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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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what are the signs to suggest a noob is underage?

-starts a thread for every thought that pops into his head

-starts a new WTB thread for every time his WTB list changes (frequently)

- a One Direction fan


That's me, except I have no idea what One Direction is lol

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I guess you already know how much financial damage is out there - not much. Carry on with the lifelong HOS banning of a kid.


I posted here what I felt a 12 year old kid "could" misunderstand much of what we do here. Not much response & much of what I said seemed to align with what came out later.


I'd just rather see HOS voting based on damages and character rather than boardies getting swept up & led by the opinions of respected board members.


I figure if CGC banned him for "age" - we're done. If he wants back on @ 18 years old...there should be some evidence of damages attached to a HOS nomination rather than judging the character of a 12 year old.






I've got PM's and posts from roughly a dozen members, with aggregate refunds in excess of $250 , but that's their business to share and not mine. Those are just the ones who reached out to me. That doesn't count what Branget gathered before he got his strike, or any of the other "hundreds" (according to GIJOE) of people he dealt with on these boards.


Someone who, from their first moment of sign up on this board, LIED about everything they were. Who they were, how old they were, their family, their business, and lied in transactions to gain advantage, to grade spread with full intent, deserves to be judged on their actions. Actions that, according to their adult parent, were being monitored, approved, and encouraged all along.


Nothing about what you posted regarding how a "12 year old can misunderstand" about this place has anything to do with creating grand works of fiction about hay baling businesses, and his children, and his business experience, and (ultimately) who we were dealing with, what they were selling, what they were buying and that he had no problem whatsoever lying directly to the fact of everyone on this board for months and altering the grades of books within days to suit whether he was buying or selling.


Excusing the enormity of the deception displayed and perpetrated on this entire forum as "12 year old" hijinks is extraordinarily lenient towards someone who's shown zero remorse for their actions from either himself or the parent who admitting monitoring (and cheerleading ) his every move.


The scope is gigantic, and diminishing it to simple dollars and not examining what was truly done here from a deception standpoint is something that isn't seeing the forest for the trees.

lol Calm down. I was correct, you got feedback from others.


I said what I wanted to say..a 12 year old kid banned for six more years (half his current age) is plenty of time in the "penalty box" to contemplate his errors and hopefully develop his own ethical standards. HOS isn't necessary IMHO.


Sorry, about that.


Dishonesty, especially on this type of scale, pushes all my buttons.


If I had any inkling that these was simple errors in judgment or youthful naivete I'd react much more calmly. However, all that went out the window with tales of testes stuck in the hay baler while the kiddies being fed with comic money watch in horror.


I've seen and dealt with people who can spin tales like this before, time doesn't diminish their skills or penchants. I certainly wouldn't want that type of predator patrolling these waters simply because he got early parole without some sort of proof of rehab.


Glad to have people around me with similar morals. And being a lawyer to boot lol


Swear I could feel a glitch in the Matrix there...

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And I ban myself for posting before going through another 300 responses.


Only cool thing about this? My posts are the only ones at this time and I posted four in a row.



Nothing lamer than a noob talking to himself...


Go me

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I'm not sure what Mr. P is saying since he's on ignore ... but I'm probably going to guess its bringing up things from the past to instigate a riot.


Gotta love boardies like that.


Whatever it is... take a joke P... this thread was doing just fine before you showed up ;)


Took the heat off of you with two swipes at the keyboard Slym. You owe me cake lol


xxx ooo




For being on ignore, you sure did go to a lot of trouble to find that old picture of me and make a meme.


What, you didn't have the guts to put a gun to my head and post that meme? Funny how that works.


Too much of a coward to actually stand behind anything you say so you call it a "joke". That's admirable.


Please feel free to take some more shots. I got all night.







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I'm not sure what Mr. P is saying since he's on ignore ... but I'm probably going to guess its bringing up things from the past to instigate a riot.


Gotta love boardies like that.


Whatever it is... take a joke P... this thread was doing just fine before you showed up ;)


Took the heat off of you with two swipes at the keyboard Slym. You owe me cake lol


xxx ooo




For being on ignore, you sure did go to a lot of trouble to find that old picture of me and make a meme.


What, you didn't have the guts to put a gun to my head and post that meme? Funny how that works.


Too much of a coward to actually stand behind anything you say so you call it a "joke". That's admirable.


Please feel free to take some more shots. I got all night.








