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My road to success (Moving Update 2)

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This thread will be about my journey to the million dollar comic and the struggles, failures and successes that come with it since many boardies requested it I will not longer post my transactions but try what revat said :). I also have a bunch of inspirational people two of them being Walt Disney and Steve Jobs because I want to be the next rags to riches story not to the degree of Steve Jobs or Walt Disney but I want to make a million dollars buying and selling a comic and making enough money with this venture to never again say I can't afford something :)


Thoughts and plans

Sell my comics

Sell IH 180 CGC 5.0


Milestones I want to reach

Get my first four figure sale


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13 hours ago, revat said:

International GF???????!!!!!  + Unemployed?????!!!!

Pinning your hopes on video games and cryptocurrency?????!!!!

Follow your dreams and love.  But please please please please don't give $$ to your international gf.  I don't know anything about the situation at all, but I don't think I'm the only one who thinks there's a decent chance someone might try to take advantage of you.

PS.  Are you sure the so-called crypto-currency bear market isn't just a death spiral resulting in increased government regulation, law enforcement tracking, and taxation.  Are you reading about all the newest cryptocurrency stuff?


PPS.  Also, have you considered just moving to China for a few years and being a 'background white guy' who just hangs out in offices and goes to fancy parties? They get paid ok. You can also teach English on the side.  Google it, its a thing.


My gf is from the US. She has more than enough money of her own. No, you shouldn't assume things. I didn't say that I put my hope and dreams into cryptocurrency and video games. I said it's where my excess money is comic from to buy comic books.

Yes, I'm sure it's not a death spiral Revat. I don't want to move to China nor teach English to people, nor be a "background white guy"

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13 hours ago, DeadOne said:

Sounds like you're happy Gabe.
Speaking of international GFs, an old friend of mine is returning from the Philippines today after a week long trip to pick out meet his fiancée for the first time. He seemed very happy in his FB pictures.

I am happy and my gf lives in the US and 10 hours away from me by car so there's that.

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9 hours ago, Wall-Crawler said:

I thought you owed the government $$$ last time? 

Now that it is a "bear market" for the crypto currency, what is your profit/loss margin on that venture?

I still do and also the banks. The banks as far as I'm concerned can :censored: off. I tried my best to pay off that credit card debt, I called, I tried to negotiate and work out terms. They didn't listen and they kept piling on 100 bucks, 75 bucks every few days so I gave up and I'm not paying it off until I AM ready to do so. They did me this disfavor so now it will be their turn to wait and yes I'm aware of what will happen to my credit score.


I'll let you know sometime after taxes what my profits and losses are

Edited by uchiha101
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3 hours ago, uchiha101 said:

I still do and also the banks. The banks as far as I'm concerned can :censored: off. I tried my best to pay off that credit card debt, I called, I tried to negotiate and work out terms. They didn't listen and they kept piling on 100 bucks, 75 bucks every few days so I gave up and I'm not paying it off until I AM ready to do so. They did me this disfavor so now it will be their turn to wait and yes I'm aware of what will happen to my credit score.


I'll let you know sometime after taxes what my profits and losses are

Taking a bit of a leap here...based on above, I’m assuming you ran up your credit card(s) and, when you determined you couldn’t make the payments, you tried to negotiate a settlement that they wouldn’t accept? Is that correct?  

The “piling” on was either interest on the money you borrowed (that’s how they make their money) or non-payment penalties or a bit of both. 

Now you’re not going to pay them out of spite?  In the meantime, that interest and penalty will continue to stack up.  

C’mon man!  

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31 minutes ago, chrisco37 said:

Taking a bit of a leap here...based on above, I’m assuming you ran up your credit card(s) and, when you determined you couldn’t make the payments, you tried to negotiate a settlement that they wouldn’t accept? Is that correct?  

The “piling” on was either interest on the money you borrowed (that’s how they make their money) or non-payment penalties or a bit of both. 

Now you’re not going to pay them out of spite?  In the meantime, that interest and penalty will continue to stack up.  

C’mon man!  

No, I had only one credit card and had no trouble paying it off then they started adding huge amounts of money that I couldn't keep up with on top of the interest with it. I spoke to them many times about it and they didn't care. I tried to negotiate and they didn't accept or want to. So I said :censored: it and haven't made a payment to them since that time. I'm aware of what is happening. I will focus my efforts on other debts. 



