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Posts posted by JesterSB

  1. On 7/18/2018 at 12:20 PM, Bronty said:

    You know it ;)

    other notables include a five minute old Terese Nielsen painting on eBay at 15k with three days to go and a Volkan Baga of similar recent vintage that just went for 25.    Crazy what the brand new stuff can go for 

    Meanwhile I bought another Baga from the same set for $1550 the same week (and I like the art more!)


  2. 2 minutes ago, buyatari said:

    Those two covers both convey the feel of the game. You know you are getting a fantasy RPG. 

     If it is now a desirable card that would explain things a bit. I bought and sold the cards back in the day but didn't play much. I had a booster box and a complete set of Arabian Night at one point.

     The Arabian Nights set I sold for $800-$1200 tops. It was so long ago that I don't remember but I thought that Kird Ape was a cheap common card. 

    Juzam Djinn is now worth $1200 by itself.

  3. 6 minutes ago, buyatari said:

    I loved the Arabian Nights set. One day I'd like to pick up a painting from that set but not if the commons are selling for 50k !

    That is probably a top 10 card from the set. Picking up something like Ghazban Ogre or Fishliver Oil would probably only run you $3-10K (hard to say since I've never seen ANY Arabian Nights card art sell).

  4. 2 minutes ago, buyatari said:



    Thanks for posting this. These are the cards that I remember. I stopping playing around this time.

    How often do these early cards change hands these days?

    Not very often, at least publicly. Maybe 1-2 a year for the really valuable ones.

  5. 5 minutes ago, buyatari said:

    This one?


    I understand a love of the art that makes up the game that you love but this is just an image of a gorilla.

    It doesn't have a magic / fantasy bone in its entire body. 


    Yep, there are lots of reasons for this, but the main one is the card was very powerful for its day. Power of the card trumps all else when talking about the price of magic art. Being from the first expansion for the game also holds some relevance.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bronty said:

    It highlights how non-linear the growth has been.   I almost bought Kird Ape for 2k in or around 2010.   It was 530 in 1993 - modest growth for 17 years.    Now what would it be?   20k?   All of the growth has been in the last say 8 years

    Yes, it's been a crazy 5 or so years of price explosion. I asked the owner of Kird Ape what he wanted for it 2 years ago and he said $50K. He's probably not too far off.

  7. 26 minutes ago, buyatari said:

    Did Magic art really sell for $500 back in 1993?

    That honestly seems like a lot of money for this art in 1993. 

    This was after all the really good stuff had already been snapped up for similar prices.

    Original Artwork Availability List
    and Artist Contact Sheet

    January 1995 Edition

    Due to numerous requests for information on how to purchase original artwork
    used in Magic: The Gathering* game, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. has compiled
    the following list.  Wizards of the Coast is providing this information as a
    service to both its customers and the artists it employs.  This list is merely
    an offer by the artist or the artist's representative to negotiate.  Wizards
    of the Coast makes no guarantees as to availability, pricing, or current
    accuracy of any information contained herein.

    To use this list, look up the name of the card containing the artwork you are
    interested in buying.  The next column over will contain the name of the
    artist who did the piece.  The last column will list its availability  or the
    latest price quote.  If you donUt see a particular artwork listed, it means
    that it is not available or has already been sold.

    Some pieces are indicated as R@WGS by their price listing.  This means that
    the artwork is available through WIZARDS Gallery, which is independently
    operated by Marcus R. Rieck and is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. 
    Information on how to contact him is provided at the end of the Artist
    Contacts section of this list.

    Also included are sections listing prints and original sketches from the
    respective artists from their Deckmaster artwork.

    For information on contacting an artist, check the Artist Contacts section at
    the end of this list.  If  an address and/or phone number is given, you may
    contact the artist directly.  Otherwise, Wizards of the Coast has agreed to
    forward to the artists inquiries regarding offers to purchase listed art.  To
    make an offer, send a letter addressed to the artist care of Wizards of the
    Coast, P.O. Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707.

    All original artwork has an image size of 7" x 5-5/8".


