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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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35,153 posts in this topic

Been tossing around the timeline of everything that went down here and decided to go back and look at this CG thread where this all started instead.




Around 1:33: page 1298 , Slym and bababooey were kind of in a conflict. The usual suspects ( baba, Ditch, RMA, fingh,) go after slym, just the basic taunting... nothing serious mind you, but Slym is obviously irked.


I step in on page 1301 at 2:40 and ask people to ease up on ole Slym. Transplant joins in making a slam directed at both me and Slym. No biggie... its something you get used to around here. I come back with the highly offensive "Pot / Kettle" defense.


More banter ensues on page 1302. comix4 fun joins in some here. More banter on page 1303. More banter on 1304 with the memes popping up to irk Slym.


Now near the end of page 1304 ( post #7443199 - 02/13/14 03:06 PM) ... bababooey posts a picture of George Clooney. Not just any pic of Clooney... but a foreign advertisement for Omega watches. I didn't think of this at the time as I assumed baba knew I liked Clooney... then I started to think and wonder who would have a foreign advertisement of George Clooney handy hm


This picture came from Rupp's PB account... or coincidence?




Page 1305 (post #7443208 - 02/13/14 03:08 PM), Fingh quotes this pic and states "Baba, I haven't laughed that hard in so long. Oh, man. If only COI were here . . .". Why would Fingh laugh at this? It has been addressed by this group that we are supposedly identified by our avatars... well then that's me right there.


Chris replies to Fingh's post which is right above and posts a meme stating "...looked down upon his work and said : it is good" (post #7443216 - 02/13/14 03:11 PM)


Fingh follows this with a " lol " replying to Chris. (post #7443218 - 02/13/14 03:12 PM) I think Chris is a stand up guy... always have. Even asked him to PM me in a post somewhere here when he was asking questions about this. He never did and kept pressing for answers in the thread.


Within six minutes, Park posts a emoticon slap directed at me... his indirect slight of hand to instigate... which a lot of us that he doesn't like have experienced in the past. (#7443236 - 02/13/14 03:18 PM)



Coincidence? Maybe...maybe not. If you believe "maybe not"... then right here kids is where Rupp got punked.



Page 1306...Rupp posts his comment about Park... and Park comes back with a "What's that mush mouth". Mush mouth being a popular word these days. (#7443264 - 02/13/14 03:23 PM)


Rupp's post "everytime I think of you" rebuttal to Park... and immediately its on (#7443300 - 02/13/14 03:32 PM). After which Park started the vendetta.


Page 1306 is where the majority of those reading all this started their day... but the proof of how it started really began back on Page 1298.




A few things newbies need to know when dealing with a vendetta group (and you know who you are)...



1) Never give a direct answer when someone accuses you of anything on the boards. Chances are everyone involved has the answer for what they are asking and are waiting for you to contradict yourself.


I'm not saying that "everyone" who asked the questions "did you or didn't you" are involved, but a bunch are. They know who they are, and I would guess the majority of silent readers know as well. Again, if you are asked, realize the most vocal already have the answers.



2) Always try to establish a timeline.


Roy said it had been so long since he viewed the memes he forgot the majority of their content. He also stated he couldn't remember who directed him to them, I believe Roy and I'm saddened that someone sent him a link to see anything out of context. I have apologized to him.


Ditch stating he knew of images circulating "months ago". Months ago.


Logan...so offended by a meme of random people... couldn't remember who told him either. Just that he forgot who it was and deleted "old PMs". Forgot? Must have been a while back.


Ogami's statement include "someone sent me this". Which I might add is a old screen shot. To my estimation, it's approximately 5 months old as Clooneython 17 was in Aug 2013 which is the last CT listed. CT 17 1/2 didn't occur till later Sept. 2013. Plus some of those files were deleted before Christmas. Who knows for sure... the point is that it isn't new by any means.



3) Get people to do the talking for you... the more vocal, the better.


Ogami couldn't wait to post his screen capture when I refused to answer questions. Logan spouting about the horrors of pics that were a random family taken from the internet. Ditch shouting "JUSTICE" from the mountain tops and btw nice pictures of those topless teenage girls in your Journal.




Last but not least Park... who has openly admitted to transferring images he pulled OFFSITE and PMing them to boardies to instigate a riot. It's great when you get someone who literally can't shut up about the things they do.




All the above is showing is that this was staged and planned... with it's origins dating back probably months.


I'm sure all this will be picked apart piece by piece. More of Logan's "spin, spin, spin" and the "good God, he's deflecting" quotes. Just look at the coincidence of occurrences here... and the pasts of all involved.


Ditch, Fingh, GA, bababooey, and others in that click were privy months ago to any information that Park has now been distributing... you know that bunch doesn't "not" communicate. This can be shown by reading what they have said. On a side note, Chris has stated he "put off looking at the images". I can believe that. I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


I must hand it to Park and the crew... I fell for it hook, line and sinker. This was EXTREMELY well planned and executed.


Everyone needs to know...


If ANYONE was offended by any of the following...


