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My road to success (Moving Update 2)

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This thread will be about my journey to the million dollar comic and the struggles, failures and successes that come with it since many boardies requested it I will not longer post my transactions but try what revat said :). I also have a bunch of inspirational people two of them being Walt Disney and Steve Jobs because I want to be the next rags to riches story not to the degree of Steve Jobs or Walt Disney but I want to make a million dollars buying and selling a comic and making enough money with this venture to never again say I can't afford something :)


Thoughts and plans

Sell my comics

Sell IH 180 CGC 5.0


Milestones I want to reach

Get my first four figure sale


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11 minutes ago, Batman1fan said:

If that card is simply a debit card tied to your bank account, then I was wrong to assume that you were getting another credit card.  That said, even after four years, it never ceases to amaze me how you strategically pick and choose which questions or comments to respond to while ignoring others.

Of course taxes are paid, and nobody except the government likes it.  The government also does decide what to do with that money.  No argument on either point.  However, what gives you the right to accept that same money in the form of social assistance to pay your living expenses and then turn around and spend whatever other money you can come up with on comics, toys or whatever?  You're on social assistance because you are unable to support yourself, correct?  That means that if you weren't receiving government assistance, any money you had, that right now goes to comics, games and cryptocurrency, would have to be spent on living expenses and basic necessities.

You say you've had plenty of jobs, maybe you have, maybe not, but how long did you actually work at any of those jobs?  Since you've brought it up twice, I never asked what your plans are for this year, and I absolutely believe that you can continue receiving social assistance while doing nothing, because that's exactly what you are doing.  If you were actually trying to find a job for as long as you say you have, then one of three things is taking place: 1) you're not really looking for a job; 2) you make a terrible first impression and/or your resume tells prospective employers that you are not someone they want to hire, or 3) you really and truly are unemployable, which your lack of grammar, hygeine, comprehension and common sense most likely contributes to.  Because the cold, hard truth is that nobody, but nobody can possibly look for a job for 4 years and not find one, or at least one they will stick with for any length of time.  It's hard to believe that in the four years since you started your journal, you have gotten exactly nowhere, unless you count your foray into the elf sex realm as a rung on the ladder of sucess. You're still living with your parents, still don't have a job and are still losing money with your comic and game flipping.  

By the way, since you ignored it before, I'll ask again: How much do you owe on your credit card, are you making the payments, and if you are, where is the money coming from that you are using to pay them?

It's not that I pick and choose it's that I answer them multiple times and you don't pay attention. For example, I've already answered how much debt my credit card has on it multiple times so where were you? 

Ok here's another thing, I DID NOT NOT have a job for four years, in fact, I've had multiple. I don't make a good impression to most people and one thing I hate people telling me to do more is to smile on the job. I'm not on drugs people and unless I'm genuinely happy I'm not gonna fake it. Yes, I understand that I have a lot of things to work on and to you, it may seem like I've gotten nowhere but I've improved a lot and learned many things. 

So to answer this question AGAIN, I owe roughly around 2800 dollars CAD on it. I'm not making any payments on it.


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44 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

Ah, well my mom purchased that shelf for me and told me to put it upstairs and the reason why it's important is because had it not been for that I wouldn't have taken that huge loss at all.

So now it's your moms fault that your stuff got ruined?  Yeah, I can see that.  She bought you a gift and gave you a place to hang it in her home, that she allows you to freeload, I mean reside at.  What a terrible person she must be.  I wish your parents would read some of the things you say about them.  Hopefully if they did, they would immediately toss you out on your ear, slam the door and change the locks.  It's too bad your parents don't own a castle with a moat.  If they did, instead of the basement you could live under the bridge.  You'd fit right in.

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Yes, it is and since you're the one that tells me I have a lack of comprehension you read what I said again. She is greedy and selfish so don't get it twisted. She didn't do that out of the good of her heart but to sell the house faster. I didn't want to move any of my stuff upstairs because I didn't want anything to happen to it. Freeload? I pay rent, for the food, and I use my own circumstance to HELP THEM with food! Don't you call me a freeloader again. Unlike me, they have nothing wrong with them and deserve all that's coming to them.

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20 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

it may seem like I've gotten nowhere but I've improved a lot and learned many things. 

So to answer this question AGAIN, I owe roughly around 2800 dollars CAD on it. I'm not making any payments on it.


You claim to have improved but make no effort to pay your obligated debt?

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1 minute ago, mattn792 said:

You claim to have improved but make no effort to pay your obligated debt?

Improving in different ways and I'm not going to leave it forever I will pay it off

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Just now, uchiha101 said:

Improving in different ways and I'm not going to leave it forever I will pay it off

Image result for no sale

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1 hour ago, uchiha101 said:

Don't you call me a freeloader again.