Edited by uchiha101
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8 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

then they started adding huge amounts of money

I think it is this type of statement that leads to confusion. Why? What for? etc

No need to explain it to me though, I am just trying to point out where the confusion lies.

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I was going to post a similar question.  I think the phrase “no trouble paying it off” meant making the minimum monthly payment.  Then he’s surprised at the interest each month.  I’m sure the card must’ve been at or over 20%.

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That's correct but I wasn't surprised by the monthly payments or interest. There was something else that would keep happening aside from that. However, it's been so long that they took the card off my bank account so I can't check. 

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32 minutes ago, Iceman399 said:

Just when I thought I was out you pull me back in. 


I think marvel should look to hire you to do a movie about your life. 

Lmao, what would the movie be called? "The Misfortunes of Gabriel Kawa" 

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4 hours ago, uchiha101 said:

That's correct but I wasn't surprised by the monthly payments or interest. There was something else that would keep happening aside from that. However, it's been so long that they took the card off my bank account so I can't check. 

Always someone else's fault, never your own.

You still owe the bank and government money.  You now say you have unpaid credit card debt.  There was "something else happening"? What else besides purchases and interest accumulation can there be? Did you take the bait and get expensive fraud protection or insurance on your balance? What were they "adding"? Regardless, you are responsible for these things.  How can you not know???

Bottom line, if you are interested in "dealing in comics", answer me this...How can you expect anyone to take you seriously? Who would ever consign with you when you a) have no clue what you are doing b) don't know how to manage your own finances and c) have demonstrated that if things go sideways you don't honour your work or financial obligations?

I certainly would not take a chance on you and until you get your life straightened out, I won't buy anything from you and I don't think anyone else here should be either as to not fuel your psychosis that you are "good at this" as it is nothing but a distraction from you getting a real job and your life in order.

Edited by Wall-Crawler
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3 minutes ago, Wall-Crawler said:

Always someone else's fault, never your own.

You still owe the bank and government money.  You now say you have unpaid credit card debt.  There was "something else happening"? What else besides purchases and interest accumulation can there be? Did you take the bait and get expensive fraud protection or insurance on your balance? What were they "adding"? Regardless, you are responsible for these things.  How can you not know???

Bottom line, if you are interested in "dealing in comics", answer me this...How can you expect anyone to take you seriously? Who would ever consign with you when you a) have no clue what you are doing b) don't know how to manage your own finances and c) have demonstrated that if mess goes sideways you don't honour your work or financial obligations?

I certainly would not take a chance on you and until you get your life straightened out, I won't buy anything from you and I don't think anyone else here should be either as to not fuel your psychosis that you are "good at this" as it is nothing but a distraction from you getting a real job and your life in order.

You're always full of something to say so let me straighten you out. First off, I have made every attempt to pay off that debt, call them to take off that additional charge, try to work with them on it, work on a repayment plan. Where on Earth did I say I didn't know?? Nowhere.

Second, wherein all of what I said did I say I didn't take any of what happened seriously? Maybe you should read things over again because you make quite the claims yourself. I am more than happy to take responsibility for things and mistakes I've made so again go READ that. I wouldn't screw anyone over especially with consignments and we've already been over that from my last journal. There were a few boardies that agreed with your opinion but not all.

Third, you again jump to conclusions. Where did I say this time that I did it this time to be "good at this!" for crying out loud you asked me this not too long ago so go read my reply to that Wall-Crawler. 

So now let me turn these tables and you and unlike you say what you did is that cool?

You come here to MY journal saying how much of a waste of time it is, saying how I should be doing things much better, how I never learn, jumping to conclusions and saying and assuming things I haven't said in this new journal. I never forced you to come here and read this nor even participate you did that of your own free will. As for the things I do it's out in the open for people to read and I have nothing to hide. The people of this board can make up their own minds about whether to cosign or buy comics from me. Also, just so you know, things do change and not every whim and reason is written in stone. 


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You're always full of something to say so let me straighten you out. First off, I have made every attempt to pay off that debt, call them to take off that additional charge, try to work with them on it, work on a repayment plan. Where on Earth did I say I didn't know?? Nowhere.

