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Posts posted by Silverdream

  1. SO...


    MOS 18 is really tanking in 9.8 huh... hm


    Happens all the time with comics that are plentiful -- and plentiful in high grade.


    Someone notices the graded copies are selling for a nice profit (considering one could buy them raw for $3-$5 and get them graded for $25 or so).


    Then the number of census copies go up and the price comes down.


    Some saturation going on with 18. That said, it appears that folks are a bit more driven currently to collect the "cameo" in 17 vs. the first full appearance in 18. Same thing is happening with the unofficial first appearance of Constantine.

    I believe you'll see another bump in both issues as soon as there's another announcement related to Doomsday (which is inevitable).

    Also: There may be elevated prices for a "newstand" edition vs. a "direct" edition. They're more rare in high grade and apparently more desirable.


    Much ado about nothing. #17 has always out-priced #18. It will eventually turn around for good. Hold your 18s and stick to your guns. Sell your 17s while the gettin' is good. ;)


    What will be the catalyst that sees 18 replace 17 as the "one to own"?


    Considering there are still full sealed cases of MoS 18 floating around, I dont know how high it can go long term. As little as a few months ago a sealed case of 200 copies was sold on ebay for just over $1,000. Hard to say how they look inside, but... thats a lot of copies either way. The problem for MoS 18 will always be the print run vs 17. Heck every collection I have ever purchased either had one copy of 17 and multiples of 18, or start ant 18 with multiples. Its still a superman book from the 90's ( Mos 17) so the print run is pretty large, but 18 was hoarded.

  2. So I have a Direct edition of this Quasar Special # 1


    Being that most direct order stores already had Qusar # 32 on a monthly order list, most probably did not bother ordering the Special # 1 direct, if they knew it was the same thing. Which would explain why Ive never seen it until today. Prolly a lot less floating around that the others. Ah well. So we have like 3 different books that have the first app of Korath? ugh.


    Thanks for all the info guys, especially RMA. I guess the reason I didnt want to beleive it, was it made absolutely no sense. Note to self.... that doesnt matter with comics!


    A humbled man I am!

  3. This is what someone on the Marvel Masterworks forum had to say about it and it makes as much sense as any other explanation to me.


    "At the time of Operation Galactic Storm, nearly all of the titles were available on the newsstand. Quasar, however, was not. So Marvel put out the OGS issues of Quasar for the newsstand. Presumably to make them more attractive to the newsstand retailers, they wanted to number the issues starting with #1 instead of #32. So they marked the newsstand version as #1 and called it "Quasar Special" or some such in the solicits for the returnable market. I don't know if the indicia was different between the two versions or not, it's entirely possible that they were the same. (I got my copies from the direct market at the time.)"


    Sounds like a reasonable explanation actually. Almost makes me put a foot in my mouth. Hmm. So a newstand copy in existance of Quasar 30-31 would destroy this explanation basically, right?


    http://www.ebay.com/itm/QUASAR-Vol-1-No-35-Date-06-1992-MARVEL-Comics-With-Bar-Code-Cover-/330728178720?pt=UK_Books_Comics_Magazines_US_Comics_ET&hash=item4d00ef8420&nma=true&si=oJMYb2sh%252Bm98XUyXwq9%252FJ505LGc%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Here is a copy of 35 newstand numbered properly, doesnt help much here tho.

  4. You may change your mind about it being an error when you look at this link. http://marvel.wikia.com/Quasar_Special_Vol_1_2 :whistle:


    As I stated in my OP, all issues 32-34 have different issue numbers for newstand editions.


    After looking at the links you provided, I just see these as some guy in charge of the marvel wiki trying to figure out what to do with them. They were never special editions, they were on all newstands editions numbered this way. Just as issue 31 and 35 have newstand editions, but numbered correctly.


    The only thing that would make sense would be intentionally numbering them 1-3 to try and gain sales. That just opens up more questions however. Why only these issues of Quasar and no other marvel books from these months? Why would they do this in the middle of a crossover story that was sure to confuse any readers picking this up as a number 1?


    I still think they are errors, which seems odd for 3 seperate printings ( 3 different issues). I just think someone in charge confused the three issues of Quasar involved in Operation Galactic Storm as part 1, 2, and 3 ( Of the 3 issues Quasar was involved in the crossover.) If that makes sense. I realize Galactic storm part 3 was Quasar 32, but Quasar 32 for the editors of the book was part 1 of their involvment of Galactic Storm.... make sense?

