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Posts posted by Coverdeath

  1. On 9/18/2024 at 1:38 PM, Semicentennial said:

    No, I didn't say you tried to secretly improve your books.  I asked you in your sales thread if the books were trimmed since you didn't disclose it in your thread.

    This is what you said in your current thread for your JLA #1 sales, "The book could be considered as trimmed (I cutted the top corner, and the missing pieces on the back, also the corner on the inside)."  I asked you in your previous thread about the bottom right corner on the cover.  It looks trimmed to me, but you said it wasn't.  

    idiot jla.jpg

    The image below is from your current sales thread.  Sure looks like something is missing in that corner that was previously there.





    Not even noticed this little piece on the bottom before you speak of it, i can assure you that if an inch of it disappeared it has fallen but never been cut.

  2. On 9/18/2024 at 12:57 PM, Semicentennial said:

    This is what you wrote. 

    I wanted to improve it to my eyes and my eyes only, I always knew that it will look worse for everyone else, but for me it was better. At the time I did it I never planned to sell the book and now that I'm selling it people tell me that it's a technique to improve the book...

    Oh my god I'm just so tired... I never say that people told me to do it to improve the book... I say that people told me after that I done it that they tought I done it to improve my book and get a better price... if you read the first part of the message its just so logic to get it... the worse is that you r one of these guys, you obviously said that I tried to secretly improve my book when I done it just for myself...

  3. On 9/18/2024 at 1:49 AM, Semicentennial said:

    The main reason this issue is popping up isn't because of what the OP is doing to his books.  It's because he was posting his books for sale without disclosing the trimmings he did on the cover until after he was called out on it.  What makes it worse is that he claims someone told him if he is going to sell the book to trim the book so that it could look better.  I'm fine if he wants to cut his book into confetti.  I honestly don't care what he does with it since he earned the money to buy the book, but when he is manipulating the book so that it looks better than it actually was, plus offering no refunds on the purchase, without disclosing any of the work he did on it then that doesn't sit well with me.  

    Someone told me? Maybe you could show where I mentioned something as mad as that? 

  4. A sad point is that i guess some of the things I do would be considered as artistic project like when I'm cooking everyday...



    ...when other would be considered as destroying like when im cutting corner of my books.

    The reality is that in all the things i do I have absolutely no specific intention... I just have a deep need of making the things looking perfect and coherent to my eyes...

    Just like a tunnel vision... focusing on things that doesn't matter... 

  5. On 9/17/2024 at 4:08 PM, wardevil0 said:

    I guess I misinterpreted this picture:



    When considered with this thread:

    Apparently the upper photo is just a template to make sure the corners are all cut uniformly, I apologize for this error.  Otherwise, the posting history is all there, except for the posts edited to be blank.  A Justice League of America 1 bought six months ago in 3.0/3.5 condition was intentionally and publicly damaged to be a 0.5/NG before being offered for sale at least three times.

    People can buy and read and collect and slab whatever they want to.  Be involved and interested in whatever you like, but permanent damage has been done for temporary enjoyment.

    This white corner have been cuted from a backing board with specific dimensions and have been used to trace line on the book before cutting the corners. 

    Notice that some damage were involuntary caused by handling, the cover were not firmly attached and after several enjoyment to turn the pages of this book, it finally loose. 

    After this my hope to get just a bit of my money back in reselling it and bought a coverless were lost. 

  6. On 9/17/2024 at 3:52 PM, themagicrobot said:

    Here is a brief interlude from all the drama.

    Hey JLA number 1 is a great comic. I prefer it to Brave and the Bold 28,29 or 30. There is a recent facsimile available. Notice the bottom of the cover has more artwork than the original. And the title in the box has moved slightly. Is this a deliberate decision to differentiate between new and old to avoid people passing off reprints as originals? 




    Yes, for me it's also the JLA book, since the beginning it was my graail rather than B&B28, if you r looking for investment it's different but for the story I also think it's a better book.

    I never pretted attention to where the title was on this reprint, it look really weird... 

  7. On 9/17/2024 at 2:52 PM, Buzzetta said:

    Well personally, I think you would find more satisfaction with something that could be easily assembled and disassembled to the manner of your liking.  Once you have clipped a page you can no longer attach it.  I was serious when I mentioned, "Lego".  If you make a change that you do not like, you can always undo it many times without causing any damage that prevents you from altering it in the future. 

    Think about what you did to the comic books.  You cannot really undo it to the level of perfection or returning them fully to the state that existed before you changed them.  Think of that corner you cut.  You cannot get a do over on that corner if you decide that the corner is not cut at exactly the same angle as the other corner.  All you can do is clip more and the further you go down that road, what are you truly left with?


    I have many hobbies, a work and all my days are totally fulfilled by activities, there is no times for new hobbies. I'm totally satisfied by every activities i choosed to do in my life, I have difficulties in every of them but i will certainly not give up after a defeat, to be honnest If I did I will already had renounced to life, all my problems of autism made me think to suicide for 2 years when I was a teenager, today I'm a man and I'm writing this message to you because I held on. So don't think that I'm gonna give up with comics because of a detail... 

