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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Yeah, I'm not one to criticize what other people collect, I think everyone should buy what they like. But with a "miscut" this severe, at what point does it stop being, you know, an actual book? These extreme examples seem less like manufacturing errors and more like literal garbage. Scraps of books.
  2. Yeah, and Mark Gruenwald's ashes were mixed into the ink of the first Squadron Supreme tpb. The difference is, those were Mark's wishes, and KISS were also involved in their blood ink decision as well. Stan had a bunch of ghoulish handlers eager to pimp him out for every penny they could scrounge. I doubt he even knew what was going on the last few months, if not years.
  3. Hey, somebody already made a signature series out of his BLOOD. I won't be satisfied until I can snort his ashes.
  4. Somewhere, in the distance, the sound of Dan Akroyd's pants getting tight(er).
  5. This is pretty much where I'm at. I think the separate forums are a quick, handy way of helping folks find the eras they're interested in. It may not always be 100% effective, but it's at least a starting spot in getting people where they want to go. Great! Handy! Good. I've sold in both forums, though usually not at the same time (though maybe I have. I dunno, it's been a long 10 years.) and I didn't pay it much mind one way or the other. I put my stuff where I thought it was supposed to go, and that seemed to work out ok. But it should be just that: a tool to help direct buyers, not a cudgel with which to bludgeon sellers. I think Boardies do an awesome job of policing fraud and other bad behaviors, some of which have actually been criminal. We look after our own, and there are some tenacious defenders of righteousness here. It can be awesome to behold! But this particular issue just seems like a whole lot of nothing. Is this really something worth getting riled about on either side? So a book is in the "wrong" forum. Who did it hurt? I don't see that it could hurt the buyers, because if it's not something they're interested in, they can just scroll past it. The only person I think it could hurt would be the seller, because it's possible that their potential buyers would miss the book since it's in the "wrong" spot. And that's on them.
  6. It just rubbed me the wrong way, for some reason. I liked Michael Keaton a lot, and enjoyed his work in the movie, but otherwise nothing worked for me. It felt more like Iron Man Jr than Spider-Man. I'd be tempted to say that I'm just getting older and therefore a "Millenial Spidey" is just not something I'm going to enjoy, but I loved "Into the Spider-Verse", so who knows?
  7. Oh wow, that was a winner, can't believe I'd missed it. Thanks!
  8. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I think. Was it fun?
  9. I...had similar questions. Is the mystery solved at long last??
  10. YES, the Pepoy covers for this series are all terrific. Here's one that I never see get any love, but I think it's a fantastic cover from a totally bizarre series. I have no idea why this even exists, but I thought it was a blast, and is the sort of weirdness that I love about comics.
  11. yeah, Given Mysterio's MO, this seems like the most obvious scenario to me. I strongly disliked the last Spider-Man movie, and this one looks like more of the same, but I'll probably see it because I'm a glutton for punishment, I guess.
  12. Contemplated starting a pirate-themed shill account called "BITCOINSWABBY", but haven't been able to work up the energy. So, that genius idea is available to anyone else that wants it.
  13. I have low expectations for a low-budget streaming show exclusive to DC's service...BUT...the fact that they're going with the Morrison-era looks for Robotman and Negative Man gives me hope that this will at least be INTERESTING. Morrison's DP is one of the most imaginative comic book runs of all time. I'd love to see it done justice.
  14. I feel yr pain. I was putting a new ring in a Storm Shadow I'd picked up cheap this summer, and the chest just crumbled into three pieces. I could have cried. Good luck on your hunt!
  15. Sweet! I love Whirl, and that's a nice, clean, non-yellowing one too!
  16. Gah, my answer is now part of the public record, but I forgot Walt Kelly!
  17. I am a comic collector. I know a lot of comic collectors, many that I like a lot and would call friends. But, on the whole, comic collectors are the worst. I mean, they're not QUITE as bad as gamers, but...they're up there.
  18. #1 Kirby the rest in no certain order Xaime Hernandez Gilbert Hernandez Dave Stevens Jack Cole Carl Barks Chris Ware Bret Blevins Mike Mignola Walt Simonson
  19. As antique/toy malls go, it's a pretty good one. I try to get out there once a month or so. Yeah, maybe not the best plan for keeping the driver safe, but at least it's not as bad as the Armadillo, where the guy stands on the BACK of the tank. He's a sitting duck!
  20. Stopped back into the LCS to see if they'd priced anymore books from that huge collection they picked up last week. Oodles of nice Avengers, X-Men and Spidey. I picked up just one, this nice mid-grade copy for myself.
  21. Toy mall pickup. They had some decently priced stuff, but I wasn't wanting to spend much, so I just picked this one up cheap, as I've always liked it. No Cover Girl and no tow cable (of course) but for the price I was pleased.