  5. While I can see it being meant to show # 1, I still beleive it was an error. Im thinking the people working on Marvel WIKI didnt know what to do with it, and listed it differently. Better that than guess.. or even admit to an error! Even it is was meant to be that way... I dont get it. Its a book in the middle of a crossover event... would be hard to pick up and read alone.

  6. Quasar 32... So this book is probably considered modern, but its in the fringe area people like to argue about copper vs. modern and this is the best forum to ask these questions, so here it is.


    Quasar 32 is the first app of Korath and its a minor key book in my mind. Nothing spectacular, but well above a common issue. This run of Quasar 32-34 is an operation Galactic Storm Crossover.


    These books also has a Newstand editions that are numbered 1,2 and 3. I'm pretty sure they were errors and not meant to be that way. Every Newstand edition I have seen is marked # 1 and every Direct edition I have ever seen is marked # 32... until today. I was flipping through a 50cent bin and came across a Direct edtion ( with spidey swinging ) no UPC, Quasar # 32 marked as # 1.


    So my question is, does anyone here know the full story about these books? RMA? anyone? I have no clue.

  7. I don't follow modern books but is livewire hot now in new books? or is this book hot only on the hope shes the next Harley?

    anyone know the print run?



    It's low 11,000 I think


    26,287, and remember that's the Diamond number.


    Thanks for this info. That's a very modest print run. It's also a comic marketed towards an age group that likely isn't too concerned with condition or preservation. I suspect it's harder to get a 9.8 that most comics from it's era. Sounds like a true collectible to me.


    Obviously there has been a lot of talk about Superman Adventures 5, and while the print run is modest, being an adventures book, I would have assumed it was closer to 10k, but its looking closer to 30k. That being said, Ween is right about the condition thing. While there will be plenty of NM books, there are a lot of ragged out and thrown away copies of this book too, making it harder to find in NM+ than the print run suggests.


    As far as it being a " true" collectible.... meh. To me a true collectible needs to have staying power ( meaning value ). The market has already been flooded with this book and the demand couldnt sustain increase in suppy and didnt hold or move up, it went down a bit. I think it will get stable in the $ 30-40 range in NM for the short term, but DC will really have to push this character for it to have long term "true " collectibility. If they introduce her to the new 52 and then seldomly use her over the next 5 years this book will fall to $10 in that time or less.


    There have been so many... COUNTLESS books that have gotten hot from 1990- now and were in the $25-100 range and then fell off for countless reasons. I wouldnt stake my reputation on calling this a true collectible yet. Even if you are right in hindsight years later, its too far a leap now, its a guess, you dont know what DC will do.

  8. The DC Universe books aren't reprints, unless they are second or later printings.


    The earliest ones are reprints (GL #36, for example), but most of them were printed at the same time, for the multi-packs and collector's packs.


    When the crossover from UPC box art to "Direct Edition" occurred in late 1993, DC wisely remembered the problems Whitman had had over a decade earlier, and chose "DC Universe" instead of having a UPC code on the cover which might inadvertently get scanned.


    Not reprints, how so? They are simply a comic with a different logo where the UPC or direct image would be placed. As far as I know there were no DC Universes only comics.


    As RMA implied, "reprints" are reprinted at a later date.


    This was always my assumption as well, that they are first prints, not reprints.


    Yall got me thinking however. Do all of these collectors packs have books from the same month? Would DC really sit on thousands of books for months on end just to ge the right grouping together put them in collectors packs? I am honestly ignorant on this subject atm, so Im just throwing thoughts and questions out there.

  9. Justice league Adventures 13 (First All Star) no copies remaining, and only ones left are in full sets. I was able to score a nice grade at the LCS and this will be the next Livewire with DC introducing her to 52 this year.


    I can't tell if this post is supposed to be serious or a joke.


    Quite certain he is serious. Most copies online have been gobbled up.


    DC is about to go on a rampage introducing new female characters to thier new 52 because.... they sell comics.


    With all the speculation going around these days, I dont see how you couldnt understand.


    Nobody wants to miss out on the next Harley... prices will increase and spike and then settle until people see how these characters are used.


    It doesnt have to make sense, other than understanding the common thought that :" hey this book could be worth Harley type money later on, I want one and im willing to pay $20, 30, or even 50 bucks just in case"


    It may seem silly, but that is whats going on.

  10. :shrug: anybody know why this book commands this price? There is/was a VF copy listed on MCS for over $20.


    The copy on MCS is a consignment, seems crazy at first, but then that NM copy sells for $50 so it doesnt seem too out of line. Completed sales on ebay and MCS consistantly show this book in the $10-20 range.... Looks like a Dollar box book to me... so yeah.. whats up with it?

