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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Oh yeah, there's a lot of Dave in his stuff of that era, for sure. In fact I'm sure that's what probably originally drew my interest to his stuff, because I was a big Dave collector at the time.
  2. No matter how good the movie is, if it is going to follow history, the book is never going to top "the announcement spike." We may see some stair-stepping with NM98 if there is a series of good movies, however. I really think Deadpool is the first franchise since the Walking Dead that has a legit chance of becoming truly part of the zeitgeist. When I was in Vegas last week, I saw more people with Deadpool t-shirts, backpacks etc. than all other superhero stuff combined. I am currently in school, surrounded by millennials and Deadpool is everywhere. Quite the spectacular sight. I think this train will roll for awhile Makes sense to me. I'm wondering if it'll be more of a slow burn now though. I could see if "stair-stepping" (as Sean said. Well put!) upwards of $1500-$2000 over the coming years if the films keep coming and they deliver the goods. I don't have a copy anymore, so I don't really care how high it goes, I just think it's fun to watch.
  3. But even if it's climbing, has it gotten back to where it was back when the rumor was first announced? I got nearly 1k for my 9.8 a couple of weeks after the movie was officially go. I figured this one would be up around the $1500 mark by now, but it seems like that was a temporary spike. Even with the monstrous success of the movie, I'm wondering if it's going to settle into place now right under $900?
  4. Correct. Fox tried to get Fincher to come back to do the Director's Cut for the quadrilogy release, but he turned it down (owing to how much pain the studio gave him during the making of the film). So what is there is really a Producer's/Assembly cut. I actually like the longer cut, I think it makes a lot more sense. I remember reading the Alien 3 novelization when the movie came out (yep, I was the kind of nerd that actually read novelizations) and there were so many elements in the book that weren't in the movie, that made it a much more coherent story. The assembly cut restores a lot of that stuff. While as a hardcore Aliens fan I was disappointed with the treatment of Hicks and New in "Alien 3", I did think it was beautiful in a grimy way, and I admired how relentelessly depressing it managed to be. It was definitely dedicated to being a downer, which is rare for a major Hollywood release.
  5. Yup, that one is my grail. The original was in a private collection, I know I saw it on CAF once upon a time. Don't expect it'll shake loose any time soon. I don't collect hairy pit covers. Hmm, I never noticed before. All I see when I look at this cover are Fire's huge...tracts of land.
  6. I think we touched on it, but you're correct, it's a terrific run. JL/JLI/JLWhatever is my all time favorite series. Here's a slightly better (though still not great) pic of the one AH cover I still own in that run: That is one of the single best issues of the run. That entire Despero arc is one of the best. Yup, great stuff!
  7. 1. Why would it do better? 2. That one cost $6.44 to get it in your hands. ------- Trying to guess modern sales trends if not my forte, I admit. Because it seemed like it flew a little under the radaar when it came out and maybe not many of this cover are out there. Powell hasn't been producing much lately, so I think his fans might be eager to get whatever is coming out (of course, maybe they just pre-ordered it when it came out). It is kind of a cool cover. Only a few copies for sale on ebay. I guess nobody cares. I don't think any of this series are worth anything, but it was a GREAT read. Surprisingly violent and a lot of fun. I enjoyed the Pope and Kelley Jones covers, myself.
  8. Yup, that one is my grail. The original was in a private collection, I know I saw it on CAF once upon a time. Don't expect it'll shake loose any time soon.
  9. And finally (I guess I should get some work done this morning) this one isn't worth anything, but you still don't run across it every day.
  10. And while I'm monopolizing the thread, here are my favorite examples of Adam's early style. These can still be found in 25/50 cent bins, and I grab every copy I run across. Beautiful stuff. Babes, aliens, spaceships, Frazetta, bondage, spanking...everything a sci-fi comic perv could ask for!
  11. I think we touched on it, but you're correct, it's a terrific run. JL/JLI/JLWhatever is my all time favorite series. Here's a slightly better (though still not great) pic of the one AH cover I still own in that run: I have all of the Maguire issues signed by Maguire (I don't do SS, I just like the sigs on the books for my own collection) but about 20 years ago, I had Adam sign these two completely random issues. They've been well loved, obviously.Not sure why I had the 31 signed, but I think I just liked the use of negative space on the 35. I used to own this cover as well, but for some reason I sold it. I think the Donnellys have it now.
