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Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike news
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On 9/7/2023 at 3:45 PM, Microchip said:

Getty's image library is their IP.

The actors image, voice is their IP.

It's not complicated.

The studio's don't any have rights over any of the actors IP in-perpetuity because they hired an extra to work for a few hours on a particular day long ago.

They're inviting a class action of substantial remedy against them.

The only time where someone's "abilities" have been used in-perpetuity is when people entrain the movements of robots in factories.   The strokes of auto-paint robots are human movements for instance.



I saw one legal point brought up on this already.

So assuming Tom Cruise could get a IP of sorts on his face. Everyone has multiple doppelgängers in the sense there are many people that look very close if not almost twin like in some cases. Tom Cruise can’t own everyone’s face who looks close to him. If Tom Cruise doesn’t want you to use his face why can’t you have someone who looks like him sign away his rights of use instead. Apply the same thought to voices since we’ve had singers who sound like others. There will be a legal work around to owning your likeness that will play out in courts as “virtual” people and singers start replacing us humans.

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On 9/9/2023 at 6:55 AM, N e r V said:

I saw one legal point brought up on this already.

So assuming Tom Cruise could get a IP of sorts on his face. Everyone has multiple doppelgängers in the sense there are many people that look very close if not almost twin like in some cases. Tom Cruise can’t own everyone’s face who looks close to him. If Tom Cruise doesn’t want you to use his face why can’t you have someone who looks like him sign away his rights of use instead. Apply the same thought to voices since we’ve had singers who sound like others. There will be a legal work around to owning your likeness that will play out in courts as “virtual” people and singers start replacing us humans.

Clothing retailers ave been ripping off the big labels for decades.  All they need to do, is change the design slightly and they're good to go.

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On 7/23/2023 at 12:15 PM, Dr. Balls said:

A real d*ck move right here:

Universal Studios decide to trim the trees back to prevent picketers from having any shade while on strike. They, of course, deny it - but the picture pretty much tells the story. No one would ever trim a tree like that for maintenance purposes:


I'm the farthest thing from a hippie there is, but that's just a blatant disregard for nature. I mean, you have to be a cosmic level douchenozzle to do that to trees. I don't know how long stuff takes to grow in California, but in Montana - that's probably 10-15 years worth of growth they destroyed. Not to mention the other things that trees do like provide us with oxygen and improve air quality. I thought Californians were all about this type of stuff. I hope environmentalists crucify these guys over it.

Wait, aren't all those artist West coast types supposed to be all about protecting the environment? Oh wait, this works better for them. 

Nevermind. It's justified because it helps their cause! :D

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On 7/31/2023 at 7:14 AM, theCapraAegagrus said:

Wasn't he a nobody before that movie? Hel, I think I've seen him in 1 movie outside of that franchise.

He's also a real Richard in real life. 

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On 8/2/2023 at 8:31 PM, CAHokie said:

Not only is that wrong but it’s creepy.  

Disney cares about everything and everybody. Trust them. 

And keep giving them your money, Iger REALLY appreciates it. 

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On 9/10/2023 at 1:50 AM, VintageComics said:

Disney cares about everything and everybody. Trust them. 

And keep giving them your money, Iger REALLY appreciates it. 

I cancelled Disney + a month or two ago and it looks like so have a lot of others. They are trying to up their subscriber numbers by offering 3 months at a $1.99 each. 

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On 9/6/2023 at 7:19 PM, CAHokie said:

You…just changed it to now they have a contract to sign instead of just showing up and being told they are being scanned. I think I understand what it’s like for some to debate with Roy now. lol  

Watch your dirty pie hole. 

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On 9/6/2023 at 8:44 PM, Eclipse said:

And this has to end soon, i havent worked since mid June!

I think that many are trying to escape or avoid the reality that the landscape just changed permanently and it's not going back. 

Many people may not go back to work after protesting and striking, so it would probably be a good idea for those people to start looking at other revenue streams. 

That's just the inevitable reality. The cut throat industry is about to get even more cut throat for everyone and there is going to be a lot of blood in the streets.

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On 9/7/2023 at 7:00 PM, CAHokie said:
On 9/7/2023 at 6:54 PM, drotto said:

I think current laws suggest that an individual owns their likeness and voice, so in essence we are all our own personal IP's. As such companies can not use them without permission. As such, the actors union should insure that companies can not sneak any language counter to that in any stock contracts. If anyone elects to sell their personal IP with full knowlwdge, that is one them. 

Yes, on all of the above. Really though, this could open up a new job classification. If you need AI faces you don’t need real actors or those with aspirations. Advertise it and pay normal people that don’t mind selling their likeness. Need a homeless character. Go find one and give them a contract to get scanned. Need a pretty blonde, same thing! 