    Aladdin's Lamp                Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Aladdin's Ring                Dan Frazier                   $280 @WG
    Animate Dead                  Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Basalt Monolith               Jesper Myrfors                $280 @WG
    Bottle of Suleiman            Jesper Myrfors                $380 @WG
    Braingeyser                   Mark Tedin                    @WG
    Burrowing                     Mark Poole                    $530 @WG
    Circle of Protection: Red     Mark Tedin                    $455 @WG
    Creature Bond                 Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Dancing Scimitar              Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Death Ward                    Mark Poole                    $530 @WG
    Deathgrip                     Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Desert Twister                Susan Van Camp                Available
    Dingus Egg                    Dan Frazier                   $230 @WG
    Dragon Engine                 Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Drudge Skeletons              Sandra Everingham             $600
    Earthquake                    Dan Frazier                   $280 @WG
    Evil Presence                 Sandra Everingham             $400
    Eye for an Eye                Mark Poole                    $530 @WG
    False Orders                  Anson Maddocks                $800
    Flying Carpet                 Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Forest (B)                    Christopher Rush              $230 @WG
    Giant Growth                  Sandra Everingham             $400
    Giant Spider                  Sandra Everingham             $500
    Green Ward                    Dan Frazier                   $230 @WG
    Guardian Angel                Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Helm of Chatzuk               Mark Tedin                    $455 @WG
    Hypnotic Specter              Doug Shuler                   Unknown
    Ironroot Treefolk             Jesper Myrfors                $380 @WG
    Ivory Cup                     Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Jayemdae Tome                 Mark Tedin                    $455 @WG
    Karma                         Richard Thomas                $405 @WG
    Lance                         Rob Alexander                 $500 @WG
    Lifetap                       Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Living Lands                  Jesper Myrfors                $380 @WG
    Living Wall                   Anson Maddocks                $2,000
    Llanowar Elves                Anson Maddocks                $900
    Magnetic Mountain             Susan Van Camp                $90 (corner cracked)
    Mana Vault                    Mark Tedin                    $455 @WG
    Mijae Djinn                   Susan Van Camp                $195
    Mons's Goblin Raiders         Jeff A. Menges                $450 @WG
    Nevinyrral's Disk             Mark Tedin                    $420 @WG
    Onulet                        Anson Maddocks                $900
    Orcish Artillery              Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Ornithopter                   Amy Weber                     Available
    Plains (A)                    Jesper Myrfors                $280 @WG
    Plains (B)                    Jesper Myrfors                $280 @WG
    Plains (C)                    Jesper Myrfors                $280 @WG
    Power Sink                    Richard Thomas                $380 @WG
    Reconstruction                Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Red Elemental Blast           Richard Thomas                $380 @WG
    Red Ward                      Dan Frazier                   $230 @WG
    Reverse Polarity              Justin Hampton                $230 @WG
    Sacrifice                     Dan Frazier                   $260 @WG
    Samite Healer                 Tom Wanerstrand               $700
    Savannah                      Rob Alexander                 $500 @WG
    Scathe Zombies                Jesper Myrfors                $280 @WG
    Scavenging Ghoul              Jeff A. Menges                $450 @WG
    Scrubland                     Jesper Myrfors                $280 @WG
    Sengir Vampire                Anson Maddocks                $1,200
    Sinkhole                      Sandra Everingham             $700
    Siren's Call                  Anson Maddocks                $800
    Smoke                         Jesper Myrfors                $280 @WG
    Stone Rain                    Daniel Gelon                  $365 @WG
    Terror                        Ron Spencer                   $850
    Throne of Bone                Anson Maddocks                $1,500
    Time Vault                    Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Tropical Island               Jesper Myrfors                $280 @WG
    Tsunami                       Richard Thomas                $380 @WG
    Tunnel                        Dan Frazier                   $300 @WG
    Two-Headed Giant of Foriys    Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Volcanic Island               Brian Snoddy                  $380 @WG
    Wall of Bone                  Anson Maddocks                $1,200
    Wall of Brambles              Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Wall of Ice                   Richard Thomas                $380 @WG
    Wall of Swords                Mark Tedin                    $420 @WG
    Wanderlust                    Cornelius Brudi               $330 @WG 
    Water Elemental               Jeff A. Menges                $400
    Web                           Rob Alexander                 $675 @WG
    White Ward                    Dan Frazier                   $230 @WG

    Arabian Nights

    Abu Ja'far                    Ken Meyer, Jr..               $530 @WG
    Aladdin's Lamp                Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Aladdin's Ring                Dan Frazier                   $280 @WG
    Bottle of Suleiman            Jesper Myrfors                $380 @WG
    Camel                         Sandra Everingham             $400
    City of Brass                 Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Cyclone                       Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Dancing Scimitar              Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Desert                        Jesper Myrfors                $280 @WG
    Desert Twister                Susan Van Camp                $495
    Drop of Honey                 Anson Maddocks                $500
    Elephant Graveyard            Rob Alexander                 $530 @WG
    Erhnam Djinn                  Ken Meyer, Jr.                $530 @WG
    Eye for an Eye                Mark Poole                    $530 @WG
    Fishliver Oil                 Anson Maddocks                $1,200
    Flying Carpet                 Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Flying Men                    Christopher Rush              $430 @WG
    Giant Tortoise                Kaja Foglio                   $200
    Hasran Ogress                 Dan Frazier                   $280 @WG
    JandorUs Ring                 Dan Frazier                   $280 @WG
    Juzam Djinn                   Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Kird Ape                      Ken Meyer, Jr.                $530 @WG
    Magnetic Mountain             Susan Van Camp                $90 (corner cracked)
    Metamorphosis                 Christopher Rush              $430 @WG
    Mijae Djinn                   Susan Van Camp                $195
    Sandals of Abdallah           Dan Frazier                   $280 @WG
    Serendib Djinn                Anson Maddocks                $1,200
    Serendib Efreet               Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Shahrazad                     Kaja Foglio                   $600
    Sindbad                       Julie Baroh                   $330 @WG
    Singing Tree                  Rob Alexander                 $530 @WG
    Stone-Throwing Devils         Ken Meyer, Jr.                $530 @WG


