he knew what was going on, and encouraged it, I'd like to put a face to the scammer.

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The mods did the wise thing in locking his sales threads (not delete them), and posting the heads up what is going on.


Now hopefully people can remain calm, and not carpet bomb his Facebook or other sites he may frequent. You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy.




"Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time"


How are you supposed to learn from your mistakes if there are no consequences?

What is supposed to teach you to not do it again?


Forget that you know he's a 12 year old kid. Now think about how long the lies and manipulation and fraudulent activity has been going on, and some of you want to say "he's just a kid"... He should absolutely be treated as an adult would. If I were a judge I'd give the kid jail time for fraud activities and then I'd sleep like a baby.


You're all misinterpretting "You are still dealing with a 12 yo boy" with "Awww, look at the 12 yo old. Let's forgive him." Nobody said that. That was the thought process that allowed Cap Freak to survive for years here.


But don't go overboard with wanting some form of vengeance. Attacking him via Facebook or other means will come across as harrassment of a minor, which could lead to problems none of us wants.


That was the point.

Speaking only for myself, I have no interest in harassing this kid. I don't even have a Facebook account. It's the dad I'm more interested in. Since he knew what was going on, and encouraged it, I'd like to put a face to the scammer.

:gossip: It's not the prettiest face.

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Speaking only for myself, I have no interest in harassing this kid. I don't even have a Facebook account. It's the dad I'm more interested in. Since he knew what was going on, and encouraged it, I'd like to put a face to the scammer.

You realize that people who are not in our hobby may not see our hobby as anything other than funny books or worthless comics. I don't think the dad took the comic business seriously, more like a father giving his son money to start a lemonade stand or a "little businessmen" of America. I don't think the thought was to commit fraud. :D In my opinion the father was just happy and proud his son was involved in something hat made him happy. He kid is a Boy Scout and his father is wearing bible camp T-shirts in some photos! I don't think there was any level of sophistication.


But you know what, this is just all opinion and speculation of the situation and nothing else just like anyone else's. So tear apart GIJOE all day long if that's what you enjoy. Just stop including info that is not on these Boards. (thumbs u

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Speaking only for myself, I have no interest in harassing this kid. I don't even have a Facebook account. It's the dad I'm more interested in. Since he knew what was going on, and encouraged it, I'd like to put a face to the scammer.

You realize that people who are not in our hobby may not see our hobby as anything other than funny books or worthless comics. I don't think the dad took the comic business seriously, more like a father giving his son money to start a lemonade stand or a "little businessmen" of America. I don't think the thought was to commit fraud. :D In my opinion the father was just happy and proud his son was involved in something hat made him happy. He kid is a Boy Scout and his father is wearing bible camp T-shirts in some photos! I don't think there was any level of sophistication.


But you know what, this is just all opinion and speculation of the situation and nothing else just like anyone else's. So tear apart GIJOE all day long if that's what you enjoy. Just stop including info that is not on these Boards. (thumbs u

Judging by the snippets Romeo is posting, the dad knew he was taking money out of other peoples pockets through deception. It's a bit different of being proud of your son for being motivated and industrious enough to make some pocket change by shoveling snow or selling lemonade, IMHO.

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Speaking only for myself, I have no interest in harassing this kid. I don't even have a Facebook account. It's the dad I'm more interested in. Since he knew what was going on, and encouraged it, I'd like to put a face to the scammer.

You realize that people who are not in our hobby may not see our hobby as anything other than funny books or worthless comics. I don't think the dad took the comic business seriously, more like a father giving his son money to start a lemonade stand or a "little businessmen" of America. I don't think the thought was to commit fraud. :D In my opinion the father was just happy and proud his son was involved in something hat made him happy. He kid is a Boy Scout and his father is wearing bible camp T-shirts in some photos! I don't think there was any level of sophistication.


But you know what, this is just all opinion and speculation of the situation and nothing else just like anyone else's. So tear apart GIJOE all day long if that's what you enjoy. Just stop including info that is not on these Boards. (thumbs u


Please stop sharing stuff thats on facebook that isn't on these boards its not right

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Speaking only for myself, I have no interest in harassing this kid. I don't even have a Facebook account. It's the dad I'm more interested in. Since he knew what was going on, and encouraged it, I'd like to put a face to the scammer.

You realize that people who are not in our hobby may not see our hobby as anything other than funny books or worthless comics. I don't think the dad took the comic business seriously, more like a father giving his son money to start a lemonade stand or a "little businessmen" of America. I don't think the thought was to commit fraud. :D In my opinion the father was just happy and proud his son was involved in something hat made him happy. He kid is a Boy Scout and his father is wearing bible camp T-shirts in some photos! I don't think there was any level of sophistication.


