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Posts posted by Silverdream

  1. wow, its hot in here! Someone exec summary the 300+ posts i missed.


    Also, within the context of all this fervor, has there been any drama regarding Image keeping almost half the ComicsPro as comps to flip themselves?


    It's a dangerous game when the people "printing" the money, start getting too in on the action.



    Nail on Head


    Posted this twice on here.

    Creators are getting wise, causing a secondary surge and selling themselves.

    No issue with that - just buyer beware!


    I don't really see a problem with this either, and as you already stated : Buyer beware.


    The real problem I see is the print run numbers. The collecting community relies heavily on this for pricing. If the publishers are not honest, then we could be in for some real pain.


    If they say the print run was 500, then it needs to be 500. If they print extra for themselves to sell on the secondary market... lookout!

  2. you're using the word REPRINT...no one that buys or sells these uses that word....it's a VARIANT. If you want to justify not buying one by considering it a reprint, go ahead. No one else is doing that though.



    If its a later printing, thats what it is. I mean, thats the defintion of reprint. How can anyone even argue with that? lol.



    Hey, call it what you want, thats fine. I'm not a huge modern guy, and it wouldnt make a difference either way as im not buying many moderns atm. I'm not here to pee in your cheerios folks, im just trying to understand this thought process, I see these as reprints... why do yall feel its not a reprint?


    Does anyone have regular conversations anymore? Ive answered some of your questions, why not answer some of mine.

  3. I knew I would get these generalized responses, that people throw at all books that are stupid hot.


    This book is different however. Its 3 months after the first issue came out. I again ask you, why the would you buy this at more than $5. Its a limited reprint, who cares. If I wasnt too lazy I could show you multiple " Hot" books that have very limited reprints that sell for cover or less.... cause WHO CARES.


    Saga is one example. Different colored covers for reprints.


    This one is different because its a special reprint at a con? give me a break. this is not your NWM RRP people, stop being goofballs.

    Yep, looks like we found another H8R.


    If you don't like what we do, the coin society is taking applications.


    Or are you someone that just like to poke a finger in someone's eye to merit a response?


    Bad form.


    I was not aiming anything I said at anyone in paticular. I asked several questions in my OP and am looking for the reasons behind why these books are being looked at in the way they are.


    These " Special variants" that come out months and months later are starting to happen more and more, and its really something that I don't understand. How a book with a different color scheme, that was not part of the original printings, is worth more than the original. Asides from the lower print run, I do not understand. And as I said, many later printings have lower print runs, and do not follow this pricing logic.


    If you like it, buy it, thats fine. Im just wanted to understand the thought process.

  4. I knew I would get these generalized responses, that people throw at all books that are stupid hot.


    This book is different however. Its 3 months after the first issue came out. I again ask you, why the would you buy this at more than $5. Its a limited reprint, who cares. If I wasnt too lazy I could show you multiple " Hot" books that have very limited reprints that sell for cover or less.... cause WHO CARES.


    Saga is one example. Different colored covers for reprints.


    This one is different because its a special reprint at a con? give me a break. this is not your NWM RRP people, stop being goofballs.


    A better question, why do you care???


    Ive been in the comic book collecting hobby for three decades. Im interested, and care about every aspect of it.


    Is that ok with you?

  5. I knew I would get these generalized responses, that people throw at all books that are stupid hot.


    This book is different however. Its 3 months after the first issue came out. I again ask you, why the would you buy this at more than $5. Its a limited reprint, who cares. If I wasnt too lazy I could show you multiple " Hot" books that have very limited reprints that sell for cover or less.... cause WHO CARES.


    Saga is one example. Different colored covers for reprints.


    This one is different because its a special reprint at a con? give me a break. this is not your NWM RRP people, stop being goofballs.

  6. Forgive me if Im being nieve or uniformed....


    Why are these late released "variants" being considered so collectible?


    I do not understand how a book that was released 2-3 months ago like NWM # 1 just now gets a variant and people look at it the same way as many of the 1:50 or 1:100 variants that get released on the same day as the regular version.


    Is this not just a glorified second print or third or 4th print? If the indicia does not mention its a later print, that is plain deceitful IMHO. Unless they were printed months ago, which I HIGHLY doubt.


    I understand the modern market is crazy right now, I understand this book was limited to 500. So what? Many REPRINTS have lower print runs.


    Unless I am missing something, Im having a hard time understanding why people on these boards would care for something like this. Well, maybe since the member count has doubled in the last year that would explain it....


    I just dont get it.....