Your words: There was something else that would keep happening aside from that. However, it's been so long that they took the card off my bank account so I can't check.

You said "something else". What was the "something else"? You said you can't check your card? They may have cut off your card but the debt should still be registering/visible to you.

Second, wherein all of what I said did I say I didn't take any of what happened seriously? Maybe you should read things over again because you make quite the claims yourself. I am more than happy to take responsibility for things and mistakes I've made so again go READ that. I wouldn't screw anyone over especially with consignments and we've already been over that from my last journal. There were a few boardies that agreed with your opinion but not all.

Your words:  The banks as far as I'm concerned can  off. I tried my best to pay off that credit card debt, I called, I tried to negotiate and work out terms. They didn't listen and they kept piling on 100 bucks, 75 bucks every few days so I gave up and I'm not paying it off until I AM ready to do so. They did me this disfavor so now it will be their turn to wait and yes I'm aware of what will happen to my credit score.

If you are not paying your debts, on assistance, don't care about the banks and are aware of that will do to your credit score and ability to secure any other kind of financing or employment, then NO you are not taking it seriously.

Third, you again jump to conclusions. Where did I say this time that I did it this time to be "good at this!" for crying out loud you asked me this not too long ago so go read my reply to that Wall-Crawler. 

For the amount of time you have been doing this, you should be better at this but you are not.  Your road to success does not rest in dealing in crypto currency or comics. I mean you can't even tell me how well you did on your crypto venture until you get your tax return? What?

So now let me turn these tables and you and unlike you say what you did is that cool?

Not sure what you are getting on about there but, nothing about me is cool.  I have a house, a wife, a full time job. Enjoy the outdoors. I sell comics on the side to help fund my own collection. I also set up at local shows.  And I enjoy doing those things but not at the expense of everything else

You come here to MY journal saying how much of a waste of time it is, saying how I should be doing things much better, how I never learn, jumping to conclusions and saying and assuming things I haven't said in this new journal. I never forced you to come here and read this nor even participate you did that of your own free will. As for the things I do it's out in the open for people to read and I have nothing to hide. The people of this board can make up their own minds about whether to cosign or buy comics from me. Also, just so you know, things do change and not every whim and reason is written in stone. 

People have made up their minds.

You are right. You have never forced me to come here and I wish you no ill will. Its called a reality check. If you recall in PM and other places, I have offered you real advice in terms of getting a job, some resources, etc. but literally nothing has changed.  I came here hoping there would be real progress, I have said before that I hope get a some help, a job and that if you had those things, the rest will eventually fall into place.  Sadly, we learn after all this time, literally nothing has changed.  


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57 minutes ago, Wall-Crawler said:

You're always full of something to say so let me straighten you out. First off, I have made every attempt to pay off that debt, call them to take off that additional charge, try to work with them on it, work on a repayment plan. Where on Earth did I say I didn't know?? Nowhere.

Your words: There was something else that would keep happening aside from that. However, it's been so long that they took the card off my bank account so I can't check.

You said "something else". What was the "something else"? You said you can't check your card? They may have cut off your card but the debt should still be registering/visible to you.

Second, wherein all of what I said did I say I didn't take any of what happened seriously? Maybe you should read things over again because you make quite the claims yourself. I am more than happy to take responsibility for things and mistakes I've made so again go READ that. I wouldn't screw anyone over especially with consignments and we've already been over that from my last journal. There were a few boardies that agreed with your opinion but not all.

Your words:  The banks as far as I'm concerned can  off. I tried my best to pay off that credit card debt, I called, I tried to negotiate and work out terms. They didn't listen and they kept piling on 100 bucks, 75 bucks every few days so I gave up and I'm not paying it off until I AM ready to do so. They did me this disfavor so now it will be their turn to wait and yes I'm aware of what will happen to my credit score.

If you are not paying your debts, on assistance, don't care about the banks and are aware of that will do to your credit score and ability to secure any other kind of financing or employment, then NO you are not taking it seriously.

Third, you again jump to conclusions. Where did I say this time that I did it this time to be "good at this!" for crying out loud you asked me this not too long ago so go read my reply to that Wall-Crawler. 

