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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. As we all should well know by now, there are a whole lot more slightly lower condition raw BA books that are just waiting to be maximized to their full potential (i.e. a grade of CGC 9.8 hopefully) as long as you are willing to play their game.
  2. Actually, no real need to feel bad as the end of the flu season is fast approaching and hopefully, they will have a vaccine in place in time for the next flu season.
  3. It certainly is a lot of lumber! And as a Johnson, the reason why I felt it appropriate to recuse myself from participating in a thread with this much wood. I was at a local comic book convention this past weekend and saw a copy of this book on a dealer wall. Asked him to pull it down and he told me that it was probably a G/VG copy, but the owner still wanted something like $900 CDN for the book because of the classic cover image.
  4. Maybe he missed where you don't feel well, but cheer up! I could be patient "0" for all I know, I thought I had the crud but didn't go to the doctor. I could have coughed on someone who then went to China...... Well, if you are not Patient "0", I certainly hope you are very careful whenever you push the button to cross a street, touch a door handle to enter a public washroom, etc. Can't wait for this year's flu season to be over since it normally runs from December through to March, just so that everything can hopefully get back closer to normal.
  5. Yes, but that only takes care of yourself because you are healthy enough to recover from it, whether it be COVID-19 or the regular seasonal flu. Although you believe you have only the commn seasonal flu, you might actually have this COVID-19 variant strain and as a result, unkowningly spreading it to others that might or might not have respiratory problems.
  6. Don't really follow this series of magazines, but I assume all of the early issues must be going for big money by now? Especially if some of them are one of the so-called CGC highest graded copies or single highest graded copy.
  7. I guess it really depends if you want to send the book into their sister company for grading afterwards, and if so, do you really want to take the chance by sending it into somebody else for pressing.
  8. Still, weren't they a lot better than the special effects on those Marvel movies which came out in the early 90's and pretty much went straight to video, after bypassing both the movie and TV markets.
  9. Truly a cringe-worthy picture. I handle dollar-bin books with more care than this. You know that old adage that there's no such thing as bad publicity? Well, this is bad publicity. Well, I am sure they wouldn't agree with your point of view here, especially since this little video clip was apparently posted to Facebook by CGC themselves. They probably are of the same opinion as the rest of the CGC acolytes here who claim this video is proof positive that the gang at CGC knows exactly what they are doing as they are able to conduct a page count on a 68-page so fast and efficiently in less than 30 seconds, wheras the rest of us nobodies would take forever to do it. Just imagine how much faster they can do it when it comes to those thousands of thin MA books which the speculators are sending in every week as they arrive on the shelves of your local comic shops every Wednesday.
  10. Fair point. I hope you guys aren't assuming that the movie studios rake in anywhere close to 100% of the box office receipts because they clearly do not. Not sure what the foreign box office receipts will be on this movie here, but if they spent $42M on the production costs alone, any bets they probably also spent the same amount if not more on promotion and advertising.
  11. Sounds pretty much likely as at the 1:10 mark, he clearly states "that after conversations with MSNBS, I've decided that tonight will be my last Hardball" and then goes on to speak about making compliments on a woman's appearance in the past which he once incorrectly thought were okay, were never okay and for which he now apologizes for. He probably should have waited to get fired and then collect a nice hefty buyout to go away, instead of simply having a hissy fit and retiring on the spot after only 1.5 minutes into his show.
  12. That's the whole problem with eBay as sellers have pretty much done away with the true auction format which they don't have the balls for anymore. As a result, it's pretty much a complete waste of time as sellers simply list books on there with ridiculously high prices hoping to snag some know nothing sucker.
  13. Man I dont know whether to like your post or sad face, hope you feel better! I got over the crud, but still cough up once in while. I dont know the symptoms of this new whatchamacallit, but I had it well before the news. Con in 4 weeks Did both of you get tested for this Corona Virus variant since it supposedly has pretty much the exact same symptons as the regular flu and that's what makes it so hard to detect? Apparently the prevention and treatment is also virtually the same for both, with the major difference being the source as the Corona Virus is caused by one new strain of the virus, while the regular seasonal flu can be cause by several different strains of the influenza virus. There are now just over 90,000 cases of the Corona Virus worldwide which has everybody in a mad panic, while there are an estimated 1 billion cases of the regular seasonal flu at this current point in time which nobody seems to really care about even though it can also be deadly.
