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Everything posted by alxjhnsn

  1. Comicpalooza 2017 - Con Report If anyone is interested in my experiences at Comicplaooza 2017, please take a look at this post on my Facebook page. It's public so anyone should be able to see it. It was a very busy weekend - my daughter's wedding was the week before, my wife graduated from Rice with her Master's degree, Rice was playing baseball, it was Mother's day weekend, you get the drift. Still, I did get to spend a little time there and bought some art. So, click and read. https://www.facebook.com/alxjhnsn/media_set?set=a.10209233271772744.1073741861.1349825773&type=3
  2. Yep, I use the story page for a freestanding comic - Title, Issue, Page For an Anthology, I'll still use the story page - Anthology Title, Story Title, Page
  3. Clifford Meth ran a fundraiser for Rich - an art book with a sketch. Here's my sketch (click to embiggen):
  4. Joe Goulart confirmed that Rich passed from cancer. He wrote this on his FB page:
  5. Once again, I have disappointed my children by buying comic art and lowering their inheritance. This is the second of three pieces purchased at Comicpalooza 2017. The third one is a birthday present for me and I don't get to have it until June 9th. Sigh... Anyway... Tyler Jenkins was appearing at Comicpalooza, but I knew nothing about him or his art so I didn't really care. Then a week or so before the con, I stumbled upon the second issue of his new comic with Matt Kindt, Grass Kings. I found the artwork fascinating, ordered issue one from the interwebs, bought issue two from Bedrock City, and put it on my pull list. I only read the story last night (3 issues so far) which is why I didn't post this earlier. I simply didn't know anything about the story; I just liked the art. The tale features three brothers who own a large portion of land with a small, trailer park community that they rule. Robert is the eldest and his taken a loss that he's not handling well. The Description has a link to a solid review of the book. Check it out. In the meantime, here's Robert.
  6. Rich Buckler, R.I.P. FB has reports of Rich's passing. Is it true? https://www.facebook.com/groups/comicbookhistorians/permalink/1894291470851117/?comment_id=1894294900850774&notif_t=group_comment_reply&notif_id=1495308555250069
  7. I started at the bottom of my CAF and picked the lowest viewed piece that I'm really attached to. It turned out to be the last three pages of Huck, a Millarverse title. Huck is Millar's response to Superman's changes over the years especially in film. It's a terrific tale with an interesting twist. I hope to see more Huck in the future. In this scene, Huck's privacy has been compromised by a newcomer to town and the press has discovered him. I love these pages - the excitement of the reporters to get the scoop contrasts with the dog slowly waking Huck. His expression in the last page as he looks onto his lawn is priceless. Read the book if you haven't. Click the image to embiggen and learn more. The pages aren't totally ignored, but with 300 views and two comments, it's hardly a barn burner in the popularity department. The book must have sold fairly well since they reprinted the first issue as "Giant-Sized Artist’s Proof Edition: Huck #1." Yes, I bought that, too. I have a couple of other pieces that almost made the cut - the first published image from Busiek/Dewey of the Autumnlands: Tooth and Nail and the first published image from Lemire/Lenox's Plutona. There's an interesting video by Ben Dewey (Autumnlands) with Emi Lenox (Plutona) in the Plutona page description. In that you can see this piece. Kinda cool, I think.
  8. He's a good man and I wish him all the best in his recovery.
  9. In my continuing quest to spend my daughter's inheritance, I purchased a custom piece from David Finch at Comicpalooza. David is the current Batman artist and well-known his work at DC's major competitor Marvel Comics. Did I get one of those well-known characters? Nope. I got Ultraman, the chief villain of the first comic that I ever read. You can see and read about it here:
  10. I don't own any of the art, but I did collect these images that show how the cover to the eighth issue was constructed. The description tells where I found each image. Click the image below to read the description.
  11. Kathy has bought lots of art for me. It's ranged from published (a page from the first comic that I ever read, JLA 29) to commissions (for example from Gene Colon and Nick Cardy) to a complete sketchbook that she created over three years as a 60th birthday gift. She's the best. No you may not have her.