  12. He did some nice covers in that series. Nothing like Catwoman, but he evolved into that. I like #7 too, the underwater scene.
  13. As a huge LOSH and AH fan, this is one of my all time faves. Love your DCU variant! Here's the regular copy I got signed by AH and Story, way back in the day. Another LoSH favorite:
  14. I only have a couple of folks on ignore (no one in this conversation, for the record) but the irony is that even though I am "ignoring" them, I still find myself constantly expanding their blocked posts so I can "see what this insufficiently_thoughtful_person is saying now." So, clearly, I'm the insufficiently_thoughtful_person.
  15. Aliens #2 9.8 (1st DH Series). Only 4 copies on census, and I was simply not paying attention when a copy finally came up for auction a year or two ago. Missed out completely and haven't seen once since. High prices have brought more copies of #1 9.8 out of the wild (I think there were about 9 in the census back when I got mine. Now there are 19) but #2 remains elusive. I'm tied for first place registry on this set, and neither of us has a 9.8. Just a "lowly" 9.6
  16. Best pic I have on this computer, will take a better one later. Frame on the left is my favorite AH cover that I own. Sold another one a couple of years ago, kicking myself for it now. Will post some of my other favorite AH pieces when I get a chance! Long time collector of his stuff.
  17. A walk down Copper Age memory lane. I remember having that Hawk & Dove mini series. The artwork was actually not bad compared to the later New Mutants work. I forgot about this one. I know we've talked about this book before in other threads, but I'll state one more time that for all of the Liefeld gets, this book absolutely stood out on the racks when I was a kid, and I read it over and over again, simply because the art was new and exciting. Of course, even as a kid I realized that some of the anatomy was wonky (I think there's a DPS of the Hulk fighting Wendigo, and one of them has, like, an extra arm's worth of arm in their arm) but it was so dynamic and different, it really flipped my lid. I think Rob's early work, when tempered by a good inker, is still pretty fun stuff. Killer bullet holes. I'm not sure that gun fits into that holster though. Why would Wolverine need a gun? Because he needed pouches and I don't think he carriers bubble gum and loose change. I would think a gun would be useful for ranged combat, unless he suddenly develops the ability to fire his claws like spears... ...ok, I now want him to be able to fire his claws like spears.
  18. If you were shopping at The Great Escape, I can verify that is correct. I was shopping in Louisville at the time (still am!) and that definitely lines up with my recollection. , indeed it was!! I loved that store... It's a great shop. I was just there this weekend for one of their 50 cent sales. Nothing mind-blowing, but I enjoyed digging through the bins.
  19. A walk down Copper Age memory lane. I remember having that Hawk & Dove mini series. The artwork was actually not bad compared to the later New Mutants work. I forgot about this one. I know we've talked about this book before in other threads, but I'll state one more time that for all of the Liefeld gets, this book absolutely stood out on the racks when I was a kid, and I read it over and over again, simply because the art was new and exciting. Of course, even as a kid I realized that some of the anatomy was wonky (I think there's a DPS of the Hulk fighting Wendigo, and one of them has, like, an extra arm's worth of arm in their arm) but it was so dynamic and different, it really flipped my lid. I think Rob's early work, when tempered by a good inker, is still pretty fun stuff.
  20. If you were shopping at The Great Escape, I can verify that is correct. I was shopping in Louisville at the time (still am!) and that definitely lines up with my recollection.
  21. I see future potential for that series. Not now,but maybe a few years from now. Give her another movie and maybe skys the limit? I think there's a TON of potential for the AH covers. I am an active AH collector and I rarely run across these in the wild. If I can get them for a couple of bucks, I always pick them up when I see them.
  22. So, with all of the love Cable is getting these days, how about some heat for this godawful DC Cable ripoff with the really stupid name "Hemp" Black Cable? I assure you that this is a very rare and valuable appearance of what will surely be a tremendously popular character, and yes, I do happen to have a copy that I could probably be convinced to part with. Anyone? :cough:
  23. God, some people work so hard at being dishonest. If they'd just put that much effort into making an honest buck, they might get somewhere.
  24. Yeah, I was stoked, nearly all of my favorites were there. If they'd had Trapjaw and Teela, I'd have been all set!
  25. Yup, I believe so! This appears to just be a boxed set minus the box. I know Choi is the least valued of the sets (Jim Lee and JSC being the other sets, I believe) but for the price I'm not complaining!