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Posts posted by chezmtghut

  1. 52 minutes ago, drotto said:

    I am not a fan of the current version of Carol, and as a long time comic reader going back at least 30 years, she was never a major player until about 6 years ago.  She was a fairly regular Avengers supporting cast member, granted, and she has been elevated more recently.  But again, coming from a comic standpoint, even after her elevation, she has not been able to sustain a solo book, and I think her series is on its 5th reboot, and about to be rebooted again.  Hold this up against characters like Iron Man, the X-Men, FF, Avengers, Thor, Captain America and many more, which have been published more or less continuously for 50 years, and she is not even close to as important from a sales perspective. That is a very thin history of comic success as compared to proven long term winners with very deep histories. You can't necessarily assign labels like misogamy to people not liking her character. People are allowed to like or not like the character. Even with the smaller sales of modern comics, her books numbers lag behind many other Marvel books, that is all the result of a vast conspiracy again CM and Brie Larson?  To me when I read Civil War 2, she came across as the villain of the story.


    Her movie was fine, I rank it in the bottom third of MCU films.  That seems fairly consistent with many other fans.  For me, and I can only speak for myself, she was the least interesting character in her own movie. Moving forward that is a problem. Given these things, I do question if she is the right pick to lead the new MCU. I do think she is going to play a big role however.


    I would argue that even Disney has seemed to pull back some as her being the new head of the MCU. CM2 has now morphed into much more of a team film, with Marvel heavily advertising other characters that will be in it.  Also it seems that they keep pushing projects like Dr. Strange 2, Anti-Man and Wasp, Guardians, Thor, and the streaming shows more heavily. There have also been some rumblings about how much of Larson's contract has been fulfilled at this time (it was rumored to be a 3 or 4 movie deal, but I could be wrong).  If that is true after CM2 she will have made the majority of her contracted appearances, and there has yet to be any large announcements about an extension.

    It seems that the new agenda is to make women appear more masculine & men more feminine. I think women are already strong, but there is more to strength than physical muscles. Tony Stark has shown that with his brain power & I feel they portrayed that well with Doctor Strange, Shuri & in WandaVision as well. I really hope we don't see a buff Jane Foster in Thor 4, as that would cheaper her being worthy to wield Mjolnir in my opinion.

  2. 3 hours ago, Bosco685 said:

    Let's remember that famous Tony Stark line


    Iron Man rape jokes didn't set you off (MCU blinders were on then).


    It's actually Prima Nocta & while it was a dumb move adding that line, it is part of history. They're making people aware of these things at any rate. There being truth to it wouldn't surprise me, as people hurting on others for their own amusement is nothing new. Just because it wasn't written into law, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Royalty has a history of being spoiled & getting what they want at the cost of others, including changing history books in their favor. What would the MCU history books look like if Ultron or Thanos beat the Avengers?

  3. On 4/1/2021 at 5:24 PM, Bosco685 said:

    That was an interesting response to a Wolverine mention.


    Seriously, this is what passes for news? I wonder if there's any headlines on the tweet about his interest in serial killers.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Oddball said:

    I thought the pacing of Blade Runner 2049 was on point for a sci-fi noir and similar to the original. Very worthy follow-up. I’m not a franchise guy, I tend to watch just about anything. You should broaden your horizon and watch Sicario. It has Thanos, the Collector and the Punisher in it!


    Well, the actors who played them at least.

  5. 2 minutes ago, drotto said:

    I took the leap.  I think we are looking $150 mil domestic and $200 WW box office for $350 mil total.

    China might be able to bring in 100 million, but the only thing this movie will save is production costs for Disney, not theaters or theatre. There are already endless movies to distract us on the market, so I can wait these new productions out.

  6. Given that Thanos has traveled the galaxy, it's not difficult to imagine him finding heavily irradiated metals with a greater density than vibranium. The force of his strikes are likely multiple times that of Captain America's also. Anyone he hit would have likely been crushed, but you have to consider that vibranium absorbs kinetic energy, reducing the impact of those strikes.

  7. I would love to see it on the big screen but think flocking to theaters is a bad idea. We're creating scenario's ensuring the pandemic will continue for momentary financial gain. Then we'll be back to lock downs again. People think this is going to go away, but it's dormant in most that are infected, studying our behavior & adapting like a computer virus.

