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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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35,161 posts in this topic

Let me just say in Arexs defense, I can see where he overreacted a little trying to make a point. People get pizzed, annoyed and say things they normally would not when they are calm. I have been guilty of this and I am sure most everyone on the boards has also at some point. Keep in mind that internet persona is usally not the same as meeting someone face to face, and I can say this having met Arex a few times.


Are there people that annoy me when they post here? Absolutely, just as I am sure I annoy people when I post. Everyone has a different breaking point (shrug)

Stop annoying me.


Continue drinking

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So I broke down and read everything. Real classy stuff. So it goes from a discussion about excessive graemlin use to telling Grinder he is a bum, always looking for handouts, and basically a POS. This just really disgusts me.


If you dont like someone ignore them. If you dont like what someone is doing in YOUR thread PM them. If the guy who started the thread said nothing, dont assume position of the police and start a fight.


Seriously. You dont like the graemlins, dont use them. But 90% of the time it makes as much sense as posting some random words of BS.


How about we just allow posting of :takeit: and PM sent from now on. Why bother speaking in the threads. Have a question PM them. Not buying anything? Move along.


WTF! You guys have crossed some lines here.


Look at it this way. You own a brick and mortar store. You have people in your store who are browsing and buying. In comes a guy who asks you a question about having item X. You say no. He frowns and (maybe he has bought in the past) walks around the store interrupting your customers by yelling out doh! at the top of his lungs every 5 minutes. The every 2 hours yells out again you are having a sale. Maybe he waits in line with nothing to buy just to say high ocassionally. The first time it's amusing, after the 5th or 35th time it gets annoying



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Couple of things I would like to mention.


When quoting a post with a scan of a book please delete the link to the scan unless you are buying the book. It makes it much easier to wade through the thread for serious buyers.


If a seller doesn't like a lot of thread crapping he should indicate that at the start of the thread and his request should be respected. If a thread does go off the rails a simple request by the seller to stay on topic should be respected. It's the seller's thread, please respect his wishes.

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It's the seller's thread, please respect his wishes.


No offense to HT, but I've seen this sentiment posted several times in this thread, and I disagree, as it's CGC's boards and they have the final say on anything.


All this "the OP has total ownership and what he says goes" is a pipe dream and I wish people would stop posting such fairy tales. If there's a lot of BS posting in sales threads, even if the OP approves of it, the Mods need to, and likely will, step in.

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Let me just say in Arexs defense, I can see where he overreacted a little trying to make a point. People get pizzed, annoyed and say things they normally would not when they are calm. I have been guilty of this and I am sure most everyone on the boards has also at some point. Keep in mind that internet persona is usally not the same as meeting someone face to face, and I can say this having met Arex a few times.


Are there people that annoy me when they post here? Absolutely, just as I am sure I annoy people when I post. Everyone has a different breaking point (shrug)

I can see this post applying to everyone but me. :popcorn:

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It's the seller's thread, please respect his wishes.


No offense to HT, but I've seen this sentiment posted several times in this thread, and I disagree, as it's CGC's boards and they have the final say on anything.


All this "the OP has total ownership and what he says goes" is a pipe dream and I wish people would stop posting such fairy tales. If there's a lot of BS posting in sales threads, even if the OP approves of it, the Mods need to, and likely will, step in.

That hardly ever happens. :juggle:

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It's the seller's thread, please respect his wishes.


No offense to HT, but I've seen this sentiment posted several times in this thread, and I disagree, as it's CGC's boards and they have the final say on anything.


All this "the OP has total ownership and what he says goes" is a pipe dream and I wish people would stop posting such fairy tales. If there's a lot of BS posting in sales threads, even if the OP approves of it, the Mods need to, and likely will, step in.

Except that the mods try to stay as far away from the selling threads as possible. Outside of blatant disregard of the agreed to guidelines, they never intervene. And even then, they usually don't even bother. Yes, it's their boards but they give us a ton of leeway to police our own here. And I think we do a darn good job of it.
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Let me just say in Arexs defense, I can see where he overreacted a little trying to make a point. People get pizzed, annoyed and say things they normally would not when they are calm. I have been guilty of this and I am sure most everyone on the boards has also at some point. Keep in mind that internet persona is usally not the same as meeting someone face to face, and I can say this having met Arex a few times.