  11. Looks like Jae Lee's art, maybe it's first work or something? (shrug)


    I have been watching this book sell in the $10-30 range for a few years, I cannot figure out why. Its gotta be a shorter print run, becuase they are not found easily, but when you do find them, they are in 50 and dollar boxes.


    Any, anywhere that can tell us whats up with this book?



    Your " I'm nostradamus" attitude towards every comic that gets hot is getting quite old.


    Almost every single book that you talk about was hot sometime in the past. This book was hot the day it was published for the same reason its getting hot today, its a first appearance. Big whoop. " I saw this coming" Yeah me too buddy, thats why I bought 10 copies the day they were released.... 20 freaking years ago.... You're a little late bub.


    Considering there are what.. about a million copies of this book out there, if it continues this pricing in 9.8 it will go down after mass submissions and stabalize around $75. Simply too many copies out there in high grade. Supply in 9.8 is currently lower than it should be, that explains the price.




    Someone needs to say it.



    So it might as well be you? doh!


    Sure, why not? I feel a certain way and I let it be known, im not one to hide that. Im just trying to let you know, it is honestly getting old.


    I truley appreciate your contributions to the forum, but your egotistical comments about how you KNEW this or that so LONG ago and trying to convey some type of superiority of picking books is laughable at first and then gets really annoying. Im just one person, maybe I'm wrong. I just felt I should say something.


    If I came across, or still come across as being mean or rude, I appoligize. Im not one to walk on eggshells.


    1) I don't care how you feel


    2) I'll say what I want and I don't see you contributing anything to the boards, never said the books I pick are going to make everyone rich, really isn't much out there to begin with


    3) see #1



    You not careing how I feel has no bearing on whether or not I express myself. You can claim what you want, but the fact is, you are spending a lot of time responding for someone who doesnt care.


    I dont believe people getting rich off your " picks" was ever a complaint I made. I beleive my post was about how unoriginal your picks are, and then claiming " you picked them first" Or " Long ago" Implying you thought of it first, when in fact all ( most?) of your picks are re-treaded, or even so obvious it's absurd.


    Fact is, you are right, Xmen Vol 2 # 4 is heating up on ebay in 9.8. It's been going for $65-75 and seems to be heading toward the $85-100 average, at least until more 9.8s become available. The problem I have is how you post it: I told you, I knew it, i called it, I picked it.... ages ago... long ago..i'm the man! It's annoying.


    I wont take away from this thread anymore, ive said all that needs to be said on this subject.




    Your " I'm nostradamus" attitude towards every comic that gets hot is getting quite old.


    Almost every single book that you talk about was hot sometime in the past. This book was hot the day it was published for the same reason its getting hot today, its a first appearance. Big whoop. " I saw this coming" Yeah me too buddy, thats why I bought 10 copies the day they were released.... 20 freaking years ago.... You're a little late bub.


    Considering there are what.. about a million copies of this book out there, if it continues this pricing in 9.8 it will go down after mass submissions and stabalize around $75. Simply too many copies out there in high grade. Supply in 9.8 is currently lower than it should be, that explains the price.




    Someone needs to say it.



    So it might as well be you? doh!


    Sure, why not? I feel a certain way and I let it be known, im not one to hide that. Im just trying to let you know, it is honestly getting old.


    I truley appreciate your contributions to the forum, but your egotistical comments about how you KNEW this or that so LONG ago and trying to convey some type of superiority of picking books is laughable at first and then gets really annoying. Im just one person, maybe I'm wrong. I just felt I should say something.


    If I came across, or still come across as being mean or rude, I appoligize. Im not one to walk on eggshells.



    Your " I'm nostradamus" attitude towards every comic that gets hot is getting quite old.


    Almost every single book that you talk about was hot sometime in the past. This book was hot the day it was published for the same reason its getting hot today, its a first appearance. Big whoop. " I saw this coming" Yeah me too buddy, thats why I bought 10 copies the day they were released.... 20 freaking years ago.... You're a little late bub.


    Considering there are what.. about a million copies of this book out there, if it continues this pricing in 9.8 it will go down after mass submissions and stabalize around $75. Simply too many copies out there in high grade. Supply in 9.8 is currently lower than it should be, that explains the price.




    Someone needs to say it.


    " Predicting " Omega Men # 3 ? Seriously? That was discussed years ago here. It will heat up heavy if anything happens with Lobo, coming back around and repeating it because its been quiet doesnt make it an original idea or thought. Heck, you can mention any first appearance and be right about it. First appearances in general have been steadily rising in price over the past few years, simply due to speculation and people not wanting to miss the boat.



