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OT-Very sick cat...what would you guys do?

103 posts in this topic

She's been eating all day now, so hopefully we're out of the woods.


Thanks again, everyone!


About 3 years ago my wife and I were driving home going about 20-25 MPH. Nice and casual like. All of a sudden we both here a 'THUNP'. We didn;t know what it was until I saw a cat in my rearview. I immediatley did a u-turn and went back. The cat was still in the road (didn't move an inch). Luckily the car went over her and I think the thump was her head hitting something under the car. Anyways, we bring this tiny cat home and feed her. She eats and eats and eats and eat. Alot goes in, but nothing comes out. We end up taking her to the vet, and her stomach is messed up from gorging all day. Little $2000 lesson there. If your cat has not eaten for a week, don't let her gorge. To this day we still have that cat and she must be 18 pounds! ! and still eating grin.gif

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This is why I have dogs. Dogs eat anything (well except those little mop-head looking dogs), and are happy to do so. No finicky eaters there. thumbsup2.gif


Agreed. These dogs will eat anything. Anything you leave on the table. kitchen counter, etc.... 27_laughing.gif


As you can see, they stand at or above table level. We've lost countless loaves of bread this way. You'd think we'd remember to put it away. foreheadslap.gif





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Really, really pleased your cat has picked up. smile.gif Logged in this morning just to check!


My 6 year old tom-cat Louie will only eat the most expensive cat food (called "Sheba" - a UK brand?) and only from those little 'pouches' (never canned) - and if it's left out any longer than an hour he'll demand some fresh! But he's worth it.

We bought him from a rescue - it turned out later he was from a feral litter - something we discovered for ourselves after numerous leg and arm biting incidents (vicious) - but he's now pretty much mellowed in his old age...


My childhood cat, Tigger, was put down prematurely due to cancer - something I regret to this day. Equally, my next cat, Jeremy got run down three times and survived but the vet left a tiny piece of metal which aggravated his spine causing him to spasm - my parents put him down when I was away at University - so again, a horrible waste - had I had the resources I have now I would've spent everything I could...

On a brighter note, Jeremy's sister, Jetta is still alive and will be 18 years old soon!

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Why is there no squirrel flavored cat food. Why is there no mice flavored cat food.

Not that manufacturers need to harvest these critters for food but can't they make up some formula that makes the cat think he's getting country mouse?


When a cat brings you a dead mouse, he's offering dinner advice. "please cook this for me?". I guess because marketingwise it doesn't look good on the label.


Someone (I forget which manufacturer) makes rabbits'n'rice... something my elder huntress adored.

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This is why I have dogs. Dogs eat anything (well except those little mop-head looking dogs), and are happy to do so. No finicky eaters there. thumbsup2.gif


well, i love both dogs and cats, but you are SO right when it comes to dogs. i would have to try REAL hard to find something that my chocolate lab wouldn't eat.

he's quite taken with Deer S%$t....................... blush.gif

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my vets told us to never use Nutro Max, that we should buy Nutro Choice instead.


go figure.


and one of my wife's cats lost a ton of weight somewhat rapidly about three years ago. she's doing fine to this day, but it's almost as if her body normalised her weight...she was a bit fat at 13 pounds...


oh, and never ask advice on how much money to spend on your pet. you will get a plethora of people telling you that you're crazy, and a few who can empathise. as someone who spent over fifteen hundred fixing a perforated abdomen on a stray that had adopted us a couple of months earlier, i speak from experience

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You know, for an off-topic thread on a comic book message board, you guys have provided a heck of a lot of good information. I also spoke on the phone with a board member who's a vet, and even received helpful emails from someone banned from the boards.


Nice to hear other people's experiences with their own pets, as well.



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You know, for an off-topic thread on a comic book message board, you guys have provided a heck of a lot of good information. I also spoke on the phone with a board member who's a vet, and even received helpful emails from someone banned from the boards.


Nice to hear other people's experiences with their own pets, as well.




I think it just goes to show you that next to humans the things that most of us love next are our pets. Also that the people on these boards are a great testament to a small community in what was once a very large hobby.

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We lost our pal Willy tonight.

It turned out that she had leukemia and lymphoma, the former probably causing the latter. She was a GREAT kitty who loved to eat, play with string, sleep in the sunshine, steal your seat whenever you got up, jump into empty boxes, cuddle on the couch, burrow under the covers, and stroll out onto the balcony for some fresh air.

We will miss her very much.


P.S. This picture was taken less than two weeks ago...




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I had the same experience with a cat I had for 9 years, died from liver cancer. One of the coolest pets I've ever had. Knew the sound of my car and would run to the door to greet me home from work daily. Stole my chair everytime I got up & made sure I shared it when I was in it. Just a great friend still missed today. sorry.gif


Sorry for your loss, NM. flowerred.gif

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