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Posts posted by Coverdeath

  1. On 9/12/2024 at 2:53 PM, RobMadoo said:

    I think comics are poor investment vehicles relative to stocks. Collectibles can go out of favor if younger generations aren’t interested. Comics can be damaged by water, fire, mishandling, dropped, environmental exposure, lost in the mail, stolen, etc. also they can be tough to sell for fmv and you usually incur 10-20% fees if selling using a 3rd party.  So if you want to sell 10x $1000 comics to raise funds that can be difficult to do quickly while still realizing fmv. Stocks on the other hand can be liquidated with a press of a button any time the market is open for fmv. I love comics and have a fair amount of expensive books but if your main goal is an investment, then I’d pursue something more liquid. Just my two cents. Good luck!

    I would not be worried more than for something else about damage if we re talking about slabbed book

  2. On 9/12/2024 at 8:18 AM, Lightning55 said:

    Looks like they're messing with you.

    No such item number exists on eBay, as for sale, completed, sold, etc. But past listings can only be searched within 90 days. Also searching their store, no result for Batman 139, past or present (again, within 90 days).

    Not sure how you found the Ended listing for the coverless issue in the first place. 

    Because i was following it on auction about a month ago, it was not ended when I seen it and asked if the book had nices pages...

    But im really confused because qualitycomix are really serious and popular in the comics business and they also have an online website...

  3. On 9/10/2024 at 9:15 PM, VintageComics said:

    One perspective is that nothing that happens on a comic book forum is really that important. It's all just funnybooks.

    But also in that same reality, what happens here eventually trickles out there into the rest of the hobby.

    This place is the primary hobby influencer. 

    And we're here to have discussions, right?

    So why say "it's not that important" and why not have the discussion about how to dissect the traditional Golden Age, which parts make it up and why the title was changed?

    I mean, why else are we even typing into the reply box if not for some intelligent, open discussion?

    Who is getting upset? ???

    How about just some reason and logic, rather than using a dartboard to make decisions?

    That's all I want. 

    Or are reason and logic extinct qualities now?

    If someone doesn't want to discuss something, don't discuss it.

    But you can't stop people from wanting to have discussions. As communal creatures, that's pretty much the end of civilization as we know it, if that happens. 

    It seems that for a large part of the guys here comics are not just funnybooks... I discovered it when we told me that I was a madman to cut the corner of my books... 

  4. On 9/10/2024 at 8:11 PM, Joseph Ragno said:

    There are a few issues going on with this thread.  It is entitled "Are you considering the 'Atomic Age' as a thing." Whether or not the forum name gets changed is actually a tangent, but a reasonable one to discuss. Peace to all

    The only "issue" with this thread is the one who is responsible of his being.

  5. On 9/11/2024 at 12:44 AM, troydivision1 said:

    The last time a thread was posted along the lines of this one, a lot of empathy and thoughtful feedback was given.
    Some board members even alluded to a situation of this sort inevitably occurring, without finding care / taking care of oneself.
    That being said, I agree with what those previous board members and believe the focus should be on self instead of comic books.

    Lol if you guys really think that I didn't care of myself... I just cannot have a normal life because of this mess! 

    Never mind... now I'm gonna close this thread quickly!

  6. On 9/10/2024 at 4:57 PM, KCOComics said:

    My advice would be to sell it as is,  recoup your money and save up for the copy you want. 


    The copy I want do not exist... I'm looking for coverless only and the chance to find a copy which is not trashed are under 1%... you want me to spend 500 dollars over the price of a coverless copy for something I don't want (I mean the cover)?

    And anyway I only receive some law balls offer, the guys are offering me literally the price of a coverless copy for my book...

  7. On 9/10/2024 at 12:14 PM, Joseph Ragno said:

    "... totally changed the way like many other ones..."  Yes, you're right... and supporting the contention that a new age began.

    No maybe a new wave for the serie but that's all.

    I could take a random exemple with a comic books dated of the 00's... Aquaman suddenly became Aquaman: Sword of Altantis

    But as I know we do not changed of era in 2006

  8. On 9/10/2024 at 10:21 AM, AJD said:

    I'm sorry you have these problems. But my advice is don't do anything else to it. Think of it from the point of view of the next owner, who would like to have as much of the original as possible. Keep it away from your sight if you need to, but don't further damage it.

    Why this book would have a new owner?

    I'm just 21 lol

  9. Ok, here I have to explain few things... back 8 or 9 months ago after collecting for 2 years I bought my Graail... 

    A book I never tought I could have a day when I started... however after acquiring it, it quickly turned to the problems... my ocd's catched me like they do for everything in my life... and i was confronted to a lot of stressed because the condition of the book was not satisfying to my eyes... I tought to sell it for a long time and put it for sell many times trough the forum and elsewhere and then delete the announce and then make the announce again... I tought to buy a new copy and finally a month ago I bought a coverless described in great condition, after got It was disappointed... the first time I been literally scammed... the book was restored with many pages where tears were sealed, they were some water damages and some heavy fold... I quickly sent it back! 

    I know that finding a nice coverless copy will be hard and the price we offer me for my copy who still have the cover are just so bad... so I'm tired...

    The inside of my book is really good except one point, one deadly point which is terrible when you have ocd's some corner had few tears and I cutted them but now it just look worse because they are badly cutted because I cutted many pages at a time...

    But now I have 2 possibilities to save it!

    I can cut the corner page by page properly (however its only from page 9 to 18 and its feel weird to me) so i could cut every pages? I put a piece of corner to have a visual exemple of how it will looks then if i do...


    So here is the first option, having the corner like this, properly cutted...

    Or the second option! 

    Stick some corner piece on the pages! If I just stick some random paper it will be visible and just gonna look bad...

    So I tought to something why not make a customed book? It s my graail so I could make it look special anyway...

    My idea was to stick some corner painted in gold or silver. What is your tought?



    Yes my mental condition is severe but it's not the question here, the question is which option do you prefer? 

    Cutted straight corner or Golden/Silver corner?

    Thanks for the read.


  10. On 9/9/2024 at 12:45 AM, Ken Aldred said:

    HOM 230

    ’The Doomsday Yarn’



    Synopsis for "The Doomsday Yarn"

    “A gambler kills an Indian fakir for his magic yarn and knits a picture of himself surrounded by money. He wins the money in a casino and places the money in a bank. The gangsters that run the casino show up and threaten to kill him unless he gives back the money. He takes them to the bank but meanwhile his cat back at the apartment begins to unravel the tapestry. The money is missing from the safe deposit box but he manages to elude the gangsters. The cat eventually unravels his representation in the tapestry and he unravels in the middle of the street.”

    As the guy said: "it's horrible...!" 

    This panel is creepy. :fear:

  11. The DC horror titles are clearly not the cheapest books, and some great names of the industry worked a lot on them trough the 70s, I firstly think to Neal Adams and Bernie Writghson...

    Are you merely buying for the cover art or the story are funs and good to read?

    I have the feeling that the way they were drawing in the 70's was not really horrific as contrary as what been made during the pre code era... !!! MAYBE IM WRONG !!! so I don't know if it's really enjoyable to read an horror comics which is not essentially "scary". 
