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Posts posted by Wayne-Tec

  1. Dear Gator,


    1. In your opinion, what are the Top-10 most valuable GA Superhero books, and their current FMV in say, CGC 1.0 Universal?


    2. Amongst the Top-10, which positions if any, do you expect to change in the next 10 years?

  2. Update:


    I spoke with someone at FedEx who works directly with CGC. He was extremely helpful, genuine and very supportive. This has raised my spirits tremendously. I have a good feeling that either A) my package will be found or B) if it doesn't turn up, that both CGC and FedEx have my back.



    I have a good feeling about this. This was a good contact. Did CGC put you in touch with this person ? I'm sure CGC does not want this to end badly and a friendly push on their end should help. (thumbs u


    He reached out to me and works directly with CGC. (thumbs u

  3. Update:


    I spoke with someone at FedEx who works directly with CGC. He was extremely helpful, genuine and very supportive. This has raised my spirits tremendously. I have a good feeling that either A) my package will be found or B) if it doesn't turn up, that both CGC and FedEx have my back.


    I'd like to again thank everyone for your feedback, your PM's, your texts and your calls. While this situation has been very tough, the support of the comic collecting community displays the best of what these boards have to offer.


    Keep your fingers crossed for me. :wishluck::wishluck::wishluck:

  4. Lost package does not equal stolen package until some sort of evidence proves otherwise...


    It still may show up. If it doesn't and someone did steal it, hopefully there is already an ongoing investigation of employee theft and they will have the person identified eventually and property recovered later. That's a long shot though and unlikely to happen immediately.


    So the question becomes, what kind of evidence is required to establish possible theft, enough so to warrant a criminal investigation?


    I'm not in the position to obtain any evidence because it's FedEx's property, so all I have to rely upon is their own internal research. I requested those findings in writing and was not given the information.


    I don't know if my package was stolen. My hope is that it was misplaced or shipped somewhere where it will eventually be redirected to me. But when I was told directly from a FedEx rep that packages are, at times, stolen by their own employees, and that my package would be "quite the haul" if it's contents were discovered, I became more nervous than I would have been otherwise.


    I'm asking questions here to get feedback regarding my legal rights.


    Not to sound harsh, but plenty of people have tried to answer this. Its just not the answer you want.


    Keep in mind this is just a message board. Sounds like you might be better served talking to a lawyer if you really want peace of mind as far as what your legal rights are.


    I've spoken with lawyers, but they don't know the extent of my rights in this specific situation. All of you guys here, even those who feel my situation is bleak, have been tremendously helpful. I just haven't seen, or been able to find on my end, any laws or statutes stating that I won't be afforded the protection of criminal investigation.


    I'd like to again, thank everyone for their support and feedback. :foryou:

  6. I spoke again with FedEx this evening.


    I requested, in writing (print or digital), the detailed results of their searches. Without it, I have no way of knowing how extensive their searches were. I was told they will not provide me with that information. I asked that my request for the information, and their refusal to provide it, be listed in their case notes. The CSR, who was helpful and sympathetic, said that he would.


    I asked if the searches were conducted accounting for the possibility of internal theft (given the notoriety of the box's contents) and the CSR stated that he didn't know. If the searches were not conducted with attention paid to that possibility, a lot could have been missed.


    I was told that since CGC listed no declared value, or description of the package's contents, I'm unlikely to be offered any more than $100. Had they done so, more could have been done during the claims stage.

  7. FedEx is protected in the event of damage or loss, but not free of liability in the event of internal theft, correct?


    As of now, I've been provided with no direct evidence to prove it was stolen, but because the package went missing on FedEx property, I have no means to investigate on my end. Some have suggested that the police can not, and will not, conduct a physical search themselves. If this is true, and it may be, can someone please help me track down the law/statute that states this.


    But "if" I am provided with no means of external investigation (e.g. the police), am I at least entitled to the details of FedEx's investigation? When searches took place, the duration of the searches, the locations within the hub that were physically searched, the number of employees that were spoken to in an effort to track the package down, etc.


    Because if my package was stolen by own of their own employees, a thorough investigation could make all of the difference in aiding the chance of recovery. Conversely, a shallow search could easily allow a stolen package to slip through the cracks.


    What if they refuse to provide the details of their search, or, if those details illustrate a lack of thorough effort on their part to locate the lost property?


    I get your'e upset, but you're talking about things I'm not sure you have the power to influence...short of following the age old advice: you'll get more bees with honey.


