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In OMAC Project Infinite Crisis Special we learn that the Society of Super-Villains are attacking Metropolis in full force!


The Society is the last of the major threats that has not been dealt with.


That would also bring some closure to everything.


I wonder how Supes gets de-powered... I was thinking since its a new Earth, maybe he will take a year to re-charge, or the Spectre will try and pass judgement on the Big 3 in IC7...


I wanna know what's up with the Lanters & then new Beetle!

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I hope issue 7 details what's happening with the Flashes right now. What do you guys think about the throey (I saw it on Newsarama) that Bart was aged during the time they were holding Superboy captive? That would make it a little more feasible for him to be the Flash in the upcoming series.

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I wanna know what's up with the Lanters & then new Beetle!


I was wondering that myself when I read IC 6 and Blue Bettle 1. It's the same scarab that Ted had isnt it?

It was but the wizard shazam was guarding it for a while so maybey it was changed when the rock of ages blew up

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so is superboy prime dead? did he knock up selena? like sands through an hourglass so are the days of our lives.

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I wanna know what's up with the Lanters & then new Beetle!


I was wondering that myself when I read IC 6 and Blue Bettle 1. It's the same scarab that Ted had isnt it?

It was but the wizard shazam was guarding it for a while so maybey it was changed when the rock of ages blew up


Was the first issue to Blue Beetle One Year later? I don't remember seeing it marked on the cover.

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  • Member
I wanna know what's up with the Lanters & then new Beetle!


I was wondering that myself when I read IC 6 and Blue Bettle 1. It's the same scarab that Ted had isnt it?


Yea it is, but the scarab, although Ted had it, never accepted or possessed him. Ted did everything as Blue Beetle on his own.


It has accepted Jamie (just like it accepted the original Blue Beetle, Dan Garrett, once Charlton re-vamped Dan Garrett's character after they obtained him from Fox) and gave him some new fancy powers Dan Garrett never seemed to have.


I'm thinking that the GL vs. Beetle thing might have to do with Order vs. Chaos...

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I hope issue 7 details what's happening with the Flashes right now. What do you guys think about the throey (I saw it on Newsarama) that Bart was aged during the time they were holding Superboy captive? That would make it a little more feasible for him to be the Flash in the upcoming series.


It would make sense. Superboy-Prime did say that he'd been held captive on a planet near a red sun for years, so it's feasible that Bart also aged a number of years since the time he and SB-P all went into the speed force.

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I read it.

I read Kevin's fine synopsis.

but Im still lost.




Same here. Just way too much going on for my feeble little mind. blush.gif


its just crazy how much they pack into each issue. We're supposed study each panel to see what happenned. Half of what Kevin says happenned I couldnt get from the depictions ... For instance, all th eEarths merging? Was THAT what that was???

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I read it.

I read Kevin's fine synopsis.

but Im still lost.




Same here. Just way too much going on for my feeble little mind. blush.gif


its just crazy how much they pack into each issue. We're supposed study each panel to see what happenned. Half of what Kevin says happenned I couldnt get from the depictions ... For instance, all th eEarths merging? Was THAT what that was???



Here we go again…


Infinite Crisis #6 is in stores and DC hopes now in your collection, and while the issues answers a lot of questions, if you have any about the issues itself, we hope the following may contain some answers, and provide a smile or two.


And as always; be warned – we will try too hard to make jokes, some of the references will go right over your heads, and some will go right over our heads. So - with tongue firmly planted in cheek, we’ve got your Infinite Crisis #6 page by page guide with mild annotations, some of which may even be correct…


Page 1


Q: What, where?


A: Batman and his band of heroes….no, we won’t say “Outsiders” we just won’t…are headed out to find and destroy Brother Eye, the satellite that is controlling the OMACs, re-mapping the multiverse and helping Alexander Luthor create all the new earths, and is listening to your thoughts at this very moment.


Q: Since when can Blue Beetle’s ship fly in outer space?


