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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)

224 posts in this topic

I saw this yesterday morning. I’m a casual Star Wars fan who grew up occasionally watching the original trilogy on cable. I saw The Phantom Menace and Revenge Of The Sith in theaters (and Attack Of the Clones on DVD in between) but didn’t particularly enjoy them. I’ve read maybe two Star Wars novels and played one PC game, but that’s it.

I was excited when The Force Awakens came out and saw it twice in theaters. I really liked it even though it felt like a retread of A New Hope. But The Last Jedi was a huge mess and a big disappointment, so I didn’t have high hopes for The Rise of Skywalker. I was pleasantly surprised and liked it much more than I expected.

Is it a great movie? No. It isn’t even a good movie. The story is confusing, the plot predictable, and the ending anticlimactic. Yet somehow it all worked, at least well enough to satisfy me. I won’t be seeing it again in theaters but maybe I’ll watch it some day if I ever subscribe to Disney+.

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I went into the movie with an open mind

Sat in my violent Dbox seat that made me think I was going to be thrust into a galaxy far far away, and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Despite the spoilers being bang on before its release, I think they did a epic job reintroducing Palpatine.

I mean we all new she wasn't going to join the dark side of the force, but Rey was awesome.

Ben's redemption was well done.

The Sith homeworld was dark and mysterious, kind've like Hell I guess

And the whole Game of Thrones thing was cool too.

The only sad thing was, after running an 8 episode marathon leaving the movie theater my GF turns to me and says

"Who is Luke Skywalker again?"


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On 12/27/2019 at 10:34 PM, Xenosmilus said:

The editing was horrible. At first I did find it interesting that Rey was Palpatine's grand daughter twist but after some thought I realized it was just a re-hash of...


The Last act was ROTJ.  Even when we had to stretch to get there.

- three way space battle horses = primitive on Endor, space battle, and force fight

- kill me and take my place. Subbing Emperor for Vader

- Heroic sacrifice Vader  v Kylo

- Throne room

- destroy the thing so we can destroy the other things (big radar v. big antenna)

- Lando flying Falcon

- OK i am you grandfather v I am your father is Empire

- The force battle v your dark self is also Empire

- I lost track of how much dialog was either directly lifted or paraphrased 

- Emperor getting killed

- Yet more planet killing weapons 


I am getting tired sure I could go on.  There is paying tribute and then their is remaking large portions of a film.

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I had the "pleasure" of taking in two travesties tonight -- the 7 PM showing of TRS at the local cinema, and the Fedor Emelianenko/Rampage Jackson fight later on in the night.

Fedor/Rampage was comically bad.  While Fedor may be a 43 year old keeping his skills somewhat sharp but mostly trading off his name, Rampage was at least 75 pounds overweight and got worked without even landing a punch for the few minutes that he survived before getting KO'd.  But -- Free TV, Bellator cash grab a success.

Now, The Rise of Skywalker...

Let me first apologize in advance for what is likely to be a number of auto-edits because this will mostly be stream of conscious and expletive filled...

This was the absolute worst move of the nine.  Bar none.  I went in with low expectations, but at least a number of people were saying it was popcorn flick entertaining.  So maybe if I turn off the gray matter it will be a bit of fun.  No.  Wrong.  100% wrong.  1000% wrong.

Roll story.  Oh great, we're 4 seconds in and this is already a fanboy circle jerk.  Palpatine couldn't even make a grand "unexpected" entrance, his withered old self is just gonna get on the CB and tell the galaxy he's coming for their collective :censored:.  OK, forget the text maybe they'll build to it in live action...well, Kylo Ren already found him after about 192 seconds. 0 for 2.  Hey, 5 minutes in, let's haul out this gigantic fleet I've been building where no one would notice.  Now Kylo, here's our plan.  We've got 125 more minutes to fill, but no suspense there. 0 for 3.  This is going :censored: awesome...

