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Posts posted by lscomics

  1. LSC, did you get that CA shipped by itself or as part of a lot? It was from a US seller, I assume? Strange that you bought it considering it's neither by Adams nor Wrightson.
    Yes, just the one book. I got it from a seller in California. While Adams & Wrightson are my main interest there's a lot of other stuff that I'm interested in as well. Here's a link to my website that showcases my foreign books. It's still a work in progress but there's quite a bit of content. It will give you an idea of how varied my interests are. (thumbs u
  2. From the island of Aegina of the coast of Greece, someone decided the greeks had it all wrong about the cover of #129 and it's incorrect story. :roflmao:


    If I had lived there i would have done the same... (tsk)

    Like a real boss..... :sumo:












    I had seen the two various covers before, my conclusion was that the image that I had seen with the 18 was someone messing with the actual image...wow..this is very very neat to see....awesome really, awesome (worship)


    This is mind blowing for a 129 set collector! :o:o:o:o:o:o


    Because I have access to the Greek database on spideys and I am not sure if it represents this discrepancy? WTF man..... Im going to go check and see if they have 2 129's and if not whats taking the place of the 17? Did they really play that fast and loose with the numbering and covers? WTF :o:o:o:o:o





    someone in the Greek Forum told me that in the past some greek collectors were trying to line up the correct covers with the correct stories.

    That still doesn't explain the difference in the numbering in the upper left corner. :baiting::gossip:(shrug)
  3. Love the hebrew and thai lettering on the Supermens… :)


    @Tim: Sweet! But I would have kept the single image scans, so they’re easier to reference. (thumbs u

    The images on the Foreign Set page were put together by our good friend Matt. He and I talked about it a bit the other day and I may end up (eventually) changing those over to the individual pic format as well. It will make it easier to add/remove books as they're acquired/sold/traded. Maybe with enough :blahblah: he could be convinced to do the same so as to not be so stubborn about not trading books he already has pictured on his site. :baiting:lol


    Nope, sure wont... my system not only plays an integral part of cataloguing my collection visually.... but if every book I had was possibly up for trade or sale my head would explode... im a hoarder at heart and my system keeps me sane guys.... :gossip:

    Apparently you doubt my ability to use and alter your OCD to suit my ends. meh


    This might just have to become a "pet" project. :devil:

  4. Love the hebrew and thai lettering on the Supermens… :)


    @Tim: Sweet! But I would have kept the single image scans, so they’re easier to reference. (thumbs u

    The images on the Foreign Set page were put together by our good friend Matt. He and I talked about it a bit the other day and I may end up (eventually) changing those over to the individual pic format as well. It will make it easier to add/remove books as they're acquired/sold/traded. Maybe with enough :blahblah: he could be convinced to do the same so as to not be so stubborn about not trading books he already has pictured on his site. :baiting:lol
  5. Hey Doug :hi:


    I noticed you don't have the Indiana Comic Con on the list yet. :baiting: (thumbs u


    That's because nothing interesting happens in Indiana.



    Are you accepting subs?

    You're right, that's part of the reason I live here. It's nice and quiet. :grin:


    I would offer to accept subs for the show but... me and my friend Matt (Define999 here on the boards) are setting up in Artist Alley to promote our fanzine Foreign Comic Collector. As it stands I don't know if I'll have the time to get anything done as far as signatures go. Is anyone facilitating this show? I'm not even sure if there will be a CAW in attendance to be honest. (shrug)

  6. Here's a few things I managed to get scanned today.


    I've actually had this one for a while but missed scanning it before now.







    This one was cheap so I grabbed it, it looks good with the #13 I got from Liam(Liaton-9000).




    And last but certainly not least... this one brings it down to just two more Mexican Green Lantern issues to have the complete Adams run finished.


  7. Great and unusual nordic editions, Tim – and the Batman is in awesome shape. I recognize the language but is that Portoguese or Brazilian?
    It's Brazilian but they were distributed in Portugal as well I think. Nuno (Barbarian) could verify that better than I can.


    The Norway books are pretty cool, you don't see them as often as some of the other books from the European countries.

  8. I haven't posted much new in a while but I've still been getting stuff in. Got a few things scanned, still quite a bit to do yet but here's some of it. (thumbs u




    This is one of those instances where the cover doesn't match the interiors. The cover is Action Comics 583 but the story inside is Action Comics 586. :screwy:



    This is the nicest one of these I've seen yet.



    This one re-prints FF #1 and Daredevil #1.



    I'm fairly certain no one else in the world can display these together.




    A few miscellaneous Superman books.





    This is an over-sized square bound format with black & white interiors. It really makes Wrightsons art pop.