Explain how you are not? 

Do you work to earn the money that you use to pay them rent or for the food items? 

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7 hours ago, uchiha101 said:

Freeload? I pay rent, for the food, and I use my own circumstance to HELP THEM with food! Don't you call me a freeloader again. Unlike me, they have nothing wrong with them and deserve all that's coming to them.

Hit a nerve?  Please tell everyone how this doesn't describe exactly what you are doing. 

free·load·er /ˈfrēˌlōdər/ noun INFORMAL•DEROGATORY a person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return.

You said that you may only have 2 more months to live with your parents.  Are you finally moving out on your own; if not, what are your plans between now and then?  Or are you just looking for sympathy points?

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8 hours ago, Patriot6 said:

Explain how you are not? 

Do you work to earn the money that you use to pay them rent or for the food items? 

Because I'm grateful for the social assistance, that I do have compassion and if I didn't I wouldn't have stayed with my parents. I regret doing that now.

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2 hours ago, Batman1fan said:

Hit a nerve?  Please tell everyone how this doesn't describe exactly what you are doing. 

free·load·er /ˈfrēˌlōdər/ noun INFORMAL•DEROGATORY a person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return.

You said that you may only have 2 more months to live with your parents.  Are you finally moving out on your own; if not, what are your plans between now and then?  Or are you just looking for sympathy points?

If you're talking about my parents I could care less about them. If it's the social assistance you're talking about I am grateful whether you see it or not or think I'm not showing it is not my problem. 

No, I think they got an offer on the house that they've accepted and the person gave them 90 days to get everything in order. If you seriously think that I'm posting to get pity or sympathy you really do know nothing about why I do this.

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13 hours ago, mattn792 said:

I read that bolded part and...yeah.  You're living under your parents' roof out of their generosity, and you have the audacity to complain about the size of your room? 

Buddy, you need a stint in the military.  I really don't know what else to say.

The LAST thing Gabe needs to learn is how to handle a firearm...

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Gabe, I think you have mentioned some learning disabilities in the past? (Am I remembering that right?) And these issues affect your ability to find/hold appropriate employment? 

Did you ever have a diagnosis (maybe when you were in public school)? 

I ask because in the US (so hopefully also in Canada) there are organizations/programs for placing young adults with disabilities into the workforce. But it would mean you would have needed to be clinically diagnosed. Do you know if you have a clinical diagnosis? 

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2 hours ago, Wall-Crawler said:

The LAST thing Gabe needs to learn is how to handle a firearm...

No, The last thing I need is to join the military.

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2 hours ago, miraclemet said:

Gabe, I think you have mentioned some learning disabilities in the past? (Am I remembering that right?) And these issues affect your ability to find/hold appropriate employment? 

Did you ever have a diagnosis (maybe when you were in public school)? 

I ask because in the US (so hopefully also in Canada) there are organizations/programs for placing young adults with disabilities into the workforce. But it would mean you would have needed to be clinically diagnosed. Do you know if you have a clinical diagnosis? 

Yes, that's correct. Over the course of my lifetime, I've had about 50 doctors try and they either said that they can't figure out what I have. The closest that I've gotten is that I had a professional come and test me when I was in college and diagnosed it as a learning disorder but being that she didn't specify what I had and only gave the symptoms I couldn't apply for disability. 

I've spoken to my case worker about this quite a few times and they said they have a doctor come in a few times a year so he'll be testing the people on his file. I did a self-diagnosis and I'm almost 100% sure I had ADHD and dyslexia. 

Edited by uchiha101
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22 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

 Yes, that's correct. Over the course of my lifetime, I've had about 50 doctors try and they either said that they can't figure out what I have. The closest that I've gotten is that I had a professional come and test me when I was in college and diagnosed it as a learning disorder but being that she didn't specify what I had and only gave the symptoms I couldn't apply for disability. 

I've spoken to my case worker about this quite a few times and they said they have a doctor come in a few times a year so he'll be testing the people on his file. I did a self-diagnosis and I'm almost 100% sure I had ADHD and dyslexia. 

Hm. The ironly is ADHD and Dyslexia is far easier to diagnose in school-aged kids than in adults, so if they couldnt nail it down when you were younger Im not sure how they would as an adult. What were the symptoms the doctor recognized?  

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3 hours ago, Wall-Crawler said:

The LAST thing Gabe needs to learn is how to handle a firearm...

It's the Canadian military.  Every grunt is issued a Moose, a cruller, and a phrase book of how to say "I'm Sorry" in 36 different languages.  

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1 hour ago, jaybuck43 said:

It's the Canadian military.  Every grunt is issued a Moose, a cruller, and a phrase book of how to say "I'm Sorry" in 36 different languages.  



