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Mystery box of approx 150 - 200 GA Comics arriving today

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Heard about the estate thing last night...wasn't aware, thought there was only a shed...consider i normally only talked to the man about every 5 or so years before I got wind of this stuff...


It would be best if you stopped talking now.


See, now a rational mind is going to wonder WHY you only heard about the "estate thing" last night. And a rational mind is going to wonder HOW it hadn't come up in conversations with your uncle previously. (And then one's natural curiosity will take one's rational mind down all sorts of pathways to conclusions that would lead one's rational mind to believe that your story is more sublimely fictitious than Vegans' supposed duality.)


After all, the woman died what, almost a year ago now? That's a long time to process an estate sale for someone who had (apparently) very little. And it's strange that your uncle wouldn't have included THOSE books in the package that he JUST mailed to you.


I almost feel like a shill for Krighton for even defending him on this, but why does it even matter if his story is bogus or not? I don't care where the books I buy come from. Does it really matter if his uncle mailed them to him in a big brown box or if he found them in his attic or if Krighton bought them last weekend for a dime each at the local swap meet? confused-smiley-013.gif I can possibly see how posting this thread might draw attention to the comics he has for sale - but wouldn't it be easier/quicker for him to just say "hey, look what I'm posting on Ebay" than to carry out such an elaborate con/story? Are people such sheep that they'd only bid on a Batman 98 (or whatever) because it was found in a shed, not because it was something they genuinely needed for their collection?


And if he does find some more books at the "estate," i do hope that Krighton posts about it here. This has been the most entertaining thread i've read here in quite a while.

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i can explain the entire estate thing, but you'll probably think i'm lying, only found out that information this evening...yes it seems to get more unbelievable but it's all true. Remember most of the info i have about this entire deal was set up by my dad who's a bit deaf and has a tendency to mispeak on occassions.


The first few posts i made were rapid fire using the information that i had at the time, the more i attempt to communicate to the parties involved, the clearer it becomes.

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Nobody is forcing anyone to read this thread, to believe his story, or to bid on his books. If you think he is a liar, great, don't bid. But please don't drive the guy off and trash this thread because there are PLENTY of people who are interested in seeing what he has and how he found them. I would like to see the rest of the scans. I am not going to buy any, but I like seeing comic books. Isn't that the point of this place? You guys go way overboard sometimes and end up ruining it for a whole lot of people.


Well said. thumbsup2.gif


This is the first time that I can remember one of these threads actually generating a bunch of nice books to look at. And it is not even as if krighton is actively pimping them here either, but just sharing an interesting story.


Hopefully, just for once, we can leave it at that. juggle.gif

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Seems like a lot of the found comics show Batman being UNMASKED... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif


Oh wait, that was just DC and it happened every other month. insane.gif


It was also nice of Robin to blurt out Batman's secret identity as well. Reminds me of that Justice League Unlimited episode where Luthor and Flash trade bodies and Luthor doesn't recognize Wally West when he "unmasks" himself.

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Reminds me of that Justice League Unlimited episode where Luthor and Flash trade bodies and Luthor doesn't recognize Wally West when he "unmasks" himself.


But that was an intentional joke of that JLU episode. Luthor does unmask the Flash and realizes that he has no idea who the guy under the mask is. Why would Luthor know Wally West from any other Joe Blow? It's not like Bruce Wayne, who everyone knows as a prominant millionaire of Gotham.

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Reminds me of that Justice League Unlimited episode where Luthor and Flash trade bodies and Luthor doesn't recognize Wally West when he "unmasks" himself.


But that was an intentional joke of that JLU episode. Luthor does unmask the Flash and realizes that he has no idea who the guy under the mask is. Why would Luthor know Wally West from any other Joe Blow? It's not like Bruce Wayne, who everyone knows as a prominent millionaire of Gotham.


Actually, I understand that. I also understand that Superman vibrates his features at superspeed so he can't be photographed (and I assume the Flash does pretty much the same thing.)


What's funny is Robin blurting it out to confirm it. I don't know any prominent society people from New York or Detroit or wherever though (even San Francisco)... just the celebrities. So I wouldn't necessarily recognize Bruce Wayne. Did anyone recognize Peter Parker in Spider-man II's train scene?

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Do you two just grunt at each other and then hang the phone up? (Of course, this scenario would involve one or both of you either holding the phone upside-down or just laying it on the floor and hitting it with a stick so that you could exorcise the demons that were posessing it.)


Who cares? Why can't everyone just STFU and let this guy post his books? Why is everyone so eager to crawl up his asss with a magnifying glass? Nobody is forcing anyone to read this thread, to believe his story, or to bid on his books. If you think he is a liar, great, don't bid. But please don't drive the guy off and trash this thread because there are PLENTY of people who are interested in seeing what he has and how he found them. I would like to see the rest of the scans. I am not going to buy any, but I like seeing comic books. Isn't that the point of this place? You guys go way overboard sometimes and end up ruining it for a whole lot of people.


Once again, we all get it. You and JC and whoever else thinks this guy is full of it. Now go start a retarded argument somewhere else and let the people who want to see the books see the books.


End of sign-rantpost.gif




Every, and I do mean every, thread ends up in one of two things around here: 1) a STUPID graemlin war! or 2) paranoid delusions that someone out there has a comic that he has pressed, trimmed, erased, taped, glued, rolled over, stapled, attached a second cover, spat on, colored, re-subbed, un-slabbed that he/she is trying to FORCE on someone here on the forum! GET REAL!


Again... I think we all now know why there are so many "lurkers"! foreheadslap.gif


I for one am glad that there are people sticking up for this guy! Who cares if it is a marketing ploy? If it is, more power to him for sticking it through!


If you are not interested in seeing the books, then move the 893censored-thumb.gif on to one of those two types of threads mentioned above that you love sooooooooo much.





Where oh where are you finding these great stashes???

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Thanks for the great thread............ 893applaud-thumb.gif I totally believe this story,it would be too much work to make it all up.With that said,I think this is a great marketing idea to sell stuff over the internet.Think about it,I can go to the coins forum and tell people I found an old heavy tin in my uncle JR's yard with my metal detector.It was filled to the top with silver coins.....or go to the Pez forum and tell them I found a can behind the sheetrock of my new house(which I bought from a serial killer before he was arrested insane.gif)filled with a bunch of Pez dispensers and a gun.... 893whatthe.gif I guarantee you would get a ton of eyeballs looking at your listings after that.....when I'm ready to sell,I'm gonna tell people my CGC books were found in a metal keg in a spanish galleon that went down in 1657.... 893applaud-thumb.gifor maybe in a box at the Texas Book Depository.... confused-smiley-013.gif

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I like to consider myself a pretty creative person, but there's no way i could keep this going for this long if it weren't true.


At this point most of us really don't care. Just keep those scans coming. thumbsup2.gif

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