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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Try to look at it the same way as grading (if it isn't dead-on, under is better). If you win an auction from a scanned image that looks even better in hand, you'll be happy. Yes, if anything, the party that would be most concern and upset with this change would be the sellers or the consigner of the books because the Heritage scans would now no longer be putting the best light (pun fully intended ) on their consigned books.
  2. So, are you saying that you are supposed to have the #1 Supes Registry set and CL is possibly stretching the truth a bit in terms of their hype for their consigned set?
  3. Pretty amazing copy Looks more like happy anticipation on Robin's part with him up against the wall and 2 Batman approaching him this time, and both of them with lassos. Seriously though, an absolutely gorgeous copy and from the relatively harder to find 1951 time period for DC books.
  4. This was a really good thread Whether a 9.9 sold for 11k or 12k it is still a wack of $$$$ Does any boardie here have any idea as to whatever became of our good old economics prof, Boston Corbett, who was so intent on schooling all of us on the merits of paying over $12K for a CGC 9.9 graded copy of NM 98? I assume there's zero chance his copy was the one that was upgraded to CGC 10.0 or else he would still be on these boards lecturing us to death , instead of slinking away as his copy dropped in value by half for the next several years.
  5. Insane in the membrane! It's really a case of to each their own, but that book there looks kind of permanently scarred for life to me.
  6. Besides the additional potential grade reducing handling done during the signing, pressing, and grading processes, grading is not a science and very subjective. What's the chance the now signed former 9.9 graded book could come back in a grade whereby it loses most of its value? To borrow a line from our own economics professor, Boston Corbett's infamous NM 98 CGC 9.9 thread.....................Thus endeth the lesson!!!
  7. Since I am clearly not one of your new generation hi tech guys who notices the differences in page loading by nano seconds, this aspect doesn't seem to bother me too much. Especially since their 3-minuted extended bidding time frames allows me enough time to check other auction sites archives, Overstreet, Gerber Photojournal, GoCollect or GPA stats, pedigree checklists like Mile High, Larson, Allentown, etc. before I decide whether to up the bid on a book or not. Definitely came in very useful during the Jon Berk auction a few years ago.
  8. From reading some of the posts below, since the book came back as a CGC 9.6 graded copy after the signing, it might actually have been graded by them as a 9.9 copy the first time before going through the standard wear and tear process of being signed. So, maybe the other company does indeed have a tougher 9.8 grading criteria.
  9. What's the biggest things that you don't like about their revamped auction website, as I must be getting used to it already? The biggest visual difference is the fact that they now have their lots on a 5 X 4 layout format, instead of their old 25 vertical layout format, which I guess is really a case of to each their own from a pure appearance point of view. I definitely don't like their overpowering countdown clock that they have, but certainly like the fact that their auction archives are now fully up-to-date. Now, if I was thinking about consigning any books to an auction house, I might give them a pass as I definitely wouldn't care for the fact that they line up all of the competing copies that they have in inventory against your consigned copy. As a potential bidder though, it's probably useful unformation as it helps to set a ceiling in terms of the max price you should be bidding for some of these books.
  10. I believe you provided your own answer to your question up above: With the key words emphasized in bold above. Especially when you consider not only the huge number of graded copies already out there, but also the even larger number of raw copies that still hasn't crossed a grading table yet.
  11. Well, definitely not for the Lone Ranger or Spidey since I always thought it was really geared more towards bondage for the female persuasion. Maybe female bondage was not as common as nowadays and seem more kinky back in the day, although Charles Moulton definitely saw no problem with it at all: Makes me wonder if that's where he got the idea for Wonder Woman's golden lasso of truth, from his own personal prurient experiences way back then in the old days.
  12. Is this your copy here, because as far as I can tell from your scan, that looks like an absolutely gorgeous copy of a really early and HTF magazine size book?
  13. Well, I guess they would say this is most definitely appropriately titled then.
  14. Well, with both the CPR game in full bloom and with how much CGC has bastardized their undsiclosed grading standards to the point that it is almost suicidal from a grading POV for a submittor to even consider sending in a book without having it pre-screen for pressing at a minimum, it's actually even much more accurate that they eliminate the blue label entirely and slab everything with a purple label.
  15. Sexy pre-hero Only problem is that you could then be accused of false advertising because the overwhelming majority of them would not get past zero on the sexy register scale.
  16. Well, in that case, can somebody here come up with a better term for these so-called early "pre-hero" GA DC books because many of them seem to have been pretty much dead in the water for the past couple of decades?
  17. Drat, that's too bad as I was thinking that you might have already been well on your way to getting a big head start on your retirement fund with just these 3 books here.
  18. Ahem.........speaking from personal experience and also from many prior run ins with the Mods, there's no politics allowed on these boards here.
  19. Well, if you feel this way, have you ever considered simply contacting him directly to thank him since he does still operate some kind of mail order business? Especially since he might have a lot of other books right up your alley and I am also quite sure that he would be more than happy selling them directly to you without having to pay some kind of consignment fee to MCS to sell them to you on his behalf.
  20. Hey Gino; Well done and big congrats as another important thing is that all 3 of these later and HTF MM books sure presents nicely relative to their assigned CGC grades.
  21. What this tells me is that you should never ever overpay for a book by chasing after it when it's in speculative overdrive and the current hot flavor of the month. or year. Especially when it comes to movie or TV related hyped books which generally has a relatively short shelf life. Especially in the case of Marvel related titles since they are just so common that they have ample copies to drive irrational exuberance to the max on the ride up the roller coaster, but we all know what tends to happen on the way down.
  22. Does anybody here know how Harley is doing in today's Covid-19 environment since his entire business model is really geared towards travel and comic cons and everybody here certainly knows the current status for both of these kinds of activities? Certainly hope he's holding up and doing alright for now because he's definitely one of the good guys out there from my own personal point of view.
  23. FWIW, that was way back in May of 2017 and this is now August of 2020 and a lot of things could have changed in the interim. For example, a share of Apple and Shopify was worth only about $150 USD and $120 CDN respectively back then, as compared to the roughly $450 USD and $1,410 CDN they are supposedly worth nowadays. Then again, you've got things like GE and Schlumberger which were worth about $30 and $80 per share respectively back then, but now only about $6 and $20 nowadays. From a comic book point of view, you've got sure fire winners like AF 15, Hulk 181, TMNT 1, etc. if you are looking back retroactively. Without this advantage of hindsight though, I would have to say it's actually pretty hard to forecast whether a book will end up being a financial winner for you or not if you have to pay today's seemingly outrageous going rates for some of these books here. Especially when it comes to some of these Marvel books where you simply have so many copies of floating them around as they seem to show up in virtually every single auction nowadays.
  24. If I remember correctly, I believe that AA 61 is also considered to be a classic Grundy cover and in a survey of the Top GA covers of all time as run by Heritage back in 2016, it finished somewhere in their Top 40 chart of GA covers.
  25. Well, this just might be your lucky day then as I might just be able to save you some money here. Not sure what other GA book you are referring to, but according to both Overstreet and this link attached link below, the All-American 61 is both the origin and first appearance of Solomon Grundy: https://dcuguide.com/w/Solomon_Grundy_(Cyrus_Gold)_Chronology