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2 hours ago, miraclemet said:

Hm. The ironly is ADHD and Dyslexia is far easier to diagnose in school-aged kids than in adults, so if they couldnt nail it down when you were younger Im not sure how they would as an adult. What were the symptoms the doctor recognized?  

This journal keeps being on the first page, and even though I really don't agree with it even been allowed being what it is in a forum like this, I have been reading the last pages but didn't want to write anything.

However, being a psychiatrist, I just want to give my 2 cents about this, since this is not really the case any more. ADHD, dyslexia and intellectual disability can easily be examined and diagnosed nowadays in adults. All it takes is an experienced team consisting of a psychiatrist and a psychologist, a couple of tests, a good clinical examination and a thorough history taking and here you have it. It's really not rocket science. ADHD in adults is nothing more than a number of specific criteria consisting of core symptoms that have been present from school age throughout adulthood that cause a significant clinical impairment in at least two different settings (social life, work, school etc). Similar impairments can be caused by even mild intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorders, but they are different conditions (that can however co-exist). 

I am not saying that any of these is the case here - that would be absurd to say as a professional - but I do insist that such an assessment is not rocket science and it would take an extreme case to have 50 different doctors rubbing their heads.

Edited by SECollector
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11 hours ago, miraclemet said:

Hm. The ironly is ADHD and Dyslexia is far easier to diagnose in school-aged kids than in adults, so if they couldnt nail it down when you were younger Im not sure how they would as an adult. What were the symptoms the doctor recognized?  

I don't have the papers on me and I would need to look for them later.

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9 hours ago, SECollector said:

This journal keeps being on the first page, and even though I really don't agree with it even been allowed being what it is in a forum like this, I have been reading the last pages but didn't want to write anything.

However, being a psychiatrist, I just want to give my 2 cents about this, since this is not really the case any more. ADHD, dyslexia and intellectual disability can easily be examined and diagnosed nowadays in adults. All it takes is an experienced team consisting of a psychiatrist and a psychologist, a couple of tests, a good clinical examination and a thorough history taking and here you have it. It's really not rocket science. ADHD in adults is nothing more than a number of specific criteria consisting of core symptoms that have been present from school age throughout adulthood that cause a significant clinical impairment in at least two different settings (social life, work, school etc). Similar impairments can be caused by even mild intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorders, but they are different conditions (that can however co-exist). 

I am not saying that any of these is the case here - that would be absurd to say as a professional - but I do insist that such an assessment is not rocket science and it would take an extreme case to have 50 different doctors rubbing their heads.

Well, my parents told me they would take me to doctors and professionals of all sorts when I was younger to see what was wrong with me because obviously there was and is. Like I said the closest person to my knowledge was the professional that tested me in college told me it's a learning disorder and gave me the symptoms. She didn't specify what my condition was and not only did that frustrate me because I finally thought I would find out but that I also couldn't apply for disability because it's almost like limbo state.

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On 1/16/2019 at 12:05 AM, uchiha101 said:

So to answer this question AGAIN, I owe roughly around 2800 dollars CAD on it. I'm not making any payments on it

What is the interest rate on the card? You know that debt is growing bigger with each missed minimum payment right?

Have you told your case worker about your refusal to pay this debt? I bet they would have some thoughts on that.

You need to calculate your overall financial well being you can't say "oh I made $30 profit selling comics/video games" and think you are "ahead" if other aspects of your financial status are in the toilet.

If my buying and selling activities were causing additional hardships  in my life, I'd be cutting my losses and figuring out a real sustainable way to claw myself out whether it would be actively and continuing to get help for my personal issues and getting a job that while I may not love will afford me some stability.

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2 hours ago, Wall-Crawler said:

What is the interest rate on the card? You know that debt is growing bigger with each missed minimum payment right?

Have you told your case worker about your refusal to pay this debt? I bet they would have some thoughts on that.

You need to calculate your overall financial well being you can't say "oh I made $30 profit selling comics/video games" and think you are "ahead" if other aspects of your financial status are in the toilet.

If my buying and selling activities were causing additional hardships  in my life, I'd be cutting my losses and figuring out a real sustainable way to claw myself out whether it would be actively and continuing to get help for my personal issues and getting a job that while I may not love will afford me some stability.

The interest rate on the card doesn't apply anymore but it used to be 26%. I now get charged $1.30 every day in interest. 

Yes, I have told my case worker my situation many times and I had nothing to hide. They said they didn't recommend it but it's my choice.

Can you explain overall financial well being or are you just talking about the fact that I'm in debt with no job yet? 