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly linked to you to an OFFSITE source


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly HAD TAKEN and PMd you from an OFFSITE source.


... I offer my condolences and sincere apologies.


Those that were a part of this ingenious plan, I salute you. I literally, out and out, salute you. Well played.


That said, I am through with this topic.



Editing this into the manifesto on 02/17/14



Check the date on the phone... 01/12/14. Look at the meme.


Coincidence? This from a month ago?


Ditch journal post #7350574 - 01/14/14 01:49 PM











Followed by post #7350579 - 01/14/14 01:50 PM



I deserve that. lol






Followed by post # #7351068 - 01/14/14 04:34 PM






Edited by Bio-Rupp
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I haven't seen any memes that have been offensive,to me(at least the ones I have seen) have all been meant to be joking.I must admit I haven't been following this at all,but heard that others had gotten into a Photobucket type of account of rupps.Retreaving these these unintended for board use memes.Is this true? Then how can you lay blame on Rupp? If he didn't intend them for board use,he probably made them for some fun banter,then decided that they were inappropriate.




IMO the people going into Rupps photo bucket account looking for these types of images are looking to use these to their own ends. We all get that you do not like each other. Move on put each other on ignore.


I am not standing up for Rupp, but you people are condoning what and how these memes where obtained. Rupp might not have known his pb account was not set to private and you people went into them invading his privacy.


Now you are talking about having him banned for these boards, if he gets banned then so should the people that retrieved these memes and put them on this board should also receive the same treatment.




Ah yes, shoot the messenger. Good policy.


So you are one of those people that believe the ends justify the means people.....



how sad, how truly sad....



Edited by vader2001
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1st off I have no dog in this race but have purchased fro Rupp for sure and possibly others in this thread.


Lots of reading but not much substance at all. :blahblah:


To whomever stated that They feel bad if those memes wouldn't make you sick to your stomach or along those lines, not looking back just remember seeing it. :preach:


Many of the boardies on here have served in war and saying those comments about a meme is just not even on the same level. rantrant


It does seem that certain people/cliques have more power regarding their opinions then others as I remember well from questioning rules :rulez: that weren't explained and having to be insulted by people regarding my deceased sister and drinking and alcoholics but no one cared about my feelings regarding a very "real" and truly sad situation. (shrug)


The board tries to make it sound like it is a community out for the best interests of all involved but with the cliques :gossip: and groups that gather and strike at each other well thats about as close as you can get to being a "real" community. There are even robberies and scams like the "real" world. :eyeroll:


These are just my thoughts and opinions but it seems as if having a disturbing meme is such a terrible thing that it trumps reality......sad :cry:


My 2c


If my thoughts offend you please place me on ignore it doesn't really matter


Let The Insults and/or Comments about me begin............

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All the above is showing is that this was staged and planned... with it's origins dating back probably months.


I'm sure all this will be picked apart piece by piece. More of Logan's "spin, spin, spin" and the "good God, he's deflecting" quotes. Just look at the coincidence of occurrences here... and the pasts of all involved.


Ditch, Fingh, GA, bababooey, and others in that click were privy months ago to any information that Park has now been distributing... you know that bunch doesn't "not" communicate. This can be shown by reading what they have said. On a side note, Chris has stated he "put off looking at the images". I can believe that. I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


I must hand it to Park and the crew... I fell for it hook, line and sinker. This was EXTREMELY well planned and executed.


Everyone needs to know...


If ANYONE was offended by any of the following...


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly linked to you to an OFFSITE source


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly HAD TAKEN and PMd you from an OFFSITE source.


... I offer my condolences and sincere apologies.


Those that were a part of this ingenious plan, I salute you. I literally, out and out, salute you. Well played.


That said, I am through with this topic.


Are you serious?


You created those vile memes.


And instead of stepping up, apologizing profusely and taking steps to repair the damage this has caused your reputation around here, you're now blaming some "cabal" and pretending that they're somehow trying to frame you.


Absolutely disgusting behavior from your side.

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Chris replies to Fingh's post which is right above and posts a meme stating "...looked down upon his work and said : it is good" (post #7443216 - 02/13/14 03:11 PM)


Fingh follows this with a " lol " replying to Chris. (post #7443218 - 02/13/14 03:12 PM) I think Chris is a stand up guy... always have. Even asked him to PM me in a post somewhere here when he was asking questions about this. He never did and kept pressing for answers in the thread.





Just going to tell you, you've got no idea what you're talking about here.


That meme I posted was "Malak looked down upon his work and said it was good" and it had a picture of Tracey Walter (here's his IMDB pic, the same one as the meme)




Who played Malak on Conan The Destroyer who's best known for coming in after the fight was over to stab the monster when it was already dead.


It's a meme about commenting about an already dead topic or coming in so late that the topic has changed. Sean was also telling me how he had a softspot for that horrible movie and it's my opportunity to mock him for it, publicly.


Here it is:







Not to throw a monkey wrench into your grand conspiracy, but you couldn't be more off if you were trying to be so.