A: Do not dis Ted Kord’s memory by suggesting that the Bug could not fly into space. Ted Kord was the man – he would invent anything to be capable of everything. He was ready for any eventuality. Go underwater? The Bug was ready. Go into space? You know it? Hook up with sexy heroines in his ship? Oh, wait – that was Nite-Owl.


Q: If he was so smart, why didn’t he make his helmet bulletproof?


A: Shut up.


Q: Why is Hal Jordan whistling “Take me out to the ball game?”


A: ‘Cause he’s ice cold, man. Nothing phases him. Nothing! Nerves of iron, baby. Not only is he a superhero, he’s a test pilot.


Who apparently, likes baseball.


Q: Why is John Stewart’s ring sparking?


A: It’s afraid of Blue Beetle. Duh.


Q: Why does Booster say “This is history?”


A: When you come form the future like Booster, it’s all history. But remember – last issue, Booster said that he remembered his history, and how Batman went into space looking for Brother Eye, but couldn’t find it. Blue Beetle can see it, so now, literally, Booster is changing the past.


Q: Wait, what? Booster is changing the past? What will that mean for the future?


A: Who can say? Booster was from a world where Batman went up and couldn’t find Brother Eye, and it was a pretty nice place. At worst, there will probably just be a Legion of Super-Heroes reboot somewhere down the line.


Q: Is Batman saying that Booster doesn’t know how to talk to kids?


A: Yeah…this is the kinder, gentler, Batman, apparently. Either that, or he’s got one wicked sense of humor, and thinks that Booster should’ve said to Beetle, “Who am I? I’m the Booster Gold.” Now that’s how you talk to kids.


Of course, all the other heroes would’ve fallen down laughing if Booster had said, “I’m the Booster Gold.”


Pages 2-3:


Q: Beetle says some scarab crawled into him?


A: Yeah, you pick the entry point.


Q: Beetle’s comment that Brother Eye can negate its vibrational frequency?


A: Insider talk for the multiverse. The different earths were separated by their vibrational frequency, referring to the fundamental differences between the worlds at their quantum level.


Q: Why’s Brother Eye so big?


A: Batman don’t build small, for one, probably, and since, like Superboy before him, Brother Eye has seemingly fallen in love with Alexander Luthor, Luthor probably built it up, adding to its capabilities.


Q: Who said, “It’s a lot bigger than I thought it’d be?”


A: Hard to say, but you just know that Green Lantern muttered “That’s what she said,” and Black Canary elbowed him in the ribs, while Metamorpho chuckled.


Q: Who are all of those OMACs? I thought they were shut down after The OMAC Project.


A: Most of them were. Brother Eye kept a bunch for himself.


Page 4:


Q: Back on earth 2?


A: Yep – back on earth-2 after Supermans have stopped fighting, and Lois is still dead.


Page 5:


Q: Why does the art look different?


A: As Dan Didio said, the idea all along has been to have artist Jerry Ordway draw the earth-2 sequences, giving them a distinct “Golden Age” feel.


Q: So Superman just laid out the problem?


A: Right – Luthor is splitting all the earths, using earth-1 (as Superman from earth-2 calls it) as a seed. Luthor’s going nutty, and creating hundreds and hundreds of worlds, and if he doesn’t stop, boom. As each new earth is created, they all get weaker in their integrity. Too many earths, and you get a chain reaction explosion.


Q: But they don’t know how to get home?


A: Nope. Literally, Wonder Woman and the two Supermen have to close their eyes and pick the best reality. At worst, they’ll stop on the one where they’re all spinning hula hoops, rather than the one where every DCU character is a bobble head.


Can we get a “What what” for a Simpson’s reference?


Page 6-7:


Q: Crisis on Infinite Earths?


A: Yes, again. But – back in the day, this kind of story took twelve issues. This time – two pages.


Q: What are all of these earths?


