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Posts posted by Aces

  1. Not really in my "collection", but I went and bought a 37,000 book original owner collection that spans 1964 to 2008. I have an insane amount of work in front of me, but hoping to have it processed by C2E2 next year.




    How much you pay?


    Bout tree fiddy.


    I think he meant how much do you pay per hour for someone to help work on that for you.



  2. Not really in my "collection", but I went and bought a 37,000 book original owner collection that spans 1964 to 2008. I have an insane amount of work in front of me, but hoping to have it processed by C2E2 next year.





    Looks like one of Cal's storage facilities went to auction when he forgot to pay the rent!



  3. Maybe links to the threads?


    if this is in reference to the cons I mentioned... the threads got poofed.


    One was someone asking for "information" about a book he bought (Superman 1) that looked like a photocopied cover (it was real grainy/fuzzy, especially compared to the clarity in the photo around it). The thread (originally posted in marketplace) got moved to GA and was determined to be some con fishing.


    Second con was a Detective #29 that was for sale, but GAtor determined that the seller didn't have possession of the book (was owned by someone else), and when pushed the OP produced a photo that looked like a photocopy of a cover had been placed inside a slab (with a label). The book in question had actually been re-subbed by the REAL owner and had been downgraded from a 4.0 to a 3.5.


    Both transactions provided email addresses (based on their CGC member name) in an attempt to move negotiations off the board as quickly as possible before anyone got wind of the scam.

    I believe the golden-age forum thread with the Superman 1 reprint was reinstated by the mods.


  4. Hi Jo Seph. I am very glad that Dillon is communicating with you and attempting to work something out. I just felt I needed to add in my 2cents on this whole situation because I think it speaks to how a lot of boardies have been feeling lately. The boards are not eBay or Comiclink or some other method of buying or selling books. It is a community, Some people actually become friends and like to talk/hang out. We all share a wonderful common thread, comics.


    Recently there has been a rash of issues where people just pop up and start trying to "dump" books. This mentality is not conducive to a healthy community. People come in, get their money, and move on. They don't care if the book arrives safely, if there is a problem, or how to make the next recipient of the book happy with their purchase. I believe that most boardies feel that they can get that kind of sale on eBay or at a crappy LCS.


    I won't speak for other boardies on this but for me personally it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that Dillon was more concerned about getting paid then waiting to follow up with you and try to get the situation resolved. It was the speed of the reposting which gives the feel that he does not care about a good sale and transaction but rather just wants his money. Getting to a resolution took weeks and really only started when the P-List tar and feather brigade started.


    For Dillon, we are not expecting perfection. Everyone makes mistakes. Hell I screwed up a few days ago. I sold a bunch of ASM slabs and was heading to Portugal for a week. I thought I sent out all my slabs before leaving but apparently missed one. A couple of days ago I got a PM asking what was up with the slab. I immediately contacted the buyer and explained the situation (I believe my exact words were "I am so sorry, I *spoon*ed up big time on this. I will get it to you tomorrow" I then overnighted the book to him the next day at my cost because I felt horrible that he had paid for a book he hadn't received after waiting 2 weeks for. In this case it wasn't about money (I spent 1/4 of the purchase price getting him the book) it was about making sure that I fixed a mistake and making the buyer happy (who has assured me he is quite happy)


    I know you probably feel like everyone is ganging up on you right now but realize that the people here view this as a community and when a person "messes" with a member of the community, we take it personally as an affront to ourselves (Not sure if you were in a fraternity in college but I was, and yes this is the reason why we have terms like "rollout" because when someone messes with one member of the fraternity, they are messing with the whole fraternity.) The best thing to do is to take your lumps and I am sure most people will give you a second chance, I know I will if you are upfront about what happened and are really interested in making amends to Jo Seph, not to get back in our good graces but instead to fix a bad situation. Because at the end of the day, thats what this community wants and needs, people who want to be part of the community and make it better.


    Ok everyone, sorry for the long rant but I needed to share my opinion of this whole situation (which I watched from the beginning as I was in that original sale thread, one of the first I was in.)


    Or in short: Friends are more important than money.


  5. Joseph and I are fine. I spoke with him today. I was under the impression all was well. I hope this whole situation hasn't completely shot my reputation on these boards. I have been good to everyone I have dealt with on here and have tried to make things right with everyone. I guess even if you right your wrongs it doesn't even matter?

