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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. Metropolis (the 2010 Restored Edition.) ...or at least, The Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec.
  2. I see this again and again myself. I admit I slightly overrated The Force Awakens the first time I saw it. But, the weird thing is I like Rogue One even better than the first time I saw it and TFA too. I'll even go back and re-watch a movie I didn't care for (BvS,) if a boardie can convince me too. This is case that is all to common with Modern popcorn films, too much hype.
  3. I thought Peter shouldn't have gotten Stark's suit back in the end, as it blunted the impact of him defeating the Vulture without a fancy suit. I still haven't watched Justice League yet. Even James Bond would have to lose his gadgets occasionally in For Your Eyes Only or Licence to Kill and rely on his wits more, so you don't lose the audience. Justice League. It would have given them another suit opportunity after the Avengers monstrosity one offered to him. Being the Justice League thread, I'll mention it again. OOOOooo, how about backwards. Eugael Ecitsuj
  4. I personally didn't mind the "upgrades" to the suit, compared to the clichéd high school stuff. I thought "Wonder" handled the cruel politics of a public school much better. Michael Keaton definitely deserves his own spin-off. He was so good, they forgot to develop his family. Had no idea why he cared about them so much to want to protect them. It could have been better, but it could have been way worse as we have seen on numerous occasions . Three out of four stars.
  5. I really enjoyed the Christmas Special from last year “Twice upon a Time.” Truly a great send-off for one of the best, if not the best Doctor. Maybe my only complaint would be that it was slightly overloaded with returning characters for the 60 minute run time. A couple of them really didn't have enough time to make an lasting impression to the plot really. Smart cliffhanger too, literally.
  6. The best Modern Jane Porter imho. (Jane March had the looks, but sadly was in the wrong Tarzan movie. )
  7. I was spoofing Organik's debate scene in the hilarious time-travel movie "Detention." "This girl only has one shoe!"
  8. I want to say I'm at the caliber of writing something like, "The Girl in the Fireplace," "Blink" or "The Doctor Dances," but I am not. But, being a fan of the companions, I love to see a Doctor Who-less episode with the companions of past. I'm thinking the further adventures of Clara & She with their TARDIS. The real trick is to make it feel like it's not a spin-off (K-9 and Company... "Mistress?" ,) but a one-off making you want more. I started to fall in love this kind of episodic television after an Echo-less episode of "Dollhouse." We invest so much in his companions during a run, as we are supposed to project ourselves into them, it makes sense to catch up with them from time to time.
  9. Talented. You got his quizzical face quite right. My sister was the artist. I was the writer. Now and then, my editor will let me write a Doctor Who type story (modern spin on an old legend.) It's how I keep my upbringing of Doctor Who alive. Someday on my bucketlist I would love to actually write a Who episode.
  10. Put some thought into this today. So we are all in agreement that Peter Davison's Doctor murdered Adric? He refused to save him due to the laws of the timey-wimey stuff, yet they travel around in a "time machine." It's not really a spaceship. Every episode, they crash land in a timeline where any action upsets the laws of time. They do this on a week-to-week basis, ruining time. ...and there was no mutiny from Janet Fielding and Sarah Sutton's characters whatsoever. Making them accomplices. They weren't as slow as Katy Manning's Jo Grant character (yet sexy) they could have pieced this together instantly. But, they didn't. They didn't want to. So, basically The Doctor wanted Adric to DIE! ...and no one stopped him. You would have thought if the Master wanted to really mess with the Doctor, he would have used his TARDIS to save him. That would have been the most evil thing to do. But, instead he unleashed the Chameleon to the group.
  11. Wasn't her last episode "Terminus" where she just wore a slip throughout it? I might be thinking of Frontios though. It was the one before Enlightenment.
  12. Haven't seen an episode yet. Waiting for the Blu Ray/DVD release in... June/July? Usually, the X-Mas special comes out in April/May.
  13. Yeah, I mean it was really a good movie, that I was surprised it didn't get one technical nod. It's not "The Straight Story," but it was a pretty good popcorn movie considering what was out there last year.
  14. I stand corrected then. I just thought it was a little less cynical than most funnybook movies lately.
  15. This surprised me yesterday. http://www.vulture.com/2018/01/why-didnt-wonder-woman-get-any-oscar-nominations.html http://ew.com/movies/2018/01/23/wonder-woman-snubbed-oscar/ Considering Wolverine's nom. Now I enjoyed the heck out of both movies mind you, but I figured WW was a lock in the effects categories.
  16. I really enjoyed this movie. Ryan Gosling continues his string a great movies (La La Land, The Nice Guys, etc.) Like "Morgan," a Blade Runner Jr. directed by Ridley's son, it was very estrogen-driven with a cast of strong actresses. I just thought the climax in the water was slightly a washout and lacked the stunning visuals of the original as Batty discombobulated Dekkard as he brutalized him. There were echoes of humanity in the actress (Sylvia Hoeks) who played the villainess, I was surprised they weren't further "fleshed" out for her character's arc. It also seemed Mackenzie Davis's stuff was left on the cutting room floor as well, as some scenes indicated being more important to the plot. Ana De Armas was flat out wonderful (her only work I ever saw was some Fast & Furious clone ("Overdrive.") Not to mention another new actor in a poignant performance that turned into a major hidden plot point. Harrison, as always, fit back into a signature role with ever so ease. Loved the cameo by Edward James Olmos too (a zen-like bad- in the original.) ***1/2 out of four stars!
  17. Bought my copy tonight. Some great extras on it. Watching it Friday night.
  18. I still remember my first three Star Wars action figures. I got a C-3PO at a yard sale for 50 cents in '79, followed by that little orange R2-D2 droid and the silver Deathstar droid for $3 each at Country 3 Corners (general store) in Weare. I got the 12" Boba Fett at a church sale in '82 for $2 (he had a cool view scope in his helmet,) but he was too big for the other figures, so like Return of the Jedi: Special Edition, he had to hang around the chicks and rescue the kidnapped Barbies of my sister's. So I believe in that kind of nostalgia.
  19. He hit a slight nerve with young women, long before WW's first appearance in BvS with Suckerpunch. Even though, I didn't care for that one (despite shades of Danvers in it,) it did empower a lot of young women in a positive way at conventions. I loved the Watchmen: Director's Cut though.
  20. I have to admit Roger Ebert's review of "Catwoman" wants me to dig out her DVD to watch now.
  21. Growing up reading Roger Ebert's reviews for stuff was very confusing. When "Friday The 13th" came out both critics preached about the lack of morality in films. Yet, Ebert had given that film's director a ***1/2 rating to his 1972 production "The Last House on the Left," which could be viewed as more of an "evil" movie to some and even more horrific than "Friday The 13th." You could understand what they meant by giving filmmakers a pass over their technique, like his **** star rated "Halloween" or "Natural Born Killers" in '94, but to give a blatant woman abuse movie "Kiss the Girls" a ***1/2 star rating with no skills behind the camera similar to an episode of "Criminal Minds" is mind-boggling. Then there's the WTF ones like giving like giving "Lethal Weapon" a **** rating and during the following year giving "Die Hard" a ** rating, implying it was kind of a routine by-the-numbers action movie (it was, but it was crafted very well and I guess he missed "Action Jackson" that year.) He would then rate the sequel grab of "Lethal Weapon 2" ***1/2 and yet mind-bogglingly give the rehash "Die Hard 2," which was now a by-the-numbers actioner and a "Decathlon of Violence" as he put it ***1/2 stars. Those are the main popcorn movies I remember where he was all over the chart.