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I remember

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Lick-A-Maid, ( I wonder if anyone here even knows what this is.)


1963-1970, watching my across-the-street-neighbor pull up in his NEW Corvett-Sting-Ray( ' 63 was theSplit-Tear-Drop.)


Fire-Stick, Grape, Watermellon, Cherry, and Sour-Apple.


GTO, Hemi-Cuga, "Cut-A-Way-Headders", Mag-Wheels, Road-Runner, "Low-Ridders& High-Boy's".


Mon-Fri., 3:17pm, Winchell's hot from the rack two Sugar-Raised-Dough-Nut's, Grape Nigh-High.


Baseball, Kickball, Dodgeball, Over-The-Line, Touch Football, Freeze-Tag, Hid-N-Seek,Water-Balloon Fight's.


Sat. $2.00=Moive, Double Feature, 3 Looney Tune Cartoon's, 5 Kraft Carmel Candy's ( 3 Chocolate, 2 Vanilla),


Med. Coke, Lrg. "Real" Buttered PopCorn, and change for a Comicbook...... cloud9.gif


Mattell Fanner-Fifty with "Shoot-M-Shells" & "Stick -M-Caps", Elgin Toy Slot Cars, Taking a Golf-Ball apart.


There is so much more, but this will give you some idea of my youth.

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Amarcord . . . wink.gif


-Spending every penny I could get my hands on . . . on slot cars


-Sending letters to STP and Valvoline requesting decals for my slot car box


-Tommy James and the Shondells singing "Hanky Panky" . . .


-Being sent home early from school on November 22, 1963


-Always wanting to be Paul, but ending up being John

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Reading Howard the Duck and thinking "what's the bid deal with this junk"?


Having to buy the glass bottle as well as the coke inside.(youngsters won't understand that one)


Quarter Boxes back in the late 70's early 80's


Micronauts being cool.


Commercials where people would walk around with open containers of peanut butter and bump into people eating chocolate bars.

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I remember:


Waiting for my dad to come home from work with the latest batch of Harvey's and Western titles for my sister and I.


Reading and re-reading my dad's copy or Jules Feiffer's 'The Great Comic Book Heroes" and being amazed at this world my dad grew up with.


The smell of every new pack of Sizzlers I received every Christmas, and the sound they made as they sped around my extended "Fat Tracks".


Getting sent to the principal's office for listening to the 1973 World Series during school (the Mets were screwed by horrendous umping).


Quisp or Quake.


My dad holding me up so I could look over the railing of the Empire State Bldg's observation deck-freaked me out.


Watching the 1st moon landing on our "good" B&W set.


Taking care of our vegetable garden, then having a catch with my father pretty much every night from May-Oct.


Betting my best friend my whole collection he couldn't sink a basket from the end of my driveway--[embarrassing lack of self control] did it underhand. I welched.


My grandmother's home-made "macaroni" and sauce, which was my designated birthday meal for 14 years.


Twice a year anxiously awaiting "MONSTER WEEK" on WABC's 4:30 movie.


Watching Abott and Costello flics on WPIX in NY every Sun. morning for 20 years after Wonderama on WNEW.


The smell of the back of my father's Plymouth station wagon while we slept during night trips to PA to see my grandparents.


My grandmother buying me Spidey 114 and Thor KSA 3 off the stands to humor me while she went to church on weekdays.


Life's been very good.

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-Getting up Sat morning and watching the X-men cartoon on Fox.

-Gameboys so big they wouldn't fit in your pocket with screens so small you could hardly see.

-Being a Kid when piles of X-Men #1 (1990's) hit the stands

-Having 5 times as many comic shops as there are today.(I remember hitting about 7 in one day)

-Buying packs of marvel trading cards like I was a chain smoker

-And one of my favorites: puting a load of quarters through the X-Men arcade machine at the local arcade.

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Going to Yankee games and it was not about the money


Going to the beach parking lot on Friday Nights for Keg Partys


Getting rejected by all the hot woman


Talking with my Grandfather about baseball


Wanting to be an adult ( Now I want to be a kid again)


Going upstate NY with my Grandparents


Waiting all year for Christmas day


Getting rejected by ALL woman with a pulse


Getting my first credit card


Getting my first guitar


Hearing my first Metallica album (Ride the lightning)

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I remember getting a Creepy Crawlers toy set for Christmas when I was a kid, back then I thought it was the greatest thing in the world or at least that was until the collecting addiction began with Wacky Packages stickers back in the early 70's!

I also remember being in love with Farrah Fawcett!!!!!

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by Thomas Hood:


I Remember, I Remember


I remember, I remember,

The house where I was born,

The little window where the sun

Came peeping in at morn;

He never came a wink too soon,

Nor brought too long a day,

But now, I often wish the night

Had borne my breath away!


I remember, I remember,

The roses, red and white,

The vi'lets, and the lily-cups,

Those flowers made of light!

The lilacs where the robin built,

And where my brother set

The laburnum on his birthday,--

The tree is living yet!


I remember, I remember,

Where I was used to swing,

And thought the air must rush as fresh

To swallows on the wing;

My spirit flew in feathers then,

That is so heavy now,

And summer pools could hardly cool

The fever on my brow!


I remember, I remember,

The fir trees dark and high;

I used to think their slender tops

Were close against the sky:

It was a childish ignorance,

But now 'tis little joy

To know I'm farther off from heav'n

Than when I was a boy.

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I remember my mother, a young widow,with 3 children 1, 3 and 4 years old. (I was the 1 year old) She would make do without material things, made sure we all had enough to eat even though she may not have had enough. She never even dated a man again, she knew she already had her one true love.


