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Everything posted by walclark

  1. Yeah, where are they? Sorry, can't help you out with the MMC #32. Consolations prizes: Nazi planes, Japanese subs... maybe the U.S. shouldn't paint their ships canary yellow?
  2. Surprised that this one hasn't been posted. It is the greatest Garibaldi and Magellan cover of the Golden Age.
  3. Tule Lake was one of the Japanese-American internment camps set up during WW II. Star Trek actor George Takei was reportedly interned there with his family. And a few others covers:
  4. One of the things that has always fascinated me was the difference in the way our enemies were depicted in comics. For the most part, the Germans are drawn with a fairly normal, albeit menacing appearances. While they may be comitting atrocities like poisoning candy to give to war oprhans on Exciting #39 or mustering the forces of the occult like the ghouls on Mystic #7, they appear to be normal humans. The Japanese, on the other hand, are often depicted with marked racial stereotypes. The eyes, bucked teeth (and even sometimes fangs), huge ears, and yellow skin are all common on comic covers. I think it was in one of Stephen Ambrose's books on the war that he talked about the fact that there was a deep seated racial hatred towards the Japanese that didn't exist to the same extent with the Germans. He felt this was in part due to the fact that many Americans at the time were of European descent and might easily be fighting against a long lost relative. He also thought it might explain the Japanese-Americans internment camps that were utilized by the U.S. Similar camps were not set up for German-Americans. Now that I've wasted everyone's time with my ramblings, here's some scans:
  5. Some of the covers that depict all three members of the Axis have already been posted, like the Young Allies #9, the Boy Comics, the Big Shots, and the Famous Funnies #102. Here's a few that haven't been posted yet.
  6. Just glancing at the list, I believe Speed 21 is also a Hitler cover. And I think Speed #16 (listed on your sig line) and Pocket #4 are Hitler covers. The Speed Comics #16 may be a Hitler cover. I had rejected it in the past due to how the drawing of the character looks. You rarely see Hitler wearing a helmet & a regular soldier's uniform. It very well could be Hitler though. Any thoughts? IMO, the Pocket Comics #4 is not a Hitler cover. Neither one of the guys looks like Hitler. One guy appears to have a mustache but when you see a large scan it, it is actually a shadow from his nose, and not a mustache. West You're probably right. I've always thought of Speed #16 as a Hitler cover (leading a pack of ghouls, ceremonial sword, etc.) and just assumed the guy in the back on Pocket #4 was Hitler because he is rendered so much like the guy on Speed #16. Could be that neither is Hitler. One that I am not sure is Hitler is Zip #26. Mussolini, yes, Tojo, maybe, but not Hirohito, who is almost always depicted with glasses. Could just as easily be a generic Japanese officer, though. The German? Well, here's a closeup scan of the guy. Pretty plain uniform for Hitler. Is that a really small mustache? Or just a shadow? I'm just not sure, but I'll defer to the experts.
  7. Just glancing at the list, I believe Speed 21 is also a Hitler cover. And I think Speed #16 (listed on your sig line) and Pocket #4 are Hitler covers.
  8. I previously posted this one in the Funny Animal War Covers thread, but thought it was worth posting in this thread as well.
  9. There are really too many to post, but here's one that I really like:
  10. I'm not sure if you can appreciate the spine roll on this one. While scanning this one, I put the scanner lid down and kept it pushed down to make the book lie flatter on the scanner bed. It made for a better image, but didn't really show the spine roll.
  11. Not really a new acquisition for me, as this book has been with me for a decade or more, but I had Matt Nelson press it to get rid of a pretty nasty spine roll and then had it encapsulated. Came back this week and I think it turned out nicely.
  12. asbestos in liquid form How silly of me. Of course. Kinda like liquid granite, huh? Thanks -- I've wondered about that for years! with "long Canadian [now there's two words you don't see used together very often] Asbestos Fibres." Hmph. Good ol' American asbestos fibers aren't good enough, eh? Jack The long, cold Canadian winters cause the wild asbestobeast in that area to grow much longer, thicker asbestos fibers in its fur. The common American asbestobeast produces a much shorter fiber. On a side note, a domesticated variety of the American asbestobeast was commonly kept as a pet and in school classrooms in the early 60's. Their shedding explains the frequent problems of asbestos fibers found during renovations of older homes and schools.
  13. Yeah, later issues even included such standard DC fare as dinosaurs, a monster that looks exactly like a green Frankenstein, and a giant purple gorilla shooting a bow and arrow (and that issue introduced a costumed villain... Thunder-Man!)
  14. At one time, I was seriously collecting Tomahawks and have several 10 cent-ers. Here's another:
  15. I'm still looking through my collection, but this is the only one I've come across so far.