    Argivian Archaeologist        Amy Weber                     Available
    Argothian Pixies              Amy Weber                     Available
    Artifact Blast                Mark Poole                    $530 @WG
    Ashnod's Altar                Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Ashnod's Battle Gear          Mark Poole                    $580 @WG
    Ashnod's Transmogrant         Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Atog                          Jesper Myrfors                $380 @WG
    Bronze Tablet                 Tom Wanerstrand               $500
    Clay Statue                   Jesper Myrfors                $380 @WG
    Clockwork Avian               Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Coral Helm                    Amy Weber                     Available
    Damping Field                 Justin Hampton                $280 @WG
    Detonate                      Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Drafna's Restoration          Amy Weber                     Available
    Dragon Engine                 Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Feldon's Cane                 Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Mishra's Factory (winter)     Kaja & Phil Foglio            $500
    Onulet                        Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Ornithopter                   Amy Weber                     Available
    Powerleech                    Christopher Rush              $530 @WG
    Priest of Yawgmoth            Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Reconstruction                Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Reverse Polarity              Justin Hampton                $230 @WG
    Staff of Zegon                Mark Poole                    $530 @WG
    Strip Mine (A)                Daniel Gelon                  $380 @WG
    Strip Mine (All 4)            Daniel Gelon                  $1260 @WG
    Strip Mine (B)                Daniel Gelon                  $380 @WG
    Strip Mine (C)                Daniel Gelon                  $380 @WG
    Strip Mine (D)                Daniel Gelon                  $380 @WG
    Tawnos's Coffin               Christopher Rush              $430 @WG
    Tawnos's Weaponry             Dan Frazier                   Available
    Tetravus                      Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Transmute Artifact            Anson Maddocks                $500
    Urza's Mine (A)               Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Urza's Mine (B)               Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Urza's Mine (C)               Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Urza's Mine (D)               Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Urza's Power Plant            Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    UrzaUs Miter                  Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Wall of Spears                Sandra Everingham             $400
    Weakstone                     Juston Hampton                $230 @WG
    Yotian Soldier                Christopher Rush              Unknown


