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Everything posted by Overthetopinc

  1. Mmeely man how many deals have you done with Mike? If so what were they like. Have you ever run a business? 98% perfect business with 2% that challenges someone's ethical standards that don't even know the details of the actual charges they are making doesn't seem right. Are you claiming you have never done something in your life that could be seen as morally wrong? Let me tell ya something. By not knowing the details and not calling Mike personally to ask him and spending a week slandering him to the point of people sharing innuendo about Mike like Hitler and Bernie Madoff to me and a lot of people like me is morally wrong.
  2. Well at least I wont have to protest to get him off of Death Row. Mike is a great guy and a very trust worthy individual. Perhaps his business module for auctions are not to your liking but I can assure you if Mike says he is going to do something its as solid as it comes.
  3. Agreed but no matter how concentrated his projects may be he will never make the art he made in the 90's. It is period of time in the pages of art history never to be duplicated. I did think he did a good job on Hellblazer.
  4. Hello Koa, Interesting question. My honest opinion is not at all. Many artists have lost their touch as some people have pointed out in this thread. Now that is not to say that if you give Simon a enough cash or piece he really can get into you want get a very solid example but we all know he is not producing the same work as the pre-2000 era. I actually think it will be no different then when I talk to Wrightson collectors and they say bah to his 60's stuff and bah to most of his post 90 stuff. But cmon is anyone going to give a you know what about that stuff when they see a Frankenstein plate. The Biz tribe feels the same way. He could start doing stick figures for covers and it will never change what he accomplished from 1988-2000. You know don't forget what he accomplished. All British comicdom cloned his style within a year. Some still do it till this day. He went from painting motorcycles to being a rock star in less then two years. I have to chuckle to myself about how many people are walking around with Bisley paintings tattooed on them. I think if its good enough for people to wear on their bodies for life its good enough to assume he will always be respected as one of the greats by many. I know a lot of people on this message board are not to familiar with the Biz but let me tell ya I bought the shirt that says Biz tribe and its true. Their is a tribe of us out there and many of us think he is one of the most talented living artists today. His fan base is incredible. And Simon fly's all over the world only to go right to a convention and do sketches for free for fans. Never promotes anything. Always there sketching away. Great Guy..Great Personality....and one of the best damn artists that comicdom has ever known. Believe me there are many people all over the world who will agree whole heartedly with those sentiments. So will his reputation be ruined...?......Not at all. It will just make people appreciate the magic of his early period that much more. All artists either regress,change directions, or get redundant. Biz is not alone in this department. I just think he gets a lot of this kind of attention because he does a lot of work. Which is also why he doesn't do the best of pieces month in and month out. But he can still paint when he wants to. -Matthew
  5. Also something to consider is looking at a Biz on a computer screen and seeing one in the flesh are two different experiances. As for the Fallen Angel its amazing. In the pic you cant see all the lace threading in her garb. Even the piercings in her leg are skulls which one could overlook. It is very impressive in person and I am not just saying that because I own it,. A lot of pieces when seen in the flesh will knock your socks off.
  6. Biz is King. Credentials 1988-2000. After that hit or miss but never the same as from those years!
  7. Sorry you will have to copy and paste the links to see for yourself. I am not going to spend any more time on this as if some fool wants to his away his money you will find many takers.
  8. So Ivory Hunter sent me pics of 5 Frazettas for sale after he said he had only a couple. Then he sends me these pics...... FAKE FAKE FAKE REAL Now this one is real!!! BUT that's the only one he wont sell. Well why did he send it to me to look at. FAKE By the way if you dont think they are fakes you can have your pick of these for 450-900 each. If you buy more then one he will give a discount. Oh but that prelim is not for sale. BWAHHAAHAA. Only a fool would fall for this. Your Friendly Neighborhood Watchdog Matthew PS I didn't wonk the images he sent them to me like that.
  9. Warhorse..Sorry to break the news to ya but that Frazetta is a fake along with the other fakes he tried to sell me for peanuts. If you bought it you got bamboozled.
