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Everything posted by 500Club

  1. It's not. That's the 16 year old Bobby Drake. In isolation, it would probably be a very accurate portrayal of life events and personal discovery. But, if he's the same character as the Bobby Drake who we've followed for 50 years (and he is), there's some awkward retrofitting here still.
  2. The talking point is the fact this character has been well established for 50+ years. As vaillant said, it's poor storytelling. Develop a new character. No, the character's been revised a million ways over 50 years. And every few years the writers re-examine these characters for the times in which they're NOW being written. Do you really want Bobby written as if this were still the early '60s? No. Except when it comes to his sexuality. Wonder why that is. Cheap shot. Give it a rest. Moot point, with Revat's clarification. But, there are certain things about people that don't change. I believe sexual orientation to be one of them. I believe gay people are aware of their orientation from the get go (can any of the gay board members chime in).
  3. The talking point is the fact this character has been well established for 50+ years. As vaillant said, it's poor storytelling. Develop a new character. for those who haven't read it. Its not the Iceman you grew up with who is being outted. Its the teenage Iceman who time-traveled to the present day from his teenage past. I don't think its so unreasonable to think that there were many teenagers in the 60's who if they were teens today would be more likely to accept themselves as gay and live gay lives, but because of tradition and societal pressures of the 60's did not do so. Interesting. Point taken. I read the first three issues of All-New XMen, then bailed, so I am, indeed, a lapsed reader. My knee jerk reaction is toward what looked like more cheap cliffhanger storytelling. I agree with your points, and am curious to see how they handle the non time-travelling Iceman. PS Are the X books any good? I've not really liked them for years.
  4. The talking point is the fact this character has been well established for 50+ years. As vaillant said, it's poor storytelling. Develop a new character.
  5. This is why I get less Marvel books and soon will not be picking up any new issues. Diversity for the sake of diversity for the sake of saying hey look we are all championing diversity is incredibly fake. WTG Marvel. So the lack of diversity for forty-plus years was what, real? I think he's saying they're forcing it, rather than doing what Archie Comics did, which was to introduce a gay character.
  6. Interesting?I think not. I can crystal ball that for you....you price the book at $500 or a $1000 more of the highest recorded sale for BA 12 in 9.8 and......it won't sell. I'd also be inclined to think that if someone sees a yellow post-it that reads "$2500" or more on a BA 12, you will drive away potential customers who would assume that the rest of your prices are also well above current norms. Two things... that's $Cdn, and how are those 9.9s coming along? Care to post your results?
  7. (thumbs u Just take the middle ground, and like Larry says, don't spend your medication or mortgage money.
  8. I cannot tell if it is anger that has blinded you, but marvel is selling only 5000 copies of this variant, through the outlets that are posted. There will be no more AF variant Boba Fett. And since his site is sold out, better get to C2E2 to get yours. Or you can buy one of mine for $100. Don't bet on it. Or... do bet on it. Because surely Marvel wouldn't do a Boba Fett AF variant for an upcoming SW issue. Surely they'll let this be the only AF cover of the cash cow Boba Fett, and settle for a miniscule profit on 5000 books. Because Marvel would never milk an idea...
  9. This is my only complaint with DCBS. If you order early in the month, you need to check back later in the month because they sometimes add new comics! Seriously. The action figure variant for #4 was not available at the beginning of February (my order was placed on February 5th.) By the time I found out about the variant, the February orders were closed and I sent them email. They said the action figure variant for #4 was not available, but they added the variant for #5 to my order (it also wasn't in their listing for March when I placed my order; same problem as my order was placed on March 4th.) I ordered the Chewbacca action figure cover from another online dealer instead. So, if you are like me and like to order from DCBS within the first few days that they list, you need to be aware that they will update the listing as the month goes on. For example, many of the discounted comics (back issues) are not listed early in the month, but later in the month. Just a heads up! I'm not sure 100% but I think there was a certain requirement in order to get any of these Action Figure Variants. Something like "order 150% of Secret Wars #5 in order to receive these". Something like that.... I think the book in this case was Original Sin 8. This is indeed Marvel's formula. You need to hit a certain order match to unlock the incentive variant ordering..
  10. I already pre ordered these on DCBS. How is it only sold on his website?? I'm surprised at this. I'd expect Marvel to have kept Boba Fett as a regular issue incentive variant, to boost sales.