    This one came from board member Barbarian and I can't thank him enough for selling it to me. (worship) This set is coming along very nicely. :grin:



  9. Also, concerning LSComics question asking for clarity on some of the foreigns comments….. I do not think he was being out of line at all requesting clarification. Being that Tony is one of the most outspoken members of the small little sub-community here that collects foreigns, like it or not he is one very public face of our little sub-community. It becomes very easy to stigmatize an entire minority within the larger majority when the sub-group is small enough, has fewer voices, and can be lumped in with one persons actions. I have always felt, like it or not that the larger CGC community doesn’t quite care for the crazy foreign guys for whatever reason. Not that I see a direct attack on us necessarily but do sometimes catch little indirect digs….. I feel like many in the majority put up with us but maybe quite possibly also relish when things like this happen so as to discount what we do or who we are. Maybe im wrong, and seeing things through some biased filter but this is how I feel at the moment. And further more… im not even necessarily saying that the earlier posters meant anything negative/alienating when saying things like “international contacts” or “foreign variants”. But, these are buzzwords associated with the niche and the foreign collecting sub-community at large. So do be wary because what can be considered jokes at solarcadet’s expense could also be viewed as underhanded jabs in the foreign guys direction when considered in the context of a public face of a small minority within a larger majority. Just sayin….




    That was a well thought out and detailed response.


    Just wanted to make mention of how off-base lscomics was about me disparaging the international comic collecting community. If anyone would have cared to ask they would have found out that I am one of the more long standing and established foreign variant guys. I've established contacts with publishers on several continents and dozens of countries to get NM books across the globe and in the hands of collectors. If you have a Serbian Image book in your collection there's a 90% chance it came over in one of my purchases. If you have an Argentinian book it's probably 35-40% from one of my transactions.


    That's why when someone gets mad about what they think is a knee-jerk reaction and they proceed to make their own knee-jerk reaction they may find themselves on the -end of being wrong.


    It was never about foreign variants, it was about people being willing to justify and rationalize anything to get their hands on sweet-sweet books or sweet-sweet cash. Some comic collectors will let anything go to get their fix. That includes making excuses for behavior that, without the incentive of personal interest, they would never tolerate otherwise.


    My reaction wasn't knee-jerk. Like Define999 said, I simply asked for clarification on what you had posted. Maybe you took it that way since it's not the first time you and I have disagreed. I don't know. Even having read the whole thread it still came across as condemnation of the sellers (and by extension buyers) of foreign books. That never happened though, it just became a meme-fest within the already out of control situation.


    It's always nice to see members of this "community" you guys are so proud of treat other members with such respect. It's instances (and to be clear I mean in regards to my post, not the situation with solarcadet) like this that cause people that aren't board members to not want to become members. I've talked to more than one person at local shops and conventions about the boards and had them state that they don't want anything to do with this place because it's full of elitist jerk-holes.

  10. 6 people said "no" so far on the poll.


    Question for the 5 of you that aren't solarcadet - we have all explained why we think he should be on the list, why do you think he shouldn't be?




    -slym (18 "yes" votes!) (thumbs u


    24:8, yes/no - does solarcadet have 7 shills here? There is no reason to be afraid to speak your mind here...









    If we figure out how many people on here have foreign variants to sell we might be able to predict the "NO" votes more accurately.

    So now the perception is that if someone buys/sells foreign editions they're a bad person? ???



    Wow, figure out the context before speaking, for your own understanding's sake.


    Foreign editions are all this guy talks about, it seems to be all he buys, so it was a joke about who could possibly be voting in his favor.


    Read more than one post on the topic and attempt to discern sincerity from satire.

    More like, wow, be more specific about what you write and/or how it's stated. The way your statement reads is that anyone that's into foreign editions is guilty by association.


    I'm sure you'll have something witty or condescending to say in response but you and I never seem to see eye to eye on much of anything. (shrug)



    You've got condescending down pat. You started there.


    If you took the time to read it in context you'd realize it was satire. Or if you took the time to figure it out and not simply knee-jerk.

  11. 6 people said "no" so far on the poll.


    Question for the 5 of you that aren't solarcadet - we have all explained why we think he should be on the list, why do you think he shouldn't be?




    -slym (18 "yes" votes!) (thumbs u


    24:8, yes/no - does solarcadet have 7 shills here? There is no reason to be afraid to speak your mind here...









    If we figure out how many people on here have foreign variants to sell we might be able to predict the "NO" votes more accurately.

    So now the perception is that if someone buys/sells foreign editions they're a bad person? ???



    Wow, figure out the context before speaking, for your own understanding's sake.


    Foreign editions are all this guy talks about, it seems to be all he buys, so it was a joke about who could possibly be voting in his favor.


    Read more than one post on the topic and attempt to discern sincerity from satire.

    More like, wow, be more specific about what you write and/or how it's stated. The way your statement reads is that anyone that's into foreign editions is guilty by association.


    I'm sure you'll have something witty or condescending to say in response but you and I never seem to see eye to eye on much of anything. (shrug)

  12. 6 people said "no" so far on the poll.


    Question for the 5 of you that aren't solarcadet - we have all explained why we think he should be on the list, why do you think he shouldn't be?




    -slym (18 "yes" votes!) (thumbs u


    24:8, yes/no - does solarcadet have 7 shills here? There is no reason to be afraid to speak your mind here...









    If we figure out how many people on here have foreign variants to sell we might be able to predict the "NO" votes more accurately.

    So now the perception is that if someone buys/sells foreign editions they're a bad person? ???