    Abomination                   Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Active Volcano                Justin Hampton                $225
    Adun Oakenshield              Jeff A. Menges                $525
    Aisling Leprechaun            Quinton Hoover                $730 @WG
    Al-abar's Carpet              Kaja Foglio                   $600
    Alabaster Potion              Harold Arthur McNeill         $1,000
    Angelic Voices                Julie Baroh                   $350
    Angus Mackenzie               Bryon Wackwitz                $800
    Anti-Magic Aura               Doug Shuler                   Unknown
    Arboria                       Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Avoid Fate                    Phil Foglio                   $300
    Axelrod Gunnarson             Scott Kirschner               $400
    Ayesha Tanaka                 Bryon Wackwitz                $800
    Azure Drake                   Dan Frazier                   Available
    Barbary Apes                  Bryon Wackwitz                $400
    Barktooth Warbeard            Andi Rusu                     Unknown
    Bartel Runeaxe                Andi Rusu                     Unknown
    Beasts of Bogardan            Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Blazing Effigy                Susan Van Camp                Available
    Blue Mana Battery             Amy Weber                     Available
    Boomerang                     Brian Snoddy                  $530 @WG
    Boris Devilboon               Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    The Brute                     Mark Poole                    $500
    Carrion Ants                  Richard Thomas                $300
    Caverns of Despair            Harold Arthur McNeill         $1,000
    Chain Lightning               Sandra Everingham             $400
    Chains of Mephistopheles      Heather Hudson                $450
    Cleanse                       Phil Foglio                   $500
    Clergy of the Holy Nimbus     Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Cocoon                        Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Concordant Crossroads         Amy Weber                     Available
    Cosmic Horror                 Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Crevasse                      Rob Alexander                 $400
    Crimson Manticore             Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Cyclopean Mummy               Edward Beard Jr               $400
    Darkness                      Harold Arthur McNeill         $1,000
    Demonic Torment               Anson Maddocks                $1,200
    Disharmony                    Bryon Wackwitz                $600
    Divine Intervention           Amy Weber                     Available
    Divine Offering               Jeff A. Menges                $425
    Dream Coat                    Anthony Waters                @WG
    Dwarven Song                  Dan Frazier                   Available
    Elder Spawn                   Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Equinox                       Susan Van Camp                Available
    Eternal Warrior               Anson Maddocks                $1,200
    Eureka                        Kaja Foglio                   $500
    Evil Eye of Orms-By-Gore      Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Feint                         Brian Snoddy                  $630 @WG
    Field of Dreams               Kaja Foglio                   $700
    Fire Sprites                  Julie Baroh                   $300
    Flash Counter                 Harold Arthur McNeill         $1,000
    Flash Flood                   Tom Wanerstrand               $300
    Force Spike                   Bryon Wackwitz                $200
    Fortified Area                Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Frost Giant                   Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Gabriel Angelfire             Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Gauntlets of Chaos            Dan Frazier                   Available
    Ghosts of the Damned          Edward Beard Jr               $350
    Giant Slug                    Anson Maddocks                $1,200
    Giant Strength                Justin Hampton                $300
    Glyph of Delusion             Susan Van Camp                Available
    Glyph of Destruction          Susan Van Camp                Available
    Glyph of Doom                 Susan Van Camp                Available
    Glyph of Life                 Susan Van Camp                Available
    Glyph of Reincarnation        Susan Van Camp                Available
    Gosta Dirk                    Richard Thomas                $300
    Gravity Sphere                Brian Snoddy                  $530 @WG
    Great Defender                Mark Poole                    $400
    Great Wall                    Sandra Everingham             $400
    Hammerheim                    Bryon Wackwitz                $400
    Hell's Caretaker              Sandra Everingham             $400
    Holy Day                      Justin Hampton                $300
    Horror of Horrors             Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Hunding Gjornersen            Richard Thomas                $300
    Immolation                    Scott Kirschner               $250
    In the Eye of Chaos           Brian Snoddy                  $730 @WG
    Indestructible Aura           Mark Poole                    $600
    Infernal Medusa               Anson Maddocks                $1,200
    Invoke Prejudice              Harold Arthur McNeill         $1,000
    Jacques le Vert               Andi Rusu                     Unknown
    Jerrard of the Closed Fist    Andi Rusu                     Unknown
    Johan                         Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Juxtapose                     Justin Hampton                $300
    Keepers of the Faith          Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Kei Takahashi                 Scott Kirschner               $300
    Killer Bees                   Phil Foglio                   $400
    Kismet                        Kaja Foglio                   $600
    Kobold Drill Sergeant         Julie Baroh                   $350
    Kobold Taskmaster             Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Kobolds of Kher Keep          Julie Baroh                   $350
    Kry Shield                    Richard Thomas                $300
    Lady Evangela                 Mark Poole                    $600
    Land Equilibrium              Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Land Tax                      Brian Snoddy                  $430 @WG
    Land's Edge                   Brian Snoddy                  $530 @WG
    Life Chisel                   Anthony Waters                @WG
    Lifeblood                     Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Living Plane                  Bryon Wackwitz                $500
    Lord Magnus, Knight Templar   Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Lost Soul                     Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Mana Drain                    Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Mana Matrix                   Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Master of the Hunt            Jeff A. Menges                $600
    Moat                          Jeff A. Menges                $500
    Mold Demon                    Jesper Myrfors                @WG
    Mountain Stronghold           Tom Wanerstrand               $500
    Mountain Yeti                 Dan Frazier                   Available
    Nether Void                   Harold Arthur McNeill         $1,000
    Nova Pentacle                 Richard Thomas                $300
    Osai Vultures                 Dan Frazier                   Available
    Pavel Maliki                  Andi Rusu                     Unknown
    Pendelhaven                   Bryon Wackwitz                $400
    Pit Scorpion                  Scott Kirschner               $250
    Primordial Ooze               Sandra Everingham             $600
    Psionic Entity                Justin Hampton                $300
    Psychic Purge                 Susan Van Camp                Available
    Pyrotechnics                  Anson Maddocks                $500
    Quagmire                      Dan Frazier                   Available
    Rabid Wombat                  Kaja Foglio                   $500
    Raging Bull                   Randy Asplund-Faith           $500
    Ramirez DePietro              Phil Foglio                   $600
    Rapid Fire                    Justin Hampton                $300
    Rasputin Dreamweaver          Andi Rusu                     Unknown
    Rebirth                       Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Red Mana Battery              Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Reincarnation                 Edward Beard Jr               $425
    Relic Barrier                 Harold Arthur McNeill         $1,000
    Remove Enchantment            Brian Snoddy                  $430 @WG
    Reset                         Nicola Leonard                $430 @WG
    Revelation                    Kaja Foglio                   $700
    Reverberation                 Justin Hampton                $300
    Sea KingUs Blessing           Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Sentinel                      Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Serpent Generator             Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Shimian Night Stalker         Jesper Myrfors                @WG
    Sir Shandlar of Eberyn        Andi Rusu                     Unknown
    Spirit Link                   Kaja Foglio                   $1,000
    Stangg                        Mark Poole                    $600
    Subdue                        Brian Snoddy                  $430 @WG
    Sylvan Library                Harold Arthur McNeill         $1,000
    Sylvan Paradise               Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Telekinesis                   Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Tetsuo Umezawa                Julie Baroh                   $400
    Thunder Spirit                Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Time Elemental                Amy Weber                     Available
    Tobias Andrion                Andi Rusu                     Unknown
    Tolaria                       Nicola Leonard                $430 @WG
    Tor Wauki                     Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Torsten Von Ursus             Mark Poole                    $600
    Touch of Darkness             Pete Venters                  $630 @WG
    Transmutation                 Susan Van Camp                Available
    Tundra Wolves                 Quinton Hoover                $630 @WG
    Typhoon                       Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Underworld Dreams             Julie Baroh                   $300
    Urborg                        Bryon Wackwitz                $400
    Vaevictis Asmadi              Andi Rusu                     Unknown
    Vampire Bats                  Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Wall of Dust                  Richard Thomas                $300
    Wall of Earth                 Richard Thomas                $300
    Wall of Heat                  Richard Thomas                $300
    Wall of Light                 Richard Thomas                $300
    Wall of Opposition            Harold Arthur McNeill         $1,000
    Wall of Putrid Flesh          Richard Thomas                $300
    Wall of Tombstones            Dan Frazier                   Available
    Wall of Vapor                 Richard Thomas                $300
    Wall of Wonder                Richard Thomas                $450
    Whirling Dervish              Susan Van Camp                Available
    White Mana Battery            Anthony Waters?               @WG
    Winds of Change               Justin Hampton                $275
    Wood Elemental                Brian Snoddy                  $530 @WG

