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Exposing FRAUD And DECEPTION - A Must Watch!
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On 9/2/2021 at 6:26 AM, comicwiz said:

Your bias is showing here, but I'll do you a solid and name Davidson Goldin and John Eddy. If their PR firm is worth a salt, they'll pick up this exchange and maybe hire you. They need all the help they can get.

I think there is bias in here, but it isn't coming from me.  

And I don't think the PR firm is going to need my help, since I doubt they'll have too difficult a time.  All they need to do is show the conspiracy manifestos that were linked in this thread to anyone educated and it will be clear that there is something unstable about the author.


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On 9/2/2021 at 7:42 AM, Domo Arigato said:

Oh, I think there is obvious bias showing here, but it isn't coming from me.  

And I don't think the PR firm is going to need my help, since I if they'll have too difficult a time.  All they need to do is show the conspiracy manifestos to anyone educated it will be clear that there is something unstable about the author.


You are spot on with all your points. I am observing the back and forth dialogue here with an "outsiders" perspective, and I don't sense any bias whatsoever coming from you. You are just stating logical facts and some opinions (case preference). I'll never understand why people with a clear illogical bias try to accuse others of the same. They need to take step back, take a breath, and read what they are writing before they hit send. 

For the record, I have never collected video games, but when looking at the whole WATA vs VGA comparison, it really reminds me of the CGC vs CBCS argument. The WATA cases just look nicer (IMHO) and if they sell for more money, you can't blame people for all the crossover submissions. Very similar to why the masses prefer CGC over.....anyone else. It's just simple logic.

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On 9/2/2021 at 6:42 AM, comicwiz said:

Do me a favour, stop pretending like you want to debate with anyone. And sending me PM's about leaving you alone, then coming here, picking out one of my comments out of context, and/or telling people nothing to see here, keeping buying WATA. Then when you manage to get a rise, reading through everything they post and humping the report button when you don't see anything to your liking. It's a control that you're not going to accomplish in a thread where people are going to make up their own minds, without the steering of someone that has a very peculiar and narrow minded bias, worse, that needs to control the direction and flow of information, and when they can't get it, raises a stink. It's childish, and doesn't inspire any motivation for anyone to engage.

Who's pretending?  You don't seem to be able to handle an opposing opinion that deals in facts, which is a bit concerning.  And I never said to leave me alone.  I said that if you kept lying about my posts, we would continue to have issues in the forum.  There is no need to lie in here to bolster ones position.  People should be able to debate without doing that.  And I also never picked any of your comments out of context.  I take them for their exact meaning and then respond to them.  You obviously don't like WATA, and you're entitled to that opinion and are free to voice it.  Just like others are entitled to an opposing opinion and are free to voice it.  It's not your job to silence them. 

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In failing to understand the ticking time bomb nature of the sealed state item being encased, it's either the game of someone unaware or unwilling to accept anything other than confirmation bias.

The likelihood exists for the sealed state game to degrade. Insisting the case is somehow not only better, but an unwillingness to accept the item degrades during transit or ownership is highly peculiar. Especially for someone throwing around the "common knowledge" term around here as much as he has. No case is better than the other in this regard, but to insist WATA's is better...

But even worse is that no one needs this thread to be locked down because of someone's insistence that their opinion be more valid than any other. It's one thing to agree to disagree, but when you have to take your ball home and call the demo team to wreck the entire playground, it's ridiculous and unwelcome.

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On 9/2/2021 at 6:24 AM, THE_BEYONDER said:
On 9/2/2021 at 6:21 AM, Domo Arigato said:

.and built partnerships with other companies to take video game collecting main stream.  It's not rocket science.


I know.  VGA was in the market for 10 years prior and didn't think to pick up the phone, dial an auction house, and say, "Hey, bud.....let's do lunch".

Crazy. :screwy:


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On 9/2/2021 at 6:59 AM, comicwiz said:

In failing to understand the ticking time bomb nature of the sealed state item being encased, it's either the game of someone unaware or unwilling to accept anything other than confirmation bias.

The likelihood exists for the sealed state game to degrade. Insisting the case is somehow not only better, but an unwillingness to accept the item degrades during transit or ownership is highly peculiar. Especially for someone throwing around the "common knowledge" term around here as much as he has. No case is better than the other in this regard, but to insist WATA's is better...

