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Everything posted by Bomber-Bob

  1. Actually this is a good point. If you don't take the time to proof read a one or two sentence question, how seriously are we supposed to take you ? I really like to help the newbies with the basics but I just like to know it is a serious question from a real newbie, not a shill.
  2. Well, they probably also have an image of the check so if the amount does not match they can look at the image to determine a specific customer.
  3. I used to include a copy also. When I once had a problem with them not getting my check I mentioned this. They said don't bother because they don't see the mailing, doesn't help, again it goes to a Lockbox.
  4. Actually, I've seen some pretty bad staple stress on a 9.4, even where it involved a tear. I think what can happen is the staple stress gets worse over time = it was smaller when CGC originally graded it. Pressure in the slab, an inner well wedge, book too snug in the slab, etc. can make things worse. I try to avoid books with staple stress.
  5. The PO Box you are mailing your check to is really a Bank Lockbox = no Clink employees are in Chicao. Definition of a Lockbox.... A lockbox is a post-office box (PO box) that is accessible by a bank. A company may set up a lockbox service with its bank for receiving customers' payments. The company's customers send their payments to the PO box. Then the bank collects and processes these payments directly and deposits them to the company's account. So, the order number on the M.O. doesn't help because they don't see it. On the Clink side, this is what was explained to me. Clink gets a list of the deposits and they match up the deposits to the orders by dollar amounts. One time I had a problem because they read my check as XX and 01/100 dollars or an extra penny = the wrong amount throws off their system.
  6. I'm not afraid of doing the 'work' but you have to understand, most of what you said went over my head. I'm not familiar with upvoting, I have no idea of what you mean by post a link to the authoritative Q&A post. Sorry. BTW, please don't assume I'm stupid. I'm actually a retired IT guy, with little knowledge of the new technology. Someday day the world will pass you by too, it happens fast !
  7. That's because they wait for something like 10 - 14 days to make sure the funds have cleared. Remember, you can stop payment on a check. In this case, a Money Order should clear immediately but I'm not sure. I'm already in Chicago so when I mail a check, it is usually deposited and cleared on my side in 2 -3 days = I can see it posting on my checking account.
  8. Where did you mail the Money Order to, what address ? I believe it should have gone to the PO BOX in Chicago, where it would be deposited into CLink's Bank account. If you mailed it to the main address, I'm not sure what happens.
  9. First off, pull out all the keys and popular issues from your collection. You can use E-Bay sold listings to get an idea of valuation. Depending on the size of your collection this may be a tedious project but, as a first step, it has to be done. Once you have identified the more valuable comics you will then have to grade them = you will need to learn how to grade. Do the first step and then come back here. If you show us pics, we may be able to help you grade your books.
  10. Understand. Point acknowledged. However, there was another thread just recently with basically the same question. I took it seriously and tried to give some beginner tips. I'll have to locate it. My point is many of these Newbie questions are redundant. If we gave a complete how to answer to this person, it will simply get lost and forgotten only to start all over again the next time.
  11. Okay, a benefit of the doubt will be given.
  12. Just ignore these posts in this thread. It's all a big put on. Responding only shows you are falling for this massive 'prank'. Seriously.
  13. It may be unique or cool at first but I think you would tire of them very quickly, they are not keepers. Personally, I wouldn't be interested. No matter what the grade, they will be a difficult sell.
  14. Tacking Submission without Invoice buying from store in package? buying non graded vs graded
  15. Seriously, is this a real thread ? The questions are so unbelievable it has to be a joke .
  16. That's absolutely crazy. Doesn't the promoter realize he needs some real dealers at his show ? His business model sucks.
  17. It appears the OO had two sets of holes, like maybe he decided to move the laces ? Any grade given would have to be qualified, otherwise you are talking about a really low grade. If the cover is attached by the laces, detached otherwise, .5 is the grade.
  18. I believe you are not in the CONUS = a reholder is a hassle. If it's a keeper book anyway, consider taking it out of the slab. The longer it stays in that state the more likelihood of damage. Hopefully, it will lay flat once you get it out of there.
  19. Yes, I am impressed. For some reason I thought Hector only dealt in drek. Boy, I was wrong. I may have to come early on Saturday !
  20. I don't think it affects the grade but it will be noted on the label.
  21. If you want to ask about the book's grade, you have it in the wrong thread. Please move it to 'Buddy, can you spare a grade'. If you don't want to get 'screwed', a key book should always be graded in a slab. Now that this book has been 'pimped' here I'm sure someone will approach you about selling it. If you don't want to get 'screwed', ignore them.
  22. This makes me cringe, scares the heck out of me but I am glad he shared this experience. Some lessons to be learned. I like to spread my collection out. I have a couple Bank safety deposit boxes(at different locations), some books upstairs in a closet, but most in the basement. The stuff in the basement is spread out to different locations of the basement. This could happen to any of us. Stuff happens and all you can do is try and minimize the impact. I am very sorry this happened to the OP.
  23. I concur. I just went through the same situation with a newly graded slab. The book had a wedge on the bottom and the book was pressed up against the top edge of the inner well a little too tightly, causing the waves. You should send the book back in for a reholder. It should be fine.
  24. I'm not good at grading the lower grade stuff but a lot would depend on stuff I cannot ascertain. The staples look like they may be rusty, if so that would affect the grade. If those stains go through the whole book that would also affect the grade. On the positive side there are no pieces missing. Put it in the grading thread 'Hey buddy, can you spare a grade?' and see what others think.