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Everything posted by AJD

  1. Dairy confessions with sideboob? Ummmm.... ok. Just for you:
  2. Those kits look to be in very nice condition. Nothing that a bit of glue and paint couldn't fix though. I've got no idea about the market for monster kits, but I've noticed that the guide values for aeroplane kits are way above the actual eBay sales. I think there are more kicking around than is generally appreciated. That said, it's rare to see old kits in that state of preservation.
  3. Man, that one sounds like fun! And, yes, a man can never have too many T-Rexs. I read this recently and highly recommend it if you want to learn more about everyone's favourite therapod:
  4. I think that the AA really covers 1946-1955. There was a distinct change of tone in comics after WW2 ended.
  5. Yeah, thought about it long and hard, but I really don't like tape. Fiction House GGA on the other hand...
  6. Wings #86 Fiction House grade is Fine -(5.5) or a little better. Bin is $72 $65.00 $55.00 Hi Sharon!
  7. As you all know, I am a dedicated romance title collector. My collection of such titles doubled this week with this addition. Love the cover - clearly Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn as models. Which makes me think that the True Love above might also be modelled on real people - maybe Marilyn Monroe and ... ? (all suggestions welcome). And here's the 'beneath the covers' shot. (Sideboob alert!) Well, OK, I don't think it's really sideboob, though the B&W reproduction makes it look a bit like it. As you can see in the following panels, she's wearing some kind of top/dress, which would be obvious in the colour version. The black dots on her 'skin' are probably meant to indicate the stitches in said garment. We can dream though... The story is from Diary Confessions #9 if anyone has one to scan that page.
  8. Hi Ed - lovely new additions. If you do upgrade the Frontline #4 again we might need to talk.
  9. Another great post Corey. You had me at profanity, nudity and explosions. Have you ever seen the amazing 1933 King Kong poster in the Metro office in NYC? The poster is huge, and in beautiful shape. I've never seen a piece of ephemera I wanted more... If you're in town, make an appointment and go take a look.
  10. Yep, I love my bunch too. I also picked up the first magazine issue, just for fun.
  11. Great stuff. Wonderful art and a pretty good read too, once you get used to the captioned style.
  12. It's a product, and the market will decide its fate. I probably won't be using it, but I won't be worrying about it either.
  13. I looked through the last few years of sales on Heritage for ASM 1. I don't see such a big difference in price (admittedly on low numbers of books sold). 20% is worst case which I think could be offset in this case by the sig verification. I'd go there for this one. Not aimed at you Squeggs, but when the other guys are mentioned on these boards, disinformation usually isn't far away.
  14. Which I think is correct. Specifically, the WDC&S top right is the April 1954 edition. The Wedding Bells is cover dated June 1954.
  15. Another couple of examples. I really like the use of close up (middle panel of the first page below) and pulled back "shots" to highlight different emotional states in "I Love You, Mr. Smith", art by Vince Colletta (from My Own Romance #49). The isolation of the figure on the armchair, with no panel border or any other detail from the room is very effective. Some excellent graphic story telling here! One of those 'yeah, I really like comics' moments.
  16. OK, time for my first "new comic" update on the new boards. This one is a little out of the usual for me, because it's the first romance comic I've ever bought. It was on eBay last week and I really liked the cover image. (Sorry to confuse you Corey! ) I can't find a similar image on an American comic, so possibly a new locally drawn one? It's very nice anyway. The stories are reprinted from Atlas/Marvel romance comics from the 1950s. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. The stories are classic romance comic fare: either "girl despairs about ever getting boy, unexpected event happens, girl gets boy" or "girl has boy, does something ethically bankrupt to a rival and loses boy". But the art work is really nice. Look at the use of negative space in this lovely panel:
  17. No, never tried one of the big elaborate ship models. Maybe one day, because they are very appealing. I have built a couple of the very small Airfix classic ships. From memory the Golden Hind was one of them.
  18. Sometimes black and white suits artwork and allows you to appreciate facets that colour would tend to obscure. Here's an exmaple from an Australian reprint of a Marvel romance story. The use of negative space here is wonderful, but wouldn't be as striking if the face area was coloured in (IMHO).
  19. Here's the original no-show thread: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8450855&fpart=1 Lots of broken image links, so maybe not a bad time to restart it.
  20. What a shame. Knowing tb's eye for beautifully presenting copies, this is a real loss to duckdom. Let's hope they turn up.
  21. Fantastic effort Walclark! You have a few that are also in my war bonds/stamps collection, but you also have a few I don't have but would love. A thematic collection like this is fun to put together, because you can buy a variety of books and still have a cohesive collection. I approve mightily!
  22. The Australia Day post about banned comics in australia got me looking around to see what I could find in the way of salacious local books. This one would probably incur the wrath of the Literature Review Board of 1954 on the grounds of "unduly emphasising sex and the female figure". As far as I can tell, this is a locally drawn cover, and it's a pretty good piece of GGA to my eye. Google image search couldn't match it. Does anyone recognise it from an American comic? In terms of content, thanks to research intern Duffman, I can tell you that "this series seems to be a lot of repackaged Hillman stories from Real Clue Crime Stories, with a local cover". I went to the GCD to see if they have a cover scan, and was amused to see the version they have on there has a hand drawn addition. Evidently someone decided that the cover model needed a garter belt! This is probably my last post on these boards before the Great Rapture that will take us to a new URL. See you on the other side guys!