A: Earth-S, home of the Marvels (Shazam and family, not the Marvel Universe); Earth-247 – one with the old-school Legion; Earth-0, Bizarro; Earth-154, one of the classics where Superman and Batman grew up and had families; and on it goes.


Q: So Alex is grabbing two earths and smashing them together in the hopes of making a better one?


A: You know, "The Crisis Where a Guy Grabs Two Earths and Smashes Them Together, in the Hopes of Making One Good One” just doesn’t have that ring to it that marketing can grab hold of, but yeah – that’s about it.


Q: So he’s systematically destroying alternate earths?


A: Yep. And not only that, he’s destroying any stories that ever happened on those earths, and with them, your comics with those stories in them. Go look now – check your ong boxes. All you’ve got left are ashes. Sorry.


Page 8:


Q: Oh, what earth is that now?


A: Aztec or Incan earth? The one with great Mexican food?


Q: Wait, wait, wait – Psycho Pirate said it – Luthor is splitting these earths out of earth-1, letting the different iterations of the characters – all the possible versions of every individual who has ever existed be “born” and is then killing them when his “experiments” fail?


A: Bingo. Mass murderer, shmass murderer –Alexander Luthor is killing whole earths full of people at a time.


Hey – we got kinda serious for a moment. How did that happen?


Page 9:


Q: Stonehenge?


A: Word. The magic guys are going to try to bring the Spectre out to help. He hasn’t been seen since he was bound to Cris Allen a while back. They probably figure, bring out an aspect of the creator to kick the [embarrassing lack of self control] of this kid who’s defiling all of creation in order to re-create a reality that he prefers, if not in his image.


You’ve got to agree with their logic – the Spectre is an acknowledgement that God exists in the DCU, and if anyone would be mad about this whole Crisis stuff, it would, after all, be God, so, let’s call up the personification of God’s vengeance to deal with it.


And then, we’ll have a massive Wiccan rave.


Q: Is that the Swamp Thing’s hand?


A: No. This is not the DC character you are looking for. Vertigo is Vertigo and DCU is DCU, never the twain shall meet.


Er, yeah – it was his hand. As everyone who’s ever thrown a party in the DCU knows, he brings the best drugs.


Page 10:


Q: So that’s Cris Allen?


A: Yep – the Spectre’s new host. Still with the Y-shaped autopsy scar.


Q: Is that also Klarion, the Witch Boy from Grant Morrison’s epic project Seven Soldiers?


A: You bet. So – no more discussion - Seven Soldiers is taking place in the DCU.


Page 11:


Q: Wait now – the Spectre nearly killed every magic user in Day of Vengeance. Who thought bringing him back for help was a good idea?


A: Let’s remember, the Spectre got spanked – hard – at the end of Day of Vengeance. He’s free of the temptation of the female Eclipso and her promises of booty if the Spectre did her bidding, so he’s a little more clear headed.


Q: Zatanna tells the Phantom Stranger that the Spectre is ignoring him?


A: Yep, along with her self-confidence issues in Seven Soldiers: Zatanna, and, arguably, her willingness to mindscrub anyone the JLA asks her to, Zatanna also points out the obvious.


Q: Why are Star Sapphire’s word balloons pink?


A: What, you’ve never heard anyone talk with pink word balloons before?


Q: Well, haven’t we all? But way aren’t they more…sapphire in color?


A: Can you read black text on a blue background?


Q: Well played.


A: Than you.


Q: So – they ring up the Spectre, God’s wrath, to a world where the natural order of all of creation is being corrupted by an interloper, and all the Spectre, an aspect of God can think to do is kill Star Sapphire?


A: Yeah. Who knew? When all of creation is being corrupted for evil, selfish reasons, all of this aspect of God can do is kill a bad chick. He could’ve at least looked around and said, “Oh, someone’s recreating all of God’s work? Got it – see, you don’t want me, you need to talk to the guy who’s in charge of maintaining order in all creation. His name is Tom, and let me get you his number.”


