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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. I'd tend to agree with you from an informed, practical standpoint. I don't personally use the census much in regard to my own collection. However, for many sellers, the census is still a valid hype-building tool. You and I, and the other boardies, know how far to trust the information, but there are plenty of suckers who have no clue. Heck, I was scrolling through Clink today, and was surprised by how often they use the "top 3 graded", "highest known in grade" etc in their descriptions in regards to books where it could NOT matter less. So I'd assume it's still an effective selling tool, whether the data has any validity or not.
  2. Are they doing a reissue? Not sure if they're updating anything, but the original is a beautiful book, and I'd consider it an essential modern DC story. Cooke at his pinnacle. He signed mine several years ago, so it's part of the permanent library for sure. I enjoyed Multiversity, but in a head to head, I'd pick New Frontier every time.
  3. Ooh, hopefully it will. Fallout 4 took me a few years, on and off, at my admittedly extreeeeeemely leisurely pace. I've done all of the DLC, found all of the items and locations, and yet I'm still more likely to fire it back up than I am to play something new. Go figure!
  4. I picked it up during a Black Friday sale for like $20 last year, still haven't gotten around to playing it. Same with the other games I picked up at the time, Cyberpunk, Avengers, Star Wars Fallen Order, Star Wars Squadrons, and a couple of others, all for about $10-$15 each. I figured they should be worth at least that much. But at the rate I play games, I'll be an old man before I get these done. I also picked up RDR2 during that sale, and got a few hours into it, but lost track at a certain point. I love the idea of video games, I love reading about video games, I love watching videos about video games. But I seem to have a hard time making myself sit down and play them.
  5. Detective Buzz strikes again! Thanks for confirming that this wasn't just a mass hallucination.
  6. Agree completely. It IS a great head sculpt, and I'm not even a big Bee fan. But the character choice is just odd for this particular vehicle. I can only assume that they're not planning on making many of these, so they're going to shoehorn in the big characters whether they make sense or not. I'd love Hound as a Vamp.
  7. I also saw this, and I believe it extended to Joe, SW, Power Rangers, and Ghostbusters. Pretty sure I saw it on a Joe-centric Youtube video, will have to see if I can track that down.
  8. In the pics it definitely reads more brown/grey, but I thought the guy said “green”. I could definitely be wrong. I often am!
  9. Thank you sir, appreciate it! We're confident it will all work out well. We should know something for sure by August, and she'll either keep her current position, or land something somewhere else. She's not thrilled with her company these days, so a change may actually be best. But appreciate the thoughts! I try to not indulge in jealousy very often, but you ALWAYS have the coolest stuff! If that Hulk 1 in 1.8 was the only book I owned, I'd be pleased as punch!
  10. This is my understanding as well. I'm assuming that the reason Valaverse got first crack is because they were willing to pay his licensing fee. Hasbro must have smelled money and stepped up, because now we're getting the GI Joe Classified Sgt Slaughter, and it looks like it's going to be a beauty. The other reveals today were kinda meh. It is exciting to hear that they're going to adopt a five figure wave style for Classified, however, the first five figure wave has three repaints! Crimson B.A.T., Barbeque in Slaughter's Marauders Deco, Outback in his orignal look, and finally a new Falcon and Cover Girl. Hasbro being Hasbro, they're going to squeeze these molds for all that they're worth, so no surprises about any of the repaints. Crimson B.A.T. will be a cool addition to the army, and we assumed that a traditional Outback would have to be on the way since the Tiger Force version was initially revealed. The Marauders BBQ gives me pause, as I also hated those decos as a kid. Such an ugly blur of green, brown and blue. Yuck. Falcon looks ok, Cover Girl looks amazing. Psyched about those. I have no interest in this new Snake Eyes & Timber set. This version of Snake Eyes (v2. visor but green camo pants?) does nothing for me, and one Timber is plenty. The latest GI Joe/TF crossover is a neat concept (Sgt Stalker and the AWE Striker), but having the Awe Striker be Bumblebee is a bit of a head scratcher. I mean, i realize Bumblebee is one of the most popular Transformers, so he's going to show up everywhere, but in such a fan-directed toy line, it seems like it would make more sense to use the actual Transformers dune buggy, Beachcomber. Or even another military vehicle, like Hound. But Bumblebee? Eh. Oh well, it still looks pretty cool, so I pre-ordered.