Are there people that annoy me when they post here? Absolutely, just as I am sure I annoy people when I post. Everyone has a different breaking point (shrug)

I've noticed that without someone like deathlok on the boards to police things so to speak, the noobies (and I'll name them Count, and Grinder... sorry fellas :foryou: ) have been roaming around posting non-stop lately.


Back in the day, deathlok or someone else would have trolled them around and then they would more than likely have gotten a "reputation" for posting too much.


Without this "service" lol of deathlok, others slowly start fuming under the collar wondering "does anybody else notice that personA is posting too much" :pullhair:


Enter a few posters who are usually calm and collected to pick up the slack.


A couple of times I've kidded around with Count, hoping he would possibly realize that he might be a bit much. It's all how people perceive things. (shrug)

I myself post too much, but there's not a support group to join.

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It's the seller's thread, please respect his wishes.


No offense to HT, but I've seen this sentiment posted several times in this thread, and I disagree, as it's CGC's boards and they have the final say on anything.


All this "the OP has total ownership and what he says goes" is a pipe dream and I wish people would stop posting such fairy tales. If there's a lot of BS posting in sales threads, even if the OP approves of it, the Mods need to, and likely will, step in.


Sure, CGC is the final word. If the OP really owned the thread he would have the ability to shut down the thread. We've seen CGC step in many times to shut down a thread and/or suspend a member. I've never seen them shut down a thread because of out of control gremlin posting and I can't imagine they care.


I don't care who owns the thread. Please everyone, keep it friendly and respect the seller's wishes.

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I can point the finger at tons of people that post" too much" but I won't. Simply put, if people don't like my greamlins and or my posts they can put me on ignore. I won't be offended :foryou:


We all have our good days and bad. Sometimes I'm feeling a little happy and I'll post more than normal or perhaps I just feel like acting like a fool which is my choice. If people here have a problem; again ignore me,if the mods had a problem I would have gotten a strike or have been banned by now.


It's all in good fun people. Everyone has a different level of tolerance so I guess the question is how much is ok and how much makes it excessive?



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So I broke down and read everything. Real classy stuff. So it goes from a discussion about excessive graemlin use to telling Grinder he is a bum, always looking for handouts, and basically a POS. This just really disgusts me.


If you dont like someone ignore them. If you dont like what someone is doing in YOUR thread PM them. If the guy who started the thread said nothing, dont assume position of the police and start a fight.


Seriously. You dont like the graemlins, dont use them. But 90% of the time it makes as much sense as posting some random words of BS.


How about we just allow posting of :takeit: and PM sent from now on. Why bother speaking in the threads. Have a question PM them. Not buying anything? Move along.


WTF! You guys have crossed some lines here.


Look at it this way. You own a brick and mortar store. You have people in your store who are browsing and buying. In comes a guy who asks you a question about having item X. You say no. He frowns and (maybe he has bought in the past) walks around the store interrupting your customers by yelling out doh! at the top of his lungs every 5 minutes. The every 2 hours yells out again you are having a sale. Maybe he waits in line with nothing to buy just to say high ocassionally. The first time it's amusing, after the 5th or 35th time it gets annoying


your over exaggerating in this case....check the time stamps on my posts before you guys started bad mouthing me. I replied to a couple of posts and made obvious friendly bumps when his thread hit the bottom of the page. BIG DEAL!


If you dont like me ignore me, if you want to bad mouth me thats fine to, but get your facts straight .

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So I broke down and read everything. Real classy stuff. So it goes from a discussion about excessive graemlin use to telling Grinder he is a bum, always looking for handouts, and basically a POS. This just really disgusts me.


If you dont like someone ignore them. If you dont like what someone is doing in YOUR thread PM them. If the guy who started the thread said nothing, dont assume position of the police and start a fight.


Seriously. You dont like the graemlins, dont use them. But 90% of the time it makes as much sense as posting some random words of BS.


How about we just allow posting of :takeit: and PM sent from now on. Why bother speaking in the threads. Have a question PM them. Not buying anything? Move along.


WTF! You guys have crossed some lines here.