    Has anyone here seen the series Travelers? It's about the human consciousness traveling through time into different hosts like Quantum Leap. They use tech made from graphene to communicate & nano particles called nanites that can be programmed to heal the body at accelerated rates.

    Just imagine if this tech was available & programmed to kill people instead. Oddly enough, I just cam across this article about health Canada recalling masks containing graphene nano particles in Quebec.


    Ryan Reynolds just starred in a movie Free Guy about a banker discovering that he's living in a videogame & recently posted a picture of his vaccination with the caption "Finally got 5G".

    Sounds like science fiction right, but an idea is only fiction until we understand the practical applications of those thoughts.

    It's publicly know that several deadly coronavirus variants have hit China over the past 20 years & coincidentally, this happened after Meng Wanzhou's arrest & Huawei's being blocked from the 5G networks.

    I can't help but wonder if this could be a targeted attack & with those previous outbreaks being controlled experiments on their own population. If we accept the numbers China is reporting, it seems odd that they've been able to control the outbreak at it's source to the extent that they have, especially in such a densely populated country in what many consider overworked conditions.

    They're modeling themselves as a country that the world should look up to with their control over the outbreak. Should we all just take our medicine & be good zombie's?

  8. Interesting, I wonder if this is where Marvel got the concept of relating Hydra to oppressive regimes from? Wikipedia says the name "Hydra" is an allusion to the mythical Lernaean Hydra, but that is a multi headed snake, whereas Marvel generally show a hexopus with a skull for a head.

    On 3/29/2021 at 6:38 PM, Polonsky said:













    On 3/30/2021 at 11:55 AM, Polonsky said:

    US Marines #3  4.0


    Tojo Octopus.




    On 3/30/2021 at 3:04 PM, Wally's Comics said:

    Well, there's Stalin...  lol!




  9. 33 minutes ago, musicmeta said:

    Ho Hum...Just a typical VintageComics selling thread with insanely beautiful ultra high grade books.  That ASM#1 is freaking AWESOME! I wish someone would GIVE me 115K. You will feel good about yourself if you do.

    I think someone would give it to Roy instead! Canada's comic king.:cloud9:

  10. 16 hours ago, Bosco685 said:

    Zack Snyder provided some additional details a few days ago about how Darkseid forgot about Earth.

    Zack Snyder Reveals Why Darkseid Forgot Where The Anti-Life Equation Was

    This must be the time when Steppenwolf betrayed him as well. Which is probably what Justice League 2 would delve into the history of the Anti-Life Equation. Like who is it that etched this into the Earth for hiding.

    I can just imagine Snyder doing a prequel called Apokolips, portraying Darkseid's view of events that unfolded in that original battle.

  11. On 3/25/2021 at 11:08 AM, Bosco685 said:

    But more seriously, before the release of the Snyder Cut the answer would be a crapshot. Now with the bigger character development fresh in minds due to the film's release, this most probably brings very positive feelings towards a Flash solo film.

    How do I know this to be true? Read many of the Snyder Cut reviews and you now notice Cyborg and The Flash receiving extremely positive mentions from people that also noted back in 2017 they really didn't care for these characters. Now, a different story. Even moviegoers noted the drastic difference with use of the character and involvement in the story.

    Huge difference in character connection results.

    I didn't think it was very practical for Barry to rescue a few hotdogs before Iris, but I liked when he said we're going to save the world with the power of love. It would have been perfect if they had that song from Back to the future cue in at that moment.

  12. On 3/27/2021 at 10:07 PM, skypinkblu said:


      Hide contents

    who was the monster

    in the latest episode?


    IMDB has Mitra Suri listed as the character Amélie. She's a stunt actress & possibly the first portrayal of a female Solomon Grundy. Potentially brought back to life by Abra Kadabra's concentrated energy beam's. Notice how Cisco Ramon / Vibe uses the word obelisk in reference to the crystals left behind?

    It's another subtle mention of how Egyptian's understood the properties of resonance to manipulated forces like our modern tech does.

  13. 17 hours ago, @therealsilvermane said:

    When I say public I mean comic book readers. General audiences aren't so tied to the name the way older comic book readers are.

