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Everything posted by rockman2008

  1. Ayers i thought... The Gator knows his comics history. The consensus among scholars is George Klein inked FF #1 based on comparison of his contemporaneous style over at DC. There was some debate regarding Ayers or Chris Rule some time ago, but Klein's style appears to be a better fit. (thumbs u
  2. The definitive answer can only be found in Rick's boudoir...
  3. My name isn't Quasimodo...but I have a big hunch royig is WaltT. The writing style is too quaint and similar to be a coincidence.
  4. Yeah, but those are Kirby pencils or layouts under Ditko inks. The story telling style by Kirby is unmistakable.
  5. Last I checked this is a free country. There will always be comments posted to this thread, just for the halibut. You might tuna fish, but you can never tune a message board. can it tuna face The raging hormones again.
  6. Last I checked this is a free country. There will always be comments posted to this thread, just for the halibut. You might tuna fish, but you can never tune a message board.
  7. You probably meant "asset" to the community.
  8. I don't think it needs any CT work. Looks fantastic as is. There's always the risk of adding more CT and then crossing over to extensive resto.
  9. Wow, the colors really stand out. Was this a conservation job? I see you elected not to go for the full monty.
  10. +1 I wonder if he got his balls dragged to the PO today?? (thumbs u Me, too. I haven't been so addicted to drama since "Who shot J.R.?"
  11. Why are we talking about our NBA Postal All-Stars? Can we get back to our regularly scheduled soap opera?
  12. Congrats to to both Andre and Yannis, for picking up beautiful books. Welcome back, Yannis. You are the magnet for Tec 37's. I'd make a joke about you being renamed the Tec37Kid...but that would be too easy.
  13. As opposed to everyone else..."if there is ever a fire in this house, don't worry kids, we'll be OK.. (thumbs u " I read the original comment and had to laugh out loud. WTTB.
  14. TheDamnable has no enemies. He's only intensely disliked by his friends... who are waiting for their refunds. When he leaves, we'll always have his posts to reminisce how well he handled himself in a situation when someone deigns to change their mind and give a refund. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=4&Number=3981209&Search=true#Post3981209
  15. Tec 35 = an absolute classic Yeah, but you nancy boys only like it for the homoerotic cover. I've actually read the damn thing.
  16. I have to agree with 35 being a favorite. I pulled out mine the other day and read it from cover to cover. My reaction afterwards was: "Wow, now that's an entertaining comic book, chock full of great Golden Age stories."
  17. Hey, guess what? There's an issue of Detective Comics that's numbered 33!! No! You don't say.
  18. Nice run you got there, Russ. Yup, Tec 28's are hard to find. Actually, all DC's cover dated June 1939 are scarce. I think Tec 28's right now are the most undervalued of all the pre-Robin Tecs. Anyone want to take a stab at the FMV for a low-grade copy? I think unrestored Tec 28's will see a significant upward correction in the next few years. Many collectors who had set their sights on owning a Tec 27, are now discovering that it's out of their price range...permanently. Naturally they end up going for the next best thing...the next earliest appearance.
  19. Yeah but I think the mice may have edited the origin of Batman in your # 33. You miss the part where you see the parents get shot and the bat comes in through the window. In your copy, Batman's origin resembles that of Catman.
  20. If you're able to find a Tec 31 CGC 0.5 in the 5-6K range today, I say buy it. I've never seen a nicer 0.5. Here's a close-up scan. BTW, I've acquired a back cover for this book. Do you think I should have it restored?
  21. That sounds about right. Yannis gave me a great deal, accepting cash plus comics. My records show it was sold by amerweb on eBay (4/21/2008) with a Buy It Now of $4K. The slab went to a buyer on the West Coast who sold it to Terry's Comics. Terry sold it to someone on the East Coast. It fell off the back of a truck. (kidding) Yannis picked it up, bought it, sold it to me. Now it's back on the West Coast again. If only this slab can talk, there might be a movie: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Comic Book. excellent record keeping Mr. Wayne. more like "dizzying" record keeping to me
  22. Good question. I'm not sure what is the current FMV for a 31...nor do I follow trends. I guess I'm what you call a value investor, looking to profit from a long term hold. For the entire run (including Bat 1), my upfront costs didn't go above 15K...and most of the books were bought in 2007-2008. Terry O'Neil offered me a CGC .5 o/w Tec 31 last year before I bought my copy...it was sold to someone in NY and Yannis finally got it...not sure if this is the same copy Rockman, but Terry had offered it to me for $5500... Was it missing a back-cover as well? yep. might be the same copy as rockman's but I think it is a different one if he has had his copy since 07-08...I think the .5 copy Terry obtained last year was from a local collector (SoCal), so probably a different copy.. There are two .5's on the census so it's a very likely possibility; the fact that both have the back-cover missing is an interesting coincidence as I doubt it was a re-sub. $5,500 seems like a strong price but certainly not out of line for a book of Tec #31's magnitude; especially when there are only 27 graded unrestored copies to-date. I can confirm that there are indeed 2 CGC .5 Tec 31 Blue's both missing the Back Cover. But it is important to note the one Rockman has is far superior to the "other" copy out there. (thumbs u 4 out of 5 rodents recommend my copy.