  8. Here is a bref message resuming my goals and my preference that I sent to a boardie long time ago... and I posted similar messages trough the forums several time, so as said @wardevil0 I have no strategy, yeah...

    I started the hobby 1 years ago with the goal of complete the whole runs of the 7 JLA original members from post crisis to flashpoint (1987-2011) 

    Now im near to finish this first quest, with a collection of 1200 books, so i asked myself why not in the logical continuity of it start to collect the JLA title himself! So I firstly got the famous #1 and also few time after I got a full run from 100 to the end of the serie, now I'm slowly completing the run from 2 to 100.

    I'm also now completing the 7 jla charachters but in their pre-crisis iteration which is an impossible goal to finish but it's what make it fun.

  9. On 9/17/2024 at 12:48 PM, wardevil0 said:

    Honestly I think people are giving him too much benefit of the doubt.  His "love of the hobby" has passed from trying to fill long runs of single character titles (Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, but not Detective Comics, Action Comics, or Justice League of America), to only Silver Age and Golden Age midgrade, to Copper and Modern Age books he tore the covers off, to Silver Age without covers because they're cheaper, to now taking those coverless Silver Age and further cutting out any tears or creases and taping in white modern paper to make the corners square.  And then posting some of these cut-up comics for sale on the boards, including arguing about whether or not cutting pieces off constitutes trimming.  All of this happened within a span of about six months.

    There is no demonstration of a love for any particular character, any favoritism for any storyline or era, or an actual goal to his collection.  People can do anything they want, but based on the posts this isn't generating any satisfaction or happiness for anyone.  He posted that he bought the Justice League of America 1 on March 9th, posted it for sale on March 30th with a corner piece removed, and posted it three times in the last 96 hours with numerous pieces removed.  He argued that he's "improving" books for his own personal satisfaction but here is a Silver Age key that was bought, mutilated, and returned to the market in a very short time frame.

    The hobby needs all kinds of different interests and collectors to stay vibrant, but I don't see how this is good for anyone involved.

    I promised to myself to not reply anymore in public but this post is the straw that broke the camel's back! 

    You @wardevil0 have not the right do throw out some inexact informations about me and what i did! Your post is full of error! You cannot just read all my posts troughts these forums and try to stick the pieces together to find out exactly what I did, what is my collecting goal or anything else! 

    This is just an unscrupulous attitude and now I m gonna inform you that even if the deal we agreed to make at the begin of the next year would have been really helpful for me to complete some of my runs, I will renounce because I been really offensed by this comment.

    NO DEAL! (Considering your message I guess that anyway you didn't want to anymore either...)

    It was moderns books so I still have the entire life to find them and I'm not gonna jump on good deals just because they are good deals if it means dealing with people who disrespect myself.

    I guess you would be happy to keep your books since you know that I'm removing the covers anyway. :foryou:

    sorry i hoped to do not have to post anymore and stop the drama but some of the things in this post were just too bad to accept it.


  10. On 9/15/2024 at 5:21 PM, shadroch said:

    Some think trimming around the missing piece somehow makes the book a plod instead of just missing the chunk.  Why not rip the book around the trimmed part and then let it organically fall off? It will look worse but perhaps it will pass their purity test.

    It's a 1.0-1.8 book.  At that price, label colors aren't very important. 

    It s what I told since the beginning but some have an hard head here.

    Anyway the book will be in my possession forever now so it doesn't count anymore.

  11. On 9/15/2024 at 4:33 PM, zzutak said:

    A thread begun solely for the purpose of antagonizing other board members.  100% inappropriate and unwarranted.  Since you apparently cannot voluntarily step away from the Boards to allow for a period of quiet personal reflection, it may be time for @CGC Mike to bless you with a 3- or 6-month time-out.  Get help.  :foryou:

    You do not need to be so aggressive, anyway as I said in the other thread I will take my distance of these forums and only stay on contact with few relation in PM. 

    Today was the last day you see me posting trough the forums. 

    Yes I know what they are gonna saying... see you tommorow  :hi: 

    NO, 0 chance, i leave.


  12. On 7/9/2024 at 3:44 AM, Hepcat said:

    My first exposure to comics was in the comic section of the Saturday London Free Press in the late 1950's. The Uncle Remus and his Tales of Brer Rabbit strip was my early favourite:


    I'm still a fan of the Uncle Remus characters after all these years and I have dozens of copies of the strip in my collection today. I even have a custom stained glass window with Brer Fox in my collectibles room:



    The first comic books I can remember reading in the spring and summer of 1959 featured Felix's Nephews Inky & Dinky. I recall my buddy Phil and I from across the street thought that Dinky was a very cool name! They were of course rather beat up and I have no clue as to the actual issue(s) but here's one from my collection today:


    The first comics I can recall buying were the Cicero's Cat 1 and 2 in the summer of 1959. I bought them at Ken's Variety on Wharncliffe Road in London, Ontario and I very clearly remember my father initially telling me to take #2 back because he thought I already had a copy!