Some stuff gets blowed up.  Hooray.  The dialogue is hackneyed and forced.  Hooray.  Why is Leia leading Jedi training?  Oh right, that still doesn't make any sense.  Don't worry we'll CGI that mess later.  

Hey look, Lando!  Wait, you stayed on this planet for all these years in a rolling tread why?  Let's just skip over that and go to...Rey's lightning hands!! Ta Da!

:censored: it, you get the point.

I previously said this could be like AC/DC's "Iron Man 2" album - a mash up of past hits that play off a recognizable name in the hope that it will fool a few rubes into thinking its great but is mostly just a cash grab.  Well, The Rise of Skywalker was that, and so much less.  The Last Jedi, Attack of the Sith, Revenge of the Clones, The Phantom of Mortem Tales (gold star if you get that reference) are all terrible in their own ways.  BUT, the major difference - THEY TRIED.  

The Rise of Skywalker is lazy, nth degree tripe.  This was the Star Wars version of "hey dinner is at 6, drum up a bunch of mess we can use before the Uber gets here.  Wait, this is what you've got, hasn't all this happened before?  Ah :censored: it, our ride will be here in 5 minutes, and I wanna get there before they run out of medium rare cuts of prime rib, make her a Palpatine then.  What do you mean how does the Emperor come back?  He fell down a what in VI?  Who cares, put some IVs in him, and toss on some cataracts so he looks injured.  They gave Darth Maul roboty legs with a moronic backstory, no one will notice.  More planet blower uppers?  Mmmm...wait, what the hell did you say? They'll blow up a planet called Kijiji?  No, Kickstarter?  Ki...whatever, just use it.  You what?  Well, what did they do in VI?  Yeah do that.  Hey, he's here, let's get a move on!  No, the --script is done!  I said no, and if they're out of medium rare its your :censored:!"  

People actually cried during this crock of mess?  I mean, out of emotion, not that they paid to see the movie?  Wow.  

The Rise of Skywalker wasn't the end of a saga.  it was the felonious arson of a saga.  With Abrams :censored: on the ashes for good measure.  

Edited by mattn792
Had to censor myself
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Just had a thought about how ROS ends as opposed to ROJT.  The ending of ROTJ is ends with Luke moving on and celebrating with his friends.  He burns the body of his father signifying the end of a bad chapter in his family history and then joins the celebration with is new family and friends.  He is moving forward in a new a better universe he is ready to embrace.  The ending celebrates all the characters contributions.  They are all present, happy, and joyous. 


The ROS ends with Rey exactly where she started. She has no friends. She is assuming a new persona. She is retreating from the universe. She is  ALONE. None of the other new characters are present, they are symbolically not important enough to the story.  Despite victory, the ending is somber,  nobody is celebrating, and the Suns are symbiotically setting.  This is clearly an end (ROTJ was also an end), but not a happy one.

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Couldn't they have come up with a better title than Rise of Skywalker? This movie trashes and destroys the Skywalker family. And now what? Is Rey Palpatine going to start a new Jedi Order? Is she going to brood on Tatooine and never pass on the legacy of the Jedi and the Force? And, in killing Sidious, do all of the Sith now live in her,  as he said they would if she killed him? So much of this movie makes very.little sense under scrutiny.

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4 hours ago, mattn792 said:


I had the "pleasure" of taking in two travesties tonight -- the 7 PM showing of TRS at the local cinema, and the Fedor Emelianenko/Rampage Jackson fight later on in the night.

Fedor/Rampage was comically bad.  While Fedor may be a 43 year old keeping his skills somewhat sharp but mostly trading off his name, Rampage was at least 75 pounds overweight and got worked without even landing a punch for the few minutes that he survived before getting KO'd.  But -- Free TV, Bellator cash grab a success.

Now, The Rise of Skywalker...

Let me first apologize in advance for what is likely to be a number of auto-edits because this will mostly be stream of conscious and expletive filled...

