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My road to success (Moving Update 2)

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This thread will be about my journey to the million dollar comic and the struggles, failures and successes that come with it since many boardies requested it I will not longer post my transactions but try what revat said :). I also have a bunch of inspirational people two of them being Walt Disney and Steve Jobs because I want to be the next rags to riches story not to the degree of Steve Jobs or Walt Disney but I want to make a million dollars buying and selling a comic and making enough money with this venture to never again say I can't afford something :)


Thoughts and plans

Sell my comics

Sell IH 180 CGC 5.0


Milestones I want to reach

Get my first four figure sale


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Plus, it's not your words here that are being analyzed. It's your actions, which tells us everything we need to know about doing business with you. 

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On 12/17/2018 at 10:22 AM, newshane said:

Good person? Follow your word and your business contracts. 

Responsible? Pay your debts, move out of your mom's basement, pay your own rent and your own monthly bills. Stop blaming your failures on other people, or your medical conditions. I know plenty of people who face much greater struggles than you do, and they get up out of bed every morning and go to a job they hate so they can pay their own way. It's called LIFE. A responsible person wouldn't blame their debt on the bank. A responsible person would take the blame for overspending and their subsequent inability to pay it off. 

Hard working? That one's easy. Get a real job...and keep it. 

We've been telling you this for years and you never listen. If anything, you've grown worse by an order of magnitude. 

You don't understand that the "road to success" is built on HARD WORK. Seems like you want to take shortcuts, like dabbling here and there in cryptocurrency and comic book deals. 

I don't respect anyone who can't live up to a financial obligation. And you want to start a business? SMH

What's going to happen when you go in for a business loan and they pull your score? Or they do a little bit of research and find out that you basically told a bank to :censored: off? 

You're destroying your life and you refuse to listen to anyone. 

as for the boards...let the schadenfreude continue...



I'm getting tired of explaining myself so many times over. I already explained all these things to you and the other boardies asking similar questions. You have no idea what I face health wise so lay off. I understand perfectly fine what hard work is but there's a right and work way to do it. What will I do when I want a loan? That's simple. A bank would be the last place I would go and there are plenty of other alternative options.

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On 12/17/2018 at 10:51 AM, oakman29 said:

That's a good one! 

Disney and Steve Jobs didn't just happen to build a company out of nothing. It took many years and hard work to achieve what they had done.

You have to earn your stripes in life, they don't just happen.

You build a lifetime of respect, trust, and honor.

It's a very precious thing at least to me. Everybody from my wife and kids, co workers, customers I take care of,  the bank, and yes to the members of this board. I tell them the truth, and I always take care of my obligations. 


Actually, that first page is from the old journal format and I couldn't edit it. I'm aware of what Steve Jobs and Walt Disney did otherwise I wouldn't have them as my inspirations 

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On 12/17/2018 at 10:44 PM, miraclemet said:



But really... Are you clear on the fact that you not paying doesn't hurt them at all (they are huge insured billion dollar Corp), but it does hurt you right?

And it sounds like you looked on line to figure out these big charges, but did you talk to someone about them? They can see more info than you and could tell you where the charges were coming from. Did you call or go to a branch?

Also remember when you talk about "breaking even" to factor in the time lost, and salary lost when spending time in cryptocurrency or comics. If you spent 6 months and "broke even" you really lost cause you have to factor in whatever you could have earned during that time.... 

But it does hurt them. I'm aware of what it's doing to me. I did go directly to the branch many times and they kept telling me to do it over the phone only since it's was separate from them. I learned many things with cryptocurrency and will never consider it a waste of my time. It was a lot of learning curves but it's something I don't regret doing.

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On 12/17/2018 at 1:16 PM, revat said:

I've given pages and pages of advice in the old thread to fall mostly on deaf ears, but there is literally ONE WAY out of this, and the OP is lucky to even have that option, given that he's living at home.

Step 1: Find a job, any job.

Step 2:  Make a VERY SPECIFIC monthly budget. Stop ANY spending of money that isn't for food, rent, internet.  No gf, no friends, UNLESS you have a specific 'fun budget' every month.  Budget an amount that you're saving for school in the future (any SCHOOL.  Community college, trade school, etc)

STep 3:  Budget your time. I get that you like video games, limit it to 1hr a day AT MOST.  The rest of the time should be spent on things that make you better/smarter.  That means working out/exercising (no gym memberships for you), reading (anything but comics), cooking/eating healthy AT HOME, and finding something you want to study. You can budget in some tv time too (just online shows that you can watch for free, no additional cost).  At MOST, 2hrs time spent with friends on the weekends per week.  And 1/2 hr chatting w/gf (ideally you'd break up) per week.