Also, given the gravity of the situation I thought my public questions deserved public answers, as did Sharon's, and Andy's, and about 5-6 other people that have nothing to do with any imagined conspiracy. Given how many people were asking, private answers and questions would only obfuscate an already cloudy and parsed explanation.





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Been tossing around the timeline of everything that went down here and decided to go back and look at this CG thread where this all started instead.




Around 1:33: page 1298 , Slym and bababooey were kind of in a conflict. The usual suspects ( baba, Ditch, RMA, fingh,) go after slym, just the basic taunting... nothing serious mind you, but Slym is obviously irked.


I step in on page 1301 at 2:40 and ask people to ease up on ole Slym. Transplant joins in making a slam directed at both me and Slym. No biggie... its something you get used to around here. I come back with the highly offensive "Pot / Kettle" defense.


More banter ensues on page 1302. comix4 fun joins in some here. More banter on page 1303. More banter on 1304 with the memes popping up to irk Slym.


Now near the end of page 1304 ( post #7443199 - 02/13/14 03:06 PM) ... bababooey posts a picture of George Clooney. Not just any pic of Clooney... but a foreign advertisement for Omega watches. I didn't think of this at the time as I assumed baba knew I liked Clooney... then I started to think and wonder who would have a foreign advertisement of George Clooney handy hm


This picture came from Rupp's PB account... or coincidence?




Page 1305 (post #7443208 - 02/13/14 03:08 PM), Fingh quotes this pic and states "Baba, I haven't laughed that hard in so long. Oh, man. If only COI were here . . .". Why would Fingh laugh at this? It has been addressed by this group that we are supposedly identified by our avatars... well then that's me right there.


Chris replies to Fingh's post which is right above and posts a meme stating "...looked down upon his work and said : it is good" (post #7443216 - 02/13/14 03:11 PM)


Fingh follows this with a " lol " replying to Chris. (post #7443218 - 02/13/14 03:12 PM) I think Chris is a stand up guy... always have. Even asked him to PM me in a post somewhere here when he was asking questions about this. He never did and kept pressing for answers in the thread.


Within six minutes, Park posts a emoticon slap directed at me... his indirect slight of hand to instigate... which a lot of us that he doesn't like have experienced in the past. (#7443236 - 02/13/14 03:18 PM)



Coincidence? Maybe...maybe not. If you believe "maybe not"... then right here kids is where Rupp got punked.



Page 1306...Rupp posts his comment about Park... and Park comes back with a "What's that mush mouth". Mush mouth being a popular word these days. (#7443264 - 02/13/14 03:23 PM)


Rupp's post "everytime I think of you" rebuttal to Park... and immediately its on (#7443300 - 02/13/14 03:32 PM). After which Park started the vendetta.


Page 1306 is where the majority of those reading all this started their day... but the proof of how it started really began back on Page 1298.




A few things newbies need to know when dealing with a vendetta group (and you know who you are)...



1) Never give a direct answer when someone accuses you of anything on the boards. Chances are everyone involved has the answer for what they are asking and are waiting for you to contradict yourself.


I'm not saying that "everyone" who asked the questions "did you or didn't you" are involved, but a bunch are. They know who they are, and I would guess the majority of silent readers know as well. Again, if you are asked, realize the most vocal already have the answers.



2) Always try to establish a timeline.


Roy said it had been so long since he viewed the memes he forgot the majority of their content. He also stated he couldn't remember who directed him to them, I believe Roy and I'm saddened that someone sent him a link to see anything out of context. I have apologized to him.


Ditch stating he knew of images circulating "months ago". Months ago.


Logan...so offended by a meme of random people... couldn't remember who told him either. Just that he forgot who it was and deleted "old PMs". Forgot? Must have been a while back.


Ogami's statement include "someone sent me this". Which I might add is a old screen shot. To my estimation, it's approximately 5 months old as Clooneython 17 was in Aug 2013 which is the last CT listed. CT 17 1/2 didn't occur till later Sept. 2013. Plus some of those files were deleted before Christmas. Who knows for sure... the point is that it isn't new by any means.



3) Get people to do the talking for you... the more vocal, the better.


Ogami couldn't wait to post his screen capture when I refused to answer questions. Logan spouting about the horrors of pics that were a random family taken from the internet. Ditch shouting "JUSTICE" from the mountain tops and btw nice pictures of those topless teenage girls in your Journal.




Last but not least Park... who has openly admitted to transferring images he pulled OFFSITE and PMing them to boardies to instigate a riot. It's great when you get someone who literally can't shut up about the things they do.




All the above is showing is that this was staged and planned... with it's origins dating back probably months.


I'm sure all this will be picked apart piece by piece. More of Logan's "spin, spin, spin" and the "good God, he's deflecting" quotes. Just look at the coincidence of occurrences here... and the pasts of all involved.


Ditch, Fingh, GA, bababooey, and others in that click were privy months ago to any information that Park has now been distributing... you know that bunch doesn't "not" communicate. This can be shown by reading what they have said. On a side note, Chris has stated he "put off looking at the images". I can believe that. I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


I must hand it to Park and the crew... I fell for it hook, line and sinker. This was EXTREMELY well planned and executed.


