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Marvel 2nd Qtr Numbers Down...

14 posts in this topic

Wait until the 3rd Quarter numbers come in... ouch.


or better yet...wait until the 4th Quarter numbers after DC's 52* kicks in. 52* will likely be the equivalent of 4 top-selling books a month to draw more $$ away from Marvel. It's "All Out War" on the comic front. Oops that's not politically correct....It's "take no prisoners"...still not politically correct...oh the heck with it, people are too sensitive....DC's kicking butt and that's coming from a Marvel junkie.

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I'm not surprised at all ... smirk.gif I see alot of people look down on the early 90's...but look at them today nothing has changed. Personally I liked those early 90's books much better.I'm not sure this decades books are on par with the 80's..then again maybe I should'nt go that far. 27_laughing.gif

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I think the quality of writing has gone way, way up at DC since the early nineties. IMO, it's the writing that has really propelled them to where they're at now (i.e. kicking Marvel's in the monthlies department). Splashy artists are fine and good, but without a good story all you've got is one of those "gallery" books that aren't terribly exciting.

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While I agree that DC has strong writers, I generally feel that DC has had strong writers for the majority of the last 15 years. Gaiman, Ennis, Ellis, Delano, Morrison, Waid, Rucka, Robinson, Azzarello, Simone, Grayson, Brubaker, Johns, Loeb, Miller, Cooke... I'm sure I'm forgetting someone....


What I think that DC has over "new new" Marvel is that their writers actually care about the DC characters and want to do something both fresh and iconic while honouring the characters and the creators.


Marvel's chief doesn't have any great affection for the characters he publishes, so why should his creators? Millar for instance, has said that he never really cared for the Marvel super-heroes (except for maybe Spidey), that DC's characters were the ones he had affection for. They don't care whether or not a character lives or dies, they just want to do things for the sake of doing them... while the boss only cares if he can milk a few variant covers out of the deal, or maybe a new #1.

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I totally agree with that idea Kev, that Quesada has no love for the characters... he may roll out the "I love the characters" blah, blah, blah, but they are commodities to him, and I really don't think Joey Q. really knows what exciting is anymore since everything is hyped that way these days. Unlike Johns who knows, understands and incorporates the history, Bendis, who represents the Marvel mentality, does not know or understand the history nearly as well. Which hurts in the sense that the characters simply do not ring true in the comics, and there is no connection to them.

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Take for instance the last pages of say House of M #3 and Wonder Woman #219.


House of M #3 - hyped as "breaking the internet in half" features the return of a dead character (less than a year after his "death") in an altered reality where other previously dead characters are apparantly alive. If Marvel understood their readers they might have had an appreciation for why that character's death was inappropriate and mishandled, and how this is really the shallowest way to return the character. It's like admitting they made a mistake without saying so. But even if he is back for good, so what? There's been little development, he's essentially the same guy as he was before. It's like watching an episode of Star Trek where you do what you want within the parameters of the episode, but when that hour is up everyone has to be exactly as they were when the episode started.


Wonder Woman #219 - not only do we see Superman being manipulated as a weapon, but we see probably the most vicious fight imaginable by two of DC's icons, while the third lies recovering... and then Wonder Woman is forced to make a decision that, while she will not regret it, will have deep implications for DC's heroes - especially when it gives life to a deeply disturbed AI with a grudge against costumed characters. Getting WW to the point where she did what she did has been the work of many talented writers over the last few years, slowly altering her perspective from dove to hawk. A seed that was planted by Waid and Ross almost 10 years ago in Kingdom Come, where a future WW was shown to be a manipulative and machiavellian warrior princess.

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Quesada would kill Spider-Man if he thought it would boost the bottom line...


Personally, I think the next corporate income wave in comics will be product placement. Peter eating at Taco Bell. MJ using a Nokia cellphone. The Batmobile a souped up Cadillac Escalade pimped out by West Coast Customs... foreheadslap.gif


The comics readership has aged to the point of becoming the key demographic for advertisers... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif



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Joe Q is a joke and Bendis is fast becoming an overrated bum in the writing department. Their plots are desparate, drawn out and lack any real innovation on the character development side of things. I'm sick of hearing Bendis claims that "the world will be turned upside down" every second month. sleeping.gif

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Quesada would kill Spider-Man if he thought it would boost the bottom line...


Personally, I think the next corporate income wave in comics will be product placement. Peter eating at Taco Bell. MJ using a Nokia cellphone. The Batmobile a souped up Cadillac Escalade pimped out by West Coast Customs... foreheadslap.gif


The comics readership has aged to the point of becoming the key demographic for advertisers... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif




your mouth to gods ear. But while the readership has aged, there are just too few of us to show up on the radar... Think of the tiniest most inbred cable channel programming as a comparison... we dont see advertisers competing to get their spots on those channels... just infomercial and such

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