    I've been very kind speaking to their staff over the phone, and in-person at the ship center it was addressed to. I've spoken with people just doing their job, who have been helpful on their end, who have in-turn received my thanks.


    I'm asking questions here to get feedback regarding my legal rights. If I'm not afforded any of the protection mentioned previously, I'd just like to be directed towards the laws/statutes that state so. People are often unaware of the legal rights they are provided with, so, they sit back and accept the worst of a situation. This page is important to me. Not just because I spent a lot of money to acquire it, but because I'm passionate about our hobby and this is Action #1.

  8. FedEx is protected in the event of damage or loss, but not free of liability in the event of internal theft, correct?


    As of now, I've been provided with no direct evidence to prove it was stolen, but because the package went missing on FedEx property, I have no means to investigate on my end. Some have suggested that the police can not, and will not, conduct a physical search themselves. If this is true, and it may be, can someone please help me track down the law/statute that states this.


    But "if" I am provided with no means of external investigation (e.g. the police), am I at least entitled to the details of FedEx's investigation? When searches took place, the duration of the searches, the locations within the hub that were physically searched, the number of employees that were spoken to in an effort to track the package down, etc.


    Because if my package was stolen by one of their own employees, a thorough investigation could make all of the difference in aiding the chance of recovery. Conversely, a shallow search could easily allow a stolen package to slip through the cracks.


    What if they refuse to provide the details of their search, or, if those details illustrate a lack of thorough effort on their part to locate the lost property?

  9. Today's updates:


    -I went to the FedEx ship center that the package is addressed to, they said they keep all of their incoming packages in one area, searched it, couldn't find it.


    -I received a call from FedEx telling me that they still have been unable to locate my package, and asked if I'd like to begin the claims process. I expressed my concern, that I don't want to file a claim, get stuck with $100 and then lose legal ownership of the page. I told them that if I were compensated for the value of what was lost, then that would be a different story. They were unable to speculate as to what might happen in the claims process. So, I requested that the search continue.

  10. Basic criminal and civil law statutes. You hired them to do a job. In this case, ship an item. They failed to do so and such liable for monetary damage as set forth in whatever paperwork you signed. If information comes out that an employee stole it, then criminal charges can be brought against the individual that stole it. Assuming something is stolen when currently there is no evidence to support it just isnt going to fly.



    Unfortunately, you are somewhat to blame on this one and it freaking sucks but you are. I hope to heck it turns up but it is what it is right now... A missing item.


    I accidentally, and admittedly, checked a box on the CGC submission form regarding insurance up to $100. FedEx itself has a myriad of disclaimers that I've since looked up, that were not provided on any paperwork I signed.


    I'm not saying you're wrong, I just want to know where I can find specific statutes that states that a shipping company is free of criminal investigation in the event that evidence substantiates their possession of an item, and zero evidence exists to prove that they're no longer in possession of said item, on their company grounds.


    One of their own supervisors told me, in a phone call they record on their end, that their own employees do steal packages sometimes and that if one of their employees recognized my item and had an intent to steal, that they'd have "quite the haul on their hands."


    -Package entered their grounds.

    -Zero evidence it ever left their grounds.

    -Their supervisor acknowledging that it could have been stolen by FedEx staff.


    What specific statute states, under the aforementioned circumstances, that they would be free of criminal investigation?

  11. You keep asking this and it has been answered numerous times. (shrug)


    I am with you a hundred percent and cant imagine the worry you feel but wihout direct evidence it is a civil dispute. They lost your stuff. They are not off the hook, they have whatever civil methods you persue but not criminal. Not yet. Police are not going to search a warehouse for it. Just trying to be honest with you. Now, if some information comes out that shows someone on video taking it or whatever, then that can be changed to criminal.







    I know you are frustrated but its just not going to happen. Police are not going to search shipping centers every time a package is lost, tracking or not. Again, it is a civil matter unless something turns up making it criminal! Imagine if Police searched shipping depots for every missing package. Ignoring the fact it wouldn't be legal, its not even practical.


    I understand where you're coming from. What I want to know is, if what you're saying is true, what law, disclaimer or legal document states this that I am afforded no such protection/support?

  12. FedEx is protected with liability under circumstances of damage and loss, as far as I know, they are not excused in the event of theft. I don't know where my package, or its contents are, but I know it entered their grounds and there is zero evidence of it ever leaving their grounds.