I don't know if you'll remember this or not, but about 8 or 10 years ago we were discussing student loans and student loan forgiveness in the WC. This was WAAAAAAY before it become a central public talking point. 

I never understood why someone should just "forgive" my loan because I couldn't pay it back. You signed up for it as an grown person, you agreed to take it on, you agreed to pay it back and it was all part of a plan you had in your head...then when you decided your plan didn't work, or you got lazy and didn't feel like doing it anymore, it all of a sudden the loan becomes everyone else's fault and now everyone has to chip in to pay for your lack of ability to make your degree work. :screwy:

Those who argued FOR the forgiveness of student loans argued that the entire culture of student loans was PREDATORY. 

Really? Someone is bending your arm to take on a loan for the next 4, 6, 8 years? They have a gun to your head?

No, you probably watched too many Tik Tok videos your friends made, got all excited and decided to "go for it".

Poor baby. :facepalm:

This sort of broken, immature logic is why the world is in so much trouble. 

You can't bail everyone out of every bad decision THEY make. You can't shield people from simple consequences to decisions they made. It ruins the fabric of society which is founded on accountability. Without accountability you have nothing. You have anarchy and complete chaos. 

The very fabric of our previously functioning society is built on the fact that rights will prevail and wrongs will be punished. 

Why am I ranting about this? Because the parallels are similar. 

Because I DO believe there is some predatory nature IN EVERY INDUSTRY. Big Wigs will look for ways to strip people of their rights to line their own pockets. Movie execs will ABSOLUTELY try to get away with EVERYTHING THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH TO LINE THEIR POCKETS.  

But it's YOUR job to know what you should and shouldn't do, not anyone else's. :whistle:

If someone is selling a raw book as a 9.6 and you think it's only a 9.4 but you buy that book simply because you hope they're right and it gets a 9.6, then THAT IS ON YOU. You went against your own beliefs for the sake of greed. 

In much the same way, it is ON YOU to know what you're getting into, what you're signing, what you're giving away. If your greed and hope of being a star over rides your logic, that's ON YOU. 


I absolutely believe big money in EVERY industry is predatory. 

I also absolutely believe you should take your consequences like a grown up, even if it hurts you. Consequences are the most valuable teacher you will every have. My greatest lessons, the ones that will NEVER leave and always  be a teacher to me came from the worst consequences I've experienced. Had I avoided the consequences I'd never have learned those lessons and never have matured.

You remove that accountability to yourself and you remove the very glue that has held Western civilization together for the last 100s of years. 


I absolutely believe that if someone uses your likeness WITHOUT your consent as the studios have done that they should be punished with great consequences as well, because that's the ONLY way that corrupt, big money will back down. All they care about is protecting the money, so make it hurt where it hurts them most when they do wrong.

But to tie this all together, I believe that we live in a society of people who can't take consequences for their actions and the fallout is that you have an emotional mess to deal with between corrupt actions by the big studios and corrupt logic by the employees. This is an impossible mess to navigate. 


Most of the general public lives in denial and sticking your head in the sand is only going to make sure your butt gets sun-burned. 

Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's not meant to. I genuinely sympathize with starving artists as I know 100s of them. Some are my close and personal friends, but the reality is harsh if you try to go against it and it doesn't bend. 

You can't change reality around you but you CAN change how you interact with it and your decisions that you CAN control are your way out of whatever situation you're in.


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On 9/8/2023 at 4:55 PM, N e r V said:

I saw one legal point brought up on this already.

So assuming Tom Cruise could get a IP of sorts on his face. Everyone has multiple doppelgängers in the sense there are many people that look very close if not almost twin like in some cases. Tom Cruise can’t own everyone’s face who looks close to him. If Tom Cruise doesn’t want you to use his face why can’t you have someone who looks like him sign away his rights of use instead. Apply the same thought to voices since we’ve had singers who sound like others. There will be a legal work around to owning your likeness that will play out in courts as “virtual” people and singers start replacing us humans.

Because it's not him.

I keep being told I look like Dave Grohl. In fact, someone who is close to Dave said I not only look like him but when I talk I act like him.

His exact words were "If you wanted to, you could get a lot of free stuff" if I played that card. 

But I can't sing like Dave, I can't write like him, I can't play drums like him, so what you would have is a cheap knockoff. 

Who's going to spend BIG money to watch a cheap knockoff? lol


On 9/8/2023 at 10:11 PM, Microchip said:

Clothing retailers ave been ripping off the big labels for decades.  All they need to do, is change the design slightly and they're good to go.


But a Calvin Klein copy in Wal Mart is not going to fetch Calvin Klein money. 

The solution to everything is raising better kids and having stronger families and communities. Instilling integrity and proper values into people is the LOOOONG solution but really, it's the only way out of every mess we have. 