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It appears there are two men who have something to say hm


Please Park & Logan... get it all off your chests since this is General Discussion and all.


I'm all ears. :grin:




That's the stand up guy we all know. :golfclap:


No explanation for all those memes?


Or was the mush mouth g#$ b%$ch shooting himself in the head meme a joke?


Or the memes about Logan's wife? Joke?


How about the ones about certain sellers on these very boards intimating they are gay? Jokes again? Barrel of laughs.


You sure do use being gay as a put down a lot. You afraid of catching it?


Get back to me after you and the Ruppettes discuss. I await your next meme.







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I took you off ignore Park just to see what you would say...glad I did.


Please provide a link anywhere on these boards where any of whatever you are spouting is located concerning guns to someone's head... a link anywhere on the CGC board to any of these things.


Anywhere on the board please with a link.


Surely you didn't take the time to go through over 7700 plus pictures in my personal photo accounts around the web did you? Hoping to find something to rile me with? Nice try, but your hot air is wasted on me ;)


Whatever you think you are spouting off doesn't exist on these boards.


You posted your own pic to these boards so it exists here. I'm personally glad you did just so everyone can put your face with all that hot air.


Your recent past here is well documented with a justified two week vacation for bullying. My personal opinion of you is evident... I just don't follow you around the boards like you do me. You might want to take a step back and look at your behavior here. Outside of five or six people... no one seems to want to interact with you.


It's sad really since early on in your posts on this board it really seemed you enjoyed the hobby. I don't know what happened to cause you such personal anguish that you feel the need to continue your bullying and investigative behavior... but I wish you would deal with those personal demons and aleviate the venomous bile that spews from your keyboard.


Get help Park. It's really not only for your own good but your family's as well.

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Go ahead and post some more of your sociopathic memes.


I am sure the rest of the class would love to see your true character.


I would start with the ones that have the guns and wishes of death about other board members.


Or the ones insinuating other members are gay.


I'll wait.

Wait - so now it's bad to be gay again? I just can't keep up. :( Time for me to head back to my closet..., :sorry:
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I took you off ignore Park just to see what you would say...glad I did.


Please provide a link anywhere on these boards where any of whatever you are spouting is located concerning guns to someone's head.


Anywhere on the board please with a link.


Surely you didn't take the time to go through over 1700 plus pictures in my personal Photobucket account did you? Hoping to find something to rile me with? Nice try, but your hot air is wasted on me ;)


Whatever you think you are spouting off doesn't exist on these boards.


You posted your own pic to these boards so it exists here. I'm personally glad you did just so everyone can put your face with all that hot air.


Your recent past here is well documented with a justified two week vacation for bullying. My personal opinion of you is evident... I just don't follow you around the boards like you do me. You might want to take a step back and look at your behavior here. Outside of five or six people... no one seems to want to interact with you.


It's sad really since early on in your posts on this board it really seemed you enjoyed the hobby. I don't know what happened to cause you such personal anguish that you feel the need to continue your bullying and investigative behavior... but I wish you would deal with those personal demons and aleviate the venomous bile that spews from your keyboard.


Get help Park. It's really not only for your own good but your family's as well.




I don't where all this animosity against Park comes from, but he is one of the nicest guys on these boards. He is also one of the most popular - outside of a couple of people, I don't know anyone who doesn't like Park.


You said you had him on ignore, yet you created and posted a meme about him today - seemingly to taunt him. I don't know how the ignore function works because I've never used it; but if you really want to avoid conflict with him, it might be a good idea to stop making memes about him using his photo.


As far as his strike goes, isn't that a little disingenuous? I mean, you received a strike just a few months ago for "Consistently disruptive altercations." Don't you think that taunting Park with memes would fall into that same category?


As far as the memes which Park was referring, there has been a rumor going around for a few months now that you were PMing boardies here with memes about Fingh. I think at this point, just about everyone has heard this and seen them. I've seen the memes, and they're highly disturbing. They graphically show Fingh's avatar getting his brains blown out against a wall with a hand gun, coupled with angry homophobic remarks. They appear to be in the same style as the other memes you've created. I haven't heard anyone say that you've posted these anywhere on the boards, only that you've been sending them to other people. This is the first time I've seen you refer to them directly, and I find it odd that you don't deny that you've been doing this, only that you haven't posted them. Did you create them? If so, again, this would probably fall into the "consistently disruptive altercations category" and not be a great idea.


I really do hope you guys can mend fences at some point, because this is getting really silly.

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