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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Makes absolutely no sense at all to expect ME to do that when that is exactly what I am paying CGC to do. So, you are saying that they want ME to do the job which I am paying THEM to do?
  2. Wow, although we've seen a lot of feverish heat on some of the later HTF Fox books recently, it looks like this fire is also buring red hot on the early Fox books as clearly evident with these two results from earlier this evening: https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/superhero/science-comics-2-fox-1940-cgc-apparent-fr-gd-15-slight-c-1-slightly-brittle-pages/a/122308-15662.s?ic16=ViewItem-BrowseTabs-Auction-Archive-ThisAuction-120115 Sold for $1,920 or something like 2.5X Unrestored condition guide for a C-Rated (i.e. Poor quality) Resto copy with Slightly Brittle Pages; And with this one here selling for $1,260 or over 4X Unrestored condition guide for another C-Rated Resto copy with Slightly Brittle Pages: https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/superhero/mystery-men-comics-10-fox-1940-cgc-apparent-gd-20-slight-c-1-brittle-pages/a/122308-15604.s?type=bidnotice-tracked-endofauction Makes me wonder what kind of multiple we would see if a relatively HG Unrestored copy of an early Fox book should find its way into today's marketplace, although I imagine we might just have to wait awhile for this to happen.
  3. So, are you saying this copy here looks about $500K better than the Larson pedigree copy that sold a mere three short weeks ago? If that's the case then I wouuld imagine the $1M mark for Batman 1 should then fall as low as CGC 7.0 or possibly even to the CGC 6.5 copies.
  4. Speaking about very early pre-hero books, I just went on a site and I am the current high bidder for a beater copy of Comics Magazine 1. Sadly, can't post a picture of it since it's been graded by the boys across the street, but I also very much doubt I will be doing much dancing at the end though since I am sure it will go much higher than this after it's all said and done some 3 long weeks later.
  5. No, not directly myself since I am clearly old school in the sense of being both tecnically challenged and also apparently not having the right tools, applications, or whatever to even be able to do this. Though I do remember doing a few indirectly through other boardies accounts, but far too much of a hassle and definitely not worth the trouble. In addition, my collection is way too small and pales in comparison to other boardies here and have not really been buying much of anything nowadays, considering the rather exorbitant price points. So, I get my fun and enjoyment by living vicariously through the wonderful collections of my fellow boardies here.
  6. Well, of course nothing is ever 100% when it comes to these thing as you can always find examples that go against the general rule. Well, let's not forget the Seven Seas 5 which had a very impressive return of some 42% as it went from $14,400 up to $20,400 in just 14 short months. Of course, that was not surprising since it was the lead promo ad book for the Matt Baker Showcase Auction. Then again, not sure if the resellers of the Terry-Toons 38 with the first Mighty Mouse who was not so mighty after taking a 72% hit as it fell out of the sky from $60K down to some $16,800 or the Saddle Justice 6 which took a hit of 69% by falling off its saddle from $21K down to only $6,600 on its second go round would tend to agree with you. I guess the lesson here is not to get caught up in the irrational exuberent FOMO and HA hype and end up egregiously over paying for a book. Well, since @MasterChief is quite busy with his work and not much time to spend on the boards here, the last update was from back on December 18th and it showed an overall bottom line return of negative 28% to that point in time for some 60+ Promise Resales, with something like only 10 of them in the Green. Hopefully, he'll have time to provide us with a further update after the next Heritage Signature Auction since they have a large number of Promise books coming back for their second go-round here.
  7. You go first...................what's your bet here on the OVER or UNDER?
  8. Looks like we've got another case here of ask and ye shall receive, as it looks like you will not have to wait very long at all to get the answer to your question here: https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/batman-1-dc-1940-cgc-vf-80-off-white-to-white-pages/p/7339-238001.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515 Although Mitch thinks it will be north of the Larson $2M price point as per his post below, methinks it will probably be a bit south of that figure, but will definitely be interesting to see either way:
  9. Well, after seeing this rather atrocious gimmicky looking label here, I can totally understand why they don't want any more DC labels: https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/batman-1-dc-1940-cgc-vf-80-off-white-to-white-pages/p/7339-238001.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515 Totally distracts and takes away from the underlying book itself which will probably keep the bidding down on it by a few increments.
  10. I guess it's really just a case of: To each, their own. Especially since you yourself said that you wouldn't take a Skrog 1 for $90 (which is NOT even listed in the Overstreet guide BTW), so does his first appearance even carry much value, if any at all? Then again, I do have a copy of Primer 1 in my collection, so I most certainly do hope it has some value. Actually, surprised that I ran across one in my collection, but not sure if I have a copy of Primer 2 though because I probably thought it wasn't worth buying after seeing that first issue. Big kudos to you on completing your Comico Primer and Grendel sets because it's always nice to get your grail in the end.