    What you did may not be probation list worthy but it counts in my book (and I suspect 98+% of my fellow boardie's books) as shenanigans.

    What is shenanigans you might ask?

    Think of yellow alert on Star Trek when things are sort of sketchy.


    Poor Jo Seph.

    All he did was show up in your sales thread and now all he's got is $60 of butthurt to show for it.

    What do you think others will do if you ever have another sales thread?

    Good luck.


    You should have refunded him personal paypal so he wouldn't get hit with the fee.

    What did you have to lose, but the option of a future chargeback?


    And if you really wanted to bend over backwards to regain your reputation around these parts you could have refunded the other $30 he was out sending you the money order.


    I recently sold a CGC 9.4 Hulk 119 to ChiSoxFan and right after he hit it I got a email through eBay from someone who doesn't post here saying he would pay me my original asking price (20% or about $25 more). I mailed it to Randall (ChiSozFan) for what he :takeit: it for in my thread. It's called having class, being cool, or whatever term from whichever decade you prefer.




  6. this was much earlier, but you have to count the blast in the title logo:




    I've always wondered about that one. They title the book Atomic Bomb and then the cover shows the hero breaking up a robbery or a kidnapping. doh!

    I suspect a "wanna be". :sumo:


    They probably just threw up the title and put whatever they wanted in it.

  7. Seriously thinking of not shipping anything for the rest of the year. It'd suck to be in the flipping biz right now with these delays.


    Yeah, waiting an extra week for those modern FTs can really screw with ones business model :ohnoez:


    Only if the delay causes you to get the books the day after they cancel the TV series instead of two weeks before.


  8. One thing I noticed that was strange was a mark on the Hulk 340 right above wolvie's ear that wasn't there before. It looks like a small pencil mark and is definitely on the cover itself and not the plastic...




    I have no idea how this happened, it almost looks like a little star drawn in pencil. I mean I'm still happy it's a 9.8 but this just boggles my mind. Any ideas?


    People have a bad habit of holding a pen or pencil in between their fingers while opening and grading comics so that they could write down the grade and notes as they went, or maybe even when just talking inventory. Upon occasion the pen/pencil point is going to make contact with a comic, normally right on the front cover somewhere leaving a little mark.


    I've learned to have nothing in my hands while grading or scanning except the comic. Once the comic is safely back in the bag I then pick up my pen and write down my notations.


  9. Doing a special mention list would be too much.


    It would be abused.


    "oh this guy didn't get my Stan Lee book signed in the right colour!"




    "this guy won't use paypal"


    Just remember - This board member has there name on like 10 - 20 pages of the Probation Discussion thread - if a board member wants to buy from or sell to them, its their choice. 2c

    I disagree. Besides, the things you have mentioned aren't what this is about. Here's an example.


    longdillon dragged me on for 3 months, leading me to believe there would be no probem paying for 5 books. After the 3 months, he didn't pay. He did place a $70 deposit, which I discounted to the second buyer. Because of the 5% deposit, he didn't qualify for probation.


    Then, he sells a book to a boardie. Decides to sell it to someone else for more. Then, refunds the first buyer, who is out $60 due to fees, exchange ect...


    After all of this, (maybe more?) he doesn't make the probation list. Is there 10,000 posts in this thread? (I didn't check) Maybe you could do a recap of this thread for us.


    Are you thinking of the need for something like "censure"?

    That's it.

    We have this discussion thread for that.

    Just bringing this to light and people seeing the shenanigans even though he eventually made it right (as best he could if he coughs up another $30) is just like a censure.


  10. So selling a comic to person A and then, when the comic (apparently) comes back in the mail, selling the comic to person B without telling person A, is ok? hm

    Well no, it's not.

    After consideration though Jo Seph said he was out $30 (I assume the Paypal Fee).

    That needs to be fixed or maybe the list might grow.



    I still don't think it was his comic to sell. It was sold and paid for by JoSeph. JoSeph is acting above and beyond nice about it, but he owned the comic that LongDillon sold to someone else..


    He asked what the 2nd person paid for it, I'm curious as well.


    None of this was Bleuhawaii's fault, he was kind of caught in the middle




    How can you sell a book to another person that has already been sold, and yet this still comes across as appropriate? That only works in the financial services market, when you use the second person's money to pay off the first.


    Why so serious?



    Well if we put him on probation how can he get off since the normal coarse is to either send the book or refund the buyer and he sort of did both already?



    This is messed up. lol