Everyone needs to know...


If ANYONE was offended by any of the following...


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly linked to you to an OFFSITE source


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly HAD TAKEN and PMd you from an OFFSITE source.


... I offer my condolences and sincere apologies.


Those that were a part of this ingenious plan, I salute you. I literally, out and out, salute you. Well played.


That said, I am through with this topic.




You put Logan's name on the picture of the family. The text clearly states "Just Hangin' at the beach" " Chillaxin with Logan's wife and kids". How could he not associate it with himself?


I'm quoting this so I can read it again tomorrow, or maybe the next day, because I'm not sure just one night's sleep will help it make more sense.



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Been tossing around the timeline of everything that went down here and decided to go back and look at this CG thread where this all started instead.




Around 1:33: page 1298 , Slym and bababooey were kind of in a conflict. The usual suspects ( baba, Ditch, RMA, fingh,) go after slym, just the basic taunting... nothing serious mind you, but Slym is obviously irked.


I step in on page 1301 at 2:40 and ask people to ease up on ole Slym. Transplant joins in making a slam directed at both me and Slym. No biggie... its something you get used to around here. I come back with the highly offensive "Pot / Kettle" defense.


More banter ensues on page 1302. comix4 fun joins in some here. More banter on page 1303. More banter on 1304 with the memes popping up to irk Slym.


Now near the end of page 1304 ( post #7443199 - 02/13/14 03:06 PM) ... bababooey posts a picture of George Clooney. Not just any pic of Clooney... but a foreign advertisement for Omega watches. I didn't think of this at the time as I assumed baba knew I liked Clooney... then I started to think and wonder who would have a foreign advertisement of George Clooney handy hm


This picture came from Rupp's PB account... or coincidence?




Page 1305 (post #7443208 - 02/13/14 03:08 PM), Fingh quotes this pic and states "Baba, I haven't laughed that hard in so long. Oh, man. If only COI were here . . .". Why would Fingh laugh at this? It has been addressed by this group that we are supposedly identified by our avatars... well then that's me right there.


Chris replies to Fingh's post which is right above and posts a meme stating "...looked down upon his work and said : it is good" (post #7443216 - 02/13/14 03:11 PM)


Fingh follows this with a " lol " replying to Chris. (post #7443218 - 02/13/14 03:12 PM) I think Chris is a stand up guy... always have. Even asked him to PM me in a post somewhere here when he was asking questions about this. He never did and kept pressing for answers in the thread.


Within six minutes, Park posts a emoticon slap directed at me... his indirect slight of hand to instigate... which a lot of us that he doesn't like have experienced in the past. (#7443236 - 02/13/14 03:18 PM)



Coincidence? Maybe...maybe not. If you believe "maybe not"... then right here kids is where Rupp got punked.



Page 1306...Rupp posts his comment about Park... and Park comes back with a "What's that mush mouth". Mush mouth being a popular word these days. (#7443264 - 02/13/14 03:23 PM)


Rupp's post "everytime I think of you" rebuttal to Park... and immediately its on (#7443300 - 02/13/14 03:32 PM). After which Park started the vendetta.


Page 1306 is where the majority of those reading all this started their day... but the proof of how it started really began back on Page 1298.




A few things newbies need to know when dealing with a vendetta group (and you know who you are)...



1) Never give a direct answer when someone accuses you of anything on the boards. Chances are everyone involved has the answer for what they are asking and are waiting for you to contradict yourself.


I'm not saying that "everyone" who asked the questions "did you or didn't you" are involved, but a bunch are. They know who they are, and I would guess the majority of silent readers know as well. Again, if you are asked, realize the most vocal already have the answers.



2) Always try to establish a timeline.


Roy said it had been so long since he viewed the memes he forgot the majority of their content. He also stated he couldn't remember who directed him to them, I believe Roy and I'm saddened that someone sent him a link to see anything out of context. I have apologized to him.


Ditch stating he knew of images circulating "months ago". Months ago.


Logan...so offended by a meme of random people... couldn't remember who told him either. Just that he forgot who it was and deleted "old PMs". Forgot? Must have been a while back.


Ogami's statement include "someone sent me this". Which I might add is a old screen shot. To my estimation, it's approximately 5 months old as Clooneython 17 was in Aug 2013 which is the last CT listed. CT 17 1/2 didn't occur till later Sept. 2013. Plus some of those files were deleted before Christmas. Who knows for sure... the point is that it isn't new by any means.



3) Get people to do the talking for you... the more vocal, the better.


Ogami couldn't wait to post his screen capture when I refused to answer questions. Logan spouting about the horrors of pics that were a random family taken from the internet. Ditch shouting "JUSTICE" from the mountain tops and btw nice pictures of those topless teenage girls in your Journal.




Last but not least Park... who has openly admitted to transferring images he pulled OFFSITE and PMing them to boardies to instigate a riot. It's great when you get someone who literally can't shut up about the things they do.