  11. Maybe the consignor read the thread about the catastrophic results of Promise resales so far and changed his/her mind. Or maybe there are now just so many buyers from the first go round pounding on their doors to cut their losses, that Heritage has more than enough to have a standalone Showcase Auction for all of the Promise Collection retreads.
  12. Well, now that it's a New Year and we are past the irrational exuberance of the past two years when it comes to the Promise Books, no need to worry anymore as you've now got a second chance for this little steal of a deal right now when viewed through your eyes 10 years from now:
  13. Probably a bit of luck in there, but I strongly believe it's due much more to knowledge, skills, experience, and hard work as Steve is without doubt one of the top private dealers out there and stays right on top of his game when it comes to the marketplace. No doubt he was schooled and learned a lot from the best when Matt was his former partner at Worldwide, but that's definitely to his credit as for some, it would have simply gone right over their heads. As a result, I am sure that Steve knows exactly what to look for when it comes to maximizing the potential on a book and also keeps right on top of what is allowed and not allowed, because the goalposts do tend to shift slightly over time. Big big kudos to Steve for being pretty much the only dealer having the balls to even try the CPR process on some of the Promise Collection books and actually being successful at it with a few of the books which I have seen here. Well deserved since he clearly knows his stuff and I love his passion and knowledge of the comic books, especially when it comes to some of the comic book pedigrees.
  14. Sadly, none of the Herbie's at all, but I do believe I have one of the Fatman's in my collection and if I remember correctly, it might just be a HG copy of Fatman #3 since that issue was listed as "scarce" (my foot ) for some unknown irrational reason by Overstreet in his guide.
  15. Makes perfect sense if your books are slabbed since they would look better all encased with the same color label. Actually, since my entire collection is still virtually all raw, a touch of slight resto doesn't really tend to bother me that much as long as I've been made aware of it prior to purchasing the book. Definitely also helps to make the price point a lot more reasonable and allows me to purchase books that I would not otherwise be able to afford. And like most slightly restored books if they've been done properly, they just look so beautiful when encased in that shiny glossy mylar sleeve.
  16. Well, you do know the old saying that "Promises are meant to be broken", although I believe another old saying would also apply here, and that is "All good things come to those who are patient and willing to wait" or something akin to that.
  17. Well, maybe he's simply not so much into the Bruce Lee types of character and you need to try the opposite approach with him like this one here: You just gotta love Herbie, the Fat Fury and I guess you also can't go wrong with Fatman, The Human Flying Saucer:
  18. Nah, don't own a copy of any of the Green Hornet books here. Just nice to see that a relatively common non-GA book like this one here and also in NOT the highest grade still be able to fetch some half decent money. Plus, it's also a Bruce Lee photo cover both front and back and you certainly can't go wrong with that.
  19. Okay, you actually made me go back and take a look at the results here. Not sure, but is it just me becoming so jaded with all of these high dollar auction results, that I am not really that impressed when I don't see a single book even really getting anywhere close to 5-figures in this auction here? Then again, I am clearly not a Duck aficionado in any sense of the word, so I'll just have to take your word on it. From taking a quick glance at just the top performers, I was actually more impressed with the non-Duck books like the Twilight Zone FC #1173 and the Star Trek 58 finishing up at $4,560 and $3,120 respectively, and even the CGC 9.4 graded copy of the Gold Key Green Hornet 1 at $2,640 considering there's another 15 equivalent graded copies along with a further 8 higher graded copies of the book out there.
  20. Definitely a lot more transparent now, but rather surprised that he would feel the need to do this as isn't this really just a part of the whole CPR+ process and as such, be considered as fair game and also something to which we should have all become so accustomed to by now. Definitely confirms to me that Ritter is really the upstanding and quality dealer which I have heard from so many other fellow collectors by him actually going out and addressing an issue when this question or concern was most likely brought to his attention. Big kudos to him as a lot of other dealers would have simply ignored the issue and went on their stubborn little merry way hoping that the concern would eventually die down and simply be forgotten over time.