    The Dark

    Amnesia                       Mark Poole                    $200
    Apprentice Wizard             Dan Frazier                   Available
    Ashes to Ashes                Drew Tucker                   @WG
    Ball Lightning                Quinton Hoover                $530 @WG
    Banshee                       Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Blood of the Martyr           Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Bog Imp                       Ron Spencer                   $650
    Bog Rats                      Ron Spencer                   $400
    Bone Flute                    Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Brainwash                     Pete Venters                  Unknown
    Brothers of Fire              Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Cave People                   Drew Tucker                   @WG
    Cleansing                     Pete Venters                  Unknown
    Coal Golem                    Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Curse Artifact                Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Dance of Many                 Sandra Everingham             $500
    Dark Heart of the Wood        Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Dark Sphere                   Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Diabolic Machine              Anson Maddocks                $1,200
    The Drowned                   Quinton Hoover                $730 @WG
    Dust to Dust                  Drew Tucker                   Unknown
    Eater of the Dead             Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Electric Eel                  Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Elves of Deep Shadow          Jesper Myrfors                bidding @WG
    Erosion                       Pete Venters                  Unknown
    Eternal Flame                 Mark Poole                    $500
    Exorcist                      Drew Tucker                   @WG
    The Fallen                    Jesper Myrfors                @WG
    Fellwar's Stone               Quinton Hoover                @WG
    Festival                      Mark Poole                    $500
    Fire and Brimstone            Jeff A. Menges                $600
    Fire Drake                    Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Flood                         Dennis Detwiller              $250
    Fountain of Youth             Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Frankenstein's Monster        Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Ghost Ship                    Tom Wanerstrand               $500
    Goblin Caves                  Drew Tucker                   @WG
    Goblin Digging Team           Ron Spencer                   $250
    Goblin Hero                   Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Goblin Rock Sled              Dennis Detwiller              $500
    Goblin Shrine                 Ron Spencer                   $500
    Goblin Wizard                 Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Goblins of the Flarg          Tom Wanerstrand               $500
    Grave Robbers                 Quinton Hoover                $730 @WG
    Inferno                       Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Inquisition                   Anson Maddocks                $900
    Knights of Thorn              Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Leviathan                     Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Living Armor                  Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Lurker                        Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Mana Clash                    Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Marsh Viper                   Ron Spencer                   $350
    Martyr's Cry                  Jeff A. Menges                $475
    Maze of Ith                   Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Merfolk Assassin              Dennis Detwiller              $800
    Mind Bomb                     Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Miracle Worker                Ron Spencer                   $300
    Murk Dwellers                 Drew Tucker                   @WG
    Nameless Race                 Quinton Hoover                $730 @WG
    Niall Silvain                 Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Orc General                   Jesper Myrfors                @WG
    Pikemen                       Dennis Detwiller              $500
    Preacher                      Quinton Hoover                $630 @WG
    Psychic Allergy               Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Riptide                       Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Runesword                     Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Safe Haven                    Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Savaen Elves                  Ron Spencer                   $300
    Scarecrow                     Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Scarwood Bandits              Mark Poole                    $500
    Scarwood Goblins              Ron Spencer                   $650
    Scarwood Hag                  Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Scavenger Folk                Dennis Detwiller              $300
    Season of the Witch           Jesper Myrfors                @WG
    Sisters of the Flame          Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Skull of Orm                  Tom Wanerstrand               $500
    SorrowUs Path                 Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Spitting Slug                 Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Squire                        Dennis Detwiller              $500
    Stone Calendar                Amy Weber                     Unknown
    Sunken City                   Jesper Myrfors                @WG
    Tangle Kelp                   Rob Alexander                 $500
    Tivadar's Crusade             Dennis Detwiller              $700
    Tormod's Crypt                Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Tower of Coireall             Dan Frazier                   Available
    Uncle Istvan                  Daniel Gelon                  Available
    Venom                         Tom Wanerstrand               $500
    Wand of Ith                   Quinton Hoover                $730 @WG
    Water Wurm                    Ron Spencer                   $250
    Witch Hunter                  Jesper Myrfors                @WG
    Word of Binding               Ron Spencer                   $300
    Worms of the Earth            Anson Maddocks                $1,000
    Wormwood Treefolk             Jesper Myrfors                Unknown