For the amount of time you have been doing this, you should be better at this but you are not.  Your road to success does not rest in dealing in crypto currency or comics. I mean you can't even tell me how well you did on your crypto venture until you get your tax return? What?

So now let me turn these tables and you and unlike you say what you did is that cool?

Not sure what you are getting on about there but, nothing about me is cool.  I have a house, a wife, a full time job. Enjoy the outdoors. I sell comics on the side to help fund my own collection. I also set up at local shows.  And I enjoy doing those things but not at the expense of everything else

You come here to MY journal saying how much of a waste of time it is, saying how I should be doing things much better, how I never learn, jumping to conclusions and saying and assuming things I haven't said in this new journal. I never forced you to come here and read this nor even participate you did that of your own free will. As for the things I do it's out in the open for people to read and I have nothing to hide. The people of this board can make up their own minds about whether to cosign or buy comics from me. Also, just so you know, things do change and not every whim and reason is written in stone. 

People have made up their minds.

You are right. You have never forced me to come here and I wish you no ill will. Its called a reality check. If you recall in PM and other places, I have offered you real advice in terms of getting a job, some resources, etc. but literally nothing has changed.  I came here hoping there would be real progress, I have said before that I hope get a some help, a job and that if you had those things, the rest will eventually fall into place.  Sadly, we learn after all this time, literally nothing has changed.  


I can't properly quote you because I'm not sure how and it's messing up my laptop. But I will answer you.

1. If I had known what that something else is I wouldn't be calling it "something else" and of course I tried to check and see what it was. As for the information, it's literally not there AT ALL. All that comes up is my investing account, my bank accounts and nothing else. It's like the credit card has been wiped clean and I can't get updates as to what's going on except from them.

2. Again you're putting words in my mouth. Where did I say that I didn't want to pay off this debt, or find employment? I told everyone that I'm not paying it until I AM ready nothing more nothing less. I consider these two different things completely and I act accordingly. I already said I know what's happening to my credit score. That has nothing to do with how I treat others, how I work with them, and what I do with consignments. I have all 100% feedback on eBay and here for a reason Wall. 

3. Wall, as for the cryptocurrency I said that I don't know till after my tax returns as in because I didn't feel like checking or doing it yet.

4. It's how I speak so let me be more plain with you then. I'm saying that because you frustrate me, always having something to say yet when I call you out for it you just deny things. I never even spoke about your lifestyle you did. All I was saying is it's easy for others to judge people's lives when you yourself haven't put anything on here. The expense of everything else? What do you mean that I'm not paying off this particular debt? That I'm on assistance? Frankly, I've had it with banks and how they've treated me so now it will be their turn to wait until I AM ready.

5. To say I've done nothing is just assumptions. So let me give you a rundown of things that have happened to me cool?

1. Left to go to cryptocurrency, made wins, losses, and broke even

2. Broke up with my previous gf

3. Removed lots of fake friends and had to deal with many false accusations 

4. Found my new and current gf which died and came back. I know you won't believe this but that's what happened. I took her loss very hard, got suicidal and very depressed. Things didn't matter to me anymore really.

5. I've updated my resume and applied to jobs.

6. Was looking into subsidized housing but unless I become homeless there's a 6 year waiting period

7.I am getting tested and waiting for the doctor so that I can be approved for disability 

8. I've paid off many of my debts

9. I've reconnected with some old comic book people and slowly getting back into things.

10. Became an admin and mod of a group in the cryptocurrency I invest in.

11. I have been in giving the cryptocurrency I invest it ideas directly.


So please, just because YOU see no progress doesn't mean there isn't any let's make that perfectly clear Wall-Crawler


Edited by uchiha101
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32 minutes ago, Wall-Crawler said:

Things are CRYSTAL clear to me...Don't worry about that.

Good luck Gabe.



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I don't want to speak for Wall, but as a longtime, and current, Canadian tax payer, it is hard to read some of this knowing that you are literally taking money off of our cheques to fund trivial pursuits, like you are entitled to it, with no attempt to give back to the system. It is pretty frustrating to tell you the truth. I hope you understand how it could be upsetting to go to work everyday and have money taken off of one's cheque every two weeks so that you can play at selling video games and comic books. 

As my very blunt grandmother would say, "shame on you."  