But even worse is that no one needs this thread to be locked down because of someone's insistence that their opinion be more valid than any other. It's one thing to agree to disagree, but when you have to take your ball home and call the demo team to wreck the entire playground, it's ridiculous and unwelcome.

I'm just not sure what the relevant point is that you're trying to make with your "ticking time bomb" and sealed state of the item being encased" comments.  Are you just trying to say that all video game cases are inherently bad?  Because of.....what?  You feel that's the case?  Or do you have a scientific study you can point to?

Regardless, that doesn't preclude one case from being superior to another in differing aspects.  One case can still have better security features.  It can still have included UV protection.  It can still be designed thicker and sturdier to offer better protection from bumps and drops.  Just because every game and every person is going to turn to dust in a thousand years, doesn't mean that one case isn't capable of offering better protection than another in the interim.


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On 9/2/2021 at 8:18 AM, Bronty said:

I can’t help but think some of the people so biased in one direction are unhappy about something in their lives.    It’s easier to believe the collecting markets are all rigged than to believe they can’t afford what they want.    It’s easier to believe there’s a bogeyman than to believe they made mistakes or spent too much energy on something no one else cares about.      It’s easier to believe they’re a victim of life than believing what they got in collecting or in life was fair.      It’s reassuring to think they have no chance at that Action 1 or whatever because it’s all been a con this whole time!  


This is the weirdest angle of them all to attack Jobst and Abramson. If you're implying anyone here that's got a fairly good understanding of how grading works, the perceived vs real conflict of interests in monetizing grading, and/or anyone that knows the history of the people involved with WATA, then I don't know what reasoning you would have to actually believe what you're writing. For some of us, it's about stamping out fraud and manipulation, particularly when the players have touched other hobbies. I can't speak for everyone, but the fact someone with a law degree is willing to expose what is happening (and lets face it, the harassing nature of people with peculiar conspiracy theories, angered operators involved, and/or people invested in it, makes it less likely for anyone else to stick their neck out this way) is something some of us may have wanted to happen before in other hobbies we are involved with.

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On 9/2/2021 at 8:24 AM, Bronty said:

Thanks for the emoji Joe!  I had the same reaction when you told me you actually force your kids to read comics.   Making it homework with a quota!   What could go wrong with that plan?

I've avoided being a corrupting influence. Whether it be the things I collect, or the sports I grew up playing. It has to be on them. The movies and tv shows have played a bigger part in swaying them than anything I put in front of them. The screens are a big challenge, anything that might entice them to want to go back and read where these characters started is a plus for me if I can get them off the consoles and phones.

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On 9/2/2021 at 8:24 AM, Domo Arigato said:

I'm just not sure what the relevant point is that you're trying to make with your "ticking time bomb" and sealed state of the item being encased" comments.  Are you just trying to say that all video game cases are inherently bad?  Because of.....what?  You feel that's the case?  Or do you have a scientific study you can point to?

Regardless, that doesn't preclude one case from being superior to another in differing aspects.  One case can still have better security features.  It can still have included UV protection.  It can still be designed thicker and sturdier to offer better protection from bumps and drops.  Just because every game and every person is going to turn to dust in a thousand years, doesn't mean that one case isn't capable of offering better protection than another in the interim.


You cherry-picked my point about WATA not doing anything that VGA hadn't already competently providing. I explained my point of view, but you still seem to be ignoring the fundamental points I'm making about what WATA really represents. Maybe Goldin will hire you and you can add some pom-poms to every post you make about WATA to give your statements more effect, but it's not going anywhere with me. My opinion hasn't changed since I explained what I saw them being in 2019, if anything, with this information coming forward, it's cemented my views on strict avoidance.

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On 9/1/2021 at 6:37 PM, Sweet Lou 14 said:

Thanks for this.  Dating myself some more, but I think of Ms. Pac Man as pretty late in the game ... the packaging design I remember most fondly was the original.  Here's an example that's being offered for $28K on eBay:

Image 1 - ADVENTURE  - WATA 8.0  ** Atari 2600  **  NEW / SEALED - ULTRA RARE ORANGE  BOX

Are the Atari boxes with this design more scarce than the silver design that followed?