All the above is showing is that this was staged and planned... with it's origins dating back probably months.


I'm sure all this will be picked apart piece by piece. More of Logan's "spin, spin, spin" and the "good God, he's deflecting" quotes. Just look at the coincidence of occurrences here... and the pasts of all involved.


Ditch, Fingh, GA, bababooey, and others in that click were privy months ago to any information that Park has now been distributing... you know that bunch doesn't "not" communicate. This can be shown by reading what they have said. On a side note, Chris has stated he "put off looking at the images". I can believe that. I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


I must hand it to Park and the crew... I fell for it hook, line and sinker. This was EXTREMELY well planned and executed.


Everyone needs to know...


If ANYONE was offended by any of the following...


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly linked to you to an OFFSITE source


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly HAD TAKEN and PMd you from an OFFSITE source.


... I offer my condolences and sincere apologies.


Those that were a part of this ingenious plan, I salute you. I literally, out and out, salute you. Well played.


That said, I am through with this topic.




You put Logan's name on the picture of the family. The text clearly states "Just Hangin' at the beach" " Chillaxin with Logan's wife and kids". How could he not associate it with himself?


I'm quoting this so I can read it again tomorrow, or maybe the next day, because I'm not sure just one night's sleep will help it make more sense.




It's not supposed to.... It's paranoid nerdspeak. :roflmao:

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Been tossing around the timeline of everything that went down here and decided to go back and look at this CG thread where this all started instead.




Around 1:33: page 1298 , Slym and bababooey were kind of in a conflict. The usual suspects ( baba, Ditch, RMA, fingh,) go after slym, just the basic taunting... nothing serious mind you, but Slym is obviously irked.


I step in on page 1301 at 2:40 and ask people to ease up on ole Slym. Transplant joins in making a slam directed at both me and Slym. No biggie... its something you get used to around here. I come back with the highly offensive "Pot / Kettle" defense.


More banter ensues on page 1302. comix4 fun joins in some here. More banter on page 1303. More banter on 1304 with the memes popping up to irk Slym.


Now near the end of page 1304 ( post #7443199 - 02/13/14 03:06 PM) ... bababooey posts a picture of George Clooney. Not just any pic of Clooney... but a foreign advertisement for Omega watches. I didn't think of this at the time as I assumed baba knew I liked Clooney... then I started to think and wonder who would have a foreign advertisement of George Clooney handy hm


This picture came from Rupp's PB account... or coincidence?




Page 1305 (post #7443208 - 02/13/14 03:08 PM), Fingh quotes this pic and states "Baba, I haven't laughed that hard in so long. Oh, man. If only COI were here . . .". Why would Fingh laugh at this? It has been addressed by this group that we are supposedly identified by our avatars... well then that's me right there.


Chris replies to Fingh's post which is right above and posts a meme stating "...looked down upon his work and said : it is good" (post #7443216 - 02/13/14 03:11 PM)


Fingh follows this with a " lol " replying to Chris. (post #7443218 - 02/13/14 03:12 PM) I think Chris is a stand up guy... always have. Even asked him to PM me in a post somewhere here when he was asking questions about this. He never did and kept pressing for answers in the thread.


Within six minutes, Park posts a emoticon slap directed at me... his indirect slight of hand to instigate... which a lot of us that he doesn't like have experienced in the past. (#7443236 - 02/13/14 03:18 PM)



Coincidence? Maybe...maybe not. If you believe "maybe not"... then right here kids is where Rupp got punked.



Page 1306...Rupp posts his comment about Park... and Park comes back with a "What's that mush mouth". Mush mouth being a popular word these days. (#7443264 - 02/13/14 03:23 PM)


Rupp's post "everytime I think of you" rebuttal to Park... and immediately its on (#7443300 - 02/13/14 03:32 PM). After which Park started the vendetta.


Page 1306 is where the majority of those reading all this started their day... but the proof of how it started really began back on Page 1298.




A few things newbies need to know when dealing with a vendetta group (and you know who you are)...



1) Never give a direct answer when someone accuses you of anything on the boards. Chances are everyone involved has the answer for what they are asking and are waiting for you to contradict yourself.


I'm not saying that "everyone" who asked the questions "did you or didn't you" are involved, but a bunch are. They know who they are, and I would guess the majority of silent readers know as well. Again, if you are asked, realize the most vocal already have the answers.



2) Always try to establish a timeline.


Roy said it had been so long since he viewed the memes he forgot the majority of their content. He also stated he couldn't remember who directed him to them, I believe Roy and I'm saddened that someone sent him a link to see anything out of context. I have apologized to him.


Ditch stating he knew of images circulating "months ago". Months ago.


Logan...so offended by a meme of random people... couldn't remember who told him either. Just that he forgot who it was and deleted "old PMs". Forgot? Must have been a while back.


Ogami's statement include "someone sent me this". Which I might add is a old screen shot. To my estimation, it's approximately 5 months old as Clooneython 17 was in Aug 2013 which is the last CT listed. CT 17 1/2 didn't occur till later Sept. 2013. Plus some of those files were deleted before Christmas. Who knows for sure... the point is that it isn't new by any means.