    Next thing your gonna tell me is that there will be a 2013 SDCC variant of NWM # 1 limited to 300 and selling for $200.. and issue # 7 will be on the stands...... Thats retarded.


    RRP's are generally put out before release...most 1st print variants are put out the same month, most of which the same day.


    Someone explain to me why this is collectible. Tell me why YOU want a CGC SS 9.8 of this book, because I dont get it. I want to understand.



  7. >>"it doesn't matter. If it has stress marks or not its still worth $3.50."<<<


    Diamonds terms of sale are sale-able condition, Not grade-able.


    I get in thousands of comics a week.

    25%+ have stress marks.

    New comics always have & always will.


    That's also why 9.6 up sell for a premium.


    Stress mark comics are indeed worth cover price.



    While this is all very true Larry, I'm confident that you know your customers and some want the best books possible and im sure you pull accordingly. You might have one customer that has two copies of everything on his pull list and you try to give him a NM+ or better copy and a " reader" with stress, because that is what he requests. And obviously you know this is good business.


    Whatever is left over hits the shelves and are cover price books obviously, but im sure if you are well stocked you may give a little off for some damage? or am I off base here? Would you rather sell a $3.50 book for $3.25 or even $3.00, or let it hit your $ bins later? There should be some wiggle room. At least on well stocked books that are soon to be pulled from the shelve and put in a box.


    I guess JL's situation was slightly different as it was a new # 1 book, however, in general I would assume you may have some room to work with people?

  8. It'll be interesting to see what happens with the 3rd. There's 5 times as many copies than the 2nd but if the 2nd starts to get out of reach - which it probably will for a lot fans - the 3rd might start becoming a little more desirable.


    The comic book market is fascinating :headbang:


    All this has been happening the last few months. HG 2nd and 3rd prints are going for 3- 5x what they did a year ago, even 6 months ago.

  9. Marvel Preview #7 is the Rocket Raccoon book to have.


    It's the true first appearance and talk about tough. 0 in 9.8, 1 in 9.6, 0 in 9.4.


    Only a total of 9 copies on the census.



    Please forgive me if I sound mean.


    Talk about tough?


    This is a magazine, CGC didnt start grading them until a few years ago. These were all considered drek for the past 30 years. Good stories in some? sure.... but value wise, next to nothing.


    Why are people using the census in this way? There are plenty of drek books out there that have low, or even NO census. Does that make them tough? No, it makes them books nobody cared about.


    There is TONS of this book in existance, most are probably in a few select places, and these people who have them will ever so slowly let them out so they dont ruin the newfound value. Honestly, this can be said for nearly every bronze and copper age book/magazine.

  10. In order by publication date:


    Amazing Heroes # 39 January 1984 ( preview book )


    Marvel Age # 12 March 1984 ( preview book )


    Marvel Team-up # 141 May 1984


    Amazing Spider-man # 252 May 1984


    Spectacular Spider-man # 90 May 1984: ( this book does not get much credit because he isnt in the black costume on the cover, and only appears in it, on the last page ).


    Secret Wars # 8 December 1984 ( publication date is way far past these books, however the story takes place " before" them in marvel continuity )


    Im sure someone could comment on which week the May issues were released, and we could get a definate answer on which one was first.

  11. Someone was charging ludicrous amounts of money for a #1 2nd print as the real limited edition Thought Bubble issue

    Still happening


    Already got away with it


    Just wrong... absolutely WRONG - Hope NEGATIVE feedback happens



    It's actually the same seller with the "rare" direct sales Death of the Family variants w/o a cover.


    Not sure if I should be surprised.


    About 20 listings down. Also interesting how the real variant (sketch) went for a fraction of the fakes.




    Scroll further down and you will see a Mcfarlane Spiderman # 1 gold 2nd print that sold for $32.00 WTF....?

  12. The Ditko variant is a $700 book right now

    I still can't understand how these variants were sold for only 80$ at MCS ( link).


    I think MCS has a set price when it comes to variants, depending on the ratio. A new release variant book that is 1:200 runs $100 in 9.8 and they lower the price per grade point, based on the condition they recieved the book ( hence the $80 9.2).


    Personally I think its commendable that a large retailer would have set prices for variants so they can reap some of the rewards ( they pay cover price for these books after all ) and not completely screwing over customers.


    The only problem I see is that they put these books for sale to the first person to hit buy. I think they should offer them to loyal customers that have had pull lists with them for years first, then the general public. Just my 2c

  13. Ian's thread is a treasure trove of images!


    Here's the Remco Warlord book - apparently this is the only one anyone's ever seen, as it is supposed to not exist. This might be the winner.




