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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Well, it is a business after all, and NCB's are pretty much a license for them to print money. I think pretty much everybody here saw this coming when CCG bought out Matt Nelson's Classics Incorporated and turned it into CCS as one of their subsidary companies in conjunction with CGC. What some here would call a conflict of interest, I am sure is really viewed by them as nothing more than the realization of business synergies on their part.
  2. If the rumours are true about how far backed up CGC is in terms of their grading due in large part to the rather crazy prices that books are fetching nowadays, my bet is that this time period is not going to be the best for grading accuracy and consistency. Especially when they are in such a rush and apparently short staffed at the same time, as a lot of vacant job positions including key ones auch as vintage comic book grader(s) continues to go unfilled.
  3. Well, let's hope that Harley at least comes up for the show along with a few of the Eastern dealers, otherwise, it's probably not worthwhile paying $14 or whatever the admission fee is to get into this upcoming show here.
  4. Any idea if there will be any from down south of the border with some older less common books, if they are even allowed to cross the border now without having to go through a quarantine period?
  5. Oh, come on now.............we are talking taxes and not something controversial like toilet paper when I got sent to the CGC sin bin for last time.
  6. Well, since I believe that loophole has always been around (albeit at something like half the currrent dollar amount), Although I can't see it being eliminated without a lot of protest from the general public, I can certainly see it being reduced back down by half without too much problem at all. Not sure if we are supposed to be talking about taxes here or not, but since we talk about state taxes for auction wins, maybe it's alright.
  7. Yes, as @Aman619 had already clearly stated in a post on another thread here, selling now as opposed to passing it down to your collector son would simply mean having to pay millions in taxes to the government: I highly doubt any rational person would want to do this when there's this humongous tax loophole (i.e. over $23M per married couple) available to the wealthy to pass a good portion of their wealth down to their children totally tax-free, especially with the step-up clause that they now currently have in place.
  8. Have you ever given any consideration to the possibility that the OO might actually be a lot smarter than we give him credit for and only turf out the less valuable books from the collection, while still holding onto all of the big demand high value books, even to this day. I know that most sellers need to feel that they need to let the best books go in order to promote the rest of the collection, but being a long-time collector, I would dispose of my "worthless crapola" first and leave my most valuable in demand books for the end. Then again, I guess the marketing and sale of a pedigree is a completely different animal as compared to the sale of a personal collection.
  9. Well, if you was thinking of cracking it out to sell on HA raw, a better idea might be for you to crack it out and have HA submit it in for grading before you auction it off. With the seeming influence they have with the boys over at CGC, you never know as your CGC 0.5 graded copy might just come back as a CGC 2.0 graded copy for all you know.
  10. LESS, because your grade has already been fixed ar CGC 0.5 unless you go for a regrade, whereas the crypto crazed potential bidders on the raw Poor copy can still dream away and fantasize the actual grade will come in higher than 0.5 and hence bid accordingly.
  11. Oh, come on now...................who wants to be known as penny pinching cheapo bargain basement shopper when you've got the chance to be known as a high end big money first class shopper. Why in the world would you want that kind of reputation and pay only a piddly $7,088 for a CGC 9.0 graded copy of this PL 18 here with only 5 higher graded copies when you can boast to the entire world that you just spent $8,400 for a CGC 6.0 graded copy of PL 18 with 32 higher graded copies over and above your copy here.
  12. Not sure about your reading comprehension here, I said he was selling those silly geeky comic books, not the QB of the school football team.
  13. Hey Cat; Seems to be a bit of disconnect here since although the Promise Collection is indeed a brand new pedigree that has surfaced only recently, the Chinatown books surfaced just before CGC first opened their doors and hence, have been around for more than 20 plus years. In fact, the Chinatown Collection was even offered official CGC pedigree status by Borock back just after CGC first started up as it was thought the unveiling of a brand new GA pedigree would be a good jump start to help promote and get CGC out of the starting blocks and up to speed sooner rather then later. Looking backwards now, the offer should have been taken at the time, but was not due probably to the exorbitant cost for grading and slabbing considering that there were no plans to sell the books at the time. It should also be pointed out that although the Chinatown Collection did not end up receiving official CGC pedigree designation status until August of 2020, it had already been slated as one of the "pedigrees" to be included as part of the still to be published Pedigree Book way back in 2007 when West and Ritter were still working on the book at the time. Clearly different from the Promise Collection books which were graded starting earlier this year going forward and given official CGC pedigree status at the same time.