Before there was a "Field of Dreams" going to Fenway Park for the first time in 1968 with my Grandfather and my Uncle. Dave Morehead on the mound and Hawk Harrelson hit one out to dead center! They lost but I was still happy!


Collecting bottles from the garbage to add to my 25cent allowance so I could buy every "funny" book I could.


Going to Nantucket on the old Steamship and picking up the annuals. One time, it was JIM Annual #1 another time Avengers Annual #1!


Playing war games with my brother and my cousin. Straping a bunch of cans together, to make believe we were blowing up a Nazi Factory!


Building Aurora Models, Racing Aurora HO Cars!


Snow that seemed so high that it felt like it was over your head,,,years later looking at the pictures and the snow was up to the roof of our old 57 Chevy!


Sipping the foam off of my Grandfather's beer!


Watching Marvel Super-Heroes cartoons every afternoon. (or what marvel called cartoons back then)


Drinking Goofy-Grape!


Walking to the beach every day with my brother and sister. On Sundays my grandfather would join us with his bathing suit out of the 1920s.


Fishing everywhere from RI to Cape Cod.


Watching Vic Morrow in Combat!


Sunday cartoons stunk but you had to love Davey and Goliath!


Life was good,,,,Life is still Good!!!

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I remember...


When Horny Toads roamed the Earth.


A Bookmobile that stopped on our street...just like the Ice Cream man, except you got books!


...sacking all those empty coke bottles from the wire rack inside the Laundrymat, then running across the street to the Grocery where they pay kids who bring them in. Doing a community service, getting money for comics.


Deciding one Summer day to ride my bike all the way to the Library, never been before...pulling open that big door... the blast of cold air and the smell of books hitting my face the same instant...seeing thousands of books... about everything...


Having real canteens, backpacks, and folding shovels from the Army/Navy store...equipment needed for digging foxholes in vacant lots, or roaming through storm drains all day, or exploring creepy vacant (haunted) houses.


Riding our bikes to the elementary school, closed for the Summer, and seeing an open door.

Belly crawling and shadow-sneaking past The Man running a floorbuffer...to the cafeteria...and finding boxes of Ice Cream Sandwiches in the freezer. Getting those boxes out...riding down to the creek, where we tried to eat 'em all before they melted. A losing battle.


Being fifteen and summer-bored, both my parents at work. Two older buddies drive up, bragging...they're headed to Mexico. Hang on...run in the house, write a short note...Gone on vacation, back in a week...hop in their car...road trip.

Mexico, huh? I have no clue. Nuevo Laredo, they explain, nothin' but bars, boys town, where every girl you see is a... crazy.gifblush.gif893whatthe.gif

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I remember....


Racing home from school to watch Marvel Superheroes cloud9.gif


Getting $$$ to buy comics for my birthday


Getting $$$ to buy AFX cars and track for christmas.


Watching the Steelers win 4 superbowls and thinking what's the big deal foreheadslap.gif


Going to Three Rivers and watching Clemente and Stargell play ball.


Hearing that Clemente was killed when his plane went down


Staying up to watch Chiller Theater Saturday nights with Chilly Billy Cardille

chiller theater a burg thing

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I remember:


Buying X-Men #94 at a newsstand in San Diego's airport.


Buying Captain America #149, the first Marvel comic I ever bought.


My father teaching me to read using Gold Key Tarzans and Turoks.


Cutting the Marvel Value Stamp out of my Hulk 181.

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Cutting the Marvel Value Stamp out of my Hulk 181.




I remember first getting into American comics on holiday in Torquay (or was it Bournemouth?) in 1973. After squandering any left-over cash on pinball I'd go back to where we were staying and read and reread the pile of DCs I'd bought whilst snacking on crisps, chocolates and penny chews. The comics then were, of course, on spinner racks in seafront newsagents that had that intoxicating smell of old newsprint. I was one happy camper on those trips.....

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Leaving a camp ground when I was 8 years old, leaving my entire collection behind on a picnic table, and having my father telling me he wasn't going to turn the trailer around "for a pile of comics".


I still think of that, and wonder what kind of heaven the kid that found them though he was in.


It wasn't all bad news, as I worked that "guilt angle" into far more comics than I ever lost, and I swear to this day, each time I mention it, my father still grabs reflexively for his wallet. grin.gif


That story brought a tear to my eye!

No greater connection can a family bond have, than through well meaningful, and grounded guilt.


And it was my primary weapon of choice being the youngest in the family...everything else fell on deaf ears, or got you the back of someone's hand.

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lets see....


Shuffling off every second weekend on scouts trip, doing everything from camping, kayaking, rock climbing, and general mountain walking. Come rain, or sunshine, but I think rain won out more times than not. But that made it bliss!


Thinking Hot wheels bubble gum packets with the cards thrown in were the best thing going!


Watching the Goodies as the solid staple tv viewing for the first decade of my life, and regarding it as heaven on earth, nothing brought greater joy, and amusement.


Exploring the local creeks and farmland, hunting for eel's avoiding bulls, shooting random innocent wildlife and feeling bad about it. Get buried up the waist in clay sink pit's as the farm land was developed. Nothing better than something that took you 30 seconds to get into, and 15 minutes to get out of.


Breaking my arm one year right before Christmas summer holidays, and then concluding that wrapping it a plastic bag would suffice for diving of the rocks at the local beach. Plaster and salt water reeks...for weeks, and weeks...

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I remember getting a Creepy Crawlers toy set for Christmas when I was a kid, back then I thought it was the greatest thing in the world


I had one of those, too. I remember burning the hell out of my hand with it (remember when toys were dangerous??) and not telling my parents 'cause I didn't want them to take it away from me.

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