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Everything posted by Calamerica

  1. Thanx for the kind words! Your purchase got made before PayPal put the "lock" or Freeze on my account! More embarrassing than anything else! I made a separate Thread for your Kudos because I could not find a thread for you! Good to have you on board! CAL who thanks you!
  2. Just received: ASM 65, ASM 62, and CAP 134! Glad to have another TRUE comic book collector on board! Great job! CAL
  3. I was a moderator on four Ebay comic book chat forums, for about 6 months. Those chat rooms went out of business. Due to a lack of interest, I think. But during my time on there, I found it easy to moderate. Piece of cake actually. What I didn't catch, other moderators did. There were no notify buttons. You read the threads and made judgement calls. It is easy to spot infractions if you are reading it all. Many of the people posting on those Ebay sites, are on this site. The same ones that were always in arguments, and often doing the personal attack thing, are the same ones who do it on this CGC site. The Ebay chat forums had much more venom than this CGC forum. Noooo! Say it isn't so! When you do not get paid for being a moderator. You lose interest in it quickly. It is like being a referee or umpire in sports. It usually makes you disliked. It rarely makes you liked. Except by the very few that feel the need to suck up to authority. Those types are in every aspect of society and business, and are known to all who pay attention. The only people that like umpires, are those whose team wins on a bad call. Obvious calls go unnoticed. As they should. A guy catches a fly ball and is called out. Big deal. The referees and umpires, should not be in the spotlight. They, for the most part, should go unheralded and unnoticed. CAL recharging the repulsor rays..
  4. I thank your noble attempt of helping clearing up any misconstrued "misunderstandings" but truth be told Arex has been trolling me and bashing me for quite some time. He has a problem with me and I have a problem with his attitudes and words against me. This cannot be fixed. Enemies are your enemies for many reasons, and I am the type of person that calls others out for their misdeeds. So in return, they TRY to call me out for every tiny, minute, minor, time-wasting infraction that they THINK they can nail me on. I am not bashful on letting people know where their place is, and in many cases, it is NOT here on this Forum. However, a few have successfully "mined" money out of here with their tales of woe within their PM groups, and that is their sole purpose for joining here or other Forums, A few such scammers made the mistake of continually bashing my eBay model and business practices and thought that I would both not see that or would just simply forgive and forget. Forgiveness is for church organizations, forgetting is for chumps. Several others that no longer post here are those "chance" auctions on eBay that I ruin every chance I get. You would think that others would like that, but I caught grief for that too. Comes with the territory. But march on I shall. BTW, I DO return Kudos every chance I get, but many don't have a Thread. I have started a few, and I will start others when necessary CAL
  5. Sorry I was late for this Kudos: Got a nice ASM # 62 NM 9.2 from: RUNNINGMAN Good job!
  6. CAL's membership Card... Click to View Image Album More than just a pretty picture. Try Vendio Image Hosting.
  7. I have five ( 5) copies. Only ONE is encapsulated. I sold the other two I had encapsulated, one CGC and one PGX. So I will get my remaining encapsulated scanned here to join this great club! CAL the KING of IMSM...
  8. Received that nice WELCOME BACK KOTTER # 2, CGC 9.4, from Boardie Tfa1998. Hope he sees this. CAL
  9. Tom you are worth any freebie! Honored to be able to give you one of my "pets" as present! Giving is better than receiving anyway! See ya next time! CAL your S. Cal friend
  10. The comics discussed in this Thread is the "who's-who" of Comics! This is actually a good sign for the hobby; despite the dwindling numbers of "collectors", the ones that remain are at a high level of expertise and knowledge! CAL the journalist...
  11. Where is that shed? CAL looking for an excuse for another "Road Trip" a la Animal House...
  12. Batman # 20, CGC 7.0, 1st Batmobile cover... made great coin, but that one caused Seller's remorse... CAL who gets Seller's remorse quite often...
  13. The drop in sales for Dell was due to their changing the cover price from 10 cents to 15 cents, while the competition raised their cover price to no more than 12 cents. The price difference caused many readers to switch from Dell over to the competition. This was another factor for the rise of Marvel in the early 1960's. True but in part. Marvel had the Super hero genre nailed by 1965, and Dell remained Dell. I can remember all the price increases, and it did not affect me or my friends from childhood. I can safely assume the price changes did not affect the estimated 250,000 other teenage boys either. "It starts with the story" - Alfred Hitchcock CAL w/ long memory
  14. The numbers for the 1960s look a little screwy. Take Uncle Scrooge (Copies sold/rank): 1960: (1,040,543/1) 1961: (853,928/1) 1962: N/A 1963: (299,155/9) 1964: (336,380/7) 1965: (330,925/16) Seems odd that the best selling comic would have lost two-thirds of its sales and dropped to ninth place in just three years. Yeah, I've always looked at numbers from that period with some amazement myself. It appears that print run numbers were oftentimes double of paid circulation numbers. Not uncommon to see a print run of 800,000 with 400,000 sold (roughly). That would be 400,000 copies left over of one title in just one month. Add up all the titles, times the yearly publication of 12 or 8 or 6, and ya end up with tens of millions of unsold books per year. In ten years that's a lot of books. I understand books were printed just to keep the presses running, but that's a heck of a lot of overstock. Were most of those copies returned from local vendors or distributors for credit, or were they destroyed at the printers? Just seems like quite a waste to continue from year to year. I'm not saying it didn't happen that way, it is just amazing at some level. In the Pre-Distribution days, they were discarded by the Retailers. The large paper drives of WW II took care of about 90% of what was left in closets, garages, etc. A few insane "decency" burnings managed to get some comics destroyed, but comics did not really become the collectible it is today until the hoarding by the "pack rats" in the late 1960's. CAL been around a bit...
  15. Chronologically it was ASM 252. Continuity it would be SW8 ASM #252 was first. Then you had to wait till Secret Wars #8 to find out how it happened. Dan
  16. Trade from the past( undated): Item # 15: Seller: arexcrooke Item description: TALES TO ASTONISH # 100, CGC NM 9.4 via ebay! CAL who used to have great relations with many CGCers...
  17. I got more self-absorption issues and anything else if you want them... CAL giving the people what they deserve more than what they want...
  18. The trolls get away with it. My turn. Gotcha! CAL his own Man...
  19. What do you care? I care about ridding this Forum of the trolls, and you are one of the many that oppose me. You care what I post in this thread, I am going to oppose you. CAL ending the conversation