Q: Wait – funny aside, and getting to that kernel of your smartassness, there’s no one left to do that is there?


A: Okay – right. You got us. The Spectre killed the heavy hitters of the Lords of Order, culminating with the death of Nabu, the essence of Doctor Fate.


Q: So still – that was the Swamp Thing?


A: Right.


Q: So why isn’t Constantine there as well?


A: Don’t go there.


Page 12:


Q: Wait – weren’t Superboy and Nightwing headed off to the Tower last issue, and wasn’t the fight at the Tower supposed to be in last month’s issue of Teen Titans?


A: Well…um…you bought the issue to Titans looking for it too?


Q: Yeah.


A: DC thanks you.


Q: Psycho Pirate is still…warm in the loins for Power Girl?


A: Yeah – ick.


Q: And – Earth-Q, earth 3181, and earth 25G – all destroyed?


A: Yeah – making the one earth out of many is like making a soufflé – any little disturbance, and it falls.


Earth 3181 was the one where everyone was a bobble head by the way.


Q: Conner and Cassie are Alphas and Nightwing is a Beta?


A: Yeah – those are their designations by Brother Eye. Poor Nightwing – all the years in service, all the teams he’s led, the villains he’s captured, and he’s still a Beta. And you think you’ve got self-respect issues.


Page 13:


Q: Back in space?


A: Back in space.


Q: Who’s insane that Beetle is referring to?


A: Hal Jordan. Ice cold, man. Nerves of steel. He’s a test pilot too.


We get it.


Q: Batman acting like a leader?


A: Yup – pretty cool, huh? Finally. It’s amazing what you can do when you pull your head out of your butt and apply yourself, isn’t it? Who says Infinite Crisis isn’t full of life lessons?


Q: Batman is asking Sasha to get Oracle to upload all of the computer viruses on earth to Brother Eye?


A: It worked in Independence Day didn’t it? Wouldn’t you have loved to see the thought process Batman had for that? “I was watching this movie the other night…was that Paxton or Pullam in it? Anyway…let’s see, they had a giant invading force coming, and what did they do? Man…Vivica Fox was hot in that. She’s really let herself go since she started dating 50 Cent…back to topic Bruce, back to topic….what did they do…Randy Newman! That’s it, we need Randy…no, no, no…good soldier, Bruce, be a good soldier….computer viruses! That’s it. Who has a Mac? Let’s see….Ollie? Yeah, that old pinko [embarrassing lack of self control] has to be an Apple guy. Let me call him. Brother Eye is going down! Hey – that guy that played Data on Star Trek was in that movie too…”


Q: A jillion viruses? That will do it?


A: As Batman said, he’s all about distracting Brother Eye at this point. But yeah, it would’ve been awesome to see on all the different screens around the satellite things like “You’ve been h%cked suxx0rs!” and random pictures of porn.


So, essentially, as Brother Eye is defending itself against Batman and his Outsiders, part of its computer brain is wondering if he should help M’BATU KAFRINA transfer 60 MILLION DOLLARS into one of its many bank accounts, because this guy seems so trustworthy. And another part of its brain is mulling over if, as a satellite, it actually needs a bigger [embarrassing lack of self control], but regardless, those are good prices for Cialis. And another part of its brain is in a chat room, waiting for the HOT CHIX to show up…but it’s starting to think it’s been tricked.


Q: And everyone else Batman brought with him?


A: Doing their part to disable Brother Eye.


Page 14


Q: Black Lighting and Mr. Terrific are what?


A: Well, if Brother Eye didn’t interrupt, we think they might’ve been doing something we’ve only seen on MTV’s Wild ‘n Out. Or something.


But Black Lighting would’ve cleaned up with the “Yo momma” jokes, because Mr. Terrific’s versions would’ve started with “Your mother.”


Page 15


Q: So Alex got around to Earths 2 and 3?


