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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. It tales me to a page Still doesn't wotk for me, but maybe I need to be signed into eBay for the link to work properly? Anyways, what was the CGC grade for this copy that sold for $3,500?
  2. Congrats on your pickup of the ever elusive Cerebus 1 even though you couldn't get the Cerebus into the same ball park grade wise as the much more common in HG Albedo 2 and TMNT 1.
  3. Is this even an authentic sale since the link you posted takes you to an eBay "missing page"?
  4. Congrats on a fantastic pickup here as I've always loved the stunning colors, especially the deep blues and red, on this classic cover.
  5. Tough tough first issue of the KDF run to find with the only one even tougher to find being KDF 10 with only a single handful of copies slabbed to date, and a book that hardly ever hits the marketplace with the last one being a Brittle CGC 1.0 graded copy on CC back in 2019.
  6. I would imagine very very few people, if anyone. Definitely not the preferred route to take for consigning to Heritage since CVA is associated with CL while I believe QES is associated with CC. If you are going with Heritage, the best option to take is to send your books in raw and have Heritage submit them to CCS/CGC for the hopeful Promise of a more loveable and huggable number in the top left hand corner of your slabbed book.
  7. Oh..............don't we yearn for the days of yore when we had a full set of red hair and we could pick up those beauties for what was probably back then perceived to be "crazy" prices. Seriously though, absolutely loved your Sleepers column in the early issues of the Gary Carter edited CBM magazine before it all went to carp.
  8. Totally agree with your POV on Funnies on Parade here, although I believe a certain boardie might disagree since there's Obadiah Oldbuck. I remember the only time seeing a copy in real life was in my first SD Con at the start of the 90's when a collector walked in with a small stack of books which had the Funnies on Parade in there along with a bunch of the pre-Robin 'Tec books, but the only book that all the dealers were jumping up and down about was the nice copy of Detective Comics 1 on top of the pile. Well, you definitely wouldn't have any problems now finding a buyer above $1K as the last one that sold was back in 2019 at CC for $12,900: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/845124 Not sure if it's due to the lack of sales for this book, but that auction result worked out to almost 5X condition guide back then and still a shade over 4X this years condition guide value.
  9. Now, I would say that's a pretty negative way of looking at things, as you should really see it more as yours truly merely presenting "opportunities for improvements".
  10. Yep, the comic strip reprint books have really dropped right off Overstreet's Top 100 listing, especially considering that there were four of them in Overstreet's Top 9 (albeit there were 10 books tied in the 9th position) in his first guide back in 1970. Looks like long forgotten King Comics #1 was the top dog in the strip reprint genre back then as it came in at the #4 position tied with Batman 1. Rather ironic that the only strip reprint to remain in Overstreet's Top 100 now, namely Famous Funnies Series 1 #1, was nowhere to be seen in Overstrret's top listings back then in his first guide. The two that were in there tied in 9th position were Funnies on Parade and Famous Funnies 1, both of which I would personally prefer over the Series 1 since it's only real claim to fame is its supposed rarity. Especially when I see Funnies on Parade acknowledged as the first Modern version of the comic book to be produced and Famous Funnies 1 to be the first monthly newsstand comic book to be produced, while Series 1 is really more of a been there, done that already, and for relative comparison purposes then, don't really need it. As for rarity, Funnies on Parade in and of itself is relatively rare, especially considering that the last copy to be sold at Heritage was all the way back in 2014 and the last one at CC was a copy that sold for 5X condition guide in 2019. For all intents and purposes, relatively rare with only a total of 14 Universal copies graded to date, with the last one to be graded and slabbed back in 2017.
  11. Looks like you are NOT referring to one of the 61 officially recognized pedigree collections here though.
  12. Is it just me or are there far too many of those icky yucky yellow covers when it comes to the GA books? Almost makes me wonder if it was cheaper to go with yellow when it came to the printing process back then. I always preferred covers with the strong reds, blues,or greens like that Bat 21 or especially that gorgeous deep blue Sups 23 submarine cover.
  13. In talking with Pat during the past few years, he's opined that one can never live forever and eventually you have to put the wheels in motion. Since the collecting time period for the Chinatown Pedigree tended to overlap with the Promise Collection, I got the impression from speaking with him that we would have seen the Chinatown books sooner rather later if the Promise books had not come along when they did. Then again, you never know since he's procrastinated on what to do with this collection for over two decades now. All I will say is that he's clearly spent a ton of money up front getting them prepped and then reprepped for the marketplace, and have yet to get even a dime back from them to this current point in time.
  14. Hopefully, it's cheaper and available at a healthy discount when you buy it two weeks after its release date?
  15. Yes, I am surprised that neither the consignor or CC bothered to go with one of those QES stickers for superior presentation relative to grade.
  16. Wow, had to go and take a look at this Dynamic 8 since it's being compared to both Suspense 3 and Punch 12: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/1006340 I guess it's really a case of to each their own, but personally speaking, I would take a Suspense 3 or a Punch 12 over a copy of Dynamic 8.
  17. First time I've ever heard of this collection, but rather interesting that CGC would go all the way back some 30+years to finally recognize a collection as a pedigree that's no longer intact and one that's already been disseminated into the marketplace decades ago.
  18. Looks like a 3-prong opinionated sandwich here with the two slices on the outside looking pretty good, but the meat in the middle not so much.
  19. So glad I never put a deposit down or paid for the Pedigree Book in advance like what they were offering way way back in the day.
  20. Well, let's not forget these are the "funny books" that we are collecting here after all, and it should be about fun and having a good time while we are doing it.
  21. I always like to add a touch of humor every now and then to lighten up the mood a bit, especially since this place gets a bit too serious at times. That's actually an excellent and well thought out post which I have absolutely no problems agreeing with, as it's indeed a little bit of both. A bit of science in terms of an acceptable condition grade range based upon the type and quantity of technical defects plus a little bit of subjectivity (i.e. open to interpretation) thrown in there on top just to spice things up and to keep us conspiracy theorists from dying of boredom and falling asleep here. BTW: No Zero or non-diet drinks for me since they are so absolutely tasteless.
  22. Sadly, and then came the Promise Collection right after that was written to show the inconsistency and sheer ambiguity in grading which pretty much made that book obsolete and irrelevant.
  23. I seriously don't think anybody would use this service for a book which they intend to keep in their own personal collection, as I believe the only time it's used is upon resale when the auction house or consignor thinks it has a good chance of qualifying for one of these stickers. Then again, I would also never ever think of getting a book graded and slabbed for my personal collection and would only ever use a grading service when it comes time to sell a book.
  24. I don't think that's what the stickers are for as they are NOT being used to measure against other copies of the same book in the same grade. I believe they are looking more at the visual aesthetics and eye appeal of the book RELATIVE to what is standard or normally seen in that assigned CGC grade. Something that CGC does not tend to pay as much attention to since their main focus is on the so-called "structural or technical" defects. As such, with a nicer presenting book, if you are indeed into the CPR game, you just might stand a better chance at an upgrade on the next go round if the book has one of these stickers on them.
  25. Given that it's summertime and the current hot weather, not sure if you've been drinking a bit too much of the CGC juice or not here. You actually make it sound as though grading is an exact science that can be done by mindless robots with 100% accuracy and 100% consistentcy. Hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but it's really nothing more than just a subjective opinion (albeit a so-called expert one) when the book hits a human graders table, and as such, subject to many different influencing factors.