    If their searches and internal investigations fail to yield any results, legally, how could they be off the hook and free from a police investigation/search of the very grounds the package was last documented to be? What level of accountability would there be if the only thing they're obligated to do is investigate internally?


    Will they provide me with specific details pertaining to what their investigation entailled? What if their searches were not extensive and thus, the chance to locate my package was missed?


    On top of all these concerns exists the specific contents of this particular package, a CGC certified page from Action Comics #1. Search Google for "Action Comics #1 value" and you find this at the top of the page:


    "Online auction cements it as the world's most expensive comic book. The Man of Steel is more valuable than ever. A pristine copy of Action Comics No. 1, the first appearance of Superman in 1938, sold for a record $3,207,852 Sunday in an auction on eBay Aug 24, 2014"



  13. At this point, I really would physically go down to the FedEx ship center and ask politely to go through their shelves, to ensure that the package isn't there. Maybe it's mislabeled, or was never scanned in the system as an update.


    Still sending good thoughts that your page shows up safe and sound. :wishluck:


    I doubt they'd ever grant permission for such a request but even if they did, I live in Connecticut, quite a bit aways from Memphis, Tennessee.


    What I don't understand is, legally, how can FedEx ever stop searching for the package if there's evidence of it entering their facility and zero evidence of it ever leaving?


    If they reimburse me the $4,000 -- at that point they've made me whole and it would make sense. But if they don't do that, and there's no evidence that the package is not still in their possession in Memphis, how can they cease searching?

  14. Thanks again to everyone for the support.


    I've done my rounds of calls for the day:


    -FedEx has still not found my package.


    -The FedEx ship center I had it shipped to has still not received any packages with my name on it.


    I've tried to get in touch with FedEx's security department, because of my concern that it might have been stolen, they gave me a phone number, then called me back to tell me it's not valid. They've "made a note" that I want to speak to someone in their security department.


    I have no idea what their investigations have entailed. Have they been calling the ship center I had it shipped to on a daily basis to see if it's been delivered without tracking updates? Because I've been calling the ship center daily on my end.


    The search, and the stress continues.

  15. If my understanding is correct from the context in this thread, that $4K FMV was just pulled out of proverbial hat for the sake of CGC/picking a stated value on the form. I do believe the real value of this piece/slab (what it would fetch in the open market) is significantly >$4K. And the total out of pocket cost for the OP is in fact > $4K.


    I bought the page from a fellow collector for $4,300 -- a good deal IMO, as it was more than $100 less than a similar example, page 3, sold for at CC auction recently.

    did anyone ask if you have your collection insured with CIA or the likes?...


    I don't have collector's insurance, no.

  16. If my understanding is correct from the context in this thread, that $4K FMV was just pulled out of proverbial hat for the sake of CGC/picking a stated value on the form. I do believe the real value of this piece/slab (what it would fetch in the open market) is significantly >$4K. And the total out of pocket cost for the OP is in fact > $4K.


    I bought the page from a fellow collector for $4,300 -- a good deal IMO, as it was more than $100 less than a similar example, page 3, sold for at CC auction recently.

  17. Don't give up yet.

    I had a comic that I sold on its way to Canada, but for some reason ended up in London, then via Virginia (?? why!) and eventually get to its destination.


    Sometimes parcels arrive early, sometimes they seem to go around the whole world for no reason.


    It may be something as simple as being loaded on the wrong trolley and sent to Iceland.

    Someone there says "oops" and sends it back to its shipping hub origin point and then onto where it was meant to go.


    My book 'disappeared' for 4 weeks before it arrived at the buyers house.


    These things do happen, and aren't good for the nerves!


    I wish you all the best of luck, but an quietly confident it will show up eventually.


    Keep the faith!


    Thank you so much for the positive vibes and support!


    I really appreciate your reaching out and sending your encouragement. :)

  18. This is a comic book nightmare. I am really really sorry Ryan you are experiencing this Ryan I too choose Fed Ex over USPS so this doesn't happen Ive lost some trust in them lately as well (nothing of this $/ replacable magnitude though )


    Thanks for the support Corey.


    This entire situation has my stomach in knots every day.


    No exaggeration: I refresh my FedEx tracking every hour on my iPhone, hoping each and every time to catch that big break and see an update, and every time I see them same thing, that my package arrived at their Memphis hub last Monday (July 18th) and has been unaccounted for ever since.