A: Right – he’s grabbing both to mash them together, and Donna Troy realized why she’s there, something that was mentioned waaaay back. She has to intervene, or Superman and Wonder Woman will be lost when the earths are merged, and, as has been the case to date, probably ‘splode.


Page 16:


Q: What’s going on with the mergy people?


A: Luthor is going against nature in a big way – in mooshing earths 2 and 3, he’s got an extra Superman in the mix (both were on earth 2), so there will be some problems form the start. In addition, he’s trying to merge earth- Superman with Luthor of earth-3, who was their greatest hero. Superman of earth-2 is being merged with Ultraman, the analogue of Superman, and Wonder Woman is being merged with…shoot, that Wonder Woman analogue on earth-3 who someone will name down below, probably by saying, “I can’t believe Newsarama didn’t know who _____ was! meh.”


Q: Who’s Firestorm talking to now?


A: His fried/roommate Mick died, and Jason Rusch merged with Professor Martin Stein, half of the original Firestorm. Stein’s a scientist, so he knows what’s going down, and how to stop, or at least hurt the Hands of Alex…


Page 17:


Q: Alex now can only count to nine?


A: Yep – Firestorm blew off Mr. Pointer on his right hand, looks like. Ow.


Q: Who went away? Who are Hawkman and Green…er…Ion…talking about?


A: Good question. Apparently, some of the heroes who were caught up in the middle, near the two earths disappeared after the finger attack. And okay, okay, Alex Luthor gave them the finger – unwillingly. There – we made the joke.


Q: Nightwing clocked Alex?


A: Yeah, and he’s just a “Beta.” Shows what Brother Eye knows. Friggin’ artificial intelligence.


Page 18:


Q: Superboy purposely frees Black Adam?


A: We like this kid. Let out the nutty, way powerful guy, and hope of the best?


Page 19:


Q: And Superboy’s decision pays off in spades?


A: SWEET! Psycho Pirate no more! Finally.


Black Adam for President. And one more credit to Geoff Johns for a creative killing.


Page 20:


Q: Superboy’s back?


A: Where were you at the end of the last issue when he came back, and Flash pointed it out?


Page 21:


Q: Superboy – trapped for years by the Flashes in the Speed Force?


A: Yep – and apparently, he studied exposition until he became a master at it.


Page 22:


Q: Further fighting and exposition?


A: Further fighting and exposition.


Page 23-24:


Q: Batman is being taunted by Brother Eye?


A: Right. But c’mon – all those viruses? One of those monitors should’ve been showing something else…


Q: Why does Brother Eye say “Eye” when referring to itself?


A: It’s clever.


Q: But phonetically, “I” and “Eye” sound the same.


A: These are not the droids you’re looking for.


Q: These are not the droids I’m looking for…


Page 25-26:


Q: More fighting?


A: With a splash page for added drama.


Page 27:


Q: What does “N010101010110” sound like, and why would a computer that can speak in English use that, especially when it’s able to speak in English immediately afterwards?


A: Droids – not ones looking for.


Page 28:


Q: People in the OMACs?


A: People in the OMACs. The agents were infected with a nanovirus.


Q: Where did Beetle go?


A: Good question.


Q: Hal flies into an exploding satellite to save Batman?


A: Ice in veins, steel in nerves.


Q: What happens to the satellite after the heroes kick it in the nuts and leave?


A: Check out The OMAC Project Special also out last week, but…well, it crash lands, and people are there to make sure it doesn’t get back up again. It’s worth the $4.99.


Page 29-30:


Q: Who are those people?


A: The OMACs that were guarding the tower.


Q: What did Alex just do in the middle of the page, in looking for Earth Prime?


A: Earth Prime is “our” world. Not “ours” as in “our” versions of Superman and Batman, but “ours” as in, today is April 7, 2006, George Bush is President, and Paris Hilton is way too popular.


Q: And he was reaching through the page…?


A: Uh…yeah…kinda like when the guy with the paddleball starting bouncing it right at the camera in House of Wax.


Page 31-32:


Q: Tower smash?