    Kevin Feige is in charge of Marvel Comics now, so my guess is he may have something to do with this if "this" is indeed a thing. But there are literally 12 X-titles in publication including Wolverine and only one uses the name "X-Men." Add that Kevin Feige referred to them as "the mutants" at Comic Con and I think the writing is on the wall: the MCU X-movie will be titled something other than "X-Men." People like to blame Victoria Alonso but it's Feige who's the true progressive over there. I think we're going to see the slow disappearance of that name and by the time the movie comes around it'll be more like a World of X with Professor Xavier obviously at the helm and maybe a woman for balance, like Moira McTaggert or something, since she's a mutant now. And technically, if Professor X's mutants aren't an official government entity, do they realistically need a team name out of the gate? I don't think so. But come to think of it, maybe the traditional name won't disappear in the comics. That might be too much.

    "Mutants"  is not a great title, though, and Stan Lee is lucky the powers that be made him change it. It conjures up images of monsters and deformities, I think. Whatever the future name will be, it should still have 'X' in it. I think it'll be something like World of X or Dawn of X or something.

    Would it be progressive to call women wo-sapiens, since men is incorporated into the word? What about human, female, etc...? Where do we draw the line? Should sexes be referred to as completely different species? This isn't progressive at all, it's regressive. I think this is just a new way to confuse & divide people through modern fundamentalism. Another argument I can put forward is that since women have the extra X chromosome, the X added to the title could also be appreciated as a feminine aspect, rather than simply a mutation.

  14. Disney would have been better off turning this into a streaming series instead. How can they expect to make money in the current market without streaming? BW would need to make 500 million in China to bring in 125 for Disney but I'd say more likely 50 - 100 max & 200 - 400 worldwide. It will definitely hold the film back from the majority of their subscribers for months though, while likely barely bringing in enough to make theater viewing worth while. They should really reconsider their approach, because losing memberships over these issues could cost them more than they'd make in theaters now anyways. I think WB is taking the right approach by giving their audience the option to view it at home or in the theater. Pushing your audience to theaters for a Superhero movies to make money in a pandemic doesn't seem very heroic, especially since they have a safe alternative to offer.

  15. 2 hours ago, Bosco685 said:



    On a more serious note...

    Anti-Life Equation


    I think that the life & anti life equations are the same. It's just a matter of understands that other people's actions & words have influence over us. You just have to choose which side you follow. I know a lot of people thought WW84 was a lemon, but I think that's what they were trying to convey. We're constantly being monitored & directed through modern technology like rats in a maze, but we can get our freedom back by waking up to those facts & giving up the lies they promise us.

  16. 15 minutes ago, @therealsilvermane said:

    This thread is now actually about as exciting as watching protein grow in insect cells...


    I didn't realize this was being viewed as entertainment. I'll try to crack more jokes. I'm sure scientists get excited by watching proteins grow in insect cells, so I guess it's all relative.

  17. 8 hours ago, Bosco685 said:


    That's the Anti-Life Equation that Steppenwolf reveals. :banana:

    Do they have a shot of the equation without Darkseid in the way? I suppose this would be the equation that keeps everyone enslaved with a hive mind. It's interesting to note the sauwastika, which symbolizing night or tantric aspects of Kali. The trident represents Shiva, but here it's probably identified with Aquaman. I'm looking forward to this & will probably watch a few of Snyder's other films as well.

  18. 16 minutes ago, namisgr said:

    Sorry, but recombinant vaccines for other viral and bacterial pathogens have been on the market and in wide use for a number of years now, including those targeting Influenza and bacterial pneumonia.  Beyond that, recombinant protein therapeutics have been in the marketplace for 40 years now and counting.  Perhaps you're fearful of an insulin product that's generated as a recombinant protein in a yeast cell expression system.  But it's not only saved the lives of tens of millions of type I diabetics around the world, but hundreds of millions of pigs, who before the recombinant technology was developed were used for insulin extraction and purification from their pancreas in order to derive enough of the hormone to treat type I diabetes.

    So the entirety of the quote above is false.


    I was just quoting what the news posted & it said the proteins were grown in insect cells. These COVID-19 vaccines haven't been tested for significant amount of time either. I wasn't talking about the entire history of vaccines though. I'm not saying that they don't have any uses either, but relying on vaccines or injections will never cure you. Understanding why people develops these diseases & changing our behavior can help though. Wouldn't you agree that people deserve to know what's in these vaccines & how those ingredients effect their bodies long term? Knowing that chickenpox can lay dormant & manifest as shingles decades after infection, don't we have the responsibility to ask these questions?