    Fallen Empires

    Aeolipile                     Heather Hudson                $525
    Armor Thrull                  Jeff A. Menges                $550
    Armor Thrull                  Pete Venters                  Unknown
    Armor Thrull                  Ron Spencer                   $350
    Balm of Restoration           Margaret Organ-Keen           Unknown
    Basal Thrull                  Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Basal Thrull                  Kaja Foglio                   $400
    Basal Thrull                  Phil Foglio                   $500
    Basal Thrull                  Richard Kane-Ferguson         Unknown
    Bottomless Vault              Pat Morrissey                 $500
    Brassclaw Orcs                Dan Frazier                   Unknown
    Brassclaw Orcs                Heather Hudson                $600
    Brassclaw Orcs                Rob Alexander                 Unknown
    Brassclaw Orcs                Rob Alexander                 Unknown
    Breeding Pit                  Anson Maddocks                Unknown
    Combat Medic                  Anson Maddocks                Unknown
    Combat Medic                  Edward Beard, Jr.             Unknown
    Combat Medic                  Liz Danforth                  Unknown
    Combat Medic                  Susan Van Camp                Unknown
    Conch Horn                    Phil Foglio                   $600
    Deep Spawn                    Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    DelifUs Cone                  Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    DelifUs Cube                  Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Derelor                       Anson Maddocks                Unknown
    Draconian Cylix               Edward Beard, Jr.             Unknown
    Dwarven Armorer               Bryon Wackwitz                Unknown
    Dwarven Catapult              Jeff A. Menges                $600
    Dwarven Hold                  Pat Morrissey                 $500
    Dwarven Ruins                 Mark Poole                    Unknown
    Dwarven Soldier               Douglas Shuler                Unknown
    Dwarven Soldier               Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Dwarven Soldier               Rob Alexander                 Unknown
    Ebon Praetor                  Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Ebon Stronghold               Mark Poole                    Unknown
    Elven Fortress                Mark Poole                    Unknown
    Elven Fortress                Pete Venters                  Unknown
    Elven Fortress                Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Elven Fortress                Tom Wanerstrand               $500
    Elven Lyre                    Kaja Foglio                   $700
    Elvish Farmer                 Richard Kane-Ferguson         Unknown
    Elvish Hunter                 Anson Maddocks                Unknown
    Elvish Hunter                 Mark Poole                    Unknown
    Elvish Hunter                 Susan Van Camp                Unknown
    Elvish Scout                  Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Elvish Scout                  Mark Poole                    Unknown
    Elvish Scout                  Pete Venters                  Unknown
    FarrelUs Mantle               Anthony Waters                Unknown
    FarrelUs Zealot               Edward Beard, Jr.             Unknown
    FarrelUs Zealot               Richard Kane-Ferguson         Unknown
    Farrelite Priest              Phil Foglio                   $700
    Feral Thallid                 Rob Alexander                 Unknown
    Fungal Bloom                  Daniel Gelon                  Unknown
    Goblin Chirurgeon             Dan Frazier                   Unknown
    Goblin Chirurgeon             Daniel Gelon                  Unknown
    Goblin Chirurgeon             Phil Foglio                   $600
    Goblin Flotilla               Tom Wanerstrand               $400
    Goblin Grenade                Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Goblin Grenade                Dan Frazier                   Unknown
    Goblin Grenade                Ron Spencer                   $1,000
    Goblin Kites                  Anson Maddocks                Unknown
    Goblin War Drums              Dan Frazier                   Unknown
    Goblin War Drums              Heather Hudson                $575
    Goblin War Drums              Jeff A. Menges                $650
    Goblin War Drums              Richard Kane-Ferguson         Unknown
    Goblin Warrens                Dan Frazier                   Unknown
    Havenwood Battleground        Mark Poole                    Unknown
    Heroism                       Mark Poole                    Unknown
    High Tide                     Amy Weber                     Unknown
    High Tide                     Anson Maddocks                Unknown
    Hollow Trees                  Pat Morrissey                 $500
    Homarid                       Bryon Wackwitz                Unknown
    Homarid                       Heather Hudson                $700
    Homarid                       Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Homarid                       Quinton Hoover                @WG
    Homarid Shaman                Amy Weber                     Unknown
    Homarid Spawning Bed          Douglas Shuler                Unknown
    Homarid Warrior               Daniel Gelon                  Unknown
    Homarid Warrior               Douglas Shuler                Unknown
    Homarid Warrior               Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Hymn to Tourach               Liz Danforth                  Unknown
    Hymn to Tourach               Quinton Hoover                @WG
    Hymn to Tourach               Scott Kirschner               Unknown
    Hymn to Tourach               Susan Van Camp                Unknown
    Icatian Infantry              Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Icatian Infantry              Douglas Shuler                Unknown
    Icatian Infantry              Drew Tucker                   @WG
    Icatian Infantry              Edward Beard, Jr.             Unknown
    Icatian Javelineers           Edward Beard, Jr.             Unknown
    Icatian Javelineers           Scott Kirschner               Unknown
    Icatian Lieutenant            Pete Venters                  Unknown
    Icatian Moneychanger          Drew Tucker                   @WG
    Icatian Moneychanger          Edward Beard, Jr.             Unknown
    Icatian Phalanx               Kaja Foglio                   $500
    Icatian Priest                Drew Tucker                   @WG
    Icatian Scout                 Douglas Shuler                Unknown
    Icatian Scout                 Phil Foglio                   $600
    Icatian Scout                 Richard Kane-Ferguson         Unknown
    Icatian Scout                 Rob Alexander                 Unknown
    Icatian Skirmishes            Heather Hudson                $575
    Icatian Store                 Pat Morrissey                 $500
    Icatian Town                  Tom Wanerstrand               $500
    Implements of Sacrifice       Margaret Organ-Keen           Unknown
    Initiates of the Ebon Hand    Heather Hudson                $575
    Initiates of the Ebon Hand    Liz Danforth                  Unknown
    Intiates of the Ebon Hand     Kaja Foglio                   $500
    Merseine                      Drew Tucker                   @WG
    Merseine                      Heather Hudson                $700
    Merseine                      Margaret Organ-Keen           @WG
    Merseine                      Pete Venters                  Unknown
    Mindstab Thrull               Heather Hudson                $600
    Mindstab Thrull               Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Mindstab Thrull               Richard Kane-Ferguson         Unknown
    Necrite                       Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Necrite                       Drew Tucker                   @WG
    Necrite                       Ron Spencer                   $900
    Night Soil                    Heather Hudson                $500
    Night Soil                    Sandra Everingham             $400
    Orcish Captain                Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Orcish Spy                    Daniel Gelon                  Unknown
    Orcish Spy                    Pete Venters                  Unknown
    Orcish Spy                    Susan Van Camp                Unknown
    Orcish Veteran                Dan Frazier                   Unknown
    Orcish Veteran                Douglas Shuler                Unknown
    Orcish Veteran                Quinton Hoover                @WG
    Order of Leitbur              Bryon Wackwitz                Unknown
    Order of Leitbur              Bryon Wackwitz                Unknown
    Order of Leitbur              Randy Asplund-Faith           Available
    Order of the Ebon Hand        Christopher Rush              Unknown
    Order of the Ebon Hand        Ron Spencer                   $900
    Orgg                          Daniel Gelon                  Unknown
    Raiding Party                 Quinton Hoover                @WG
    Ring of Renewal               Douglas Shuler                Unknown
    River Merfolk                 Douglas Shuler                Unknown
    Ruins of Trokair              Mark Poole                    Unknown
    Sand Silos                    Pat Morrissey                 $500
    Seasinger                     Amy Weber                     Unknown
    Soul Exchange                 Anthony Waters                Unknown
    Spirit Shield                 Scott Kirschner               Unknown
    Spore Cloud                   Amy Weber                     Unknown
    Spore Cloud                   Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Spore Cloud                   Susan Van Camp                Unknown
    Spore Flower                  Margaret Organ-Keen           @WG
    Svyelunite Priest             Ron Spencer                   $750
    Svyelunite Temple             Mark Poole                    Unknown
    Thallid                       Daniel Gelon                  Unknown
    Thallid Devourer              Ron Spencer                   $750
    Thallid                       Edward Beard, Jr.             Unknown
    Thallid                       Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Thallid                       Ron Spencer                   $750
    ThelonUs Curse                Pete Venters                  Unknown
    Thelonite Druid               Margaret Organ-Keen           @WG
    Thelonite Monk                Bryon Wackwitz                Unknown
    Thorn Thallid                 Daniel Gelon                  Unknown
    Thorn Thallid                 Heather Hudson                $575
    Thorn Thallid                 Jesper Myrfors                Unknown
    Thorn Thallid                 Mark Tedin                    Unknown
    Thrull Champion               Daniel Gelon                  Unknown
    Thrull Retainer               Ron Spencer                   $800
    Thrull Wizard                 Anson Maddocks                Unknown
    Tidal Flats                   Rob Alexander                 Unknown
    Tidal Flats                   Rob Alexander                 Unknown
    Tidal Flats                   Sandra Everingham             $400
    Tidal Influence               Tom Wanerstrand               $500
    TourachUs Chant               Richard Kane-Ferguson         Unknown
    Vodalian Knights              Susan Van Camp                Unknown
    Vodalian Mage                 Mark Poole                    Unknown
    Vodalian Mage                 Quinton Hoover                @WG
    Vodalian Mage                 Susan Van Camp                Unknown
    Vodalian Soldiers             Jeff A. Menges                $525
    Vodalian Soldiers             Richard Kane-Ferguson         Unknown
    Vodalian Soldiers             Susan Van Camp                Unknown
    Vodalian War Machine          Amy Weber                     Unknown
    Zelyon Sword                  Scott Kirschner               Unknown