  11. Aren't there some comics that got hot and stayed hot too? I'm not saying this will be one of them, but certainly some do. And this is somewhat different because it's a key mainstream title with widespread popularity across demographics. Again I'm not saying that's good or bad, just that there might be more apt and or balanced comparison to make Yeah, this book (Batman 35) and storyline does have merit, especially as a Joker story with origin elements. There are better examples of meritless hype. That having been said, the Batman 35 combo pack didn't jump from $10 to $40 in a week based on organic demand. At present, if you listen and buy every time the market 'speaks', you will end up with long boxes full of books that you bought at peak hype. Some discretion is warranted.
  12. The market hasn't "spoken", some people are just born suckers. See what the market has to say about the combo packs in a year, or even 6 months. Then you can crow all you want I agree. The market has 'spoken' a great deal lately, but a lot of it has been the equivalent of Tourette's syndrome - sudden, loud, unsustained verbal outbursts.
  13. Okay, I haven't been in the forums for a while, but what.....? I bought a whole bunch of those from the junk bins just because I like Byrne and they were dirt cheap, so now you're saying I'm sitting on a goldmine? Yup. Driven by the upcoming Suicide Squad movie. Wasn't this book a pick back in your comicinvestor days, Vince?
  14. That's easy. Just change your first name to Alex. His name IS Alex. It's the illegible scribbling after 'Alex' that has damaged the book.
  15. They introduce the 2000th new character in a Star Wars comic? If this character enters movie canon, I'm interested! If not... not as interested.
  16. Watch eBay get hoovered clean after the midnight movie showings.
  17. If you want to read one or two posts a week in this thread, sure, that'd be great. You already got fed this week's hot faux-death of a turtle.
  18. (thumbs u Why is it that posts like this, that embrace caution, common sense, and reason, seem to be frowned upon by some people? Because of... money! I appreciate the balance. If all this thread consisted of was one comic book being hyped after another with no dissenting opinion, then that would be doing the community a great disservice IMHO. It was sort of a rhetorical question, but, yeah, to expand on your post, if all we had was cheerleaders, perspectives and bank accounts would be quickly lost. (thumbs u
  19. (thumbs u Why is it that posts like this, that embrace caution, common sense, and reason, seem to be frowned upon by some people?
  20. (thumbs u For my part, I'm just going to keep buying and reading, and trying to help with word of mouth.
  21. Let's look at these comments: It's true, you DO have a very real challenge to grow readership at issue 7 vs issue 1. BUT, frankly, aside from the '1' on the cover, nothing is different. By starting again at 1, you're hoping for a sales spike due to the numbering only. You may not get that spike. Collectors aren't dumb - they aren't going to buy a '1' that really isn't a '1'. You want to grow readership, you do it like Kirkman did - by plowing forward with consistency and quality. You want compelling sales data, ask for the numbers on 'Luthor Strode' or 'Jake Ellis'. Also, that was very kind of Diamond to offer that support. Did they offer similar support for Vol 3 #1? How about Vol 4? 5? ... I'm not sure Diamond is offering impartial advice here. I think they'd prefer to try to milk a number 1 sales boost.
  22. Thank you. I was dreading having to listen to the elevator music myself as I tried the same thing. Apology accepted. I'll try to run the numbers here later, but we'll need to use a lot of guesstimates.
  23. I respect your opinion, but it is actually a specialty site and resource tool for variant hunters and the like. And for my money I put far more weight on the educated estimates of a guy with no skin in the game, who has run a FREE site for the better part of a decade, dedicated to analyzing and calculating the exact type of data at issue here, solely for the service of other fans and out of love for the hobby, than on the carnival barks of a couple of guys with books to sell. (thumbs u -J. I was trying to get clarity on the source information & trying to relate that public data to the experiences, assumptions and assertions that were shared in this thread. I came to my own conclusion & posted it as clearly as I could so others could understand MY opinion - this discussion has come up before right, so rather than be dodgy about sharing my opinion, I posted it. If others disagreed with it, they could challenge or correct me & that's fine since I also made assumptions. Also, I'm not sure if I'd characterize that site as having NO skin in the game if they offer books for sale about us linky I don't care much for errors or rare variants as an area of collecting focus anyways, I have some of both but I don't actively seek out either and wouldn't spend real money on any of them. Having a "small collection" of unspecified books in a personal collection potentially for sale (and/or for trade I would imagine) is hardly a harbinger of bias or lack of objectivity. Especially considering the sheer breadth and amounts of books featured on the site. If the guy linked to his personal ebay store instead of all general ebay listings on each book's page you would have a point. But to term his small footnote at the bottom of his page referencing his small collection a "skin in the game" is a bit disingenuous IMO. -J. You're kidding, right? You can freely accuse us of arguing for the sake of pimping a book, but there's no way this guy is doing that? BTW, for clarity, I own NO copies of this book, and personally think it's a bad buy right now. These variants are forgotten for the most part as soon as the next hot book shows up.