    Though I was already familiar with Superman and Batman comics from the barber shop or wherever, the first superhero comics I distinctly remember reading were the Adventures of the Fly in early 1961. I remember reading them at Lamont & Perkins drugstore a block away on Wortley Road before they chased me out, at which point I'd head for Tyler & Zettel's pharmacy a few blocks away. I believe they only stocked Archie, Dell and Classics Illustrated comics in these drug stores which is why the Fly was the first superhero to catch my attention. I'm not absolutely sure which issue of the Adventures of the Fly first captured my attention but it may have been #12:

    Bethlehem copy


    In any event, I very clearly remember seeing these ads in Adventures of the Fly 13 heralding the introduction of Fly Girl and the Jaguar:



    I also read through the Adventures of the Jaguar 1 when it first hit the newsstand:


    It included this dandy ad for the mysterious Fly Girl:


    A copy of Space Adventures belonging to the older brother of my buddy Paul featuring the powerful Captain Atom further whetted my appetite for the pajama brigade.


    The memory of these pages featuring a Nikita Khrushchev like character has never left me:



    The first DC superhero comic I can specifically remember reading was Green Lantern 11 in the spring of 1962 which a buddy on a farm near Mount Brydges just outside of London had. 


    I still remember how it filled me with a sense of awe and wonder at the time. A copy of Justice League of America 8 that I read at a Lithuanian kids' summer camp a couple of months later that same year clinched the deal:


    When I got home from camp, I marched right down to Les' Variety on the corner to check out the comics on the spinner rack. The first superhero comic I bought was Justice League 14:


    The other superhero comics I bought off the spinner rack at Les' Variety as part of that first batch included Detective Comics 307 and Batman 150:


    A Superboy or a World's Finest Comics plus Adventures of the Jaguar 8 were also part of that first batch:


    But they swiftly ended up in the trash when my older sister convinced my mother that comics would surely corrupt me. And of course she was right. They have!

    But my appetite for more comics had already been whetted by DC house ads such as these (although I'm no longer entirely sure where or when I first saw them):



    Within a year I was back to seriously accumulating comics again and here I am today!


    Thanks you are always of a great contributions on the SA threads but I never known much more about the man behind this amazing collection, I didn't realized you where from UK, and I never known too that your now in Canada lol

  13. On 9/15/2024 at 12:46 PM, KCOComics said:

    I'm sorry if I offended you, it wasn't my intention.    There can be a big learning curve with the hobby and I was hoping to educate. 

    I also don't believe your being targeted.  If anything @Semicentennial was just looking out for other collectors. 

    If someone bought that book and got it graded, they would have been pretty upset to get a purple label. 

    That's part of why I buy a lot of comics here. The community looks out for one another. 

    Please don't rip the book further. CGC has been at this for a long time and they know the tricks. You'll just be hurting the book further for no reason. 

    I've said all I have to say on this topic and I won't pile on. 

    Good luck. 


    Too late :foryou:

    And anyway now it have no importance anymore because I finally have this book look nice to me and I will keep it forever, as the title of the issue say... A world of no return!



  14. @KCOComics

    Your last advice on the sale thread had absolutely no sense, you told me to describe my book as restored and more of that told me the price I have to put on it?

    As I said many times I could simply torn the corner and the book will be back in the blue label, this is a non sense.

    Im really deceived by how the people are thinking, acting, buying, in this hobby. 

    I will stay far from it and never use these forums again to sell a book and I also hope to never have to sell a book.

    Anyway i buy only what I like so it will be no reason to have to sell.

    I will also take distance from these forums except few relations in pm.

    I like to have different opinions and comparate them to others but certainly to be targeted as I am now!

  15. On 9/14/2024 at 8:43 PM, zzutak said:


    PGM graders do their best to give you an honest assessment of numerical grade (based on the description and images provided).  That being said, hidden defects (like replaced staples, a detached centerfold, or a married or missing interior page) or undisclosed restoration (such as color touch, a tear seal, or trimming) will affect the eventual CGC grade category (Universal, Qualified, Restored, etc).  I would argue that grade category generally has a much greater affect on value than a one- or two-increment change in numerical grade:foryou:

    Again this is ridiculous, you just have to torn it with your fingers of a insignificant inch and the book will change of category again! What do you want from me that I damage it more than what is it already!?

  16. On 9/14/2024 at 8:31 PM, Semicentennial said:

    As another member mentioned in your sales thread, there is a difference between the piece falling off itself vs. someone taking a pair of scissors to the to the book.  A piece falling off on it's own is considered a defect and natural.  Someone snipping off a piece is trying to remove the defect to improve the appearance of the book which is not good.  

    I wanted to improve it to my eyes and my eyes only, I always knew that it will look worse for everyone else, but for me it was better. At the time I did it I never planned to sell the book and now that I'm selling it people tell me that it's a technique to improve the book...