  8. 14 hours ago, Bronty said:

    interesting, surprising, but still.   

    Half the blue cards in EVERY set are based on it.   Versions of it with a twist.   

    But what you're saying is still quite a surprise to me :boo:

    At some point it was decided the unconditional counters were too powerful at 2 mana. Now "Cancel" is the norm at colorless + blue + blue to cast. They sometimes print 1 or 2 mana counters that are more conditional, like counter target creature spell or non-creature spell etc. Sometimes the 3 mana spells have a small upside, like scry 1, or exile the card being countered. I do think Counterspell will be reprinted in a standard legal set again some day though, so there is hope.


    Arcades Sabboth auction has begun. $22K already (reserve not met?)



  9. 12 minutes ago, Bronty said:

    All the early pieces will do well, but I feel like the original counterspell art is one that will become more and more valuable over time.     That card will always, always be relevant and always get included in modern sets.    Its one of the very few cards that's never going to go away, unlike almost everything else.     It was relevant then, now, and will still be relevant 25 years from now if people are still playing the game.    There are other examples too, but its a permanently relevant card and it basically symbolizes all of blue.

    It actually hasn't been reprinted in a standard legal set since 7th edition (2001). Lightning Bolt has been reprinted in standard multiple times since then. It's not even legal in the Modern format, which is 8th Edition/Mirrodin forward.


    13 minutes ago, Bronty said:

    When you say new blood in the game, do you mean new blood collecting art, or getting into mtg?

    I get the sense that higher public prices on the mtg art are legitimizing the value in the minds on some that were on the sidelines.

    I.e. when Dan Chang posts about selling wrath of god privately for 80k (which is the post that started this thread) well, that's alright and it gets attention, but a far lesser card like arcbound getting 45 on a heated public auction.... now you're cooking.    Plus all the hundreds of other public facebook sales happening.    A lot of people are chicken to jump in when prices are lower and the material illiquid.    And now that they see it moving around and becoming more liquid, even though its at higher prices... they jump in.    Bit of herd mentality there too.

    Both are probably true, but only new art collectors matter in this context.

    Wrath of God will and should sell for higher than Ravager, but I don't actually think Ravager is the "far lesser card" anymore. Many many many more people will have played with Ravager at this point, and it's an ostensibly better card. 50 years from now Ravager might be worth more than Wrath. Unlikely since Wrath was in Alpha, but if it had first been printed in say Arabian Nights instead...I think it's close.

  11. On 6/8/2018 at 1:07 PM, Bronty said:

    1. agree

    2. agree.... but at lower levels, outliers can happen a little easier.     I just attach zero importance to that sale.   I suspect you do as well.

    3. ah, that does help to know they are legal for regular play. thx.  

    2. I wouldn't say I attach zero importance, but I mostly agree. It definitely is an outlier. I feel like we are seeing a lot of new blood in the game, which may or may not have had anything to do with this particular sale.

    3. all-five-unstable-lands-1024x952.thumb.png.603b2cb8a7bc9e62d8890b135a9d5604.png

  12. 12 minutes ago, Bronty said:

    Here's my takes:

    - power nine art could be seven figures in time.   Why not?    If the game is still very popular in 25 or 35 years, I'd be surprised if it wasn't, especially the Lotus.   Any of those power 9 pieces would already be six figures plus so its not that big a stretch if you factor in all that time.

    - 2750 is a lot for charging badger, but raoul vitale is a name outside magic too.    I don't see that one outlier translating to anything else except possibly similar vitale's.   Your thoughts?