  11. I loved this series back in the day, but I'm sure my copies are long since sold. It's cool that Rob Schrab went on to a successful film/tv career. I always hoped that might mean we'd see some movement on a Scud series of movie.
  12. Thanks for confirming/clarifying, and also the note on the roman numerals, as that was new to me! With the early MMW run I only picked up X-Men related material, which I eventually sold once the Omnis started hitting. The only one I still have is my original MMW 11 uncanny X-men, which I got for my 12th birthday. I ended up eventually having Claremont and Cockrum sign it. That's one I'll never let go of. As for the print run on the limited volumes, no, I can't think of any that were lower. They seem to mostly hover in the 600-700 range. Dazzler v2 /302 at 597 is the lowest I've seen in many years.
  13. It's an interesting thought exercise. I've been doing something similar myself. It looks like the wife may be downsized from her current job, and while she already has some interviews lined up, there's nothing definite as far as the next step. We're certainly not at the door of poverty, but it did lead to some thoughts along the lines of "Should I sell?" and "If I sold, what is the absolute last thing to go?" I collect Alien related merchandise, I collect movies, I collect toys, and I collect comics. I'd likely hang onto the Alien stuff the longest, but comics would be the runner up. And if it came down that I had to start selling comics, I think my Avengers 1 and Hulk 181 would be the last to go, and even then I'd be gritting my teeth! So thinking of "What would go absolutely last?" was edifying for me, and it may be for you as well!
  14. Finally got a fedex notice from Clink yesterday, so it looks like my books are on the way. Looks like it was only three weeks since I paid, so I guess that's not terrible, but I'm just used to them moving a little faster. No big deal.
  15. Ha, beat me to it, I was going to say "That's the first ever Andre the Giant action figure", which is kinda true!
  16. Hey, nothing wrong with that, as long as you bought it because you thought it looked cool! That's the joy of collecting, buying the stuff you genuinely like, because whether it's valuable or not, you'll still have something you think is neat.
  17. I'll add my voice to those who enjoyed Aaron's Thor. I just finished reading the Omnibus this past weekend, and got a kick out of it. When it comes to Thor I'm pretty much a Kirby/Simonson or Bust kinda guy, but this was a very enjoyable book. Right now I'm flipping through the DC Who's Who omnibus, Not great "reading" per se, but lots of nostalgia, and some terrific artwork. Collecting wise, I've been buying more magazines than anything else, particularly National Lampoon, Heavy Metal, and Warren stuff. If you're not hung up on condition then most of this stuff is dirt cheap, and fun to track down. Otherwise I just sorta take stuff as I find it, if my LCS gets some cool old books in, I'll try to grab some keys. And of course, I am always hitting the dollar bins. Gotta love the dig!
  18. Well said, and I don’t necessarily disagree. Did I mention that I’m the easily suggestible type?
  19. I like your used toilet paper idea and am ready to put it to a vote! All in favor? Aye. Motion carried!
  20. Does this link work for you? I’m honestly not sure if you have to be logged in or have an account on those forums to access it. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/marvelmasterworksfansite/marvel-to-lose-conan-licence-again-t37871.html
  21. I can be persuaded to go either way, or neither. I voted HoS, but the arguments against it are compelling. Is there a fourth way? Who’s up for a “Holiday Deadbeats” list?
  22. Same! Ashcan-sized comic pack-ins with DVDs were very common, so this thing is an oddity. I posted a message over on the forums, we'll see if anyone has an answer. Don't hold your breath, the Alf topic does not appear to be heavily trafficked. ha
  23. The Alf "Complete Collection" DVD set from Lionsgate in 2019 was just a repackaging of the original separate season sets they'd released in 2005/2006, with a flimsy cardboard sleeve wrapped around them. So there was definitely no room for a comic in there. I've been looking at the Bluray and DVDtalk forums that I frequent, but haven't found any information on how this was offered. Very odd. Will keep digging.
  24. Ok cool! Let me get my want list together, it's been a while since I updated it!
  25. Wow, that's wild. I guess I did ok picking this one up a couple of months ago for about $10. Maybe it's time to list. As you can see, it's a little rough, so I'll have to list it as a 9.9 instead of a 10.