But you know what, this is just all opinion and speculation of the situation and nothing else just like anyone else's. So tear apart GIJOE all day long if that's what you enjoy. Just stop including info that is not on these Boards. (thumbs u


Please stop sharing stuff thats on facebook that isn't on these boards its not right

lol Zing!!

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A.Romero - I got nothing for you. Continue on fella.


I wasn't even the one that found it. Someone sent it to me and said they didn't want to be involved in this at all. I PMed Bosco because GIJOE was fond of him and Sharon because I think she has some of, if not the most, sage wisdom and advice on here. I guess I should have included you in the PM thread doh! and included you in the comic book Illuminati.


If you think I'm on my "high horse" because I don't think it's cool to attack a 12 year do that will soon be gone from the Boards and publicly humiliate, embarrass and harass a father, who may not have known the extent of what his done is even doing ... :foryou: ...like I said, I got nothing.

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Judging by the snippets Romeo is posting, the dad knew he was taking money out of other peoples pockets through deception. It's a bit different of being proud of your son for being motivated and industrious enough to make some pocket change by shoveling snow or selling lemonade, IMHO.


Yes, the situation looks more complex than what it seemed.

Harvey is right, but it’s not right to minimize the parents' responsibilities, and their use of Facebook… :P

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A.Romero - I got nothing for you. Continue on fella.


I wasn't even the one that found it. Someone sent it to me and said they didn't want to be involved in this at all. I PMed Bosco because GIJOE was fond of him and Sharon because I think she has some of, if not the most, sage wisdom and advice on here. I guess I should have included you in the PM thread doh! and included you in the comic book Illuminati.


If you think I'm on my "high horse" because I don't think it's cool to attack a 12 year do that will soon be gone from the Boards and publicly humiliate, embarrass and harass a father, who may not have known the extent of what his done is even doing ... :foryou: ...like I said, I got nothing.


I dont think its cool to commit fraud, but thats just me

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A.Romero - I got nothing for you. Continue on fella.


I wasn't even the one that found it. Someone sent it to me and said they didn't want to be involved in this at all. I PMed Bosco because GIJOE was fond of him and Sharon because I think she has some of, if not the most, sage wisdom and advice on here. I guess I should have included you in the PM thread doh! and included you in the comic book Illuminati.


If you think I'm on my "high horse" because I don't think it's cool to attack a 12 year do that will soon be gone from the Boards and publicly humiliate, embarrass and harass a father, who may not have known the extent of what his done is even doing ... :foryou: ...like I said, I got nothing.

A good rule of thumb, m'man, is not to think you're right. Your position is that this is a 12 year old kid, so people should back off. A.Romeo's point is that this is a 12 year old kid and his parents, he's focusing on his parents, and using publicly available information which has been in the public sphere for quite some time.


These are not mutually exclusive positions. You could both be right, you could both be partially right, you could both be totally wrong. In my eyes, you've both got valid positions...and the arguing bit of it is just entertainment.

Edited by Speedy-D
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Judging by the snippets Romeo is posting, the dad knew he was taking money out of other peoples pockets through deception. It's a bit different of being proud of your son for being motivated and industrious enough to make some pocket change by shoveling snow or selling lemonade, IMHO.


Yes, the situation looks more complex than what it seemed.

Harvey is right, but it’s not right to minimize the parents' responsibilities, and their use of Facebook… :P

If you and a few others honestly feel that way, where was your outrage when every other scammer caught on these boards was drawn and quartered across the internet? So posting, say, Lex Ledgers Facebook is ok. But it's not in this situation? hm


I think one thing we can all agree on, this is only the 2nd, at best, scandal on these boards perpetrated by a Dad & Son. :/

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This guy's posts on FB are as public as he can make them. I don't know him, we don't have any friends in common, but I can see all of his content. This is the most public way to put information on the Internet these days.


Facebook posts' contents generally do not appear in web searches (the ones posted here don’t), so it’s not the most public way. :)


If you and a few others honestly feel that way, where was your outrage when every other scammer caught on these boards was drawn and quartered across the internet? So posting, say, Lex Ledgers Facebook is ok. But it's not in this situation? hm


I think one thing we can all agree on, this is only the 2nd, at best, scandal on these boards perpetrated by a Dad & Son. :/


I have never witnessed a similar case, and it’s never "OK", if you want my opinion.

If there’s someone which needs to understand what you say, it‘s definitely this kid's parents, so – for whoever wishes to be of some help, I think the better way is definitely to contact them and talk to them. Not surely continuing to be "outraged" here, with not much positive results…

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