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Promoters - do the right thing ... cancel the con!
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178 posts in this topic

Rant light go!

Robotman and others you are not being deprived of your rights, your doing the right thing. Your not being vain, egotistical or selfish. 

If isolating can save thousands, tens of thousands and potentially hundreds of thousands of lives then it is such a small price to pay until something positive has happened.

Yes lots of people die from lots of things all of the time. Why add another column about things to die from if we can avoid it? We weren't keeping daily Corona score six months ago so it really sucks that we are now. Each day they talk about the flattening of the curve when they have no idea honestly what they are talking about, since the numbers are so screwed and inaccurate to begin with. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, auto mobile accidents, gun violence all have become the norm, and estimates over the course of decades of statistics have led us to know how we educate and attempt to eradicate and lower them. 

They have tested between 1-4 percent of the population and from one minute to the next those numbers become pretty much null since this disease is so highly infectious and lacking in obvious symptoms from one moment to the next.

I know (knew) three people who have died directly or collateraly from this. The collateral was a friends elderly father who was on oxygen in a elderly care facility. Sometime during the course of the evening his oxygen mask came off and even though there was an alarm beeping, no one responded because the staff was overwhelmed with dealing with more critically ill individuals. Triage?

I would love nothing more than to sit around at a pub or steakhouse with a group of family and friends. I would like to stand around in a bakery or such being indecisive about what I want to order and be able to tell the people next to me to go ahead since I can't make up my mind.

As it is I can't. These days it's kind of like the scene in Seinfeld with the Soup Nazi when I'm out running errands or shopping for necessities.

 Brief, concise and to the point. There's the customary social exchanges of " hello, how are you something, something thank you have a nice day."

It's how I was brought up. Acknowledging other people's presence and continue on. 

Speaking of being brought up, could you imagine if most of our grandparents and or parents acted the way that the people protesting about being oppressed and somehow victims of tyranny.

Fortunately I'm old (63) enough to have had and still have a few relatives that were either involved in WW2 directly by being on or near the battlefields. be they land, sea or air. And back home here in the states during the time, others were involved in the war effort by working at a factory of sorts, or something as basic as working a basic job and existing on the rations of food, gas other restrictions allowed by law at the time.

My gosh today people are freaking out because they can't wipe their enough or have  hair or nails done and run around at the malls to show off their new tattoo before going to the gym. Are some of the restrictions kind of overdoing it in some instances? YES. It's a work in progress and regress. 

Ask South Dakota how being dismissive worked out at that meat plant initially when they only had one confirmed positive and then a couple of days later hundreds and now thousands.

 Please think of the  overwhelmed Dr's, nurses police EM's, fire, postal, supermarket truck delivery etc that are putting their lives and potentially those their children and other family members at risk every hour of the day trying to attempt the slowing and eradication of this pandemic. Especially if your griping because of vanity and ego. 

I'm peace out 

on a lighter note..... the two individuals in the pics below are having no problems social distancing 🙈



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On 4/29/2020 at 10:09 PM, SSkufan said:

As a vendor who does mostly shows in the KS, MO, OK area I am lucky in that the money I generate comics is just extra discretionary income.  But, for a lot of these folks this is how they pay their mortgage or  need these funds to pay for the event.  I have a feeling that some people are going to take a pretty big hit on this and that some of these shows in June - September are not going to be well attended.







I would hope these shows aren't well attended. We are in the middle of a pandemic.

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On 5/1/2020 at 3:35 PM, CCComics said:

Nearly 1.25 million people are killed in car accidents each year. That means, on average, auto accidents cause 3,287 deaths per day. An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled.


Where the outrage in this? Why in heavens name are we even able to drive these death traps? I feel government should shut down all roads until we get a handle on this. The automobile industry should be held account for not acting on this fast enough.

Would you feel any better if they were pushed out of windows?

Yes, I can do convoluted logic too.

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On 5/1/2020 at 7:57 PM, Robot Man said:

I hear demonstrators saying they don’t know anyone who has it. They just want their “freedom” back. 

I had a good friend die of it a couple weeks ago. He was a big, barrel laugh biker. He went from no symptoms to dead in two weeks with no underlying conditions. He died alone in a room filled with coughing and moaning patients. He was 44. We don’t even know when is funeral will be.  I really miss him.

My sister in law is an RN in a covic ward. She equates it to a full on war for 12 hours a day. She hasn’t seen her kids or family in 6 weeks. She is just about broken but is carrying on. 

“Rights”?  “Comic books”?  I am more than happy to give up my “rights” and stay home in my safe house until this is over. Anybody with a heart, soul or brain will be changed by this forever. 

That's your right to stay at home. No one is saying you have to go anywhere. Stay home in your bubble. Stop thinking about just yourself . If you want the government to think for you, thats fine. Heck ,we all take a risk as soon as our feet hit the floor. 

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3 hours ago, Logan510 said:

Would you feel any better if they were pushed out of windows?

Yes, I can do convoluted logic too.