Look at it this way. You own a brick and mortar store. You have people in your store who are browsing and buying. In comes a guy who asks you a question about having item X. You say no. He frowns and (maybe he has bought in the past) walks around the store interrupting your customers by yelling out doh! at the top of his lungs every 5 minutes. The every 2 hours yells out again you are having a sale. Maybe he waits in line with nothing to buy just to say high ocassionally. The first time it's amusing, after the 5th or 35th time it gets annoying



I am going to respond to this and try to remain even on it. IF you owned a brick and mortar store, you would likely ask this person to leave. I stated in my initial post that if the SELLER does not like this activity in his thread HE should PM the offending party, and have it resolved. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that the ComicGrinder would stop if asked nicely. Now with that being said we will move into a whole new discussion.


The forum sales are a good place for the members here to buy and sell books. I think it is great that a number of members do this. What I dont like is the LEACHING. Too many find this as a great flipping grounds and the equal of setting up an Ebay store. If you honestly believe this to be a way to bring in income, then I do not approve. You have opted for fish in a barrel..


While it is as I stated a gret place for collectors. The people who realistically only post here to sell books are just taking advantage. To come in here with every new tack of submissions, and quote GPA is really not cool IMO. IF you wanted to offer forum members a decent deal, or unload some extras thats one thing. But too many treat this place like their own personal site. This is a generally light-hearted site, and people are very friendly IF you want to be strictly business by all means take your books to Ebay and post in the other forum offering a link. But to come here and demand that people treat this forum like your own personal store is more BS that many of us just deal with. Do you honestly think people havent caught on to this stuff?? You basically equate to the childhood term of USER by this action. And I think that many who have taken this stance have seen the drop in activity in their threads.


This is and will hopefully remain a fun place. So stop the bytching and moaning like a bunch of brats and deal with it. I deal with people who just come here to make money, you guys can learn to deal with us poking fun at you and having some laughs.


This whole conversation should never have taken place. But people who abuse the selling forum IMO by just coming here to post books, and have no ACTUAL input in the other forums are just not my kind of folks. You guys wanna Krap where you eat, thats fine. Just realise people will start to understand your whole motivation to be here.


This post is not directed towards anyone in particular as I consider both Grinder and Arex to be good people.

Edited by The Resurrection
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Rez, now you're starting to tell me people what they can and cannot sell (and who can and cannot sell) and this is a non issue. There are very few restrictions on who should sell and what they should sell.


Try not to go off on a tangent.


Too much talking...bad.

Too many comics to choose from...not bad.

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So I broke down and read everything. Real classy stuff. So it goes from a discussion about excessive graemlin use to telling Grinder he is a bum, always looking for handouts, and basically a POS. This just really disgusts me.


If you dont like someone ignore them. If you dont like what someone is doing in YOUR thread PM them. If the guy who started the thread said nothing, dont assume position of the police and start a fight.


Seriously. You dont like the graemlins, dont use them. But 90% of the time it makes as much sense as posting some random words of BS.


How about we just allow posting of :takeit: and PM sent from now on. Why bother speaking in the threads. Have a question PM them. Not buying anything? Move along.


WTF! You guys have crossed some lines here.


Look at it this way. You own a brick and mortar store. You have people in your store who are browsing and buying. In comes a guy who asks you a question about having item X. You say no. He frowns and (maybe he has bought in the past) walks around the store interrupting your customers by yelling out doh! at the top of his lungs every 5 minutes. The every 2 hours yells out again you are having a sale. Maybe he waits in line with nothing to buy just to say high ocassionally. The first time it's amusing, after the 5th or 35th time it gets annoying


your over exaggerating in this case....check the time stamps on my posts before you guys started bad mouthing me. I replied to a couple of posts and made obvious friendly bumps when his thread hit the bottom of the page. BIG DEAL!


If you dont like me ignore me, if you want to bad mouth me thats fine to, but get your facts straight .


Now picture this with every store on the block.

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people who abuse the selling forum IMO by just coming here to post books, and have no ACTUAL input in the other forums are just not my kind of folks. You guys wanna Krap where you eat, thats fine. Just realise people will start to understand your whole motivation to be here.


I agree with this but remember that some of these people that no longer post in any other forums used to a lot at one time...


I do disagree with people JUST using these forums for revenue and not offering anything else substantial.





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