3) Get people to do the talking for you... the more vocal, the better.


Ogami couldn't wait to post his screen capture when I refused to answer questions. Logan spouting about the horrors of pics that were a random family taken from the internet. Ditch shouting "JUSTICE" from the mountain tops and btw nice pictures of those topless teenage girls in your Journal.




Last but not least Park... who has openly admitted to transferring images he pulled OFFSITE and PMing them to boardies to instigate a riot. It's great when you get someone who literally can't shut up about the things they do.




All the above is showing is that this was staged and planned... with it's origins dating back probably months.


I'm sure all this will be picked apart piece by piece. More of Logan's "spin, spin, spin" and the "good God, he's deflecting" quotes. Just look at the coincidence of occurrences here... and the pasts of all involved.


Ditch, Fingh, GA, bababooey, and others in that click were privy months ago to any information that Park has now been distributing... you know that bunch doesn't "not" communicate. This can be shown by reading what they have said. On a side note, Chris has stated he "put off looking at the images". I can believe that. I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


I must hand it to Park and the crew... I fell for it hook, line and sinker. This was EXTREMELY well planned and executed.


Everyone needs to know...


If ANYONE was offended by any of the following...


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly linked to you to an OFFSITE source


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly HAD TAKEN and PMd you from an OFFSITE source.


... I offer my condolences and sincere apologies.


Those that were a part of this ingenious plan, I salute you. I literally, out and out, salute you. Well played.


That said, I am through with this topic.


You created violent and homophobic memes featuring other boardies and their families, and you're now attempting to obfuscate the facts of your poor behavior using the above narrative, which places you as some sort of victim.


At best, you're a petulant man-child; at worst, you're a delusional narcissist with violent and bigoted leanings.

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Been tossing around the timeline of everything that went down here and decided to go back and look at this CG thread where this all started instead.




Around 1:33: page 1298 , Slym and bababooey were kind of in a conflict. The usual suspects ( baba, Ditch, RMA, fingh,) go after slym, just the basic taunting... nothing serious mind you, but Slym is obviously irked.


I step in on page 1301 at 2:40 and ask people to ease up on ole Slym. Transplant joins in making a slam directed at both me and Slym. No biggie... its something you get used to around here. I come back with the highly offensive "Pot / Kettle" defense.


More banter ensues on page 1302. comix4 fun joins in some here. More banter on page 1303. More banter on 1304 with the memes popping up to irk Slym.


Now near the end of page 1304 ( post #7443199 - 02/13/14 03:06 PM) ... bababooey posts a picture of George Clooney. Not just any pic of Clooney... but a foreign advertisement for Omega watches. I didn't think of this at the time as I assumed baba knew I liked Clooney... then I started to think and wonder who would have a foreign advertisement of George Clooney handy hm


This picture came from Rupp's PB account... or coincidence?




Page 1305 (post #7443208 - 02/13/14 03:08 PM), Fingh quotes this pic and states "Baba, I haven't laughed that hard in so long. Oh, man. If only COI were here . . .". Why would Fingh laugh at this? It has been addressed by this group that we are supposedly identified by our avatars... well then that's me right there.


Chris replies to Fingh's post which is right above and posts a meme stating "...looked down upon his work and said : it is good" (post #7443216 - 02/13/14 03:11 PM)


Fingh follows this with a " lol " replying to Chris. (post #7443218 - 02/13/14 03:12 PM) I think Chris is a stand up guy... always have. Even asked him to PM me in a post somewhere here when he was asking questions about this. He never did and kept pressing for answers in the thread.


Within six minutes, Park posts a emoticon slap directed at me... his indirect slight of hand to instigate... which a lot of us that he doesn't like have experienced in the past. (#7443236 - 02/13/14 03:18 PM)



Coincidence? Maybe...maybe not. If you believe "maybe not"... then right here kids is where Rupp got punked.



Page 1306...Rupp posts his comment about Park... and Park comes back with a "What's that mush mouth". Mush mouth being a popular word these days. (#7443264 - 02/13/14 03:23 PM)


Rupp's post "everytime I think of you" rebuttal to Park... and immediately its on (#7443300 - 02/13/14 03:32 PM). After which Park started the vendetta.


Page 1306 is where the majority of those reading all this started their day... but the proof of how it started really began back on Page 1298.




A few things newbies need to know when dealing with a vendetta group (and you know who you are)...



1) Never give a direct answer when someone accuses you of anything on the boards. Chances are everyone involved has the answer for what they are asking and are waiting for you to contradict yourself.


I'm not saying that "everyone" who asked the questions "did you or didn't you" are involved, but a bunch are. They know who they are, and I would guess the majority of silent readers know as well. Again, if you are asked, realize the most vocal already have the answers.



2) Always try to establish a timeline.


Roy said it had been so long since he viewed the memes he forgot the majority of their content. He also stated he couldn't remember who directed him to them, I believe Roy and I'm saddened that someone sent him a link to see anything out of context. I have apologized to him.