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There are going to be a number of jobs that are going to be taken from humans to either AI or robots. Self checkout WILL replace cashiers in the near future. As will fast food workers, Starbucks type businesses and restaurant workers in general. The industry is investing billions now to replace those types of workers. These changes are coming very fast now. AI will take out customer support and tech support jobs easily. They have AI that can write scripts now that professional writers can not tell if a human or computer wrote the scripts. There are countless other jobs that are at risk including art and music. The reason why actors are so scared and the union has that demand because they know the days are coming very soon not years from now that they can be replaced. I have friends that work in both industries (AI and robotics here in Cali) and it’s scary and amazing what’s coming very quickly. I’d be very concerned about what industry I pick to work in if I was just starting out in life…

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On 9/10/2023 at 2:41 PM, VintageComics said:

I don't know if you'll remember this or not, but about 8 or 10 years ago we were discussing student loans and student loan forgiveness in the WC. This was WAAAAAAY before it become a central public talking point. 

I never understood why someone should just "forgive" my loan because I couldn't pay it back. You signed up for it as an grown person, you agreed to take it on, you agreed to pay it back and it was all part of a plan you had in your head...then when you decided your plan didn't work, or you got lazy and didn't feel like doing it anymore, it all of a sudden the loan becomes everyone else's fault and now everyone has to chip in to pay for your lack of ability to make your degree work. :screwy:

Those who argued FOR the forgiveness of student loans argued that the entire culture of student loans was PREDATORY. 

Really? Someone is bending your arm to take on a loan for the next 4, 6, 8 years? They have a gun to your head?

No, you probably watched too many Tik Tok videos your friends made, got all excited and decided to "go for it".

Poor baby. :facepalm:

This sort of broken, immature logic is why the world is in so much trouble. 

You can't bail everyone out of every bad decision THEY make. You can't shield people from simple consequences to decisions they made. It ruins the fabric of society which is founded on accountability. Without accountability you have nothing. You have anarchy and complete chaos. 

The very fabric of our previously functioning society is built on the fact that rights will prevail and wrongs will be punished. 

Why am I ranting about this? Because the parallels are similar. 

Because I DO believe there is some predatory nature IN EVERY INDUSTRY. Big Wigs will look for ways to strip people of their rights to line their own pockets. Movie execs will ABSOLUTELY try to get away with EVERYTHING THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH TO LINE THEIR POCKETS.  

But it's YOUR job to know what you should and shouldn't do, not anyone else's. :whistle:

If someone is selling a raw book as a 9.6 and you think it's only a 9.4 but you buy that book simply because you hope they're right and it gets a 9.6, then THAT IS ON YOU. You went against your own beliefs for the sake of greed. 

In much the same way, it is ON YOU to know what you're getting into, what you're signing, what you're giving away. If your greed and hope of being a star over rides your logic, that's ON YOU. 


I absolutely believe big money in EVERY industry is predatory. 

I also absolutely believe you should take your consequences like a grown up, even if it hurts you. Consequences are the most valuable teacher you will every have. My greatest lessons, the ones that will NEVER leave and always  be a teacher to me came from the worst consequences I've experienced. Had I avoided the consequences I'd never have learned those lessons and never have matured.

You remove that accountability to yourself and you remove the very glue that has held Western civilization together for the last 100s of years. 


I absolutely believe that if someone uses your likeness WITHOUT your consent as the studios have done that they should be punished with great consequences as well, because that's the ONLY way that corrupt, big money will back down. All they care about is protecting the money, so make it hurt where it hurts them most when they do wrong.

But to tie this all together, I believe that we live in a society of people who can't take consequences for their actions and the fallout is that you have an emotional mess to deal with between corrupt actions by the big studios and corrupt logic by the employees. This is an impossible mess to navigate. 


Most of the general public lives in denial and sticking your head in the sand is only going to make sure your butt gets sun-burned. 

Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's not meant to. I genuinely sympathize with starving artists as I know 100s of them. Some are my close and personal friends, but the reality is harsh if you try to go against it and it doesn't bend. 

You can't change reality around you but you CAN change how you interact with it and your decisions that you CAN control are your way out of whatever situation you're in.


The thing is...the government finds the money to bail out banks...or to forgive $400 billion in PPP loans...
Whilst neither are good things, individuals see these acts as the government rescuing their 'friends'.
Forgiving the student loans will keep money in the economy rather than in big businesses and banks.

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On 9/11/2023 at 6:12 PM, Chamber of Chills said:

The thing is...the government finds the money to bail out banks...or to forgive $400 billion in PPP loans...
Whilst neither are good things, individuals see these acts as the government rescuing their 'friends'.
Forgiving the student loans will keep money in the economy rather than in big businesses and banks.

All of these things are "playing the short game" strategies, and what I mean by that is that yes it helps lots of people in the short term but it places the same burden on EVERYONE in the long term. 