  14. Based on condition and years, the Promise Collection resembles the Big Apple Collection more than any other pedigree. Big Apple books pre 1943-1944 are unspectacular and lower grade, just like the Promise. Then in 1943-1944 they become quite amazing. Big Apple book as also generally have White and OW/W pages. They are also coded as well. Greatly appreciate your response here and I certainly stand corrected as you would clearly be one of the best persons here to provide us with a much more accurate pedigree comparison for the Promise Collection of books. So, I guess it would have been much more accurate if the boys from Heritage had mentioned the Big Apple pedigree when they were talking about the Promise Collection, instead of alluding to the Edgar Church Collection in the same sentence. Then again, I guess we all know the reason for that as the hype machine works a lot better in overdrive with the Church Collection spinning around in collectors and potential bidder's minds, as opposed to the hype machine looking for a jump start if the Big Apple is in their mind and they are then simply trying to figure out what the Overstreet condition guide valuations are.
  15. Well, wasn't Fishler already selling key GA books to some of his teachers and also to others when he was still in high school?
  16. That's probably because you've got the same copy that everybody else here also has, as there appears to be a page missing from the catalog. When I checked my copy of the catalog for Silver Streak 7, it looks like the catalog takes a jump from Page 139 ending off with Sheena 14, Page 140 being an ad page for Mile High Comics, and then followed by Page 141 which starts up with Six-Gun Heroes 5.
  17. No, I mean the Grinch who stole Christmas. Sadly Yes, absolutely everything you own in your name that would otherwise be subject to capital gains tax if sold while you were alive, is now considered to be a deemed disposition upon your death and now fully taxable so that you do not need to suffer through those horrendous estate taxes that the poor Americans have to endure. No need to worry about estate taxes or step up benefits or anything like that up here. Looking to become one of those poor suffering taxable American citizens before I get booted to that big LCS in the sky, but then I am sure that everything will become a deemed disposition before I even get to cross the border.
  18. Wow, this sounds almost like a heaven type scenario compared to the hellish tax scenario we have here north of you. Especially when our great leader claims that we don't have to pay any estate taxes like you poor suffering slobs down south, BUT then fails to inform us the only reason for that is because every single little thing we have our name to is deemed to have been sold upon our death and hence subject to full capital gains taxes at that point, hence zero estate taxes to be paid after that. Woooo..............how lucky we are!!!
  19. Do you know something that we don't know and softly hinting that the Chinatown books might just be coming to market after the Promise books are done? If so, what makes you say this at this current point in time, especially since the Chinatown books first surfaced some 20+ plus years ago and we have yet to see any come to market to this day?
  20. This is without a doubt the best and most consise statment that I have seen here with respect to the Promise Collection pedigree. A truly incredible and magnificent collection and one which most of us thought we would never ever be able to see unearthed at this late stage of our collecting hobby. Yet sadly as I have stated here before, this historical collection did not get the same quality grading service commensurate with its pedigree, as CGC basicaly provided a disservice to the Promise Collection with its seeming incompetent and inconsistent grading. This in effect has tarnished the legacy of this pedigree in the eyes of many long-time collectors, and once tarnished, sometimes it is very hard to remove and forget.
  21. Well, from a GA point of view at least, the only one that I can think was the Billy Wright books which came into the marketplace all in one shot through Heritage back in 2012 or thereabouts. Of course, that was something like only a few hundred books which is clearly not the same thing as the 5,000 books that's in the Promise Collection.
  22. You are correct when you say that nobody is really doing a direct comparison of the Promise Collection to the Edgar Church Collection. But they are clearly alluding and indirectly referencing the Church books when they speak about the Promise books in the same breath and in the same sentence as the Church books. The clear intention here is to lead the listener or reader to think in terms of the Church books when they think about the Promise books, but then again, maybe that's just me. Actually, based upon the books that's present in the Promise Collection that we've seen so far, the pedigree that comes to my mind is that the Promise Collection is really more of a super high end (i.e. condition wise) Davis Crippen pedigree from my own personal point of view.
  23. Sadly, also not in the same neighborhood as the assigned CGC grade that's showing on the slab for a small sampling of some of the books posted here by other boardies. Although a very small sampling relative to all of the books seen so far, but yet obvious and large enough to give pause and make you wonder that if they missed or gave a pass to these clever visible cover defects relative to their assigned grades, are they also doing the same thing for interior defects which we cannot see from the cover scans?
  24. It's probably really more a case of to each, their own. Since it all comes to fantasy and dreaming for me when it comes to these pedigrees, as I have already mentioned in an earlier post on another thread here, I would also take the Allentown books over the Promise Collection. Especially since that much earlier time period and all of those HG keys present in the Allentown Collection is just so much more in my own personal collecting baliwick.
  25. Looks like this is the version of the Mile High Catalog that's been floating around after Burrell took off his $10K chunk of the collection like the Planets and some of the better books were like the Actions, Pep 22, Suspense 3, etc. were already snapped up. I imagine it would be a tedious and mind-numbing job to try to keep this file up-to-date, especially with all of the auctions that's now taking place and also all of the CPR that's being done to books nowadays. Does your History mean that the file was last updated back on January 8 of 2017? Still, very useful as a reference guide and I would definitely say a whole lot easier on the eyes as opposed to that original catalog with the tiny miniscule print in it.