Ditch stating he knew of images circulating "months ago". Months ago.


Logan...so offended by a meme of random people... couldn't remember who told him either. Just that he forgot who it was and deleted "old PMs". Forgot? Must have been a while back.


Ogami's statement include "someone sent me this". Which I might add is a old screen shot. To my estimation, it's approximately 5 months old as Clooneython 17 was in Aug 2013 which is the last CT listed. CT 17 1/2 didn't occur till later Sept. 2013. Plus some of those files were deleted before Christmas. Who knows for sure... the point is that it isn't new by any means.



3) Get people to do the talking for you... the more vocal, the better.


Ogami couldn't wait to post his screen capture when I refused to answer questions. Logan spouting about the horrors of pics that were a random family taken from the internet. Ditch shouting "JUSTICE" from the mountain tops and btw nice pictures of those topless teenage girls in your Journal.




Last but not least Park... who has openly admitted to transferring images he pulled OFFSITE and PMing them to boardies to instigate a riot. It's great when you get someone who literally can't shut up about the things they do.




All the above is showing is that this was staged and planned... with it's origins dating back probably months.


I'm sure all this will be picked apart piece by piece. More of Logan's "spin, spin, spin" and the "good God, he's deflecting" quotes. Just look at the coincidence of occurrences here... and the pasts of all involved.


Ditch, Fingh, GA, bababooey, and others in that click were privy months ago to any information that Park has now been distributing... you know that bunch doesn't "not" communicate. This can be shown by reading what they have said. On a side note, Chris has stated he "put off looking at the images". I can believe that. I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


I must hand it to Park and the crew... I fell for it hook, line and sinker. This was EXTREMELY well planned and executed.


Everyone needs to know...


If ANYONE was offended by any of the following...


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly linked to you to an OFFSITE source


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly HAD TAKEN and PMd you from an OFFSITE source.


... I offer my condolences and sincere apologies.


Those that were a part of this ingenious plan, I salute you. I literally, out and out, salute you. Well played.


That said, I am through with this topic.


I'm not part of any clique, I don't have a dog in this fight. But I can only say that this post is un believable. You think that a joke about George Clooney directed at you(if that's even what it is?) is comparable to the memes that had Sean's avatar having his brains blown out and making fun of a guys family is justified by this? Really?

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Most either don't want to get involved or don't care. In my heart I hope Rupp comes on here and makes this right and the other guys can accept an apology and move on.


All this has got way out of hand.


Just because people aren't posting doesn't mean that people aren't reading...

(thumbs u

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Chris replies to Fingh's post which is right above and posts a meme stating "...looked down upon his work and said : it is good" (post #7443216 - 02/13/14 03:11 PM)


Fingh follows this with a " lol " replying to Chris. (post #7443218 - 02/13/14 03:12 PM) I think Chris is a stand up guy... always have. Even asked him to PM me in a post somewhere here when he was asking questions about this. He never did and kept pressing for answers in the thread.





Just going to tell you, you've got no idea what you're talking about here.


That meme I posted was "Malak looked down upon his work and said it was good" and it had a picture of Tracey Walter (here's his IMDB pic, the same one as the meme)




Who played Malak on Conan The Destroyer who's best known for coming in after the fight was over to stab the monster when it was already dead.


It's a meme about commenting about an already dead topic or coming in so late that the topic has changed. Sean was also telling me how he had a softspot for that horrible movie and it's my opportunity to mock him for it, publicly.


Here it is:







Not to throw a monkey wrench into your grand conspiracy, but you couldn't be more off if you were trying to be so.


Also, given the gravity of the situation I thought my public questions deserved public answers, as did Sharon's, and Andy's, and about 5-6 other people that have nothing to do with any imagined conspiracy. Given how many people were asking, private answers and questions would only obfuscate an already cloudy and parsed explanation.





Unfortunately he never answered those questions with anything other than a non-denial, denial. Now we get a conspiracy theory worthy of the X-Files and a non-apology, apology.


Not that he would ever take my advice, but he would've been better served not to say anything at all and hope it somehow blew over with time as opposed to that bizarre manifesto offered up.

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Been tossing around the timeline of everything that went down here and decided to go back and look at this CG thread where this all started instead.




Around 1:33: page 1298 , Slym and bababooey were kind of in a conflict. The usual suspects ( baba, Ditch, RMA, fingh,) go after slym, just the basic taunting... nothing serious mind you, but Slym is obviously irked.


I step in on page 1301 at 2:40 and ask people to ease up on ole Slym. Transplant joins in making a slam directed at both me and Slym. No biggie... its something you get used to around here. I come back with the highly offensive "Pot / Kettle" defense.


More banter ensues on page 1302. comix4 fun joins in some here. More banter on page 1303. More banter on 1304 with the memes popping up to irk Slym.