  12. Bob Almond just posted: · UPDATE: I was just on the phone with Spencer Beck in regards to a show and I asked about GEORGE PEREZ and he informed me that George's second stent surgery was successful. George is in good spirits and about an hour ago he left the hospital. Very good news!
  13. George Perez Health Updated from Spencer Beck and George Perez A Press Release from Spencer Beck and George Perez. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO POST ON ANY WEBSITE, MESSAGE BOARD OR BLOG YOU CAN THINK OF. HE ANTS TO GET THE WORD OUT TO STOP SPECUALTION AND LETS PEOPLE KNOW THE TRUTH AS THERE ARE MANY FALSE RUMORS OU THERE RIGHT NOW. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 1, 2017 George Perez Represented by Spencer R. Beck The Artist’s Choice SpencerBck@aol.com www.Theartistschoice.com UPDATE FROM GEORGE PEREZ The following is a statement from George Perez regarding his health and hospitalization during the East Coast Comic Convention: I am so genuinely flattered, humbled, and grateful for all the emails, texts, phone calls and messages that I’ve received regarding my latest medical situation. To clarify the facts to everyone: Yes, I did have a heart attack. I was on a plane leaving from Los Angeles, CA, heading to Secaucus, NJ for a comic convention when I started to feel some discomfort in my chest. It was mild and sporadic at first, but became more intense after I checked into my hotel in New Jersey. I called the front desk and they called for an ambulance. I also phoned my longtime friend and art agent Spencer Beck, who contacted my wife Carol, who was visiting friends in England. He figured correctly that news of my affliction and possible speculations could fill the social networks, and didn’t want Carol to find out that way. At first it was speculated that I may have had blood clots that may have reached my heart or lungs, but a second EKG determined that I had indeed suffered a heart attack with some rather severe blockage in some of the vessels. As of this writing, I have already undergone one operation to place a stent to clear the blockage on the right side of my heart and am scheduled to have the left side taken care of today. So far, recovery has been going well and life should be relatively normal after that, although I may have to pull back on the non-stop sketching-marathons that people have come to expect from me at conventions. There may even be a few cancelations, depending on medical advice. I apologize in advance to those I may disappoint. With this new medical wrinkle added to my past issues regarding my eyesight, there are likely a good number of you feeling a bit sorry for me. Please, don’t be. I’ve had a great run and have been blessed not only with a great career, but also, thanks to all of you nice people buying video games, t-shirts, action figures, collected editions, and watching all those movies and TV shows, my royalty income allows me financial security for life. There are so many of my peers who do not have that luxury. Unfair, but true. So, if these bits of misfortune do need to happen to someone, let it be me. Granted, my output may be curtailed, but I will still be drawing, and loving it as much as ever. Thank you all for caring. See you in the funny papers. George Perez
  14. If this is the worst mistake you ever make, you'll have a charmed life.
  15. Rob, This should be in the Marketplace sub-forum not the main forum.
  16. I have 80 or so commissions up on the CAF. A few highlights include: 1) Curt Swan Superman 2) Joe Kubert Sgt. Rock 3) Nick Cardy Bat Lash and Teen Titans (but no Aquaman ) 4) Herb Trimpe Hulk 5) Gene Colan Daredevil and Black Widow and a lot more. Click the link and check them out.
  17. There is also the "Trilogy Tour" cover out there. It featured the characters from a number of creators who were touring cons together. Jeff Smith's Rose, Thorn, Fone Bone, Smiley Bone Linda Medley's Castle Waiting crew Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo Jill Thompson's Scary Godmother Mark Crilley's Akiko Charles Vess - darned if I know what he did on this cover.
  18. As mentioned above, there is one Bone "auxiliary cover" out there. All of the mainline art is in the collection at Ohio State where the story originated. Beyond the sketches that he's done (and which are much less common and more expensive now), there was a special drawing for the 20th anniversary book. It consisted of 50 lightboxed drawings by Jeff with watercolors from Steve Hamaker who colored the Scholastic Books. Click the image to see more.