If you are an able bodied young man, depression or not, you can still put ketchup on a shelf for a living, among a multitude of other possibilities for meaningful employment. This is the only way to point your life in the direction which you state you want in your journal.

Now I just happened in here by accident, read the journal and did not intend on writing much of anything, but after reading the exchange with Wall, it struck a nerve with me. I won't say anything after this either because stopping in here will only upset me but :

Get off your computer, go get a job, stop leaching off of the taxpayer, you're only entitled to what you earn. 




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2 hours ago, Patriot6 said:

I don't want to speak for Wall, but as a longtime, and current, Canadian tax payer, it is hard to read some of this knowing that you are literally taking money off of our cheques to fund trivial pursuits, like you are entitled to it, with no attempt to give back to the system. It is pretty frustrating to tell you the truth. I hope you understand how it could be upsetting to go to work everyday and have money taken off of one's cheque every two weeks so that you can play at selling video games and comic books. 

As my very blunt grandmother would say, "shame on you."  

If you are an able bodied young man, depression or not, you can still put ketchup on a shelf for a living, among a multitude of other possibilities for meaningful employment. This is the only way to point your life in the direction which you state you want in your journal.

Now I just happened in here by accident, read the journal and did not intend on writing much of anything, but after reading the exchange with Wall, it struck a nerve with me. I won't say anything after this either because stopping in here will only upset me but :

Get off your computer, go get a job, stop leaching off of the taxpayer, you're only entitled to what you earn. 




It's pretty frustrating to have someone like you come to my journal, not read what I've said and make assumptions from thin air. I pay taxes myself so don't go touting "Canadian tax payer" to me. Secondly, I told everyone what's funding buying comic books and the like so go read that as well. I'm glad it struck a nerve but again if you had read what I said. I dare you to say that very same thing to the government and see what they say to you.

As for leaching off the taxpayer, I am a taxpayer myself. Whether you like it or not taxes are taken away from what you earn. Perhaps you didn't notice but I also said that I was applying and waiting to be approved for disability, you know the thing that has been suggested to me by my doctor and by my case worker as well some boardies. Gotta love you putting words in my mouth. Where did I say I was entitled? I got social assistance because I got approved for it and it's as simple as that. So what? You'll be angry and talk about taxpayer dollars again if I get approved for disability?

Finally, for being a "contributing member of society" I have some goals that are financially and employment-based.

1. Get a job 

2. Pay off my debts

3. Set up a business and become my own boss

4. Set up a corporation 

Oh, that reminds me will you get salty if I have a corporation and yell about "Taxpayer" money again?


Edited by uchiha101
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No job. No paycheck. How, precisely, do you pay taxes? 

I have lots to say, but everything would be either mean, pointless (because you know more than ANYONE else), or both. 

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24 minutes ago, DeadOne said:

I blame the bank that issued you that credit card... unless you lied or exaggerated on your cc application.

Really? I blame the guy who entered into a financial contract by signing papers which stated that he was responsible for paying money back with interest. I blame the guy who has no understanding of compounding interest or personal responsibility or simple pride. I blame the guy who feels he's entitled to make demands of his creditors, instead of understanding that it's his own fault that he cannot pay back his loans. I blame the guy who is choosing not to follow through. 

The money on his credit card WAS NOT HIS money. It was the banks. He is outright refusing to pay off his debt because he's unhappy they refused some sort of settlement. 

Of all the things in his journal, this action is perhaps his most offensive, in my eyes. 

The business world runs on credit and the responsible repayment of loans. He is willingly destroying his own credit rating, seemingly oblivious that he is concurrently ruining his own ability to obtain one of his goals - his own business. 


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I'm not saying that Gabe is completely blameless, but predatory lending is a real thing.
I highly doubt that he could have taken whatever application he filled out to obtain that credit card to an actual branch office and received the same line of credit.

No current income, no history of sustained work, limited or no savings... sounds like a good candidate for a credit card.

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I dropped in here hoping for a better outcome. IIRC, one of the few pieces of advice I offered was to cut up that credit card when it arrived.

Good luck and good bye.

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7 hours ago, DeadOne said:

I blame the bank that issued you that credit card... unless you lied or exaggerated on your cc application.

Amen to that! How is it possible for an out of work , wanna be get a credit card?

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