Now near the end of page 1304 ( post #7443199 - 02/13/14 03:06 PM) ... bababooey posts a picture of George Clooney. Not just any pic of Clooney... but a foreign advertisement for Omega watches. I didn't think of this at the time as I assumed baba knew I liked Clooney... then I started to think and wonder who would have a foreign advertisement of George Clooney handy hm


This picture came from Rupp's PB account... or coincidence?




Page 1305 (post #7443208 - 02/13/14 03:08 PM), Fingh quotes this pic and states "Baba, I haven't laughed that hard in so long. Oh, man. If only COI were here . . .". Why would Fingh laugh at this? It has been addressed by this group that we are supposedly identified by our avatars... well then that's me right there.


Chris replies to Fingh's post which is right above and posts a meme stating "...looked down upon his work and said : it is good" (post #7443216 - 02/13/14 03:11 PM)


Fingh follows this with a " lol " replying to Chris. (post #7443218 - 02/13/14 03:12 PM) I think Chris is a stand up guy... always have. Even asked him to PM me in a post somewhere here when he was asking questions about this. He never did and kept pressing for answers in the thread.


Within six minutes, Park posts a emoticon slap directed at me... his indirect slight of hand to instigate... which a lot of us that he doesn't like have experienced in the past. (#7443236 - 02/13/14 03:18 PM)



Coincidence? Maybe...maybe not. If you believe "maybe not"... then right here kids is where Rupp got punked.



Page 1306...Rupp posts his comment about Park... and Park comes back with a "What's that mush mouth". Mush mouth being a popular word these days. (#7443264 - 02/13/14 03:23 PM)


Rupp's post "everytime I think of you" rebuttal to Park... and immediately its on (#7443300 - 02/13/14 03:32 PM). After which Park started the vendetta.


Page 1306 is where the majority of those reading all this started their day... but the proof of how it started really began back on Page 1298.




A few things newbies need to know when dealing with a vendetta group (and you know who you are)...



1) Never give a direct answer when someone accuses you of anything on the boards. Chances are everyone involved has the answer for what they are asking and are waiting for you to contradict yourself.


I'm not saying that "everyone" who asked the questions "did you or didn't you" are involved, but a bunch are. They know who they are, and I would guess the majority of silent readers know as well. Again, if you are asked, realize the most vocal already have the answers.



2) Always try to establish a timeline.


Roy said it had been so long since he viewed the memes he forgot the majority of their content. He also stated he couldn't remember who directed him to them, I believe Roy and I'm saddened that someone sent him a link to see anything out of context. I have apologized to him.


Ditch stating he knew of images circulating "months ago". Months ago.


Logan...so offended by a meme of random people... couldn't remember who told him either. Just that he forgot who it was and deleted "old PMs". Forgot? Must have been a while back.


Ogami's statement include "someone sent me this". Which I might add is a old screen shot. To my estimation, it's approximately 5 months old as Clooneython 17 was in Aug 2013 which is the last CT listed. CT 17 1/2 didn't occur till later Sept. 2013. Plus some of those files were deleted before Christmas. Who knows for sure... the point is that it isn't new by any means.



3) Get people to do the talking for you... the more vocal, the better.


Ogami couldn't wait to post his screen capture when I refused to answer questions. Logan spouting about the horrors of pics that were a random family taken from the internet. Ditch shouting "JUSTICE" from the mountain tops and btw nice pictures of those topless teenage girls in your Journal.




Last but not least Park... who has openly admitted to transferring images he pulled OFFSITE and PMing them to boardies to instigate a riot. It's great when you get someone who literally can't shut up about the things they do.




All the above is showing is that this was staged and planned... with it's origins dating back probably months.


I'm sure all this will be picked apart piece by piece. More of Logan's "spin, spin, spin" and the "good God, he's deflecting" quotes. Just look at the coincidence of occurrences here... and the pasts of all involved.


Ditch, Fingh, GA, bababooey, and others in that click were privy months ago to any information that Park has now been distributing... you know that bunch doesn't "not" communicate. This can be shown by reading what they have said. On a side note, Chris has stated he "put off looking at the images". I can believe that. I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


I must hand it to Park and the crew... I fell for it hook, line and sinker. This was EXTREMELY well planned and executed.


Everyone needs to know...


If ANYONE was offended by any of the following...


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly linked to you to an OFFSITE source


- Anything that Park or someone else admittedly HAD TAKEN and PMd you from an OFFSITE source.


... I offer my condolences and sincere apologies.


Those that were a part of this ingenious plan, I salute you. I literally, out and out, salute you. Well played.


That said, I am through with this topic.


Really? It was all part of an 'ingenious plan' to get you?


I feel sorry for you Rupp because it's pretty obvious that you have some real psychological problems, and I'm not one to blame someone for something that may be beyond their control. All I can do is encourage you to get some help.


On the other hand, you are hurting people by targeting them with hate speech and threats of violence. Many people here fear you and the things you might do because of your actions and instability.


There's really nothing left to say. I think the vast majority of the boardies here are appalled at what you have done and continue to do, and are waiting for CGC to remove an obvious threat. I really do hope you can get some help and find peace in your life.

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