Why do I have to pay for the poor decision making of someone else? Some dude snorts his way through life but it's my job to subsidize his mistakes? :screwy:


You just can't keep shielding people from consequences because they only get worse. They did that in 2008 by printing money to bail people out and 15 years later, it's worse than ever but this is ALL directly related to that event which was never addressed properly.. 

The only reason solution is to work harder and some people are going to need to make some changes. If we continue to bail everyone out we may as well not have anyone working and everyone just goes on permanent vacation, because that's the final conclusion of this line of economics. 

If this industry is indeed on life support then facing the music and making the change is a way better play for those people than living in denial. They MUST have been having this conversation among themselves before it came into the general public. Did they think it was going to go away?

Hard working and honest people always find a way. 

If my grandmother can leave Europe on foot with children in her arms, though the mountains in the middle of the night into a foreign country with literally no belongings, I think these people in this land of milk and honey can rally up some better solutions. 

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On 9/10/2023 at 1:41 PM, VintageComics said:

I don't know if you'll remember this or not, but about 8 or 10 years ago we were discussing student loans and student loan forgiveness in the WC. This was WAAAAAAY before it become a central public talking point. 

I never understood why someone should just "forgive" my loan because I couldn't pay it back. You signed up for it as an grown person, you agreed to take it on, you agreed to pay it back and it was all part of a plan you had in your head...then when you decided your plan didn't work, or you got lazy and didn't feel like doing it anymore, it all of a sudden the loan becomes everyone else's fault and now everyone has to chip in to pay for your lack of ability to make your degree work. :screwy:

Those who argued FOR the forgiveness of student loans argued that the entire culture of student loans was PREDATORY. 

Really? Someone is bending your arm to take on a loan for the next 4, 6, 8 years? They have a gun to your head?

No, you probably watched too many Tik Tok videos your friends made, got all excited and decided to "go for it".

Poor baby. :facepalm:

This sort of broken, immature logic is why the world is in so much trouble. 

You can't bail everyone out of every bad decision THEY make. You can't shield people from simple consequences to decisions they made. It ruins the fabric of society which is founded on accountability. Without accountability you have nothing. You have anarchy and complete chaos. 

The very fabric of our previously functioning society is built on the fact that rights will prevail and wrongs will be punished. 

Why am I ranting about this? Because the parallels are similar. 

Because I DO believe there is some predatory nature IN EVERY INDUSTRY. Big Wigs will look for ways to strip people of their rights to line their own pockets. Movie execs will ABSOLUTELY try to get away with EVERYTHING THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH TO LINE THEIR POCKETS.  

But it's YOUR job to know what you should and shouldn't do, not anyone else's. :whistle:

If someone is selling a raw book as a 9.6 and you think it's only a 9.4 but you buy that book simply because you hope they're right and it gets a 9.6, then THAT IS ON YOU. You went against your own beliefs for the sake of greed. 

In much the same way, it is ON YOU to know what you're getting into, what you're signing, what you're giving away. If your greed and hope of being a star over rides your logic, that's ON YOU. 


I absolutely believe big money in EVERY industry is predatory. 

I also absolutely believe you should take your consequences like a grown up, even if it hurts you. Consequences are the most valuable teacher you will every have. My greatest lessons, the ones that will NEVER leave and always  be a teacher to me came from the worst consequences I've experienced. Had I avoided the consequences I'd never have learned those lessons and never have matured.

You remove that accountability to yourself and you remove the very glue that has held Western civilization together for the last 100s of years. 


I absolutely believe that if someone uses your likeness WITHOUT your consent as the studios have done that they should be punished with great consequences as well, because that's the ONLY way that corrupt, big money will back down. All they care about is protecting the money, so make it hurt where it hurts them most when they do wrong.

But to tie this all together, I believe that we live in a society of people who can't take consequences for their actions and the fallout is that you have an emotional mess to deal with between corrupt actions by the big studios and corrupt logic by the employees. This is an impossible mess to navigate. 


Most of the general public lives in denial and sticking your head in the sand is only going to make sure your butt gets sun-burned. 

Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's not meant to. I genuinely sympathize with starving artists as I know 100s of them. Some are my close and personal friends, but the reality is harsh if you try to go against it and it doesn't bend. 

You can't change reality around you but you CAN change how you interact with it and your decisions that you CAN control are your way out of whatever situation you're in.


I know I've learned a lot more from my failures then from my successes.  

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On 9/11/2023 at 6:43 PM, musicmeta said:

I know I've learned a lot more from my failures then from my successes.  


That's exactly my point. My greatest lessons were my greatest heartaches and failures and they are priceless.

You avoid those and you doom your potential. There's always something better waiting for those who can move forward, because you move forward with that experience to guide you and avoid it next time.

I tried to do that raising my kids: You avoid it and you just repeat it and then need another bailout from mom and dad. lol

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