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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Well, besides the relative census though, while some of these other PL 17's and 'Tec 140's have come to public auction in the past already, as far as I am aware of, this is the first one of these 5 AA 61's to have ever hit the public auction marketplace.
  2. Not really. Honestly, I would take the MS5 over the PL17. Well, in that case since I do have a copy of MS 5 and as such, it must be in HG condition, how about that for your restored Church copy of Mask 1.
  3. The collection was actually purchased in 1999 and could have been given pedigree status much earlier in 2000. Especially since CGC had just started operations that year and had offered to give pedigree status to the collection as it would also probably most likely have helped with CGC's lauch and acceptance in the marketplace to co-ordinate it with the release of a new GA comic book pedigree. I believe the offer was turned down due to the exorbitant high cost of slabbing the collection, especially given the fact that there were no plans to sell any of the books at the time, save for a small portion of the later lower demand non-hero books. Needless to say, the offer for pedigree status was no longer there several years later when a large majority of the collection was graded, most likley because CGC was already established in the marketplace by then.
  4. Nice to see you here after such a very long absence from the board and you should definitely post more often if you are lurking here instead. Although too early to tell, but rather surprised to see such a big discrepancy between the 2 issues at this current point since I believe Mask 2 has been getting closer in price range to Mask 1 in equivalent grades during the past year or so. I own the Church #1. The Church #2 has never surfaced that I am aware of, but I have seen a copy that the owner suspects might be it. Not sure what you mean by 2 copies, although it looks like Chuck's Mile High Catalogue lists only 1 copy each for Mask 1 and Mask 2 with both of them in NM+ condition at a price point of $30 for Mask 1 and either $25 or $23 for Mask 2. BTW: Congrats on having the smarts and patience to pick up your Church copy in a higher grade and at a much lower price point as well.
  5. Well, if you think the GA comic book market is frothy, what is your take then on the uber HG BA keys and CA keys market is? Especially in the case of books with multiple copies showing up in every single auction and still able to fetch high 5-figures with seemingly no problems at all.
  6. To which pedigree collection would you be referring to here, as early GA is definitely something that I would be much more interested in as opposed to late GA.
  7. Not only SA, but just take a look at some of the BA keys like GSXM 1 that are available with over 200 already in CGC 9.8 and over 10K slabbed in total already. And yet in today's Facebook and FOMO like marketplace, it seems like CGC 9.8 graded copies of GSXM 1 and XM 94 combined (> $120K) would be good enough to give you a good shot at the Promise Copy of either All-American 61 or Phantom Lady 17. Needless to say, if I was willing to spend that kind of money on comic book(s), I definitely know which direction my money and your money would be heading.
  8. For all of you Shang-Chi aficonados, any truth to the rumors that GS MOKF 3 is the toughest of this 4-issue set to acquire in grade? If so, any idea what the current going rate is for a copy in CGC 9.4 through CGC 9.8?
  9. Well, no need for the catalog if you are all in on this book here at over $577K (including the 15% BP) with still another 3 weeks to go: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/919592
  10. We will find out soon... Why, I highly doubt the heirs will be making an appearance at this live event or Zoom meeting that Heritage is planning to have on June 8th. Any bets that the only information released about the collection or about the family will be limited to that video that has already been posted.
  11. They are at heritage...just in the New York Office for the time being. They are in the windows of the Heritage NYC offices getting a suntan so that they will look their absolute toasty best for the auction winners.
  12. Finally.........probably even undergraded from this vantage point, for all of those noobs here that's been complaining about overgraded books.
  13. I've done a hell of a lot better in comics than in stocks. Unless you are a comic book speculator that knows it's really all about the movies and hence brought into AMC at the start of last week when it was down around $12 and sold it today after it passed $70 before dipping back down a bit into the close.
  14. I am surprised to hear that CGC actually does this, as it's the first time that I have heard of this being done and I wonder if they would call if it's the other way around. I guess this is the kind of phone call from the gang at CGC that you don't actually mind getting.
  15. No offense but that's an ugly 9.6. The whites are awful. Well, at least 2 bidders must like it a lot because it's still only the first several hours of the auction and it's already sitting at $78K.