    Was this the winner? (shrug) How does one price a book like this?


    Any way one wants.

    lol pretty much.

    Supply is very small. How is demand for this comic?


    Isn't there only one known copy? Is this still true, donut?




    I find it very interesting that you brought this book back into the discussion.


    You are eluding to having a copy, with the couple of Emotes youve done, but not showing it.


    The reason I am curious about this, is because I missed a copy of this remco Warlord promo that came up for sale on 12/17/12. I wont say from where but it was online. It was very underpriced for how rare this book is.


    So either you have one, and this book I saw was a different copy, making it at least 3 known copies. Or the book I saw was the same one you got, and the reason you are not showing it yet, is because you havnt received it yet? hm


    I just find the timeing pretty interesting. Stranger things have happened though (shrug)


    You DARE question the Warlord? :sumo:


    I do! :fear: Maily because he brought the talk of this book back to life 12 hours before the one I missed came up for sale. I guess my conspiracy theory brain wants to think he has someone on the inside that told him it was coming up for sale, and at the strangest of times of day ( which is why I missed it ).


    Better yet, maybe he IS the insider, set up the odd time to put it up for sale, and then bought it... :gossip:


    Seriously tho, it's just really strange. Warlord has prolly had that book for a while, and his timing of the post was just conicidence. Ive learned to never close a door completely however.

  14. Ian's thread is a treasure trove of images!


    Here's the Remco Warlord book - apparently this is the only one anyone's ever seen, as it is supposed to not exist. This might be the winner.




    Was this the winner? (shrug) How does one price a book like this?


    Any way one wants.

    lol pretty much.

    Supply is very small. How is demand for this comic?


    Isn't there only one known copy? Is this still true, donut?




    I find it very interesting that you brought this book back into the discussion.


    You are eluding to having a copy, with the couple of Emotes youve done, but not showing it.


    The reason I am curious about this, is because I missed a copy of this remco Warlord promo that came up for sale on 12/17/12. I wont say from where but it was online. It was very underpriced for how rare this book is.


    So either you have one, and this book I saw was a different copy, making it at least 3 known copies. Or the book I saw was the same one you got, and the reason you are not showing it yet, is because you havnt received it yet? hm


    I just find the timeing pretty interesting. Stranger things have happened though (shrug)

  15. :sorry: but thanks


    I sell them for $29.95 all day long. They are really not worth much.


    By the way, if you get the wrong buyer who does not know how to clean the system and games; expect returns. I tend to avoid NES systems altogether and just focus on the games. I part out the systems to other dealers and still make the same amount of money usually.


    Kind Regards,




    PS: I am a video game dealer on eBay and beyond!


    I actually learned a little trick just a couple of weeks ago. If you pop a game in and get the infamous blue screen, wiggle the game towards you so that the top of the cartridge is butted against the inside front of the console. Hit the reset button and voila the game works just fine. (thumbs u


    I don't know if you know who I am but I am a major video game dealer and have been collecting for decades. I appreciate the advice, but my point was simply to get the original poster to understand that selling these on ebay does come with a lot of risks. I sell mine as is; and normally like to sell to other dealers (who will put a new 72-pin connector in them and then resell them) or enthusiasts who know what they are doing. Nothing against you, but I do about $4,000 in sales in video game sales alone (in a good month; not every month).


    I also specialize in the ultra rare stuff. I sold two copies of NES World Championship Gold cartrdiges in the last three to five years and two copies of Stadium Events as well.


    Right now I just sold off a massive amount of RARE Sega Saturn games and Atari 2600 games I won at auction.


    If you are looking for games, let me know.


    Kind Regards,






    How dare you tell me how to blow into a NES cartridge and wiggle it to make it work! Ive been on the cover of Time, Newsweek, and People! Hell , I sold the President his Xbox! DONT YOU KNOW WHO I AM??!!!




    I really mean no offense MINT, I just couldnt help myself.

  16. Just got this back from the frame shop, and I am very pleased.


    My good friend Bruce Ingram did this work back in 1992, when he was 17. He dabbled in comics for a while doing a few independent comics, before starting full time as a book illustrater, he is now working as a Digital Artist and has high hopes in joining Pixar!


    I liked the Mcfarlane Torment storyline and asked him to use some characters from it. Hence Calypso and The Lizard. I think he changed up Spider-man's uniform a bit as well ( he always said that he liked putting his own spin on things)


    I did not take care of this piece like I should have and figured I would get it framed before it was too late.