Why would I feel better about anyone being pushed out a window? Being pushed out a window, you really don't have a choice. I chose to get in my car so I have the freedom to drive to a place of my choice. I know the risks of driving. I know someone that's drunk ,on drugs or with not much sense to be driving (kinda like you ) might hit me head on. It's called freedom. You guys should just stay home, be safe because there's more things out there alot more dangerous than COVID. I'm going to the beach here, in Florida. You guys stay in, don't let any sun get to you, it may cause skin cancer. I will take the chance and live a little. You guys want pics of what it looks like outside?

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11 hours ago, Keys_Collector said:

Anyone else get that "May the 4th Be With You" email from NYCC last Thursday?  I find it strange that they still have the banner up top stating Oct 8-11 2020 and the website still has the dates up also. 


Meanwhile it's a make shift field hospital.




Behind in your news my friend,  the hospital closed last Friday.

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On 5/4/2020 at 8:01 AM, Keys_Collector said:

Anyone else get that "May the 4th Be With You" email from NYCC last Thursday?  I find it strange that they still have the banner up top stating Oct 8-11 2020 and the website still has the dates up also. 


Meanwhile it's a make shift field hospital.




Looks like it is already set up for a con. Just roll out the beds and roll in the long boxes. The “dealers” in the second picture are all wearing the latest in con fashion. Pretty good look at how the rows will be looking for a while. Sure looks fun...

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4 hours ago, Golden Memories said:

I Live in Suffolk County Ny, and my Wife is a Nurse in Nassau County NY.

I moved out of Suffolk County this past December but stopped going to NYCC anyway a few years back when it just exploded with people and had more to do with pop culture then actual comics.

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On 5/1/2020 at 1:35 PM, CCComics said:

Nearly 1.25 million people are killed in car accidents each year. That means, on average, auto accidents cause 3,287 deaths per day. An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled.


Where the outrage in this? Why in heavens name are we even able to drive these death traps? I feel government should shut down all roads until we get a handle on this. The automobile industry should be held account for not acting on this fast enough.

The Vietnam war killed 58,000 in 4 + years. 

COVID-19 passed that number in less than 3 months.

There's your outrage.

Try thinking beyond the numbers and remember these are PEOPLE. They had familees and loved ones.

There is pain and misery far beyond any number you may want to put on it.

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HI all, just browsing this thread...

Curious how your local comics shops are behaving (for lack of a better term).

I know 2 by me that are just closed, period.

A third has the door locked and they are "closed" - but he will let you know when he is there, and will bring out any merchandise you want (like curbside pickup at a restaurant).

A 4th LCS is also "closed" but the door isnt locked. Not quite business as usual, but you have access if you want. They have also been making a bunch of masks for people that seem to sell as fast as she can make them. (Bought a Marvel one, myself).

Anyway,  just curious what it was like in other areas... 

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On 5/1/2020 at 3:35 PM, CCComics said:

Nearly 1.25 million people are killed in car accidents each year. That means, on average, auto accidents cause 3,287 deaths per day. An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled.


Where the outrage in this? Why in heavens name are we even able to drive these death traps? I feel government should shut down all roads until we get a handle on this. The automobile industry should be held account for not acting on this fast enough.

Those numbers seem high, so I'm guessing those are worldwide numbers.

In 2018, according the NHTSA, the number of US auto fatalities was just over 36K (over 12 months - averaging around 98/day).

As of today, the number of COVID19 fatalies in the US was 72K (over 2-3 months - with 877+ today).

The "Fatalities per 100M miles traveled" has gone down significantly over the past several decades, possibly due to the numerous safety measures being enacted.



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On 5/1/2020 at 4:35 PM, CCComics said:

Nearly 1.25 million people are killed in car accidents each year. That means, on average, auto accidents cause 3,287 deaths per day. An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled.


Where the outrage in this? Why in heavens name are we even able to drive these death traps? I feel government should shut down all roads until we get a handle on this. The automobile industry should be held account for not acting on this fast enough.

You are an insufficiently_thoughtful_person!

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The way things are, up to date ... all major comic cons are gone up to July since. There are still ones for August to October standing alive with dates. But who knows how long it will last with the current situation? That will go gone if happens. 

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On 5/5/2020 at 3:47 PM, JoshuaM said:

HI all, just browsing this thread...

Curious how your local comics shops are behaving (for lack of a better term).

I know 2 by me that are just closed, period.

A third has the door locked and they are "closed" - but he will let you know when he is there, and will bring out any merchandise you want (like curbside pickup at a restaurant).

A 4th LCS is also "closed" but the door isnt locked. Not quite business as usual, but you have access if you want. They have also been making a bunch of masks for people that seem to sell as fast as she can make them. (Bought a Marvel one, myself).

Anyway,  just curious what it was like in other areas... 

2nd state is now in effect here. Record stores, toy stores, clothing stores and yes book stores will be opening for curbside pickup. This includes comic stores. My local store was already opened that way so no inside store browsing. To soon to tell, but I think most my area stores might survive. 

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