    Your " I'm nostradamus" attitude towards every comic that gets hot is getting quite old.


    Almost every single book that you talk about was hot sometime in the past. This book was hot the day it was published for the same reason its getting hot today, its a first appearance. Big whoop. " I saw this coming" Yeah me too buddy, thats why I bought 10 copies the day they were released.... 20 freaking years ago.... You're a little late bub.


    Considering there are what.. about a million copies of this book out there, if it continues this pricing in 9.8 it will go down after mass submissions and stabalize around $75. Simply too many copies out there in high grade. Supply in 9.8 is currently lower than it should be, that explains the price.


    Jef Hinds was smart enough to slab dozens of his and has been providing them in the $60 range for a few years. His sales account for almost 70% of the sales of this book in cgc 9.8 on ebay. This auction that went for over $100 was his too. There are longboxes of this book out there. Thats why there are not that many slabbed, it wasnt worth the grading fees, even in 9.8.

  16. Does Daredevil #7 create the softest 9.4s in the hobby? The Western Penn is a soft 9.4 and the book Doug has listed doesn't look much better.


    I won't argue that the Twin Cities should be a 9.4, but if you laid the three of them out side by side, the Twin Cities would stand out.




    Yes, I would say so.

    From the ones I've seen clear scans of or actually got to see or hold.

    That cover with its different shades/hues of blues and purple is brutal on any breaks in the cover. Spine tics are especially so magnified and pronounced against it. Like fricken beacons!!


    The Twin Cities does look like a very strong 9.2. I wonder what the grader's notes state why it was held down.


    One of the prettiest (best presenting) 9.4s I've seen is Rube's.

    I don't know if he still owns it or had to end up selling it.

    I've never seen it in person, but unless the scan was magical....it is a very, very nice looking 9.4. Personally I think one of the best out there.


    Roy had (brought to market) the only other 9.4 imho that was as pretty if not more so than Rube's. It was so purdy!! I had to pass on it at the time - don't know who owns it now, but it presented like a bute!!



    While I understand the a general comic collector's thinking of dark colored covers being harder in high grades because of visible color breaks seen with the naked eye, I never understood the concept of dark colors affecting a CGC grade. I always thought they ( CGC ) looked at the books with magnification and even if a cover color is white, they will still see the color breaks under magnification, which is a technical issue with the book and downgraded all the same. I didnt realize cgc took an aesthetic approach to dark color books, I thought it was all technical.


    A simple way to think if this..


    If you have a copy of Daredevil # 7 with a blue color cover ( as it does ) and it has 3 color breaking spine ticks, do those color breaks no longer exist on the exact same book if it had a white or lighter color instead?


    Ive always wondered about this, when it comes to CGC.


    I understand why, and even myself tend to look at dark color books differently ( because we can see the problems right off )

  17. you can get over $8 each for EoW #1s from My Comicshop and they'll buy all you have.


    Yep. It's gone from way overhyped to great story to picking up a few readers. I know the print run is going down but there seems to be more chatter about this book on other sites though a lot less than previous on this one excluding us diehards. lol


    Garf and a few others called it on this one.


    actually that's for 9.4..9.6 is $10+ ea....going to send a few in and see what happens.


    Let us know how they grade. I buy lots of stuff from them and when they say NM its NM but I've never purchased anything they've had advertised above NM


    You'll be surprised when they evaluate your NM and NM+ copies. If you are really send in, please update the results. My NM/NM+ never matched with their NM/NM+ on books over $5 (modern).


    Well then they're lowballing...I can almost guarantee I would get 9.8 from these at CGC...so if they go lower than a 9.6 then they have a problem. If they're that wacky when grading maybe i'll reconsider and just hang on to them.


    MCS does not lowball, they are just tight graders on Numeric graded books. If they buy something from you and grade it a 9.0, they sell it as a 9.0 you can even see the book hit their new in stock page a few weeks later if you watch hard enough..


    CGC is what's changing. They have loosened up. A lot of the 9.8's today would be 9.6's and 9.4's or lower a decade ago. I dont see anything wrong with tight grading, other than if I can get more $ for my book elsewhere, then I will, as I suggest you do.

  18. That when you buy from them, you may or may not get NM+ books for their NM+ price, but when you sell them your NM+ books, they won't appraise them as NM+






    MCS has been the same for over a decade.


