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Everything posted by n2wdw

  1. I started collecting comic statues a few years ago. There's something cool about seeing your heroes in 3D. Collecting statues is a challenge though, because they take a lot of space. Early on I decided to throw away the boxes. I wasn't going to keep the statues "mint-in-box," and I didn't have the room (or the desire) to save empty boxes. Even still, displaying statues takes a lot of space. I devote almost an entire wall of shelves for statues, and others are scattered throughout my comic room. Here are a few of the statues in my comic room.
  2. Yeah, back in grade school there was a book on the Battle of Midway. I think I must have read it a dozen times.
  3. A few years ago @miraclemet put together a collection he called Lady In White. Then after putting it together, he decided to sell it. I remember reading with great interest his posts about putting the collection together, and then how sad I was when he decided to sell it (but of course I think we all understand wanting to change collecting direction from time to time). Anyway, fast forward to a few weeks ago. I was looking at some of my comics and I realized my herd included "Lady In White" books. So I decided to put together a Lady In White collection. But what to call it? Damsel In White? Gothic Chicks? Really, "Lady In White" was the best name. So I PM'd miraclemet, and he gave me permission to use the name "Lady In White." To be in the set, the cover has to have a gothic feel to it, with a damsel in distress wearing a flowing white dress or gown. The books have to be silver or gold, perhaps bronze, but definitely not modern. For bronze and silver my threshold is at least 9.0. I haven't decided yet for gold. I think I'm going to be strict with myself on these guidelines or else the set will lose direction and won't be as much fun. Here's what I have so far. (I originally posted this in my old journal; I'm posting it here to continue the quest ....)
  4. Your copy is really something. Earlier this year I bit the bullet and bought a 181, to complete my Incredible Hulk run. My copy is missing the MVS (apparently a common flaw) but that made it possible for me to get a decent copy. I tend to be a low to mid grade collector, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the good stuff like your 9.8.
  5. What a great haul! I also collect these treasuries. I'm old enough to have bought Supes vs Ali off the shelves (actually my older brother bought it and he gave it to me). But I'm still working on collecting my run of the DC and Marvel treasuries. I try not to pay more than $5-10 each so it takes a while to find ones in the right condition. Anyway, thanks for the story and looking forward to the next chapter.
  6. I never thought of doing that, what a cool idea. For some reason I love aircraft carriers.
  7. I picked up a couple of dastardly comics last night. The Underworld comic isn't bondage but the caption "That'll give her the new look!" (by a girl no less, as the damsel is getting hit across the face) puts it into the dastardly category for me.
  8. I won 2 Bakers this week on eBay. I'm especially happy with Midget Comics #1. It's offered so infrequently I went all in with a max bid of $100 -- and then it closed at only $8! I paid a bit more for Crown Comics #6, although it likely went lower because of its PGX grading rather than CGC.
  9. Thanks for posting for some time I've wondered what this looked like
  10. My journal has not yet been affected yet but I assume it will eventually. So I've decided to start a new journal with the new format. The prospect of PB ruining my old posts (I started my old journal in 2015) is upsetting but I decided I enjoy posting here enough that I'll keep going and probably a year or so from now I'll have gotten over the PB fiasco.
  11. I know someone who has a few Flaggs. He uses his 2 car garage to store his collection. It's like a Battle of Midway there with all the aircraft carriers.
  12. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your comic room someday. More pics of my room will be coming.
  13. As I mentioned in my first post, my main collecting project right now is to get a copy of every comic with a cover by Matt Baker. By my count there are 293 Baker comics. Currently I have 133 of them, so I still have a long way to go. Here are a few from my collection. Most of my Bakers are raw (88 are raw and 45 graded). I store the raw Bakers on shelves in a small alcove in my comic room. Like most beach houses, we have a shower you access from the outside (so you can wash off when you come off the beach). The alcove is above the shower so that's why it's kind of small. Anyway, I built shelves in the alcove to store comics. You might wonder about moisture getting into the alcove but that's not a concern because the shower below is well ventilated. The shelves though are narrow. Here's a picture to show scale. They are about the size of a Pop figure box turned on its side. I used to store the raw Bakers in 4 rows on one of the shelves -- see the picture below. You can see I was running out of room. So recently I built more shelves in the alcove -- see below. In this picture the raw Bakers are still stored in the narrow shelves, on the left. I built the shelves so below there's room for 2 CGC-sized boxes. The new shelves are much deeper. Below is a picture of the Pop figure to show scale. Now I store the raw Bakers in 2 rows on one of the new shelves. Even though I have them in 2 rows (rather than 4), the bigger shelves give me room for expansion. This next picture provides a better view of the alcove and the new shelves. I'm always trying to figure out ways to display comics. Here I'm displaying some of my favorite Bakers, his romantic covers with minimal writing on the cover. Thanks for reading.
