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Everything posted by BOOT

  1. When my kids were young we would read the Barks stories together. Barks' longer stories were great fun, but the 10-pagers were masterpieces of tight storytelling. "Omelette" was a great favorite and had us all laughing out loud, each time it came up in rotation.
  2. Here is another "Startling Facts...," this time with Stalin on the cover... There are two versions shown, one on newsprint, and one on slick coated cover stock.
  3. Here is a comic from the National Association of Manufacturers, one of a series of "Startling Facts About..."
  4. Here is a promotional Fact Sheet for How Stalin Hopes We Will Destroy America. Again, not my copy, but thought you might find this interesting.
  5. Here is an anti-Stalin booklet produced by the National Association of Manufacturers. Not my copy, but some scans I saved from an auction years ago...
  6. Have you ever heard of the Pyramid of Collecting? As your tastes get more refined, you climb towards the top? Mr. B is in a helicopter hovering overhead of the pyramid, looking down... Jiminy, these are museum pieces...
  7. Some people say that Lulus and some other GA comics like Captain Marvel aren't doing well in the marketplace, but I regularly get outbid on them...
  8. Nah, mea culpa. George Pflaum published Treasure Chest. He was inspired by Topix, which was published by the Guild. Here's a short explanation of their publishing history...
  9. Always loved this cover. Not only that the cows would have their own queen with a crown, but also that they would have a radio station to broadcast about it...
  10. Great story, thanks for sharing it! Sounds like long-term fly fishing!
  11. +1 Would love to hear how you found it "in the wild"!
  12. Kellogg's teamed with Structo toys to promote their character "Bobby" inside cereal boxes. Looks like the great Kurt S...
  13. Untouchables comics from 1962 that were in bubble gum packs. Some say Leaf gum, some say Topps. Mylars are E. Gerber postcard sizes. MYLAR
  14. I have seen a couple of those singly but never saw the whole set. What a great set to see together! Beautiful comics!
  15. These were produced by Vital/Wm. C. Popper. Don't know if Ater actually had anything to do with them or if he just had some copies of them. Wouldn't call Ater the father of giveaways. I think that title would belong to Outcault, with his avalanche of Buster Brown giveaways. Or maybe even A.B. Frost, whose "Bull Calf" had at least three different versions as giveaways in the 1890s. BTW, you may have already seen this, but here is a great article about Ater and Commercial Comics. There are a couple mistakes in there, too, like saying his Truman comic was the first political comic, but it's a fascinating read.