Step 4:  When you've saved enough, start going to school part time (preferably for a practical trade).  Yes it will take longer if you're still working, and that sucks, but people do it all the time and it HAS to be done.

Step 5:  Get a mentor, someone a little older (20 years or less) who has 'made it,' that you can trust, who can give you some basic directional guidance.

Step 6:  Humble yourself and DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANY PERSON FOR ANY REASON, and STOP BELIEVING THAT YOU DESERVE ANYTHING (you might, you might not), but IT DOESN'T MATTER.  STOP BLAMING OTHERS (you might be right, you might not be), BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER. 


I get it, not every one needs to go to school, plenty of people do fine without it, maybe even people you know.  BUT you seem aware enough to realize by now that some things that come naturally to others will probably have to be taught to you.  And there's nothing wrong with that, but you've got to put in the work, and you may not think that's fair, but that DOESN'T MATTER ANY MORE.  Lots of people wouldn't be successful without school, even if they struggle, even if/when its tough.  Its not always about the specific things you learn (though often it is), but its about learning how to and proving to yourself you can meet deadlines and show up for class, and take criticism, and work in teams, etc.  These are things that it sounds like you still have room for improvement.  There's just been no evidence that you have the natural business sense to make it without school or additional training.

Your situation is extremely dire, and it will take an EXTREME solution to right the ship.  There will always be investment opportunities in the future, when you've really established yourself. 



You speak a lot but in a good way. I will answer you later

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On 12/17/2018 at 10:26 AM, newshane said:

"They did me this disfavor..." 

Really? They did you a disfavor by lending you money? lol 

How about the disfavor you are doing them by refusing to pay back their money? 


Wrong. Don't make assumptions. I'm thankful that they lent me the money. However, they did me a disfavor of not helping me out when I asked for it and tried to work things out with them.

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19 hours ago, revat said:

That's ok, sure I'm landlords don't do credit checks in the event he ever wants to move.

That's ok, I'm sure most employers don't do credit checks in the event he ever wants a better (or any) job.

That's ok, I'm sure that even in the highly unlikely event he finds some success in business and wants to get a business loan from a bank they won't do credit checks either.


In unrelated news, I was under the impression that Canada was relatively low-cost when it comes to public education, how much is junior/community college (or the Canadian equivalent), and do they teach trades there (mechanical, plumbing, clerical, nursing, fixing stuff, carpentry, medical assistants)?  Because in America, despite the high cost of SOME colleges and universities, MOST city/junior/community colleges are fairly cheap (though its relative, and I get people still need to work to pay for classes) for local residents, and have a decent financial aid available (assuming you haven't blown your credit to S--T).  I don't see why Canada would be more expensive for this. 

If someone was young and single and living with their parents, I think its pretty doable.  Even if its 4-5 years because you're working at the same time, you give yourself a chance at a real future.



Again I will reply back to you because I like the things you say

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22 minutes ago, newshane said:

No one is putting words in your mouth. 

You said you aren't paying the bank until YOU get ready to do so.


You told them to f-off. 


It doesn't work that way, no matter how you try to spin it. 

Others said that I never want to pay them off which isn't the case at all and putting words in my mouth. Don't believe me? Then check it yourself.

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I wanted to post a very important life update to me and I'm putting myself out there by saying this but it needs to be known.

I met an amazing girl 7 months ago that started off as a friend and eventually became my gf irl and being my wife in-game. She is one of the most amazing things that's ever happened to my life. The circumstances of which I was given a second chance with her no one on here would believe and yes this is the same gf I want to visit when I make my passport and save up money. She wanted to marry me in real life and I wanted the same with her until it got cut short. I promised her and God that I would become a better man and husband for her and I truly meant that.

Fast forward to now where 

She's taking a year off along with her sister to focus on herself and her life. I'll leave the entire album for everyone to read since I'm not ashamed of it. I truly hope this is a love of biblical standards. If it is then she will come back to me as promised, love me the same or more as she did when she left, and she will not think of cheating on me.



So with that being said I too, will be taking a year to improve myself and become a better man and husband for her because it seems God is giving me a push and testing my faith, how far I'm willing to go and what I'm willing to change as per my promise. I will seldom post here from this point on only when I have an important update to make and nothing more. So I will take a day or two to let this sink in and allow comments before leaving.

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24 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

I wanted to post a very important life update to me and I'm putting myself out there by saying this but it needs to be known.

I met an amazing girl 7 months ago that started off as a friend and eventually became my gf irl and being my wife in-game. She is one of the most amazing things that's ever happened to my life. The circumstances of which I was given a second chance with her no one on here would believe and yes this is the same gf I want to visit when I make my passport and save up money. She wanted to marry me in real life and I wanted the same with her until it got cut short. I promised her and God that I would become a better man and husband for her and I truly meant that.