    They are tight graders on anything valued over $10. Ive gotten CGC 9.6's from their 8.5's. Ive also sold them surefire CGC 9.6's raw and they have graded them 8.0-9.0, which is actually quite consistant.



    Its their under $8 books that only have letter grades and no numeric grade assigned where it gets.... random. Ive bought $4 NM's that have come to me as 9.8's and ive purchased $4 NM's that have come to me as fines. They are inconsistant in this iventory type.. I imagine a lot of it has to do with storage wear as I dont think these lower dollar books are bagged or boarded.


  19. Here are some more of my predictions for the next 5 years!


    Omega Men 3 (get'em while they are still cheap)


    I didnt know if youre serious about these or not. I literally have a box full of 9.8 raws, probably 30-40. I picked em up for chump change so maybe I'll hold on to em for a bit instead of selling them now.


    I think a lot of those books Kevin mentioned have a ceiling due to print runs. Batman 497 for example must have a gazillion copies...


    Hulk 181 has a ceiling. Print runs don't really matter, but Batman getting his back broken? That's a key book. Yes I am serious about this list otherwise I wouldn't have posted it. It's also 90's nostalgia.


    A lot of you guys have a hard time wrapping your head around high priced copper/early modern age books.


    Print runs do matter. The fact is, it takes a lot for most people to go digging to find and sell theirs, and I would venture that most do not pay attention as closely as we do here. I have over 200 NM copies of Bats 497 and that is by accident. I could kill any kind of price increase for over a month if I decided to, and Im one person. Smart dealers are now holding onto their hoards tighter as well. Why would they flood the market and kill the value? You may see an increase in even the highest printed books, but that doesnt mean its justified. It means someone who doesnt have the book, doesnt care about saving $5 to find a comic store with a .50 or $1 bin.


    Any book with a print run over 500k or so will have problems picking up steam. Yes there will be an exception here and there, but those exceptions will almost certainly be closer to the 400-600k print run area than the 700k+ runs.


    Price is always affected by supply and demand ( a ceiling normally occurs when there is either enough supply to stablilze a price point or, the supply is limited enough the price climbs to a point where only a few can afford it) WD is a good example. Tiny print run, one of the most popular comics related properties ever. It should be worth more, but average people cannot afford it. The demand is lowered because even though MANY people want WD#1 they cannot afford it, so they cannot create the demand by purchasing it, even though they would if they could.


    The problem with 80's and early 90's books getting hot is, while the massive supply is known, it is not readily availible. Long boxes are sitting in storage units and back of stores all over the country with hundreds of copies of some of these books. I am not saying a book with a 500K print run cannot increase in value, what im saying is a book with that type of print run can inflate in price due to artificially low supply, that WILL correct itself over time, and that timeframe could be a week or a year.


    Understand that I am not talking about books like NM 98 that had Print runs closer to the 200k area. Also, please do not compare a bronze age mega key, with decades of interest behind it, to copper or moderns increases in value because of movie news. As ive said, we first must see what happens when the full supply is realized, that only happens when people have the incentive to go find them.






  20. I sense tomfoolery here. Or maybe it was re-listed.


    Pretty sure its legit. The guy who sold this book is a regular in the modern forum.


    This book has a lot of similarities to Batman adventures 12 and nobody wants to miss out, in case this one blows up too. Its not the same thing, as its not a batman villian, but everything else just screems BA12.

  21. What's the first appearance if it's not that?


    UXM 201


    What's that? When he was a baby? Retcons don't count.


    I am confused, why would his first apperance in comics not mean something?


    Nathan Summers first appeared in Uncanny Xmen # 201. This is his first appearance, period. Just because he is a baby and isnt running around with 100 liefeld guns doesnt mean it doesnt count.


    Retcon? I think you are confused with what that word means. Nobody changed anything about what happened to Baby Nathan, they continued his story. He was sent to the future so he wouldnt die, and then came back as an adult who called himself Cable. There is no Retcon here. Uncanny X-men 201 is the first apperance of Nathan Summers, who becomes Cable.



    If Avengers 181 is important as the first apperance of Scott Lang ( Antman 2 ).....


    If Marvel Super Heroes 13 is important for being the first appearance of Carrol Danvers ( Ms. Marvel )



    and so on...



    Then Uncanny X-men # 201 must be important for being the first appearance of Nathan Summers.



  22. Not my image, but:




    This is not the whole last page however.


    As far as his appearance in the story, he is on the final page, face shadowed and only the right side of his body ( sitting down ) is shown.


    Then this teaser is directly below it.


    It's still a cameo ( if we are still calling it that )