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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Same, looking forward to the crash!
  2. Art is a true gentleman and a pleasure to work with. Communication was great and payment was fast. I'd gladly deal with him again, thanks!
  3. Pretty impressive that even adjusted for inflation, The Force Awakens still manages to nearly crack the Top 10, considering that the Top 10 are all unqualified timeless classics. (Well, Dr. Zhivago is kind of a snooze, and I love David Lean, but still...)
  4. Could it be Shaken Comic Syndrome? Hard to tell with just the one pic of the top.
  5. I am finding less stuff locally, but I'm not sure if it's collections drying up, or the fact that there's much more competition for this stuff, or that sellers are much more informed and are selling the stuff directly via eBay, etc. It's probably all three to a certain extent. I know that when I used to go to flea markets, estate sales and auctions, I'd only be competing with a couple of other guys. Now there's several folks wanting the same stuff, driving the prices up so that there aren't as many deals and steals as there used to be. But I'd echo the sentiment that the boomer collections should really be hitting shortly. I think we'll be awash in collections before you know it.
  6. My thoughts exactly, summed up much more succinctly!
  7. Took the missus and our 9 year old niece to see it on Saturday. They LOVED it. I liked it quite a bit. Gadot, despite my concerns during her original casting, perfectly embodies the role. She's great in it. The movie itself is solid but unspectacular. It plays like a gender-swapped "Captain America: The First Avenger", also swapping WWI for WWII, but I don't really mind that. Superhero origin stories have a template, there's not much use in the movies trying to fight it. The early scenes in Themyscira are the highlight of the movie, though Diana in WWI action is pretty exciting as well. The climax is a bit of a letdown, as it goes the route of "big CGI power showdown", a dull road that unfortunately nearly all of these superhero flicks end up going down. Kind of a bummer considering what a relatively grounded and human film it had been up to that point. What had been a visually interesting movie (the lush Themyscira, the desaturated front lines of WWI) suddenly becomes a bunch of fire, air, and CGI power blasts, grounded in nothing. Compared to the previous DCEU cinematic entries, Wonder Woman is a GREAT movie. It's their best film by a country mile, no question, with a perfectly cast lead, a good heart, and the best of intentions. But in the grand scheme, the end result is a film is that it's simply "pretty good", squandering an early head of steam with a midsection drag and disappointing SFX bonanza finale. Still, this film can be seen as a course correction for the entire WB/DC line, and on that front it is a 100% success. Looking forward to seeing what future installments hold for the actress and character!
  8. I was going through a box of stuff that I put aside for my personal collection last night, and found a Brigade 2 NS in there as well as a couple of Cyberforce NS's.
  9. Nice pick up! And be careful with Sideshow: once you start, it's hard to stop, and your wallet may never forgive you!
  10. Finally got around to reading Morrison's "Nameless", and I loved it! Not sure if I got it entirely, probably needs a second read, but it definitely scratched that sci-fi/occult horror itch, with beautifully grotesque art from Burnham.
  11. Someone always seems to be selling sets, so you might be able to put together chunks of a run, and upgrade as needed. But otherwise, I'd chase the keys first, because as has been noted, in the current collecting climate, all keys are going up up up, and won't be getting cheaper anytime soon. Of course, it will all crash eventually, so you could always wait for the bubble to pop, then scoop them all up.
  12. Art has been super nice both times I've talked to him. David seemed to be doing his best to convey just how much he hated signing comic books for fans (and I only brought him one to sign, and this was years before SS). Similar to the experience Bird had with Byrne, he wouldn't even deign to speak to fans, and it was over so fast it was like whiplash.
  13. Not sure what the inciting incident was, but they said (does Allison actually run the page?) that there'd been some inexcusable hate speech going on in the comments, and that they'd been too lax with haters, so they were bringing out the banhammer. Good for 'em.
  14. That's all great info. I haven't seen the Maxx NS at all. I do have 1 pretty nice Brigade 1 NS. Out of one collection I bought, about 3000 Indy books, so tons of image, I think I only pulled four or five newsstands overall.
  15. Wonderfest was this weekend, so even though I still have zero model kit skills, I still attended as always. No real comics to speak of (only three tables with comics, one with dollar books I didn't need, the other crazy CRAZY overpriced drek) but I did pick up a bunch of dirt cheap toys. The Batman figs come from an...unfortunate era in his toy history, but MOSC for under $3 each, I figured I may as well grab them.
  16. Super smooth transaction, great books safely shipped, a pleasure to deal with. Thanks!
  17. Well, he canceled a bunch of appearances (I think?) so I'm not sure when he's showing up again, but at the time of his announcement he was still signing raw, and was in talks or whatever with other grading companies (assuming CBCS) but wouldn't do CGC SS. Do I have that right?
  18. But it's not like a lot of "cameos" out there (Doomsday's fist, Venom's fist, someone in the shadows, etc.) This is a full panel of the character, in full view, with his name. 181 is the first cover appearance, and it's the more popular book, but 180 is the first appearance, period.
  19. ANyone know if there's anything on sale that ISN'T on Unlimited? If so, I might pick some stuff up.
  20. Bone definitely deserves to be removed from that group, and possibly Goon as well. The early printings on those series seem pretty solid to me. I don't see Bone losing steam anytime soon, as there just aren't enough high grade 1st printings to go around.
  21. We're taking our 9 year old niece to see it tomorrow. Can't wait!