  21. Well, really not that sure about the Startling Terror Tales, but I am quite confident that the Power 3 should do better than the $7,800 it achieved as a CGC 5.5 graded copy when it sold on Heritage back in October of 2021: https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/power-comics-3-crowley-copy-pedigree-holyoke-publications-1944-cgc-fn-55-off-white-pages/a/122141-13644.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515 But not so sure if it'll hit the $12K mark that Worldwide has it indicated for as "Sale Pending" as of yesterday after it was regraded a few short days ago on February 14th: https://www.wwcomics.com/comicdetail.asp?Product_ID=PowerComics_3_14109 http://images.wwcomics.com/images/medium/PwrC_3_Crw.jpg
  22. Yes, same old, same old, except the train is chugging along in the opposite direction this time from WW to CL. No real problem with the "Sale Pending" tag from my POV since the books ARE in play and will indeed be sold at the completion of the CL auction. As for the listed price point, maybe it's all just part of the "laddering process" hoping that it will result in higher bids when the bidders in their crazed FOMO mood toss out their Hail Mary bombs in the dying seconds of the CL auction, of course after taking into consideration the enormous prices which the same books had just recently "sold for" on WW. Actually, a kind of win-win scenario here because even if it doesn't work out in the end, it's still good promo for your own website in that it shows books can perform better on YOUR website, as opposed to live auctions on the CL platform.
  23. Definitely not the first time as per my previous comments that it's kudos to Ritter as he shockingly seems to be about the only buyer that's daring or bold enough to even attempt to play the CPR game with these Promise Collection books. Can't quite figure out his Worldwide website though as he's got this Promise copy of Batman 12 indicated as "Sale Pending" at $6,000: https://www.wwcomics.com/comicdetail.asp?Product_ID=Batman_12_79625 http://images.wwcomics.com/images/medium/Btmn_12_Pro.jpg Then again, I guess nothing new here as he's also got the Crowley Copy of Power Comics 3 which he picked up from Heritage in CGC 5.5 for $7,800 now also indicated as "Sale Pending" in CGC 7.5 for $12K; Superman 2 which he picked up from HA in CBCS 2.5 for $3,840 now indicated as "Sale Pending" in CGC 3.0 for $10,500; and the Larson Copy of Science Comics 2 in which he picked up from HA in CGC Restored 8.0 for $21,600 now indicated as "Sale Pending" in CGC Universal 7.5 for $42,500. The part which I am a little bit mystified about and find rather interesting is the fact that all 4 of these books are now listed in the current CL Featured Auction which just started today on February 16th. And yet Ritter was able to "sell" all four of them so quickly, especially considering that they were all graded only as of February 14th and not even in the current CGC Population Census yet. Okay, I guess I do understand the Sale Pending part, but not sure about the price that he has them listed as being "Sold For" in his website.
  24. First, VERY FULL, appearance of the LOG Not having a copy of the book myself, how sure are you that this is the FULL appearance because whispers are that this issue might just have been a gateway foldout cover since they could not fit it all in on just the one page? Seriously though, it looks like my previous post was not exactly right at all: Sad to say, but it looks like poor old Dougie just couldn't get it to go up any higher by even a single dollar and hence there was no screaming fireworks at the end. Just a soft soft quiet whimper at the end as all of the action must have already taken place prematurely.
  25. Clearly you must be a long time collector with impeccable taste if you know about long ago forgotten pre-hero books like Comics Magazine 2 and New Comics 2. Sorry to hear that you missed out on the Comics Magazine 2 since that entire run from 1936 is a real toughie to track down. I remember picking up my mid-grade copy of Comics Magazine 2 over some 15 years ago in a trade with a fellow boardie here (i.e. @CentaurMan) who is sorely missed as he sadly no longer grace these boards to share his wisdom and passion with us anymore. It was something like mid- grade copies of both the Comics magazine 2 and Adventure 45 for my nice copy of the last issues of Comic Pages since that was one of the last Centaurs which he needed to complete his Centaur collection at the time. Looking back at the trade now from a strict valuation POV, I probably should have taken the Slightly Restored copy of Detective 18 with the classic Fu Manchu cover instead. Needless to say, I certainly thought long and hard about it, but that copy simply didn't present that nicely to me since it had a rather "dirty" appearance to it which would have bothered me every time I looked or thought about it. Hope you was able to pick up the New Comics 2 since you seem to know all about it and have a soft spot for it, along with the fact that it sold for a much lower price point at $1,680 as compared to the Comics Magazine 2 at $2,520. From my personal POV, probably one of the absolute rarest pre-hero DC books out there, especially when you also factored in the grade. The CGC Population Census Report would seem to confirm this as it shows a total of only 5 Universal copies graded to date, with the highest graded one being this copy here at a grade of only CGC 2.0: https://comics.ha.com/itm/platinum-age-1897-1937-/new-comics-2-billy-wright-pedigree-dc-1936-cgc-gd-20-off-white-to-white-pages/a/7054-91110.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515# No Church copy or any other pedigree copy of this book here besides this Billy Wright copy, so if collectors are hoping to find a nicer higher grade copy of this book to fill the gap in their collection, it might just be an awfully long long wait for one to come around, if ever.