Fast forward to now where 

She's taking a year off along with her sister to focus on herself and her life. I'll leave the entire album for everyone to read since I'm not ashamed of it. I truly hope this is a love of biblical standards. If it is then she will come back to me as promised, love me the same or more as she did when she left, and she will not think of cheating on me.



So with that being said I too, will be taking a year to improve myself and become a better man and husband for her because it seems God is giving me a push and testing my faith, how far I'm willing to go and what I'm willing to change as per my promise. I will seldom post here from this point on only when I have an important update to make and nothing more. So I will take a day or two to let this sink in and allow comments before leaving.

You realize your "girlfriend" or "wife" or whatever is likely a dude right?

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2 minutes ago, Wall-Crawler said:

You realize your "girlfriend" or "wife" or whatever is likely a dude right?


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29 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

I wanted to post a very important life update to me and I'm putting myself out there by saying this but it needs to be known.

I met an amazing girl 7 months ago that started off as a friend and eventually became my gf irl and being my wife in-game. She is one of the most amazing things that's ever happened to my life. The circumstances of which I was given a second chance with her no one on here would believe and yes this is the same gf I want to visit when I make my passport and save up money. She wanted to marry me in real life and I wanted the same with her until it got cut short. I promised her and God that I would become a better man and husband for her and I truly meant that.

Fast forward to now where 

She's taking a year off along with her sister to focus on herself and her life. I'll leave the entire album for everyone to read since I'm not ashamed of it. I truly hope this is a love of biblical standards. If it is then she will come back to me as promised, love me the same or more as she did when she left, and she will not think of cheating on me.



So with that being said I too, will be taking a year to improve myself and become a better man and husband for her because it seems God is giving me a push and testing my faith, how far I'm willing to go and what I'm willing to change as per my promise. I will seldom post here from this point on only when I have an important update to make and nothing more. So I will take a day or two to let this sink in and allow comments before leaving.

All this solidifies (if people didn't already come to this conclusion) is that you are in desperate need of some serious professional help. 

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1 hour ago, uchiha101 said:

However, they did me a disfavor of not helping me out when I asked for it and tried to work things out with them.

No. They did YOU a favor by lending you the money. 


1 hour ago, uchiha101 said:

But it does hurt them. 



1 hour ago, uchiha101 said:

What will I do when I want a loan? That's simple. A bank would be the last place I would go and there are plenty of other alternative options.

Of course. You can go to a loan shark. I think you'll find they deal with debtors quite differently than a bank would. Who is going to lend you money when you're already head over heels into debt? Perhaps you're talking about your parents? 

When you sign papers agreeing to the terms of a loan, you follow the terms. You do NOT get to decide when you pay back a loan. I can't tell my bank that I'll pay my mortgage one day, whenever I'm ready. It doesn't work that way. 

1 hour ago, uchiha101 said:

Wrong. Don't make assumptions. I'm thankful that they lent me the money. However, they did me a disfavor of not helping me out when I asked for it and tried to work things out with them.

I'm wrong by saying you aren't presently paying back the money? What is there left to assume when you say, very clearly, that you told them to f-off? 

Plus, you sound completely entitled. 

* * * 

I have no comment about your "girlfriend" or video-game wife or whatever...

in fact, I really do hope that things work out for you. But keep this in mind, and I'm done here...

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. 

You accuse us of asking the same questions, over and over again. Fair enough. My final question is, "When are YOU going to stop making the same mistakes, over and over again?" 

I hope that you get the help you need. Best of luck. 


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18 minutes ago, BlowUpTheMoon said:


MNF Club is a massively multiplayer sex game designed solely for adults. Meet, chat and have virtual sex with numbers of horny people from all around the ...



Glad I didn't click on the link. Something told me it wouldn't be safe for work. 

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52 minutes ago, Action252Kid said:

I honestly don't believe that any of this can be real.  It is just mind-blowing.  Yet I keep coming back to read it O.o 

I know what you mean, except I'm pretty sure it's real.  I mean, what can you say when someone makes the statement "They even offered to let me max out my card to the limit."  I'd love to hear where he got that idea from, and by hear, I mean a photo of the correspondence from the credit card company that makes that statement in writing.  If he would ever listen to anyone with more life experience than him, which is almost everyone, he'd know when you are issued a credit card, it usually has a limit and it's up to the cardholder to decide how to use it.  You want to use it responsibly, fine, the credit card company can live with that.  You want to max it out buying things you can't afford, they'll light up like a Christmas tree because that's where they make their money.  But, then again, that only applies to people  who actually pay the debts that they incur of their own free will.  It's called integrity.






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