  14. They already do in terms of your omniscient prescence here on the boards because you seem to speak on behalf of everything for CGC all the time.
  15. +1 Agree with you 100%.............adding to both the top and bottom lines of their CCG parent by generating new business for CCS and repeat business for CGC.
  16. You may be changing your tune as this thing spreads. It's already having many real world impacts on the world economy. Hard to call it white noise when you can no longer catch a flight on a U.S. airline to China, and the entire West Coast has cases on the rise. Colleges are cancelling their study abroad programs in Italy (my niece just got aced out of a term in Sienna). For most, it will be "just a cold," but for a not insignificant amount - especially amongst the older set - it will take its toll. And that will cause a change in customer behaviour. Businesses which are amongst the most likely to feel the impact include the film companies (sorry Disney/Marvel/Warner comic book movies), the NBA, and other businesses that brings large groups of people together in doors (such as comic conventions). Good stock to buy now? How about Netflix, which brings entertainment into your home with no need to venture into a crowded theatre. From a relative comparison point of view though, does it make rational sense for the general public, business corportions, and government officials to act in such fear and panic to this new and new unknown strain of the virus beacause they don't understand it yet. Personally, I believe the almost hourly body count in terms of number of new cases and deaths at the top of the news and social media platforms is what is fuelling this fear to unwarranted hysterical levels. Can you just imagine the fear and panic from the general public, corporations, and governments if they started to do daily body counts on the 45 million seasonal flu cases and 61,000 associated deaths that took place last year just in the United States alone? Especially when we see how everybody reacts in absolute panic and fear to a virus with just 99 cases so far and ony a handful of deaths to date. From the way the global economies are seemingly falling apart across the world, it makes me wonder if the prevention is actually worst than the cure in this particular case.
  17. Well, as you can tell from your picture below, at least his nails are nicely clipped so that they won't catch on the pages as he's flipping through them: Also, and as I had posted in the other thread on this same topic here: Thank God they have Graders Notes that will let you know right away about non-color folds so that you can simply send them right back in so that they can easily take care of any fixable defects that might have been inflicted on the book in order to maximize their potential for you:
  18. A check for missing pages and clipped coupons is always one of the first verifications that CGC performs and they will definitely not rely on the submittor to do this. Similar to how they will not simply take the owner's word as to the grade and will instead grade the book themselves.
  19. For all of you camp collectors out here, any idea of how much of a hit is applied by CGC in terms of the final grade due to the writing on the covers here? I just find it rather a bit that CGC would consider telltale pedigree codings as defects and hence would downgrade accordingly for them. Since the Church Mile High codes are usually always less obtrusive though, I imagine there's much less of a downgrade hit when grading for that pedigree. Personally though, I would still always prefer a Church book with the Mile High code on it, as opposed to a Church book without the coding. Then again, that's probably just me.
  20. I wish...........maybe in a million years from now if I am lucky enough to win the lotto.
  21. For all of the OCD condition grade conscious collectors out there who are afraid of keeping their GA books in mylar so that they can still peruse through them due to possible handling damage, this little video clip is proof that you are needlessly obsessing over absolutely nothing when you see how a standard page count is done on a book like Superman 1:
  22. If the range is $1000-3900, then how is it "under GPA"? It sold for $1300. Now that definitely looks like a pretty broad range to be running at in terms of 390% or 290% or whatever it is. So, I guess if this book had sold at say $3,600 it would still be within the exact same GPA range and if you was selling, last night was a fair night to be doing so.
  23. +2 Definitely on the light side as compared to their recent previous auctions as I found very few GA books to even bother putting in a tracking bid on.
  24. Good! That somewhat makes up for CCs disappearance... do those guys even want to stay in business anymore? Well, I guess that's because Fishler went cheap and was only willing to pay X amount of dollars to the IT company to revamp their Metro and CC websites for a more positive customer experience. Which then left an opening for Heritage to come in and offer to pay 2X or possibly even 3X times the amount of money to the same IT company to "re-revamp" the Metro and CC websites to ensure a much more negative customer experience.
  25. guessing 650-700 It would definitely not be good news for AF 15 collectors if this ccopy did not since CC was able to sell their CGC 9.2 graded copy for $598K last summer: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/723368?tzf=1