  14. I've been posting in my old-format journal for about 4 years and I finally decided to venture over here (if you're interested, my old journal -- with the same name -- is here: https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/topic/312873-n2wdws-comic-book-room/). I've moved over partly because I'm intrigued by this new journal format. And partly because of Photobucket's new ransomware policy of requiring you to pay $400 per year for 3rd party hosting. My old journal has not been affected yet, but it will be soon, and I'll lose the pictures from all my journal posts except recent ones where I directed loaded the pictures. In other words, my old journal will soon be ruined, as I will not pay $400/year to PB. If they offered 3rd party hosting at $100 or even $200 a year I might pay, but not at $400. To me -- as with many other people (just check the internet) -- that's tantamount to extortion and I won't support such a company. Even if PB changed their policy I might not go back to them. PB is essentially dead to me. So here I am. A little information about me. I'm 55, married for 25 years, 4 kids ages 22, 20, 18 and 16 (by the end of the summer). Three of my kids are in college but I'm in, as they say, my prime earning years, so I'm spending more on comics now than I ever have. I've been collecting as long as I can remember. My favorite comic is Spider-Man, following closely by Cerebus and Strangers in Paradise. I started collecting as a completest, and I've completed most of the Marvel silver age titles and have long runs of many DC silver titles. Now though, I'm no longer a completest. Instead I primarily collect keys and good girl art. One of my main collecting pursuits at the moment is to get a copy of every comic with a cover by Matt Baker. My wife and I plan to retire in about 6-10 years. We have a little beach cottage and we'll spend our golden years there. When we're not there we hope to travel the world. A couple years ago we did an addition to the house, and that included a comic room where I keep my stuff. This comic room is smaller than my old comic room (by more than half), so I have to be careful with what I buy. So, unfortunately, there will be no GI Joe USS Flagg aircraft carriers in my future. But I'm pretty sure I can keep collecting keys and GGA. So anyway, here is the door into my comic book room. Come on in and look around. I hope you come back often.
  15. PB is receiving serious negative press about this. They are destroying a decade of work of millions of people (they say they have over 100 million subscribers). Some are saying they are destroying the internet with their black screens. You have to wonder if PB will stay in business even if they change their $400 ransom policy (yes, they are being compared to ransomware). I'm tempted to just cancel my account, but I'm hoping they will change their policy to a reasonable price, so I can save my journal.
  16. I don't miss going to SDCC. Competing for tickets and hotel rooms got old. And you can't even get into the panels -- you have to get there way early or they are full -- not just the high profile ones like GOT and TWD, but even the comic panels. I last went about 3 years ago and when I couldn't get into the comic panels there was absolutely nothing for me there.
  17. PB has not locked my photos yet but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I think they overplayed their hands. Right now I have a free account and I think it's fair to pay something. If they priced it at $100 or even $200 per year I would pay. But at $400 for 3rd party hosting, that's ridiculous when you compare it to other on-line services like Office and my virus protection sw (both under $100 per year). At $400 is feels like extortion, more so because they are holding your photos hostage. I am hoping there will be an outcry and PB will reconsider and lower the 3rd party hosting price to something more reasonable.
  18. I agree that this is extortion and I will no longer use photobucket right now I'm saving each page of my journal on to my computer before pb pulls the plug on me - that way I'll have it for me at least after that I'm not sure what I'll do - putting your journal on a site you don't control has the same issues -- a couple years from now CGC may realize it's too expensive to host all these photos and start charging - probably not $400 per year like pb though still it makes me think about whether I want to do a journal anymore
  19. I'll take Katy Keene 3D per our pm