  16. You know prices haven't eased up at all as I was pondering last night whether or not to bump the bid up to $280 or about double guide on this gorgeous looking painted pink colored cover copy of Flash Gordon #1: https://comics.ha.com/itm/silver-age-1956-1969-/science-fiction/flash-gordon-1-gold-key-1965-cgc-nm-94-white-pages/a/122122-19304.s?type=lotlink--bidnotice-tracked-dailystatus# I guess I didn't have to ponder too long as it sold for a rather astounding $1,960; as compared to equivalent graded copies selling for only $227 back in 2017 and then an original label one for $576 in 2019 which I was hoping was just an outlier due to the upgrade potential.
  17. Wait until you find out he has a sister So dumb As long as it ends up being worth more than what I paid for it, then it's all good to me. I guess the FF Annaul 6 is a sure fire guaranteed winner for me since I din't have to pay anything at all for my copy of it.
  18. Well, if not for $9K, do you have any idea what the buyer accepted for it in the end then? Either way, that's still a pretty mind blowing price from my POV and I am just glad I didn't actually recycle my beater copy which I thought was most likely worthless several years ago. Not sure where it is now, but glad now that I was able to pick it up for half the going rate back then for a used book from the second hand used bookstore since it was pretty much a beater of a copy.
  19. Being an old timer, I guess I have no idea who this Annihilus character is and I thought Franklin was just some kind of baby. As for a good FF villian, how about the big guy himself (i.e. Galactus) as I thought they were thinking of doing a retcon on the classic FF48 - FF 50 storyline for the next movie, or am I just showing my advancing age here?
  20. Set to the tune from Romeo and Juliet: A rose will bloom, it then will fade So does a book, so does a Heritage book.....
  21. That quote of yours is just so very true!!! I wish my story was about a high grade big dollar GA or SA book, but won't bored you on the GA boards here since it's just about one of those cheapo BA books at the time that is now considered to be a BA key.
  22. Same here for me as I have never ever thought about upgrading a book because that would seem like wasting money to get something that you already have, when the money could be better spent on getting something you don't already have. Of course, coming from collecting new comic books off the shelves of the LCS's and then straight into pre-GA and then GA books, and not knowing what I know now, I passed on so many opportunities to purchased books in half decent condition. I was schooled by a comic broker friend of mine's at the time to save up my money and go after only HG books because one day the marketplace would realize the true rarity of these HG books and also not to go after mid-run non-key issues because if you chase after everything, you most likely wouldn't have any money left whenever the nicer books did come along. As a result, I was definitely a bit of a nit picker when it came to buying my books and they just needed to have that nicely presenting look before I would think about buying them. Looking back now, not sure if this was the best strategy for some of those harder to find GA books, as even lower grade and mid-grade copies are selling for huge huge multiples to guide. Can't complain too much though as it definitely does save in terms of the storage space.
  23. Being the dummy that I was in my younger days, I never bothered to take any of the regular issues, but did take and kept some of the annuals as they came out figuring that since they were larger and had a higher denomination value, they would hopefully go up more in value one day. Well, at least that's the way it worked in stamp collecting back then, but sadly worked the other way with comic books due to lack of continuity I would assume. Would love to have a FF Annual 1 in my collection, but unfortunately did not get around to taking them until FF Annual 3. The one that I clearly remembered reading back in the day was FF Annual 2 and was ecstatic when my comic broker friend tossed in a HG copy as a free bonus when I had purchased a couple of cheapo GA books from him near the end of the late 80's when SA Mavels were going absolutely nowhere.
  24. Well, thinking back to my first local comic book convention I ever attended at a small local hotel way back in the day, not only fully priced, but also felt totally ripped off at the time. The good thing about being a long term comic book collector, is that spending time in the comic book hobby place tends to heal all things after awhile, including even some of your initial perceived purchasing mistakes. Heck, looking backwards now, you kind of wish you had made a lot more of those so-called stinkeroo purchasing mistakes because they have a way of coming up smelling like roses after a period of time. Except for that 80's B&W garbage and those early 90's Hot to Trot books as listed in the Wizard Magazine.
  25. So, it sounds like you guys are saying that I should make a gargantuan effort to search out my copy so that I can cash it out before it all comes crashing down and I end up losing all of my money on this eventual dog of a book here?