Hmmm, two of the reasons that I've taken a break from selling my stuff was 1. I didn't have enough money to ship things so I just sold what I could locally. 2. I moved over to cryptocurrency. If it would cause me any hardship I wouldn't be doing it. 

One of the things I want to do is go to my caseworker and tell them again to send that doctor so that I can once and for all know what I have and get disability and finally be off social assistance. With disability, they will evaluate me again to see if I'm fit for a job or not, doctors will now take me seriously when I tell them things, and I will now have access to a lot more programs to help me since I won't be stuck in limbo anymore. 

I can't tell you how much I hate that employers have lied to me to cover their asses. When I get interviews I tell the employers what's wrong with me and they say it's ok. Later on, in the end of firing me because my disability keeps messing things up. It hasn't happened many times but it's happened on three occasions. I would rather have them be honest with me than lie. I know that if they said they fired me because of my disability they could get into legal trouble. Btw for those wondering what the paper I take to my employers is a description of the symptoms of what I have and it's signed off by my caseworker and the professional that tested me in college

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On 1/15/2019 at 10:26 PM, uchiha101 said:

Yes, it is and since you're the one that tells me I have a lack of comprehension you read what I said again. She is greedy and selfish so don't get it twisted. She didn't do that out of the good of her heart but to sell the house faster. I didn't want to move any of my stuff upstairs because I didn't want anything to happen to it. Freeload? I pay rent, for the food, and I use my own circumstance to HELP THEM with food! Don't you call me a freeloader again. Unlike me, they have nothing wrong with them and deserve all that's coming to them.

The token amount you pay for rent and whatever food you bring to the table may be meaningful contributions in your mind but hardly compensate your parents for the joy of taking care of you.  Welfare won't come close to paying real rent and all the other associated costs of living so calling you a freeloader is at least partially accurate.  Move out on your own and pay all the expenses and prove me wrong.

Clearly your parents have struggled with your issues, as have you, for your entire life, and clearly they're tired of it.  It's absolutely clear that you don't appreciate their help, make no mistake Gabe they're helping you now and they've helped you all your life, and you're angry and hostile towards them.

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3 hours ago, uchiha101 said:

The interest rate on the card doesn't apply anymore but it used to be 26%. I now get charged $1.30 every day in interest.

How does the interest rate not apply anymore? As minimum payments go by unpaid, the debt gets larger and are you not then paying interest on the higher debt load?   Even if what you say is true ($1.30 every day) you are looking at approximately $500 interest added onto your debt load per year, but I suspect it is more than that. 

3 hours ago, uchiha101 said:

Yes, I have told my case worker my situation many times and I had nothing to hide. They said they didn't recommend it but it's my choice.

If your case worker and everyone here is telling you to start or figure out a way to start paying it, maybe you should take that advice.

3 hours ago, uchiha101 said:

Can you explain overall financial well being or are you just talking about the fact that I'm in debt with no job yet? 

Hmmm, two of the reasons that I've taken a break from selling my stuff was 1. I didn't have enough money to ship things so I just sold what I could locally. 2. I moved over to cryptocurrency. If it would cause me any hardship I wouldn't be doing it. 

Yes, I mean the fact that you don't have a regular source of income. 

Now you reveal one of the reasons why you stopped selling was that you didn't have enough money to ship things?  Dude, if you can't afford to ship things (don't buyers pay shipping), you are clearly doing this wrong and need a J-O-B.

You need to realize you cannot "compartmentalize" your financial life. It does not work that way. The banks, creditors, landlords, prospective employers, heck your prospective buyers and consignors are not going to trust a guy like you or give a rats arse if your "up" $5 in crypto but you are in debt, have no job or means to support yourself and giving a big "FU" to institutions you signed a legal agreement with because YOU feel slighted/wronged.

3 hours ago, uchiha101 said:

I can't tell you how much I hate that employers have lied to me to cover their asses. When I get interviews I tell the employers what's wrong with me and they say it's ok. Later on, in the end of firing me because my disability keeps messing things up. It hasn't happened many times but it's happened on three occasions. I would rather have them be honest with me than lie. I know that if they said they fired me because of my disability they could get into legal trouble. Btw for those wondering what the paper I take to my employers is a description of the symptoms of what I have and it's signed off by my caseworker and the professional that tested me in college

You seem to blame a lot of people for your problems, both your employers, financial institutions, your parents...I don't doubt that you have issues that are contributing to your woes but I also get the sense you would be very difficult to manage, maybe that is part of your issues. I don't know.  I think everyone here would be happier to hear about what you are trying to do to better yourself, looking into what mental health resources you can potentially access, your journey to seek help and become self-sufficient instead of your dealings in crypto, comics and online sex games with your zombie wife.

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