A: Tower smash. Effectively, it did everything that Alex was tying to do, mooshing all the earths into one, albeit, not the “perfect” earth he was looking for.


Q: What’s going on with all of those shards?


A: Hints at what made it into this new earth, that will play out over the course of the next issue, and bubble through the DCU I the months to come. Of note: Joe Chill named as the murderer of Bruce Wayne’s parents (previously….since the last reboot…he didn’t know the identity of his parent’s killed, although he knew it before that last reboot).


There are also hints of changes to Wonder Woman, the JLA’s origin, Superboy being ripped from continuity, the Phantom Zone villains (more closely resembling the classic versions), and a few others which readers will be speculating upon until the next issue, at which point, they’ll be arguing about them.


Page 33-34:


Q: Conner’s…um…


A: Yeah – no less than two things sticking through him. Ow.


Q: And he…


A: Dies, with all the other heroes getting there too late to help. Expect that to play into some collective guilt coming up. Could it be a year’s worth of guilt? Who can say?

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Well, another great issue to say the least. You must admit, you do get a lot of bang for your buck during this series. At first I was kinda lost as to how everything fit together beyond the "I want to bring back my Earth" idea. They've really tied in all together so far. And man, talk about death! People are being killed off left and right in this series. And not just the simple getting blinked out of existences. A lot more violent deaths in this series. Right now its ranking up there with Kingdom Come and Identity Crisis as the best DC mini-series.

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Now that we're nearing the end of this thing, I'm still waiting on "what's the point" of it all.


Seriously. I'm lost. Lots of words and lots of pretty pictures, but so far all the most memorable bits have been mere moments or scattered words of dialogue, like that between Bats and Green Arrow. confused-smiley-013.gif


In other words, this is better than House of M (or just about any other Marvel or DC "event") exactly how?

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Well "better" is of course in the eye of the beholder. But I think you're asking about how "significant" it is, how much it changes things. Here's what is currently changed, either confirmed, or else highly likely given other news that has leaked out:


- The 1990s version of Superboy (the clone) is dead. (shown in IC 6)

- Continuity revamp: they have un-done the ret-con that said the Batman never found his parents' killers. Presumably this is the rationale for the upcoming less grim 'n' gritty treatment in the Bat-books. (note the "Joe Chill" newspaper headline near the end of IC 6)

- Continuity revamp: they have un-done the ret-con that said Wonder Woman never was a member of the original JLA, substituting Black Canary any time there was a flashback to the Silver Age or Bronze Age stories. (note the presence of Wonder Woman at the JLA origin flashback on that same page of IC 6)

- It is likely there will be a new Flash once that series gets re-vamped.

- It is likely Wonder Woman will be different in some yet-unrevealed way once her series gets re-vamped.


There are other miscelleneous character returns or revamps along the way (Donna Troy, Kyle Raynor, Jason Todd, Power Girl), and there are still a few surprises that may be revealed in either IC #7 or in the upcoming 52 series. There's also the coolness factor (for us aging fanboys anyway) of seeing the Golden Age Siegle & Shuster Superman, the Golden Age Wonder Woman and Barry Allen once again after their demises in the Crisis on Infinite Earths series of 20 years ago.

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Now that we're nearing the end of this thing, I'm still waiting on "what's the point" of it all.



to a certain extent, i agree.


it's certainly interesting to see the fallout, but the story itself just seems to have been a Luthor plot...and therefore destined to fail, since Luthors never win.


the other thread about everybody who has died so far in the story, is along the same lines for me...i dropped out of comics in the early 90s so all these characters that are dead, i just remember as 3rd and 4th tier if they were around at all, so I look at the story and say, the immediate impacts are not that great, nobody that's died really equals Supergirl or Flash and the story itself is not equal to original Crisis...but the potential of things comming out of the story is equal to original Crisis and anything that I saw Marvel put out pre-90s and that i've read in the past 3 years or so since I've come back.

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