This was the absolute worst move of the nine.  Bar none.  I went in with low expectations, but at least a number of people were saying it was popcorn flick entertaining.  So maybe if I turn off the gray matter it will be a bit of fun.  No.  Wrong.  100% wrong.  1000% wrong.

Roll story.  Oh great, we're 4 seconds in and this is already a fanboy circle jerk.  Palpatine couldn't even make a grand "unexpected" entrance, his withered old self is just gonna get on the CB and tell the galaxy he's coming for their collective :censored:.  OK, forget the text maybe they'll build to it in live action...well, Kylo Ren already found him after about 192 seconds. 0 for 2.  Hey, 5 minutes in, let's haul out this gigantic fleet I've been building where no one would notice.  Now Kylo, here's our plan.  We've got 125 more minutes to fill, but no suspense there. 0 for 3.  This is going :censored: awesome...

Some stuff gets blowed up.  Hooray.  The dialogue is hackneyed and forced.  Hooray.  Why is Leia leading Jedi training?  Oh right, that still doesn't make any sense.  Don't worry we'll CGI that mess later.  

Hey look, Lando!  Wait, you stayed on this planet for all these years in a rolling tread why?  Let's just skip over that and go to...Rey's lightning hands!! Ta Da!

:censored: it, you get the point.

I previously said this could be like AC/DC's "Iron Man 2" album - a mash up of past hits that play off a recognizable name in the hope that it will fool a few rubes into thinking its great but is mostly just a cash grab.  Well, The Rise of Skywalker was that, and so much less.  The Last Jedi, Attack of the Sith, Revenge of the Clones, The Phantom of Mortem Tales (gold star if you get that reference) are all terrible in their own ways.  BUT, the major difference - THEY TRIED.  

The Rise of Skywalker is lazy, nth degree tripe.  This was the Star Wars version of "hey dinner is at 6, drum up a bunch of mess we can use before the Uber gets here.  Wait, this is what you've got, hasn't all this happened before?  Ah :censored: it, our ride will be here in 5 minutes, and I wanna get there before they run out of medium rare cuts of prime rib, make her a Palpatine then.  What do you mean how does the Emperor come back?  He fell down a what in VI?  Who cares, put some IVs in him, and toss on some cataracts so he looks injured.  They gave Darth Maul roboty legs with a moronic backstory, no one will notice.  More planet blower uppers?  Mmmm...wait, what the hell did you say? They'll blow up a planet called Kijiji?  No, Kickstarter?  Ki...whatever, just use it.  You what?  Well, what did they do in VI?  Yeah do that.  Hey, he's here, let's get a move on!  No, the ---script is done!  I said no, and if they're out of medium rare its your :censored:!"  

People actually cried during this crock of mess?  I mean, out of emotion, not that they paid to see the movie?  Wow.  


The Rise of Skywalker wasn't the end of a saga.  it was the felonious arson of a saga.  With Abrams :censored: on the ashes for good measure.  

Wait a minute. Were you the fellow that wrote that 1.0 review on IMDb? hm


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5 hours ago, Bosco685 said:

Wait a minute. Were you the fellow that wrote that 1.0 review on IMDb? hm


Were I an IMDb user, a 1.0 would seem plausible.  Unless they allow 0.0?

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9 hours ago, Larryw7 said:

Couldn't they have come up with a better title than Rise of Skywalker? This movie trashes and destroys the Skywalker family. And now what? Is Rey Palpatine going to start a new Jedi Order? Is she going to brood on Tatooine and never pass on the legacy of the Jedi and the Force? And, in killing Sidious, do all of the Sith now live in her,  as he said they would if she killed him? So much of this movie makes very.little sense under scrutiny.

Its an end without really ending anything. Therefore leaves the door open, I guess. Anyone else notice a lot of movies do this these days, in the hopes of sequels? We live in a era of sequels and remakes.

