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I Came Back for This?

324 posts in this topic

What comments are we talking about? Were they removed from this thread?




It's 893censored-thumb.gif hilarious that you fail to see his comments as personal attacks, which says whole lot about you right there. tonofbricks.gif

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You're right and like I said I don't know the history of it all


I can take a joke, like most people, and laughed openly at the graphic that Flee produced. That was funny, and designed with no real malice. I also let a lot of 893censored-thumb.gif just slide off my shoulders, as life is too short.


But idiiot trolls like burned-out-boy, Deathlok and their ilk take it to a very personal level, and in their drunken stupor, probably envision me like that and take their "basement-dwelling dateless loser with no money" attacks to the sewer and back again.


So yeah, I'd love to meet those two and crack their heads together so hard that brain matter dripped onto the street. Sue me.

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This has to be your worst post ever.


Of course it is, and burnt-out-boy is totally cool for his constant trolling and personal attacks right? He can just follow me around, acting like the drunken tool he is, attacking me with baseless and false accusations, impeaching my character and financial status, right?




If you had idiiots like this constantly trolling you, tossing out personal attacks at the drop of a hat, etc., you'd feel like squishing them like the little bugs they are too.

There was a point JC that I was starting to enjoy reading your posts. You were doing especially well in the thread where everyone was asking your advice. It didn't last long. You are not going to gain any kind of respect flying over the edge when things don't go exactly your way. Why don't you change your ways? Post pictures of your collection, and of your family. Believe me, we would all love to see this. Be real with us, and you will be treated with more respect. I just can't imaging what kind of enjoyment you get out of trashing everyone.
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I just can't imaging what kind of enjoyment you get out of trashing everyone.


I don't, and other than obvious personal-attack-mode trolls like burned-out-boy and Deathcock, who have I done this with lately?


These idiiots have been trolling me for years, and I think any person has his boiling point with this 893censored-thumb.gif.

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Post pictures of your collection, and of your family.


Don't even go there. 893naughty-thumb.gif


My wife sneaks into my office sometimes (especially if I opt out of showering the kids to "catch up on my work" grin.gif) and saw some pics of Darth's wife and kids one time. She said the following:


"If you EVER post any pictures of me and the kids for those freaks to see, I will killl you".


If you could imagine a beautiful, old-school Euro (emigrated from Italy 893whatthe.gif) woman who married me and can handle my 893censored-thumb.gif day in and day out, you would NOT take her up on that threat. Plus, she has some shady relatives still over there.


I understand her point too, as there are some real whackos out there.

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Wel, I can assume that by retaliating against the personal attacks of Steve B's best buddy burnt-out-boy (trolls love to whine), I am certain to get a STRIKE and suspension, I guess I'll see you tools later. hi.gif

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as there are some real whackos out there.


Wrong. Not "out there", on these boards. The fact that convicted felons have posted here (and I don't mean tax cheats or drunk drivers) really creeps me out. When I start grad school in a month and have to leave the boards, there will be some things I miss and some things I will be glad to leave behind.

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he's probably somewhere between the ages of 15 and 40 (no one knows for sure, as no one seems to have ever laid eyes on him.), probably really does still live in Mommies basement, doesn't go to cons, doesn't often show his collection, frequently plays chicken-little with the coming of the Great Comic Crash (which he has been erroneously predicting for 3-4 years now), seems to be distraught over the fact that while he's been predicting doom and gloom for years, comic prices have continued to escalate leaving him in the dust, makes a Drama Queen exit about once a year only to return as ornery as ever and is a Welsher Supreme (see the threads quoted in this thread). I'm sure that i've left some salient facts out, but the image should be pretty clear.


While some of this might have merit, I don't believe this is all true...JC has been predicting the Great Comic Book Crash for over 5 years now, not 3-4! poke2.gif


For those not around in the early days of the board, you missed JC's year long, sure-as-the-sun-will-rise-tomorrow call on "The Great Crash of 2004". 27_laughing.gif

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as there are some real whackos out there.


Wrong. Not "out there", on these boards. The fact that convicted felons have posted here (and I don't mean tax cheats or drunk drivers) really creeps me out. When I start grad school in a month and have to leave the boards, there will be some things I miss and some things I will be glad to leave behind.


I told you. I didn't MEAN to kill him mad.gif

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I just can't imaging what kind of enjoyment you get out of trashing everyone.


I don't , and other than obvious personal-attack-mode trolls like burned-out-boy and Deathcock, who have I done this with lately?


These idiiots have been trolling me for years, and I think any person has his boiling point with this 893censored-thumb.gif.


27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif Liar!!! You take total enjoyment over being the 893censored-thumb.gif you are here, and push it as far as you can. Here we go, with the "woe is Joe" garbage, followed by threats and putdowns. Soon to be followed by a "Steve B will ban me if I don't leave now" and another FDQ exit.


Deja vu all over again 27_laughing.gif


Sorry Fazy and some of you other new schoolers, but some of us have been around long enough to see this 893censored-thumb.gif over and over again, and it really gets old. Kiss up to him all you want, try to change him all you want, but you ultimately will only get one thing out of it: disappointment. JC is simply an internet bully looking to make waves. You won't be changing this leopard's spots.

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That was very nice of you to post this Kenny. 893applaud-thumb.gif It reminds all of us how innocent we all start out. It looks to me, that you and Gretta? are doing a great job raising Ellen (teaching her the values of life). My daughter is in northern Vermont spending her annual 3 weeks with grandma (my mom). After that, she will be in Florida for her anual 3 weeks with her birth mom. Then, she will be back with Donna and I for the next 46 weeks. I miss her a lot, and it was nice to see the picture of your daughter to remind me of Alyssa. thumbsup2.gif
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