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Designer Toast

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Everything posted by Designer Toast

  1. Kraven was confused about why people hated Ramsey Bolton, especially that "red headed chic." Kraven seemed to think Bolton Ramsey was pretty okay
  2. Kraven and I watched GOT last night and it was amazing. Kraven's a big fan of the Imp!
  3. The double covers guy certainly wasn't going to start issuing refunds on his own. This is the 'I'm caught so now I'll do the right thing, but only because I was caught'.
  4. Kraven and I are watching it go down on GOT!
  5. Kraven fell over laughing. Happy Father's Day to all you hard working dads! I'm spending it with the family today and going out for a late lunch...maybe Kraven will go out with us...
  6. Kraven woke me up early this morning demanding that I make him breakfast and serve it to him in bed for Father's Day. As I turned over to kill him for waking me on a rare day where I get to sleep in, Kraven had a card for me. What a nice thought. "C'mon! Open it!," Kraven said with loud enthusiasm.
  7. I took Kraven on a tour of the University and I'll tell you all about it later...you can imagine how that went...
  8. After getting back home I realized I had yet to see the Ant-Man movie. I told Kraven we were going to hang out and watch it. "You know what they should have called this movie," Kraven said with a bit of a flourish in his voice... Of course I was foolish enough to ask what, to which Kraven replied, "Kraven." Kraven's ego was starting to come out in ways I really was not liking, but he seemed to chill out after the movie and said he enjoyed it. I can;t be sure, but i thought I heard Kraven muttering something about killing Yellowjacket and ripping the suit off Ant-Man...I just hoped Kraven would be able to stay on the straight and narrow...
  9. ...and while it hurt my pocket book a bit, I had to add a few figures to my vintage Star Wars collection. Thanks for nothin', Kraven.
  10. It took a bit, but I was able to bail Kraven out after his run in with those pesky Smurfs...
  11. ...and making enemies out of those who annoyed him.
  12. Kraven was quick at making new friends...
  13. Later in the day after work, I took Kraven by a great local toy shop...
  14. I was seriously hoping Kraven had changed his ways. I was dismayed when I saw Kraven by this red phone and heard him muttering something about calling Batman and setting a trap...Kraven quickly cleared his throat and tried to give me a coy look...
  15. I took Kraven for a tour of the CERC (Communications & Emergency Response Center) and he was pretty impressed with it.
  16. It took a little convincing, but Kraven came around after trying some of the best coffee in town. This place has fantastically roasted beans and they've perfected the science of coffee - I've never gotten a bad cup there. I'll eventually have to take him to Full City so he can sample another place with amazing coffee...
  17. Im going to assume you left Kraven off of that incident report. There is no Kraven here...he was never here...now move along
  18. After a bit of a frustrating morning, Kraven wanted to get some coffee. I told Kraven there was no way I was drinking that Starbucks swill, we'd be going to get some adult coffee and not some sugar laden with over-roasted beans...
  19. Don't let Kraven distract you while you're driving...
  20. Kraven settled down after a bit and was actually pretty helpful...
  21. I told Kraven there was no way he was going to be rolling out with me with that small arsenal. Kraven objected at first, but relented when he couldn't figure out how the safety on any of the firearms worked...well, except the Glock and that's an incident that shall remain unreported. Kraven was acting a bit crazy so I promised to take him around later and give him the nickel tour...
  22. Kraven had brought that silly Valise handbag with him and I had no iead how much that bag could actually hold. Kraven said, "You didn't think I was going to roll out here naked, did you?"
  23. Like I was saying, Kraven came to work with me and I didn't want to leave him in a weird position if we ran into trouble. So I gave Kraven a pair of handcuffs and a radio. Thinking I was doing the right thing, Kraven scoffed at the handcuffs and radio.
  24. Kraven just got a delivery from Ikea. Pics to follow...