I'm going purely from childhood memories, but I would think of the original Space Invaders as the "biggest" Atari 2600 game of the era in terms of buzz.  Then I would probably go with a couple of the early Activision games -- I loved those, with Pitfall probably being the one I consider the "best" and most desirable as a collectible.  But of course I don't think for a second that what I like necessarily aligns with the market.  Your point about the supply side is very well taken.

On a side note, this is a great book if you're feeling nostalgic. 


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On 9/2/2021 at 7:34 AM, comicwiz said:

You cherry-picked my point about WATA not doing anything that VGA hadn't already competently providing. I explained my point of view, but you still seem to be ignoring the fundamental points I'm making about what WATA really represents. Maybe Goldin will hire you and you can add some pom-poms to every post you make about WATA to give your statements more effect, but it's not going anywhere with me. My opinion hasn't changed since I explained what I saw them being in 2019, if anything, with this information coming forward, it's cemented my views on strict avoidance.

How did I cherry pick your point?  Your exact quote was, "There is nothing WATA did that VGA hadn't already been doing competently, to justify their meteoric rise, Zip. Zilch. Nada."

I simply demonstrated that that was not the case.  I never expected your opinion to change.  I am simply pointing out incorrect information and backing it up with facts for others to see.  


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On 9/2/2021 at 7:48 AM, comicwiz said:

Those are not facts, those are opinions. And with your apparent bias, they should be seen as such.

Not at all. 

In fact, I pretty much left my opinions out of it and invited everyone to experience the difference for themselves and form their own opinions based on actual hands on experience.  You can't get any more facty than that.

I just want someone to come in here that actually played my game and went through the process of filling out the VGA forms......that way they can let us know how many hours it took them.


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On 9/2/2021 at 8:18 AM, Bronty said:

I can’t help but think some of the people so biased in one direction are unhappy about something in their lives.    It’s easier to believe the collecting markets are all rigged than to believe they can’t afford what they want.    It’s easier to believe there’s a bogeyman than to believe they made mistakes or spent too much energy on something no one else cares about.      It’s easier to believe they’re a victim of life than believing what they got in collecting or in life was fair.      It’s reassuring to think they have no chance at that Action 1 or whatever because it’s all been a con this whole time!  


Well said! Hopefully one day these people can find a way to let joy back into their lives...as opposed to being so miserable. Who cares that you can't afford what you want. Who cares that someone else owns million dollar comics and video games. Love what you have, not what you can't get. And stop blaming everyone else for your "problems". Makes for a much happier life.

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On 9/2/2021 at 8:38 AM, MatterEaterLad said:

On a side note, this is a great book if you're feeling nostalgic. 


Yes it is.   Tim did an awesome job.    Of course, since I’m in the credits, I’m sure wata, Deniz, and Jared Kushner were all pulling the strings on the narrative. 

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On 9/2/2021 at 8:26 AM, comicwiz said:

This is the weirdest angle of them all to attack Jobst and Abramson. If you're implying anyone here that's got a fairly good understanding of how grading works, the perceived vs real conflict of interests in monetizing grading, and/or anyone that knows the history of the people involved with WATA, then I don't know what reasoning you would have to actually believe what you're writing. For some of us, it's about stamping out fraud and manipulation, particularly when the players have touched other hobbies. I can't speak for everyone, but the fact someone with a law degree is willing to expose what is happening (and lets face it, the harassing nature of people with peculiar conspiracy theories, angered operators involved, and/or people invested in it, makes it less likely for anyone else to stick their neck out this way) is something some of us may have wanted to happen before in other hobbies we are involved with.

I was talking about his audience in general and some of the people on this thread in particular. 

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On 9/2/2021 at 8:28 AM, comicwiz said:

I've avoided being a corrupting influence. Whether it be the things I collect, or the sports I grew up playing. It has to be on them. The movies and tv shows have played a bigger part in swaying them than anything I put in front of them. The screens are a big challenge, anything that might entice them to want to go back and read where these characters started is a plus for me if I can get them off the consoles and phones.

Sounds great and like the perfect path to take.     So then I have to ask - if you are trying to avoid influencing them why give them comic reading quotas?     To be clear, I’m not going to tell you how to parent your kids, but your statements contradict each other. 

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