  10. Beware of this Frazetta seller... http://www.ebay.com/itm/141850531234?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Selling Fakes
  11. Also capullo is hotter then ever right now because of Bats so now is the best time to sell his work. =)
  12. The Wizard cover in HA went cheap. I know I wanted to bid on it and forgot about it. It was in one of those groups at the end of a whole auction. Basically where they put the stuff they dont think will do so well. I think it should have been included in the main event. The card art is small and very loosely drawn. That is a terrible example. You have a great page. Most anyone I know would ask at least 1500 for this page. Put it on ebay and find out. I would be surprised if it did more. You have a great shot of spawn,chapel,and tony twist with youngblood. The only think keeping this piece from being worth several thousand dollars is it is inked my Pennington. Good luck with the sale. There was a time I would have bought this from you in a heartbeat. thanks, Matthew
  13. Hello Guys and Gals, I just got a great painting in that I wanted to share with the board. Now its a bit unusual for this board as its not comic art although the artists are big fans. Its a fantastic hyper realism painting of a beautiful female eye. Please leave a comment if you so desire. I would love to hear what ya guys think Origins Oil Painting by Kit King thanks, Matthew
  14. sorry guys I think I took it the wrong way. Whenever people ask me about this hobby the first thing I say is how great the people are involved in it. I guess I am the one who came off as an here. I am just going to watch what I say more carefully for now on. No worries. Sorry for the interruption. Well if Greg is going to be selling his art I for one cant wait. When I bought that spawn book some years back it was the first spawn art he ever sold and said it was a big decision for him but I guess things might have changed. I am going to watch out for that site. I would love to get me some more spawnie art =)))))
  15. Interesting I wonder if he will sell any spawn stuff. Thanks for the clarification of cough. Unbelievable. I am done with these boards. Obviously this is where some people call home and I have offended some so I am going to stick to collecting and say goodbye to this place =)
  16. I would be very surprised if that website was for selling his original art. I doubt you will see much of if any of that. Probably more for promotion and blogging. I spend a lot of time on caf but not on message boards. What does *cough* mean?
  17. I feel Greg Capullo is an amazing talent. Couple years ago I was able to pick up a complete book from him from one of my favorite Spawn issues. Complete Spawn Issue by Greg Capullo and Todd Mcfarlane on CAF It cost a fortune but I am very happy with it. He is a great guy too! He is like Todd Mcfarlane in the sense that he keeps his art. He does not like to sell his art and when/if he does he wants a lot. He doesn't care if it sells or not. It's his price or no deal. thanks, Matthew
  18. Yes sir that is a David Kracov Pinky and the Brain hand made Checkers set. I dont recalll the exact number. It is written on the board and the way its positioned in my display makes for a pain in the to read it. I will see if I can get it for ya. Do you have one? They are great. Its my only checkers set. Everything else is chess. The Hollywood Looney Tunes chess set in the top shelf to the the left is also a Kracov Creation which was limited to 25. thanks, Matthew
  19. Just took these pics and shared them on another thread but maybe this one was more appropiate thanks, Matthew
  20. Hello Guys, Any chance anyone knows where the Todd Mcfarlane page from I beleive Spider-Man issue 9 is where Wolverine is holding a shotgun to a hunter and says now its time to meet your maker if he will take you. Great 3 panel page that was on ebay 10 years ago and was never able to find out where it went. Will pay a nice finders fee for any help in obtaining this piece. Also looking for Low Plains Drifter Heavy Metal cover and Judge Dredd vs Lobo cover by Simon Bisley. thanks, Matthew PS If anyone on the board has any vintage Bisley paintings off the grid please let me know as there are much more then those 2 that I am looking for. =)
  21. There is one of Greg Capullo's most famous piece being auctioned off at heritage. Its the cover of Spawn#39 santa spawn piece. http://comics.ha.com/c/item.zx?saleNo=7059&lotNo=92065