    - Help me understand the unstable island business.    I clearly don't know the game or what drives it half as well as you but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around why an island from a schlocky joke set outside the main game would be 20k.   Okay, its very nicely rendered, but its just an island... and while basic lands are collectible, there will be more renderings for basic island with practically every set... and this one is not from an important set... I don't get it.     Looks more like 10 to me than 20+ offhand, but I'm perfectly willing to concede that you may be right.   Just having trouble understanding that; seems wildly overpriced to me.


    Power 9 is definitely well over 6 figures currently...I would expect lotus to be $250K+...sky's the limit.

    The artist on a magic cards matter, but not nearly as much as how good the card is. I can go buy a Vitale art for a card for $1K without issue. Some people just view that sale as a new benchmark for cards (it's not really, but FOMO is a thing).

    The basic lands from Un-sets are legal in regular magic unlike all the other cards from those sets. Other than Beta basics, they are the most popular basics in the game. An Island card from a regular set is worth about a penny, but an Unstable Island is worth about $4 (and rising). They are very very popular, and John takes extra special time with them. They are also portrait vs. landscape aspect ratio, so there is novelty in that as well.

  13. 12 hours ago, Bronty said:

    that being said, the massive % increases in value are over.    A piece isn't going to go from 50k today to 5m in 25 years, that's just not going to happen.    Maybe 250k or even 500k happens if it all goes well, but the kind of gains someone like Paul enjoyed aren't going to be enjoyed by today's owners, nor should they.    He made a way riskier bet in 1993 than anybody plunking down their chips today.

    Oh I absolutely agree...we are actually on an upward trajectory right now, and who knows where the peak is, but it's not in the millions range, and other than a few pieces, it's not even in the $100K range. Magic art is a lot like Comic art, there is just a lot less of it (and a lot less collectors). You can buy comic pages for $100 still. Magic art the floor is $500, because it's so scarce. I predict 5 years from now the top pieces (like Ravager) will be in the $100K range, good playable card or great art on a card ~$10K, and the floor for cards with mediochre to bad art about $1K.

    Anecdote time. A few weeks ago the art for a card named "Charging Badger" went up for auction. This is a bad magic card (1 mana 1/1 with trample). The art is nice, but not even really a fantasy piece...more like a nature piece. There is a small meme associated, so that might have contributed, but it sold for $2750. This was a major surprise to a lot of the community, and everyone with active sales threads immediately raised their prices. A rising tide lifts all boats as it were. https://www.facebook.com/groups/mtgartmarket/permalink/2159883600908514/

    New one. Next week, a major basic land goes up for auction. Island from Unstable by John Avon (THE premier landscape artist in the game). I predict $20K easy, and I don't know where the limit is on this one. https://www.facebook.com/groups/mtgartmarket/permalink/2179288065634734/

  14. 57 minutes ago, Bronty said:

    Sure, but it would have seemed expensive then too, and it would have been a buy you made with the presumption that it was utterly illiquid and you were stuck with them for life.    Pre internet days art would have been so much tougher to move if an emergency presented itself.     So somebody like Paul that spent 20 or 30 thousand in 1993 or whatever buying all those great pieces from some brand new game that might not last... that took cajones back then.     With 25 years of hindsight, sure it looks like the biggest no-brainer of all time but if you put most of back in that time and told us to come up with say 25k in 1993 dollars with 1993 incomes, for a bunch of great mtg art, none of us, or almost none of us, are doing it.

     Same thing with comic art in the early 70s.    

    And 25 years from now people might be saying the same thing about the prices of today. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Bronty said:

    agreed, but when you paid 500 bucks for them, you're not going to want to pay 50 grand when you already have many better examples.   My opinion.



    That's like saying you missed out on buying AF15 for $1K 25 years ago so you won't pay market value today. If you want it, you want it, and you'll pay the price if you want it enough. Or maybe someone beat him to the painting 25 years ago and he's been salty ever since. Who knows the motivations of a collector like that?

  16. 13 minutes ago, Bronty said:

    I can't see it.   He paid nothing for those.    He's had strong enough hands not to sell all those gems he bought, but he bought them for a penny on the dollar


    The reason he's been able to hold on to that stuff is he has never HAD to sell for money reasons. He had to have money when he bought all that since he bought so many pieces in 1993. Even at ~$500 each he had a good amount of cash lying around. He still picks up pieces when something grabs him, so he's definitely not out of the game. 

  17. 4 minutes ago, Bronty said:

    hmmm thanks for sharing.   will be fun to watch Arcades Sabboth.   I'll guess more like 25-30 on that

    So hard to predict. The highest guess anyone had for Ravager was $22K and it went more than double that. I wouldn't be surprised by $15K, and I wouldn't be surprised by $75K for Arcades. There's a guy that already owns 3 of the other Elder Dragons, so he might be a big player if he wants it.

  18. Exciting events recently in the Magic art world.

    Arcbound Ravager, played in every format it has ever been legal in, just sold for over $45K - https://www.facebook.com/groups/mtgartmarket/permalink/2174106076152933/

    Serra Angel from the newest set Dominaria by Donato Giancola (first time back to the game in forever, and a true Master) is being auctioned on his site (ends tomorrow 6/7) - http://www.donatoart.com/auction/index.html

    Next week Arcades Sabbath, Elder Dragon, from the Legends set will be auctioned off on the same Facebook group as Arcbound Ravager. I expect this to fetch a similar price. Different whales for this one as it has never really seen play in any constructed format, and will be entirely nostalgia driven.

    My collection has evolved over the last year. You can always see what I own here - http://www.comicartfans.com/galleryfavoritesroom.asp?gfav=8240