Anything original has to have so much weight behind it to get done right. Investors are scared of something new, they stick to a formula they know will pull in cash. Bean counters are simply ruining the world. All aspects of business are taking absolutely no risks, and doing everything possible for maximum profit. It's stifling creativity and experimentation.

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I saw ROS of Skywalker last week it was better than I expected but that is not saying much. 

1. My favorite part was just knowing Anakin Skywalker was and still the original chosen one! 

  Hayden Christensen as Anakin says, "Bring balance to the force just as I did."  Was enough to make sure the cannon of Anakin was safe and secure!

2. Visually (which hasn't been a negative of this trilogy) the movie is the probably the best ever!

3. My prediction came true that Rey was Palpatine's granddaughter was correct and IMO the logical choice.  Palpatine took a Skywalker to the darkside so the balance is Rey Palpatine goes to the lightside with Skywalker help makes sense to me.  However for me she is not a skywalker.  Their lineage is now over as of current events that have transpired.  

4. Not sure why people are upset that Palpatine has a kid/family.  The dude ruled the galaxy he prob had many women when ever he wanted.  Absolute power comes with as many mates as you want usually.  He might has had more but she was the only one that was the most powerful.  For all we know he killed more family then what was shown in the move like GoT style.

5. What I didn't like was no force ghosts from Vader or Ben.  I think they missed a real opportunity there in a movie filled with massive fan service.

6. I feel the Emperor Palpatine really did die at the end of ROTJ and Anakin Skywalker has and always will be the true balancer of the force with the help from Luke who is the greatest Hero of the SW saga.  Him coming back was nothing more than life support story arc like Voldy from Harry Potter.  His loyal Sith followers trying to resurrect him with magic.  You can tell he is more like a zombie than a real person in this movie. 

7. Site confirmed by Star Wars writers at Disney that Anakin Skywalker was not created by the Emperor. 


8. Now some questions I have are:

    A.  Was Snoke just one of many clones that the Emperor used as a way to shield his being some what still around from being noticed around the First  Order (which he obviously created as well) and or the rest of the galaxy?   Was Snoke a Sith?

   B.  Where all those Sith followers in the Sith Temple alive or ghosts?

   C. Why was Kathleen Kennedy not fired already?

   D. Lastly when will that hack Jar Jar Abrams admit he cant write good stories that are original?


9.  I give this movie a 6 out of 10 with some feel good moments but many crammed plot lines that I guess ended this new trilogy in a good way but no way ended the whole SW saga correctly.  

Edited by NewWorldOrder
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Solid 4/5. It simply feels and sounds like a Star Wars movie. A fun film experience.

Where it excels: Tingly feeling in my pants every time they flip off TLJ.

Unfiltered stupidity: Sith dagger. There is no excuse for this.

Sith Wayfinder? Not a fan, but I don't hate it.

While the editing may seem 'sloppy', on my 2nd viewing it seemed perfect. Very fast-paced but the scene-to-scene threads all made sense.

My faith in Star Wars has been renewed. I will now watch The Amanda Lori And Who? and also continue playing Jedi: Fallen Order.

I'm not a big fan of the fighting thru the Force kinda thing, or the teleportation of the lightsaber, but (again) I don't really hate it.

I basically deducted 0.5 for the Sith Dagger and another 0.5 for every ship of the Imperial Fleet having a planet-killer cannon.

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On 12/20/2019 at 1:48 AM, Rip said:

Yes and C3PO shines in this. 

JJ had a very tough job. A messy movie that will sour a lot.

Least favorite part: Killing Ben was kind of stupid. Also below average editing and writing confidence.

Favorite part: Maybe seeing Lando. Billy Dee did a great job. Also seeing Luke train with Leia.

Doesn't feel quite like Star Wars unlike The Mandalorian which does.

Clearly they (Meaning some higher ups) should have had a plan 

The more Im thinking about this the more I feel like this movie is trying hard to fix things. Succeeds in some ways and fails in others,

100% disagree with this.

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