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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Was this during CGC's relatively soft grading time period in 2010, as I don't think you would normally see that heavy spine wear down on the bottom of the spine for a CGC 7.0 graded copy of a book?
  2. Must have missed these two listings, but where were they being offered and what were the grades on them? Mystery Men 7 definitely appears to be a real toughie since the highest graded copy to date is the Church copy at an un-Church like grade of only CGC 8.0, while it looks like your CGC 4.0 graded copy is the second highest graded copy so far. Not sure if you will be able to find a higher graded copy anytime soon, especially since it appears the the Larson copy is listed as having a clipped coupon out of the back cover.
  3. What would you like them to do? I believe a full credit refund would be appropriate combined with Sharon not having to return it back to HA as she has already gone through enough stress with this whole unfortunate situation that she should not have to endure any more.
  4. Well, I would do what I did this and check the CGC census to find out that there is already well over 1,300 copies of this book in CGC 9.8 graded condition along with another 10 copies in CGC 9.9 graded condition and you are certainly correct, something is most definitely weird here.
  5. You forgot the other possibility that it might just come back as a CGC 9.9 graded copy.
  6. Well, looks like the Mask Comics are still running red hot as this copy here of Mask 2 sold for $8,300: https://comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAuctions%2Fdefault.asp%3FFocused%3D1%26x%3D47%26y%3D17%26pg%3D120%23Item_1427178&id=1427178&itemType=0#detail Then again, maybe this is a bit of a slight decrease when compared to stated recent CL auction results of $5,155 for a CGC 1.8 copy and also a CGC 4.0 graded copy for $16,250.
  7. Well, besides WF 3 and later scarce issues from the early 50's which are clearly going for big money nowadays, are the rest of the first 10 cardboard issues of this run still selling for relative peanuts or has interest and demand picked up to the point that they are now selling for a slight premium to condition guide prices?
  8. Be sure to post scans of them here when you get them back from CCS and CGC so that we can see if you got ripped off or if you got a steal of a deal here.
  9. Just wait until Chuckles hear what you did here. He's going to go right back to the Church family and demand $1K back from them since he obviously got ripped off having to pay full cover price or a dime each back then for those 20,000 Mile High Church books.
  10. As the submittor of these books, did you even bothered to flip past the cover to check out the interior pages to see if they are actually blue? If not yet, pull out some more of your extras and let us know here.
  11. It would appear that when it comes to TMNT 1 and possible shenanigans, there sure seems to be an awful lot of smoke. And like the old saying goes.........where there's smoke, there's fire. So, best not to get yourself burned while playing the game.
  12. That would be really impressive if you got it slabbed for $1.50. Paying cover price in 1988 is definitely a winner, too, but there are a bunch of other books from 1988 that aren't worth the original cover price today and I wonder how many of them you also bought. Wow, was Spidey 300 really already at a cover price of a $1.50 by then? I am just glad that I picked up my copies at the cover price less the usual discount given by the LCS's at the time, plus McFarlance signed them for free at the time. As for other books, are you really trying to tell me that I should take my Marvel's Team America and Marvel's Death's Head books back out from my safety deposit box at the bank?
  13. All I can say is that there must be a lot of very deep pocketed CGC label chasers who have a ton of money to burn. The money that is..........
  14. Guess this must be a confirmation of a strong uptick in interest and demand which seem to have taken place over the past year or so for this book here: https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/superhero/police-comics-1-quality-1941-cgc-apparent-vg-45-slight-a-1-off-white-to-white-pages/a/122039-17357.s?ic2=mytracked-lotspage-lotlinks-12202013&tab=MyTrackedLots-101116 Especially when this copy can still sell at a nice healthy premium to unrestored condition guide even when it has amateur restoration on it.
  15. So, I guess they are not surprisingly going for more than what Overstreet has them listed for in his guide.
  16. Are you referring to this YouTube video here which took me less than a minute to find through Google: Looks like if you have a copy of Four Color 10 (i.e. Flash Gordon) which was tied for #9th spot in his Top 10 has actually gone down in value in Good condition (according to Overstreet that is) over the decades.
  17. Was looking at a thread in the General Forum and for the life of me, simply couldn't figure out if there was any difference between bad GA anatomy and the ones from the 90's:
  18. Yes, just place your request here and if you are lucky, some kind board member might just scan the pages and post them here for your viewing pleasure.
  19. I would probably tend to lean this way also becuase it appears that the pressing and grading companies will be getting the large majority of the monies here, even if you are lucky enough to get a 9.8 grade out of either the Spawn 1 or IG 1 in the end. Now, if you can get a guaranteed CGC 9.8 or a shot at a CGC 9.9 out of these 2 books, then I would go for it. Anything less than a CGC 9.8 on either of these books would be a money loser once you add in all of the other ancillary chargessuch as shipping and the likes.
  20. Anybody else starting to notice a reawakening and slight perkiness in the More Fun books, as evident by the the results in the last CC auction and this CL MF 68 copy here: https://comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAuctions%2Fdefault.asp%3FFocused%3D1%26x%3D40%26y%3D3%26pg%3D137%23Item_1424447&id=1424447&itemType=0#detail Love the bright red colors on this cover but still rather surprised that a Slight to Moderate Restored copy with all 3 pages trimmed and also graded by the gang across the street would hit this close to condition guide. Certainly nice to see since the once popular More Fun run had fallen out of favor for awhile there and hopefully some of this newfound enthusiasm can also spread over to its companion Adventure run which seems to have been on the skids for awhile now.
  21. Well, there's also always wishing and hoping: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=gAdTsAKvVTU&list=RDAMVMgAdTsAKvVTU
  22. If you've been thinking about them for many years, were you ever able to be lucky enough to pick up the odd copy here or there, or was @aardvark88 the only collector who was lucky enough here to hit Pat at just the right time and snagged a few of these Chinatown books from him?
  23. I wouldn't even rule out a typo; he meant to say "hundreds or thousands of dollars". Yes, this is most definitely a typo. Looks like there was a typo when the gang at Overstreet was pulling out the excerpt from Gallo's report. If you go to Page 126 for his full report, it clearly states that "I have seen pages of major keys like Captain America 1, Batman 1, Superman 1, Fetective 27 and Action 1 bring hundreds TO thousands of dollars."
  24. Any idea if an uber HG copy of a non-verified signed copy of Spidey 300 is worth much in today's marketplace? Just wondering since I am sure he must have signed tens of thousands of them with his silver pen back in the early 90's because I could still remember him sitting at his table signing virtually non-stop at all of the local cons. Or since it's unverified, is it better to slab it with the boys across the street instead?
  25. Well, probably the other reason is that condition guide was only around $110 on this copy here, so going 7X on such a small dollar value in today's hyper hot marketplace is probably just like pocket change to most collectors here. Also love the usual CL hype that this is one of the Top 5 graded copies out there, but they don't bother to point out the fact that it is actually also the lowest graded copy in the census by a wide margin. Still, another example of an entry level copy that is able to sell at multiples to condition guide price due to its affordability and possibly the reason why Overstreet is least useful when it comes to both condition grades above 9.2 or condition grades below 2.0. Although any hint of Brittle pages tends to be a killer in this marketplace, I am sure the extreme rarity of this book in terms of only 5 graded copies combined with the fact that it hardly ever shows up in the marketplace helped to override the negative PQ factor.